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Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life? How will it affect how people perceive you? How will it affect how God perceives you?

  • 2 months later...

URGENCY & FOCUS! Engraved in my heart is this: For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you. I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6:2 TNIV

Thank you Pastor Ralph! Your work is NOT in vain.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation, how is this likely to affect your daily life?

Every being that has united with Christ Jesus are called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation regardless when they adhered to the call, this is an ongoing charge. Every Christian regardless of title is a servant and their lives should reflect that of Christ. This should influence my daily life and all that are united in Christ in a manner where we do so. We should conduct ourselves as God's servants, and we live, move and have our being reflect suitably to that character. We should live our lives in a manner whereby it does not cloud the Gospel of Christ, nor in a manner where His influence cannot be seen or neutralized.

How will it affect how people perceive you?

How we live can greatly influence how people distinguishes me, my character, to whom I belong to. If I live in a manner that reflects Christ not only will they know that I am in Him, but it may also as the Spirit leads draw them to The Spirit, not my spirit but Him (Christ).

Paul in the verses that follow shares that he has experienced all kinds of difficulties. Nonetheless through these things he has remained faithful. Some people have honored him, others insulted him, but in all circumstance he has showed by his consistent behavior that he is a true servant of God.

Being that I am being made perfect through the process of sanctification, if I offend or stumble my repentance can affect how people recognize me as well. Did they observe remorse or godly repentance.

In my living as an urgent agent of reconciliation I cannot afford to live a hypocritical lifestyle, this as well can have a great influence on how people identify me. The cost of living in hypocrisy can cause a person claiming to be a child of God the same or worse fate as that of most Pharisees in Jesus' day.

How will it affect how God perceives you?

God distinguishes, He identifies myself and all whom are agents of urgent reconciliations by our character, behavior and the fruit that is displayed. When I say fruit I am not references a term that I heard so many say, "how many people I have lead to Christ". Truth be told according to the Scriptures it is the Spirit that draws. Fruit more so that what is displayed genuinely, that is reflective of Christ inward and illuminates outward. That which we do with our hands, feet and mouth are for His glory.

God, He sees all and know all, He knows if I am truly His, He knows if I will be His, and also know if I am not.

As a faithful agent of urgent reconciliation He will be pleased.

As someone whom He knows will chose Him He is patients, long suffering and compassionate for it is His Will that none should perish.

As a person who is not His, yet they say that they are He will not receive them upon judgment. He will say depart from me workers of iniquity.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life? How will it affect how people perceive you? How will it affect how God perceives you?


BY WALKING DAILY IN UNION WITH JESUS,and let the Holy Spirit direct your activity,you will live a life that other people will want to have...They saw something in you,that they also want..they saw victory,fruit of the spirit,emanating from your daily Life...

How God perceives us will not be affected by what we think,do or act..The moment we become born again,God will love you just the way you are.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2)

If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation, how is this likely to affect your daily life?

If I, then, am called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation, this is likely to affect my daily life in that, I have to change my conduct and behaviour and live according to the word of God and also to make sure I am spreading the word of God and calling people to accept the free reconciliation that is there and only needs to be accepted.

How will it affect how people perceive you?

This definitely will have effects on how people will perceive me. Others, who are in the reign of evil spirit will see me as wasting time and invading in their lives, thus they will render resistance. But those who will be touched by the Holy Spirit will see me as doing a good job and they will encourage me to continue.

How will it affect how God perceives you?

God will definitely like me for fulfilling His instructions for calling on peole to reconcile with God and living according to His word.


My daily life will be impacted by the urgency of salvation for everyone we meet. It changes our priorities.

People may perceive me as being single-minded--only one important thing in my life. They may also be thankful that I took the time to share with them.

God rewards us for our labor for Him. (eternal fruit) He desires to see people saved and rejoices when they come to Him!!


It would affect like the good way become I would be letting everyone know that I am a child of God

and telling them how to become one.

To some people will perceive as a child of god happy with her life and some will not the one that are not

ready for that life style.

God would look at me as one of his ambassadors.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life?

By committing my life unto the Lord, living according to the the call we are called.

How will it affect how people perceive you?

That's were we will be fullfiling the will of God where we are to draw people to God.

How will it affect how God perceives you?

I will be favoured


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation, how is this likely to affect your daily life?

My focus is on the Kingdom, and I look for those who are not yet reconciled to God. I may be inconvenienced, but am willing to take the time for such a precious assignment. I don't want anyone to go to hell.....so I do take time whenever the Holy Spirit leads, and gives me opportunity to share the Gospel and to tell others how much God loves them.

How will it affect how people perceive you?

