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Prejudice and religious persecution exist just about everywhere you look (including our own backyards!), but predominantly, countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Latin America in regard to Christianity.

{As a member of the US Air Force, I was deployed to Saudi Arabia in 1993 and 1996. We were allowed to venture into downtown Dahran, but warned never to speak of our beliefs, no matter what faith we were. We were further instructed to hide our crosses/symbols of our faith, lest we get apprehended by the local "religious police." These were the men that patrolled the streets in green uniforms and gleeming white helmets, carrying a rather large baton! I wasn't remotely Christian at the time, but still felt a sharp stab in my freedom of choice!}

Revelation tells all who are suffering that everlasting life is the gift of faithful endurance. Whether it's a migraine or martyrdom, the Lord is reserving a place for those that keep the faith.


I would say that all Countries are experiencing tribulation or persecution.Some more than others.We just had an event take place about The Ten Commandments in which was removed from sight.In some countries missionaries are suffering great persecution.In some Countries men women and children are starving for food and going with out water or clothing.I ask myself,"how can it be that some countries have plenty,others do not have enough to survive on.Some are Christians,some not. Revelation is :unsure: "prophecy"of good things that will happen and also the bad in which one makes that choise and for some,in other countries have know choise.All they have is the hope of the Coming of Christ to end all sufferings.

We all must share in our brothers and sisters sufferings.Praying for one another.Our trials and the Kingdom go together.Such trials develop patience and maturity in Christ.Enduring our trials that come our way is needed for reigning with Christ in victory.It is also our teaching in order to strengthen us in faith to over come our tribulations or persecutions.


I see persecution around the globe now although certainly more intense as far as being put to death in some countries. Its not fun being laughed at or ridiculed for our beliefs although we are to count it all joy. Philippians 2:10 says "I want to know Christ and the power of his resurection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings. I don't like suffering but the Bible says we will have it on this earth. Carrying your cross means going to your death. These things are not enjoyable but we are still to count it all joy. I need to remind myself of that in my minor afflictions. I need to remember that I can trust God in everything and that He is good!

I spent 8 years in muslim countries. In Saudi Arabia I first read the Bible. Why? Because of some minor persecution. Persecution brings greater dependence on God. Anything that drives us to God I am glad for even if it doesn't feel good at the time. Maybe thats one reason to count it all joy.

God Bless



"We share in his sufferings *in order* that we may also share in his glory."-Romans8

Just because we suffer in our 'struggle' at times through the flesh, persecution, or any trials, doesn't mean that we aren't children of God, but that we are supposed to share in his suffering. It doesn't take away from the fact that "the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace." Maybe that's where we get confused sometimes.. imagine this, we should find joy in life when we suffer.. does that make sense? Well, Paul said of Jesus, "For the JOY set before him, he *endured* the cross."(Heb 12) Joy and endurance in the same context? That goes against human nature.. God has a way of doing that.

"I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death."(Phil 3) What if we could actually find pleasure in suffering? An example might be fasting, and maybe that's a good place for us to seek, through prayer and fasting. Seek, and you will find, when you seek with all your heart.


The countries that come to mind are the Muslim countries, China, India, Indonesia and even some in Europe. Persecution does not necessarily mean pyhsical torture, eg. in Pakistan, a local Christian can only be a scavenger or sweeper, even if he is educated. I am in a Muslim country and sometimes I come across articles about people who have embraced Islam (sadly a lot of them are 'Christians') There are a lot of financial benefits, and then I guess the question that arises is how much would it take to turn you into Judas. The good part about mild or great persecution is there are many 'lukewarm' Christians who become 'hot'.

For those who are persecuted I guess the message of Revelation is - hang on, there is an eternal reward, eternal peace, no more tears, but the joy of being in the presence of the One who is worthy of all of our praise. There will also be Divine Judgement upon those who are unrepentant. So, they just have to be faithful in daily carrying their cross (also a symbol of shame - and in a lot of countries, it brings more shame than honour).


According to one source I read last year 150,000 Christians died as martyrs , chiefly outside of the USA. This commentator compared the persecution of Christians to the persecution of the Jews in Germany prior to World War II. It was done slowly and without anyone realizing where it was heading. There are many inroads suggesting what is to come. In Houston a woman was told by police to stop handing out Christian tracts to trick or treaters who came to her home. She was told this was against the law, which it is not. An attempt is being made now to have a monumnet removed which has an open Bible as its emphasis. :o The entertainment industry depicts Christians as being vultures only looking for money, or simple-minded social misfits. Recent examples of anti-Christian activities have occured in the USA. As a result teen-agers and even younger children are showing more and more signs of being led away from Christian beliefs and conduct into showing signs of violence and disobedience to any kind of rules. Basic beliefs concerning the establishment of our country on Christian standards and beliefs are being made light of and completely denied.

