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Prejudice and religious persecution exist just about everywhere you look (including in our very own backyard!), but predominantly, I think the countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Latin America are the main one who show prejudice and who, on a day to day bases show religious persecution to Christains .

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Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

The countries I am most aware of at the moment are places in Northern Africa such as Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, these countries are also experiences a move of Godf where many muslims are converting having received revelation of Jesus. Inspite of the risk of life these new converts cannot stop witnessing about Jesus. Eastern Africa, Somlia, Ethiopia and Eritrea., Asia - Pakistan, India. Turkey - where three christian recently became the first modern matyrs in Smyrna - interstingly enough one of the churches in Revelation. The wife of one of the men who was cruelly tortured and killed after invited seemingly interested muslim men to Bibel study, spoke out forgiveness and prayed forthe torturers salvation.

I think revelation is very relevant to the persecuted church and to us as we pray and interced for the nations and the fulfillment of the great comission. It seems that those who find God keeping them from fear in face of persecution are those who hold on and grasp the vision of Jesus revealed in revelation, the truth of Gods glory, power and kingdom now and to come.

  • 1 month later...
Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

There are many countries, too many to list, where Christians face persecution for their beliefs. A few that come to mind are Turkey, China, Iran, and Iraq. The Book of Revelation can comfort and encourage them by letteing them know they are not alone, that Christians have been facing persecution from the beginning but the time will come when Christianity will reign supreme.

  • 3 weeks later...

Christians are being persecuted to some degree in every country where Christians dwell. The Book of Revelation is our guarantee that our suffering is not in vain, that if we suffer with Him, we will reign with Him.

  • 1 month later...

There are christians being persecuted in one way or another all over the world. The comfort in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who will deliver us from the evil of this world and knowing that we shall have eternal life with Him.

  • 1 month later...

Persecution is more severe in some countries than others. We should however all expect persecution because our "war" is not against flesh and blood - and hence we will all be subjected to some form of persecution. For those that are threatened with their lives, the knowledge that He who is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, is faithfull to His promises and in total control - despite what we see with our eyes.

  • 3 weeks later...

Russia and China countries in Asia India all suffer persecution and the book of Revelation tells us of the rewards for those who over come the persecutions. Just think being able to sit before Jesus and hearing him say well done faithful servent my heart just fills with joy and excitement thinking about that.


Q.3 For this question I did an internet search which made me realize that I'm not well informed on how so many people are suffering for their faith. So many places do not have the freedom we have to worship God. This is a partial listing - parts of Africa, Afghanistan, Burma,China, Cuba, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. The suffering these people are experiencing is unimaginable but the hope Revelation gives is - that Christ is victorious, Satan will be destroyed, and the promise of no more tears, sorrow, suffering, etc.

  • 2 months later...

On Oct. 30, 2007, Linda Spillman did an internet search. It was good information. I would like to say that, if one watches closely, they will see that there is virtually no area of the world, no continent, country, state, city or village that does not have persecution of those who love and follow in the steps of Christ. But this is to be expected, for we were told it would be this way.


Persecution of Christians is global and becoming more and more so. However, there are countries who face it more than others - such as in the Middle East, Asia, Africa etc.

The book of Revelation offers encouragement and hope to people in these situations! There is a reward for those who serve faithfully through the persecution - eternal reward with the Lord at the forefront!


Persecution: the same all over the world, why: In fact I really believe, that the Devil has been far more successful in destroying the quality of Christian Life,through our non believe,hence we are all in one Boat of persecution,

So let us Pray to Jesus to help us.




Pakistan and Isreal are among countries that have christians being persecuted for their faith, the book of revelation reveals to us that Jesus will overcome the world, have faith and believe and persevere in Him till the end of this world and go joyfully into eternity with our Beloved Jesus.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, you know, when you do a google on current christian persecutions you may just feel a little conviction over the lack of prayer time set aside for intercessory prayer. Just saying, maybe.

As for the second part of the question I hope to be able to answer better later in the study, but perhaps it reaffirms our faith in our inheritance purchased in Christs blood and it describes the mighty victory of our King.

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

The persecution of Christians continues unabated although different techniques are used depending upon the region of the country.

It is mostly in Muslims Countries that Christians are persecuted.

They should give up their hope In God, there is a reward waiting them at the end.

  • 1 month later...

I suspect that Christians in most countries are suffering some kind of persecution. Yes, we have judges telling us to remove the Ten Commandments from courthouses, etc., but we are still free to worship and to own and display Bibles. However, in many parts of the world, especially those ruled by Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists, Christians are regularly arrested, tortured and even killed simply because they are Christians. We in the United States of America need to be proclaiming our faith to the world while we still can.

