Pastor Ralph Posted August 13, 2011 Report Posted August 13, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? Quote
hanks Posted October 20, 2011 Report Posted October 20, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? Our physical bodies are but just a temporary dwelling place, and are suited to life here on earth, but our future glorified bodies will be especially designed for life in heaven. We know this because God has promised this and has given us the Spirit as a guarantee. Knowing this we should be focusing on eternity and not so much on our materialistic life here on earth which will pass like the blink of an eye. We must put our trust in Jesus Christ. He – and he alone – is the source of true salvation. Trusting in him admits you to citizenship of a city not made with hands but which is stronger than any human structure. Cities come and (sometimes) go. Heaven is for eternity. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted October 22, 2011 Report Posted October 22, 2011 In what sense are our bodies like tents? A tent by its very nature is temporary and negotiable. If we were to truly look forward to our "house not made with hands," how would it affect our daily lives here? Our decisions would be more consequential. We would not sweat the "small stuff." We would know and respond with the knowledge that on this earth, it is all small stuff compared to where we are going. Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted October 22, 2011 Report Posted October 22, 2011 Our bodies are but for a moment, temporary, places to dwell while we are here in this old world. We look forward to that day when we shall be changed and receive that which will be our permanent dwelling, body and be with HIM forever. Knowing this we should live each day as one, a citizen, representative, of the Heavenly Kingdom, as one who has this great promise and hope. Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted October 22, 2011 Report Posted October 22, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? With our earthly bodies we are subject to all kind of diseases and infirmities. The tent is only a temporary dwelling place as it was for the Holy of Holies. The same is for us, we will get our gloried bodies one day in heaven, we will not in temporary stat any more. When we consider this simile in connection with the doctrine of the resurrection, which the apostle has treated so much at large in these epistles, and which he keeps constantly in view, then we shall see that he intends to convey the following meaning: that as the tabernacle was taken down in order to be again put together, so the body is to be dissolved, in order to be re-edified; that as the ark of the covenant subsisted by itself, while the tabernacle was down, so can the soul when separated from the body; that as the ark had then its own veil for its covering,so the soul is to have some vehicle in which it shall subsist till it receives its body at the resurrection. If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? By earthly house, the apostle most evidently means the body in which the soul is represented as dwelling or sojourning for a time, and from which it is not forever; for as death dissolves the tabernacle, it can then be no habitation for the soul. The apostle also alludes here to the ancient Jewish tabernacle, which, on all removals of the congregation, was dissolved and taken in pieces; and the ark of the covenant, covered with its own curtains, was carried by itself; and when they came to the place of rest, then the dissolved parts of the tabernacle were put together as before. That is why I am looking forward for my new home and I am building, I got my eyes set on Jesus Christ my redeemer. Maranatha Brother Mike (adam and clarke)ibid Quote
Marloes Posted October 23, 2011 Report Posted October 23, 2011 On 8/13/2011 at 5:58 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? Tents are meant to live in temporarily - just like our bodies. We'll all die, and get a new body in heaven: the house not made with hands. It's living with the Lord forever! If we know this, we're less focused on money or daily problems. Quote
Jen Posted October 23, 2011 Report Posted October 23, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? Everyone had such nice answers. I guess what I think about in tents is cloth eventually getting holes and torn and needing repair until there is no more that can be done and then it is tossed into the junk heap. Our bodies need constant care here with good food and exercise but eventually things start going wrong until it seems it just gives out. It is temporary because this life is temporary however when this gives out we go to our new home with a new body that will never need repair and is permanent. Some of that I find hard to imagine. We have moved many times and I always had a little fear and trepidation of the unknown. Maybe that is why sometimes I feel a little trepidation about what I know is coming or maybe its changes I see in me that I am uncertain about. I can no longer keep the pace I used too. However I know I need not fear either here or moving home. Anyway to answer the question (at last) I do not focus so much on little do dads but on essentials for life here knowing eventually everything here will be in the burned up and more on doing the job God has given me during my brief stay here. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
