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Persecutions this Christmas were as follows:

In Nigeria a variety of bomb sites at Christian gatherings killed over 30 Christians with that count rising. Dec. 26 was declared a day of mourning. A Muslim Extremist group claims the attacks.

In the Philippines a bomb exploded during a Christmas Mass wounding a priest and 10 church goers.

International Governments in India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda and the Dominic Republic all boosted security over Christmas season as Christians in all these areas have been under brutal attack in past years.

In other areas, brutal killing of Iraq's Christians have led thousands to flee the country.

Thirty Six Christians who survived a terrorist attack in a Baghdad Church that killed 44 worshipers are seeking asylum in France.

In China, Pastors of house churches are arrested and many not heard from again. On Dec. 12 the government forcibly closed home churches in China and members were dispersed.

In Egypt, Christians are under severe pressure. Church bombings leave Christians in fear.

In Indonesia, Churches are being forcibly closed by Muslim Extremist and in 2005, a group of teenage girls were attacked and beheaded as they walked to a Christian school. The killings were claimed by an Islamic terrorist group.

Even Church leaders in the United Kingdom are alarmed at discriminatory laws in the UK concerning Christians. We should be too!

Those reports are a tiny drop compared to all that Christians are suffering all over the world. Some countries are completely closed by authorities to even receive the Gospel. Pray for those doors to be opened....pray for the persecuted church...there is much suffering!

The book of Revelation is a comfort for those persecuted because they are given hope for remaining in their faith. They see those persecuted before them and through the message of Revelation see that God has seen and has not forgotten and will reward their labors. It is a book of hope and promise and instruction to remain strong and persevere.

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  On 7/19/2003 at 10:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

The countries that I know that are brothers and sisters in Christ are being persecuted in is the following: Pakistan, Iraq, Eqypt, China, Arabia, Iran, Korea and probably some others that I am not aware of. The most cruel story I had heard a few months ago is that a Christian woman who was pregnant was stripped of her clothing and dragged by her hair in the streets where the public could watch. Then there were stories of pastors being attacked and even some were burned alive for preaching and teaching the Word of God. It is hard to imagine such cruelty when we live in countries where very little persecution exists among the Christians who are fortunate to be able to take advantage of living in countries that offer freedom of religion.

Revelation is a book of comfort. We may not know what the future may bring for us but we do know that God is still in control. We know that when Christ comes, those who are faithful will receive a crown of life and our reward in heaven will be greater than we can imagine. Revelation gives hope to every Christian but especially to those who are suffering for the sake of Christ. These are the Christian who are drinking of the same drink that Christ drank of. Not everyone is chosen to suffer for the sake of Christ. But those who do will receive the greatest reward. .

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  On 7/19/2003 at 10:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

I think every country is being persecution it may be for one way it can be for telling the trueth about something and than someone can come along a tell liars and get food and a place to stay and it can be on a job your fellow workers know that you are a christain and they will ask your thing that they want to see what you are going to say. I think we can look at revelation and know that we going to be persecution,but we have someone to go to when the other people don't, when we are being persection we have to look at what Jesus had to go through so we know that we going to go through also.

  • 1 year later...

The list of countries where Christians are presently experiencing persecution or tribulation is long (and I'm not sure I could name them all), but certainly many places in the Middle East and Africa, esp. in Muslim countries make the list. Sometimes persecution is nationwide and overtly supported by the government, and other times it is limited to regions that are controlled by factions or tribal groups, but it is real and widespread.

  • 3 months later...

Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution are mostly third world countries that are dominated by other religions. Those Christians are being tortured and murdered daily. The book of Revelation gives them comfort and encouragement to know if them just hold on to their faith in Christ, when He comes back there will be no more suffering and no more tears.

  • 3 weeks later...