Revelation gives hope. It says that no matter what our plight today might be, Jesus is the ultimate victor! If we trust Him and refuse to give up, victory is ours. What a wonderful thought for people who are really experiencing persecution.


Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

JUst to name one country, Christians in China do experience persecution for their faith in God. In Revelation, it tells us that life here on earth is just temporary. We just have to cling on to God, for every trial, temptation, tribulation, and persecution that we are experiencing here on earth will soon come to an end.

  • 3 weeks later...

I see around the world that Christians in all countries are being persecuted for believing in the true and living God. I livein the United States, but this is not a free nation. Better than most, but not free. I am a retired public school teacher and I see in the schools how God has been kicked out, and children are not even allowed to have a Bible, speak about Jesus or God, or pray before eating lunch! The persecution for believing in our Lord begins with the children in public schools, and is rampant in all facets of business and government in the USA!

I spent several years in Jakarta, Indonesia as a missionary, which is a Muslim country, and we do not know persecution like those precious people do. There is persecution of Christians in most all Asian countries and the Middle East. Back in the late 90's, there were over 2000 Christians slaughtered in the Maluku Islands, Indonesia. To this day Christians are in hiding, churches are being burned, and people are being beheaded for their belief.

Our comfort as Christians comes in the Word, the promises, and the knowledge that one day it will all be over; that what awaits us is more wonderful than words can express, to spend eternity with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! Wow! Let us pray for the Christians around the world that they will persevere to the end of this age as we know it. Jan Lenhart, Texas

  • 1 month later...
Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

I know that Christians in China and Indonesia are persecuted, imprisioned, and even killed for their faith. Revelation reminds them that in the end God wins so we win! All that God promised them will be theirs forever. He is with us and knows all that we suffer and He will give us rest for all our labors here.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

Chins,Korea,Indi a,Indonesia many muslim countries. They are tortured and killed. In the USA they are trying to take God out of everything but we can still worship together. I think the time is coming when we will start to lose a lot more. We are in the end times.

It is a comfort because Jesus says if we stand fast fast we will be with him in Glory and our rewards are in heaven.

  • 1 month later...

I have a friend whose missionary mother left for a city in India, nicknamed the "graveyard of Christians". Rather a daunting thing to be faced with. I believe that the Islamic and Asian countries experience the worst persecution in that they face death if they pronounce that they are Christians. I also feel that Christians are persecuted everywhere. Columbine students were murdered because they were Christian. Granted it is not as dangerous in America as in other countries, but it certainly has its trials, tribulations and frustrations. In this country it is all right to talk about anything you want to and everyone seems to listen to all of the "bad stuff", but when you want to talk about the L-rd, or anything related, you are infringing on someone's space. You can hang up violent, satanic art on a wall, but if you hang something religious you are infringing on someone's space and it's not controversial enough. If you want to talk about evil, sex, and violence at work that is perfectly fine, but if you talk about Christ, you are being disrespectful to your co-workers. The good news is that according to His Word, the martyrs of this earth will see Him in Heaven.

  • 3 months later...

In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith?

The majority of countries in the world still face persecution or tribulation. To name some: Africa, China, India, Columbia, Europe, Middle East, Russia and even America. American pastors are being shot, congregations having weapons open fire on them, and people simply being mocked for their Christian beliefs.

How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

Revelation can be a comfort to those Christians who are being persecuted because it is a book of hope and promise. It enlightens Christians that their beliefs and faith are not in vain and there will be a just reward in the end -- that of eternal life with Jesus. Those that are killed for their faith go to a much greater place than here in this world.

  • 1 month later...
Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

Iraq is a country where Christians are a major target. The Book of Revelation will aid in comfort and encouragement by reassuring them that if they stay faithful, and don't lose site of God, there is a greater day approaching, where they will suffer no more. and it is not far away.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith? How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

Tribulation has always been with those who love God, as we see with God's chosen people Israel, Jesus apostles, and His bondservants.

It is hard to understand the reason why, it is hard to understand why people in America try to stop prayers going up to God Almighty, when our country was founded on Christian principles.

I find it difficult to understand why our president would call America a Muslim country; I guess it is because we are living in those last days when black will be as white and white as if black.

So I would have to say "today persecution for one's faith is throughout the world, but we must remember, God is coming back to redeem Israel as He promised, so it is important we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, where God has His name, and to pray for each other, that we stay in faith" :unsure:

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