quilter Posted October 23, 2011 Report Posted October 23, 2011 our bodies are like tents in that they can be took down at anytime,wracked with sickness,pain ,but we have something to look forward to a glorifed body. if we truly looked daily for that mansion waiting for us ,how this world would be a better place to live. i think everyone would live better knowing we have a home built by our saviors hand. Quote
anne1151 Posted October 23, 2011 Report Posted October 23, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? Our bodies are fragile, temporary dwelling places, expeted to last only a few years. If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? We would be wanting to share the words that would help others find the path to this heavenly home. We would certainly not be fearful, full of worry. We would look forward to shedding these temporary bodies. Quote
pegilee Posted October 23, 2011 Report Posted October 23, 2011 On 8/13/2011 at 5:58 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? Our bodies are like tents in a sense........when a tent is up, it can be torn down. Our bodies can be torn down with illnesses and sickness, but one day we will all have a beautiful body, if we have surrenedered to Christ. Quote
pegilee Posted October 23, 2011 Report Posted October 23, 2011 On 8/13/2011 at 5:58 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? Our bodies are like tents in a sense........when a tent is up, it can be torn down. Our bodies can be torn down with illnesses and sickness, but one day we will all have a beautiful body, if we have surrenedered to Christ. Quote
kenny Posted October 24, 2011 Report Posted October 24, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? I think the analogy of a tent is quite a good one in as much as our bodies are perishable and like tents are not permanent. Looking forward to what our Lord has promised us after this life is what sets us apart from those who have not yet accepted His Grace and mercy, it should give us a sense of hope and peace for what others fear and dread.Our God has prepared our future and secured it through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our King and Savior. Amen. Quote
Raph Posted October 24, 2011 Report Posted October 24, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? Our bodies are like tents in the sense that, here on earth they are temporary, not permanent. Just as a tent is dismantled after the intended use, the time will come when our bodies will be "destroyed" ready for our ressurection bodies which are eternal. If we were to truly look forward to our "house not made with hands," how would it affect our daily lives here? If we were to truly look forward to our "house not made with hands," this would affect our daily lives here by understanding the word of God and follow it with all our hearts. We will commit our lives to Jesus and no more commit sins. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted October 24, 2011 Report Posted October 24, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? Our bodies are like tents in that they are not permanent. Tents are fragile, rather leaky and not that comfortable. We wouldn't want to live in one as our "home". They are fine for a time, but after being in one, I always long for my home and the sturdiness, the permanence and comforts I have in it. Tents are for travel and for setting up and taking down. Our homes are secure and have foundations. Our bodies here on earth are temporary for our journey. They aren't all that trustworthy and we are fragile. Our new resurrected bodies, will be permanent, eternal and secure and set on the foundation of Christ! How immovable is that! Knowing this, should encourage us as we journey. When we are buffeted by storms or are threatened with floods and it seems we are ever wandering, we can keep in mind that our new bodies, the ones we are promised for eternity are coming!!! The promise is true and just as we may sit in a tent for 3 days waiting out the rain, we wait (sometimes impatiently and groaning) knowing the rain will soon pass and we can pack up and go HOME! THANKS! I needed to be reminded of that! : ) Quote
Fred Dunn Posted October 24, 2011 Report Posted October 24, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here?Tents are for temporary residence so are our bodies,if 1 looks to make either a permanent abode they will find that in TIME all things will pass away except the WORD of GOD...We would be living not for this world/life but to the Eternal/Spiritual that will come with Salvation and the Resurrection...GOD BLESS Quote
charisbarak Posted October 26, 2011 Report Posted October 26, 2011 Our tent bodies are only temporary--after all, we're only sojourners on this earth. Our time on earth should be used to serve Him and gain everlasting fruit. Our bodies and our lives here have such a short time compared to eternity. And some try to have wrinkles, etc removed...... Quote
ross_laoshi Posted October 26, 2011 Report Posted October 26, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? Like a tent is a temporary dwelling, so are our bodies. After living in a tent for a while we look forward to our permanent home, so we look forward to our heavenly home. We should live this life to store up treasure in heaven, by obeying our Lord in all things and bearing fruit, by being good ambassadors and sharing our faith, looking for opportunities to do good, praying constantly, and doing it all in love. Quote