Christians all over the world are experiencing tribulation and persecution for their beliefs. Bibles are not allowed into certain countries. Prayer in our schools here in the USA. Trying the remove the 10 Commandments for the courthouses while still swearing or affirming on the Bible. Persecution is everywhere and in many differen forms. The Book of Revelation is a book of hope. After our journey here on earth, we will join the Father. That is our quest. We have faith and we work and spread that faith. Our reward is heaven with Him. No matter what happens here, it is only for a short while and The Father will never leave us alone.

  • 2 weeks later...

It is certain we will have trouble in this world but this world is not our home. Throughout this world, persecution of Christians exist in one form or another. Even here in the United States of America, there is a LOT of persecution. We have had prayer removed from school. We see many forms of horrible actions around us but we are not to "pray" about it in a way that might offend others as in calling on the name of Christ. What really "stood out" to me is when this Author John wrote, "patience of Jesus Christ" in one version this translated to, "quiet strength of Jesus"..... We grow weary in our lives here, we yearn for our Spirit's true home. We can lean on the quiet strength of Jesus his patience will never fail us and is always there for us. It is the human part of us that gives us trouble and difficulty. Our Spirit yearns for the closeness of Jesus.....the ability to know that we truly are leaning on that gentle strength. This strength will NEVER fail us because it comes from the Great "I AM" who has always been. People can misunderstand us and persecute us but they cannot take our Spirits from us. There is a verse in the Bible that states,(King James Bible ; Cambridge Ed.)

"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." We are not even to fear hell. Our Creator has paid the price and will not suffer our foot to be moved as long as we keep our eyes on our Creator. ......Why would we want to take our eyes off Jesus who is everything there is now and always?


Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

Countries presently experiencing tribulation include: China, Burma, India, most countries throughout Asia and the Middle East, many countries in Africa who are dominated by Islam, and Cuba.

Revelation can be a comfort and encouragement to Christians in those countries in that Jesus told us that the overcomers will spend eternity with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Everything is going to be okay. The good guys win. God is in control and the faithful will spend eternity with Him. The evil one, those of the world, and this world are temporal and passing away. The faithful have eternal life in Jesus Christ.

  • 4 months later...

These are countries I have found to persecute Christians; I do think, however there are many more: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Iraq, Northern Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, Palestine, China, Russia, US, United Kingdom and Canada.

I have found the worst of persecution comes from Muslim majority countries. Persecution there ranges from being sentenced to life in prison or death; whippings are included in this persecution. In other countries, a merely innocent conversation with an individual not of your faith is cause for attacks during worship service and their pastor, and driving Christians from their urban homes. Even corporations are not immune. One such corporation advertises their faith on their product, claimed exemption from the contraception mandate on the First Amendment grounds. Courts are even divided: is a corporation a "legal person". There have been other persecutions in America; religious words "In God We Trust" removed from currency, public properties, no school prayer, defacement of religious figures.

The persecution will never end. As Christians we need to stand as a united front for Christ. Take a stand for what we believe in before its too late. However, we do have the comfort of knowing God will judge all who have sinned and turned against Him. Revelation gives up comfort in knowing He will return, rapture us home, be in His presence for all eternity. No more suffering, no more pain, no more tears.

  • 1 year later...
  On 7/19/2003 at 10:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?


In an alphabetical order the following are some of the countries in which Christians experience tribulations and persecution :- Iraq  / Iran / Saudi Arabia / Egypt / Kuwait / Maldives / Nigeria / Pakistan / Qatar / Sudan / Syria / Yemen. In my country, Malaysia there are certain prohibitions to the practice of Christianity especially on the use of certain Arabic words used for worship. Otherwise every citizen is free to practice their respective religions as enshrined in the constitution. Unlike in the countries mentioned above, in Malaysia we can build places of worship of all religions including Islam, with proper permission from federal and local government authorities. What some speculate about Malaysia is truly untrue. We have a fair government.