How wonderful it is to read Revelation and learn the end of the story. Through faith in Jesus Christ we shall triumph and Jesus will be Lord.


Christian persecution is Global, as I began to research this I found that "200 million Christians are persecuted, that we are the largest single group in the world being denied human rights on the basis of our faith"

How can the book of Revelation be a comfort?

If we have faith, then we have hope, and we know that Jesus will save us from the coming wrath. :lol:


Greetings To All..... :rolleyes:

I believe that all countries are experiencing persecution. Persecution is right here in our country With the removel of the Ten commandments...even going as far as wanting all things removed from our public buildings that represent Christiany..or that pretains what our country was founded on...as well as our own front yards. Our freedom to express our Beliefs and Faith is being challenged more and more. If we look back several years we can see how persecution has gained in our country. Immorality being argued in our goverments. People being threatened for taking a stand for what is moral. How much more demonict is it than to go against creation. To express that God ordained man and women ....not man and man....and then be threatened because you have expressed that in a Bibical way. Or the fact that a book on satanism can be in a school library.. but not the Bible. What will our last freedom right be...will it be when they take In God We Trust off our money.

I think we Christians lived with blinders on for awhile and let things slip into our society. Our we were just comfortable with the way things were...Or did we have our eyes on other countries and didn't see what was happing here.

Revelations is a book that gives us ultiate triumph of Christ over all who rise up against Him and His saints We need to encourage our brothers and sisters to stand firm in Christ. Not to compromise with the world... And above all be a witness for Christ to share His Grace.

Sorry if I ramble on...

God Bless All


I agree that all countries are experiencing some amount of discrimination. In America, the only group of people that it is okay to smear are the Christians! Agreed, that we do not (usually) face death for saying we believe in the Lord Jesus, but as one member said, it is hard to be derided and put down for being a follower of the Lord! But in other places, such as India, China and all the Muslim countries, they face not just being made uncomfortable, they literally face death! Often after much torture and public disgrace. There are still muslim countries that will kill a family member who accepts the Christian faith and rejects Islam! Hard to believe. However, those who are serving Christ in these countries take comfort in the knowledge Revelations gives that the martyrs are received into the Master's arms when they die for Him! He is preparing a place for us--and them--with Him in Heaven! We are to fear Him who can destroy our soul in hell, rather than the one who can destroy only our physical life!


Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

If Tribulation refers to the suffering which accompanies faithfulness to Christian principles, then this means all of us suffer some sort of persecution; even in the US. Although, we do not suffer as much as those in other countries such as the Middle east, Africa and the Muslim countries. And this extends to include the final period of intensified affliction which precedes the establishment of the Kingdom (Mounce)

In 2 Tim. 3:12 we read,


Q3- In every country on this earth Christians are experiencing tribulations and persecutions for what we believe just different extremes of it. Some are under attack much more than we here in the United States. The book of Revelation is our comfort and encouragement because we know that we are not forsaken and it shall come to an end and we shall be with Jesus forever more to never face another one to tell us there is no God or put us down for what we believe. We here in the United States are not being put to death out in the open for what we believe yet but the day shall come. Praise God we have his return to look forward to and to give us hope of life eternal. Even more we have his peace that passes all understand now and his joy which the world did not give and they cannot take away. Thank you Jesus. :rolleyes:


India, China, as well as many of the middle eastern countries face persecution as Christians, today. These Christians can rest assured by the book of Revelation .. that the victory belongs to Jesus! Hallelujah!


'In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?'

I would have to agree with all who have answered above...All Christians, in every country are facing persecution today.

The only other comment I would add to this, is there are many facing this 'self-same' persecution, coming from those sitting in the houses of God. I believe we are seeing a separation going on in Gods House today...a call, going forth from our Lord, to; "Choose ye this day, whom ye will serve" .....this in its self, is bringing separation, and persecution, to those choosing to stand up for the truths of God.