JanMary Posted October 26, 2011 Report Posted October 26, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents?Tents are for temporary housing and short term use. They're inconvenient, and made of material that doesn't hold up well in the elements. Our bodies are like that. We're not here forever, as the body is for the short term (in terms of eternity). They start to die shortly after we're born, subject to disease and decay. Our new "houses" will last forever (as these were intended, before the fall and death mercifully intervened so we're not stuck here in this situation forever!)If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here?When I'm conscious of the Lord's Presence and remember I'm here for a short time, I live with my focus on eternal preparation, and see life here as a "pit stop" on the way to my Heavenly, permanent home. I have more joy and the trials of life become obstacles rather than a permanent condition! When my focus shifts to eternal things, Satan's lies are foiled! ("It's always going to be this way!", "Nothing ever changes!" "you're always going to be in pain!" "You're really getting old!" ...and so on! Quote
tammie7 Posted October 27, 2011 Report Posted October 27, 2011 Our bodies are like tent because the one that we have now are temporary. It would effect our daily lives it would because it would let us know that we was made by God's hand that we have the holy spirit to lead us and guide us. Quote
Ramon Posted October 27, 2011 Report Posted October 27, 2011 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? Answer: 1In what sense are our bodies like tents? .Our bodies are like tents,for it is a temporary dwelling of our soul and True self which is our Spirit. 2.If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? It will cast out all fear and worry,and we are be looking forward always to be united with our Glorified body to live forever and ever. Quote
bruceerobert Posted October 27, 2011 Report Posted October 27, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? Our bodies are like tents for they are temporal (temporary). Our real home is with our Father in heaven, who have promised to come soon and take us to be part of His kingdom where no pain and no sadness will be part of our eternal lives. If we were to truly look forward to our "house not made with hands," how would it affect our daily lives here? Joy, faith, happiness, gladness, a person might jump to the ceiling of his house knowing he/she is truly saved. His/her salvation is quaranteed. Quote
Travis63 Posted October 27, 2011 Report Posted October 27, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? The body we are stewards of now are temporary , they are suited to life here on earth. One day we shall be changed, there are several passages of Scripture that tell us that our bodies will change however I love how 1st Corinthians 15:35-50 speaks about the change. If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? This is a tough question, and the answer I would say depends on an individual's state of being, where they are in their Spiritual walk. The best answer I guess regardless of where a Christian is in their walk is as they truly look forward to their house not made with hands it should influence their being ready. They should adhere to the message that Jesus gave through parables such as those found in Matthew 24 & 25, He did not say stop living but to occupy till He returns and , to watch and pray. Quote
bruceerobert Posted October 28, 2011 Report Posted October 28, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? The tents in accordance with our reading are something temporary, and so as our body. We are just visitors to this earth who will someday go back and reside with the Father GOD if we believe and have faith in Jesus Christ 100 percent. If we were to truly look forward to our "house not made with hands," how would it affect our daily lives here? When we hope for something better than what we have today, our feelings are just perfect. To become Christ-like is something that is incomprehensible. No comparison to what GOD has in store for each person who is faithful and follows God's commandments. It affects are daily in a sense that it provides security and a feeling of appreciation in each person who is faithful and just believe in our Savior as his/her personal Savior. Quote
parkerslope Posted October 28, 2011 Report Posted October 28, 2011 Tents are made to be temporay in one place, in a way like our body, we do not stay in one place. When the tent is through with its duty, it is cast away. Our bodies being temporay, will die and return to the dirt from which it has come. As each Christian should look forward to the "life after death" as a great hope, we should live each moment depending upon God for our every need and for what we need to do. God is our life and we need to present our life each day, reflecting God. We should not have any more worries or cares in this world. Quote
clabudak Posted October 29, 2011 Report Posted October 29, 2011 A tent is temporary (like our lives on Earth) and it is very basic with no frills compared to a house (which we'll have in Heaven) which is so superior compared to the tent. Christians should always look forward to our great reward which is Heaven! And we should strive to take as many unsaved with us as we can by telling them the good news! Quote
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