The Second Coming of Christ Jesus has always been the hope of every denomination of Christianity. False Christs, (Matt 24:5 ; Lk 21:8), Wars (Rev6:2), natural disasters like earthquakes (Rev 6:12) have already taken place and still ongoing and Christians are feeling the repercussions of these in those lands I mentioned in the 1st paragraph. The great tribulations of believers is already at hand (Mark 13:9, 11~19). But God’s promise in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 gives every believer hope that the rapture will engulf us from evil and its persecution of those who profess the name of Christ, as written in (Rev 7:14), "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Praised be the Holy Name of Jesus - Amen Amen Amen

  • 1 month later...

3a)Christians are sinners saved by faith alone,however face God’s wrath as a righteous judgement when continue to sin not living as God asks us to.All countries have Christians experiencing opposition for their faith, because we are in a spiritual battle and the devil is at work everywhere undermining Christians witness everywhere. However the tribulations experienced by Christians in the Islamic countries seem to be more severe currently where people are sentenced to death. Asia, Middle East,Latin America etc. We can stand with those suffering we are aware of by our prayers upholding them for God’s strength&mercy.

b)Revelation gives us hope God is sovereign, through Jesus we can be strengthened to face opposition,everlasting life is the gift of faithful endurance. Trials refine us,help us develop patience and maturity in Christ.

  • 2 weeks later...

The book of Revelation can be a comfort because one can read and understand that they are not alone. Many will be able to see that there were others before them that had troubles and were killed for their beliefs. God is promising that this is only temporary. There are greater things waiting for us in Heaven.

  • 1 year later...

Some of the countries that Christians are presently experiencing tribulation for their faith is China, the Arab states, and Africa. The Book of Revelation has to be comforting to them because they are willing to be beheaded for their faith. They know the end of the story and they want to be there when that end comes.

  • 1 year later...
  On 7/19/2003 at 10:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?


We only here certain news around the world. However, so many Christians are suffering because their rights have been taken from them. Many around the world like China

are not allowed to carry Bibles. Many have lost their lives just by saying they love Jesus. They must go to the underground caves to go read the Word and worship Jesus crying out for Grace and Mercy. We are so bless we can carry our Bibles. The Bible tells us those who endure till the end shall be save. God's promise in Revelation He will wipe away every tear and no more suffering. Amen

  • 6 months later...
  On 7/19/2003 at 10:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?


The Middle East is an area where Christians are being persecuted greatly.  So Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Kuwait, all of the Muslin counties are areas where Christians are being persecuted even put to death.  That ultimately good is going to prevail and evil will be destroyed.  Also reading the Revelation God pours out His fury upon those that oppress His people.  Surely God is a God that judgeth in the world, there’s one event to the righteous and one event to the evil.  Christ is going to come when we don’t think he’s going to come like a thief in the night.  And of that hour knows no man, no not the angels, nor the Son, but the Father only.

  • 1 year later...

1.     In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith?

In answering this question, I will say that there is not a place you can go where a Christian would face persecution, be it so mild as not noticeable to extremes. It is easy to overlook a situation where people are in the background snickering because someone is carrying a Bible even though technically, that could be considered persecution. Fact is, in such a situation Satan is making known his presence. He works day and night to get people to do is work and most do it for him unknowingly. Although this might seem like nothing to be concerned about it has the capability of growing into something bigger. Looking at things from an extreme measure, people are rotting away in medieval comparable prisons, subject to intense torture and often death. There are places a Christian is unsafe just to think about entering.  

2.     How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

The Book of Revelation can be of great comfort to them because the reward that awaits them is revealed and also the fact that persecution will be a part of a Christian’s life and under certain conditions it will only get worse but we need only remember that our time here, no matter how it seems to drag at times is short and although the opposition can kill the body, he can’t get what Christians have returned to him and that is eternal life. In the end, which regardless of how long it takes to get here, we will not have to put up with him.

  • 4 months later...
  On 7/19/2003 at 10:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?


In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith?

There are many countries in which Christians are experiencing persecution for their faith, for example, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, China to name a few.

How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

The Book of Revelation can encourage them because they will hear of the reward that;s laid up in Heaven for them.  Their labor is not n vain.

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