Comfort comes to those that choose to stand for God...knowing that eternal life and peace awaits, those that endure. (Praise God) :D


I have read with interest the replies so far. When I think of persecution I think of those for whom faith in Jesus and gathering for worship risks death, imprisonment, torture, even slavery, and confiscation of property - penalties much like those of the persecution in the early days of Christianity.

The countries that are most known for this are the Islamic nations in the Middle East and Northern Africa - such as Sudan; China, India, and Indonesia. Christians are still persecuted in areas of the former Soviet Union.

I agree that pressure is mounting in Europe, Canada and even USA. Here the tone is more political and psychological than brutal. But we are still able to gather to worship and pray, we are still able to share our faith with our neighbours without sanction.

The encouragement of Revelation is found in the promise and hope of victory over death, over pain, and the wonderful description of life in the presence of Jesus. And as much as we may not want to admit it, the theme of judgment and defeat of Satan gives hope that even if justice is not found in this world - it is found in the Kingdom of God.


Having served in many parts of the world persecution of Christians is alive and well. I especially think of Afghanistan and Iran. I was going to say that in America we don't have such a problem but the more the government and other elements begin to push separation of church and state, the more I feel pushed.

Personnally, I can see how people can derive strength from Revelation. Standing fast in the middle of immense persecution and focusing on God . Unfortunately, it would probably be the last book I would think to turn to :D . I hope that this study will change that.


Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

As to where persecution of The Church exists today ... it either is or it is threatened everywhere in the world. If I remember correctly Jesus said that he came to divide. God said that you are either for me or against me ... there is no fence to straddle.

Now for comfort: There is comfort in the Presence of God. If we abandon ourselves to God, we will know 'the peace which is beyond all understanding'. Love ...Bro. Al


Some countries you can't talk about your faith, and share it with anyone. In the book of revelations we know that Jesus is with us till the end when he comes back for us.


Asia, Africa, Middle East and China are experiencing tribulation or persecution for their faith. Some in America are experiencing tribulation for their faith, maybe not on such a grand scale as the others. We are to pray for mankind especially those of the household of faith.

The Book of Revelation can be a comfort and encouragement to them. This book will let them know that God is eternal, He never change and that He is still a God of Love. Jesus was victorious over death and he even suffer when he was on earth. God know what we all have to suffer through and he will see us through. Let us all keep the faith. WE ALL HAVE TO ENDURE UNTIL THE END. THE REWARD IS GREAT; ETERNAL LIFE!






China/ Korea/ Sudan/ Philippines are a few of the countries presently experiencing tribulation and persecution for their faith.

The Book of Revelation can be a comfort and encouragement to them in that by reading it they will know these are not alone, that there are other brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer and pray along with them. It also tells the outcome of this battle


:rolleyes: I believe that in every country Christians today suffer some sort of persecution. In America, however, we do not die for our beliefs. On my way home today, I heard of a 10 year old boy and his missionary father were burned to death in their van in India. China, N. Korea, and Cuba are some of the countries left where believers must go underground to practice their faith due to political regimes. Iraq (in the past), Iran, and other muslim-dominated governments bring about death for those Christians who witness.

The book of Revelation gives all believers, especially those who are suffering in the name of Christ, hope, encouragement, and peace. We have a hope that Jesus Christ will return and be victorious over the enemy that so divides and persecutes us now. We are encouraged that even though we may suffer now, it is temporary, and all that we suffer will be our gain! And finally, we have peace that our Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, is ON OUR SIDE. He is in control, and therefore we have no need to fear!


Indonesia, India and the Middle East come to mind when I think of places where persecution is especially intense. These are places where you are not even allowed to worship privately, more less share your faith.

Revelation reminds all of us, but especially those under intense persecution that the sufferings will end and that God will have the final victory. He will carry out His intense wrath upon those that oppose Him. It definately helps in the midst of the battle to know that victory is sure (there is NO DOUBT). The Lord and His kingdom will prevail. Do not lose heart!!!!

Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

The Phillipines, the Sudan,China, Afghanistan and the middle east countries where Islam is dominant----the Book of revelation can be a comfort because the most faithful are persecuted yet, they are in heaven and the ultimate is that the wrath of G-d is seen as rrevenge for their death and persecution on those that persecuted them.....for it is shown that they are under the altar in heaven and that they cry "when Lord, when" and thay areasking when will their persecution be punished and revenged and they are told that they must wait a while longer----we must remember that G-d has an ultimate time for everything---that we are not by our "time" but His time and that everything is for the betterment of His plan in all things.

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