When I share Christ with someone who is receptive, I may be perceived as someone who loves and values them and wants them to spend eternity with the Lord. When I share with someone who is not receptive, I may be perceived as a do-gooder, or a "religious zealot"...the fragrance of death.

How will it affect how God perceives you?

God knows and loves me whether or not I "perform", but I know it pleases Him when I'm obedient, and I want to please Him!


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life? How will it affect how people perceive you? How will it affect how God perceives you? It will cause me to come out of my COMFORT ZONE which is perceived as interrupting my daily routine,case in point when i stopped to help some ladies fix a flat tire.I worked up a sweat before going back to the office from my lunch break but i told them to put the money they offered me into Church collection on Sunday...The ladies were very thankful because i was a GOD send for them their jack didnt work & the spare tire didnt have air in it...JESUS was pleased that i came out of my comfort zone...GOD BLESS


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2)

If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation, how is this likely to affect your daily life?

How will it affect how people perceive you?

How will it affect how God perceives you?

I need to be sharing the gospel with all my acquaintances, and also being an ambassador for Jesus here on earth. Not only am I to tell others about Jesus Christ and His free gift of salvation, but at the same time others should be able to see the fruit of the Spirit in me. Having been washed clean by the blood of Jesus, my Heavenly Father sees me as a righteous child of His.

  On 8/13/2011 at 6:04 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life? How will it affect how people perceive you? How will it affect how God perceives you?

It means we have to testify and spread the gospel.

We can't do bad things, and don't have time for them.

Now people don't like you if you talk about God all the time.

They'll mock you or even get angry.

On the other hand, God will appreciate it.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life? You will speak out more, approach others with the message.

How will it affect how people perceive you? They will see the difference in me. My actions, my living.

How will it affect how God perceives you? God will be there to help me. He will surely be pleased with my obedience.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation, how is this likely to affect your daily life? How will it affect how people perceive you? How will it affect how God perceives you?

When I am an urgent agent of reconciliation, I am more aware daily of opportunities to share the Gospel with others. I take opportunities to speak, teach and live in a way that shows I believe what I say I do. I should be willing to put myself out there to live forgiveness or to be an ambassador for reconciliation. I just did a study on Philemon and was wowed at the ambassador Paul was to bring about reconciliation between Philemon and Onesimus. It really made me stop and think if I recognize those opportunities to do all I can to be an ambassador and really live for Christ that way.

I think we can be perceived in two ways: Some will see something good and will desire to learn more. Others see what they perceive as "religion" or "weakness" and are not receptive. They see it as foolishness and turn their backs on God.

God loves me no matter what. I am His child, but I know I want to please Him and show Him love and find favor with Him.....but HIS love really doesn't have to do with my being perfect in that....it's an offering from my heart to His. That I'm accepted and saved is the most wonderful part of belonging to Him.


I am always "on call" to be ready to speak about Jesus. I have divine appointments lined up every day in how I interact with others as to if I am a blessing or not. I am always ready for God to bring people to me that want to know more about Him and I am usually bold enough to talk and be open to conversation. People know I am a Christian and they respect me for my views so far. I hope God is happy with me and how I interact with others. I don't want to be religious; I want people to see a vibrantly happy different kind of person than they see in most who loves the clean life and Christ.




Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation, how is this likely to affect your daily life?

The message to the believer is one of great urgency - do not think you can receive God's grace and mercy and then do nothing with it!

I am reminded of another urgent message I read in Revelation, from Christ himself, if you do nothing with the gift of mercy I offered up to you, I will spew you out of my mouth; My prayer is that the Cross will have already affected how we live our daily life, the reconciliation of our hearts is an urgent pull on us to live daily as if He would come today, finding us anxiously watching and waiting, the affect the reconciliation has on our daily life is one of urgency, for we know Christ is coming back for a "FAITHFUL" bride, a bride He will find doing, making herself ready with her righteousness, for she puts on the righteousness she received at the Reconciliation, it is what the Bridegroom gave her to wear and walk in daily.

How will it affect how people perceive you, and how will it affect how God perceives you?

Being an Ambassador to God has had the greatest affect on "ME", I am amazed as I see this new creature coming to life - I love seeing the old desires fading away, but how it will affect others is something I cannot answer, but one thing I do know is, they will perceive the reality of what the Cross can, and will do, for whosoever will. The choice will be up to them.

I understand the Reconciliation call on me is that of righteousness, and that actions speak louder than words, it is important that they see my desire has changed to that of loving God, and God tells me, "If you love me, keep my commandments." it is through my obedience, my desire to love God, that God will perceive a sweet aroma, as I send my praise up to Him. :)


If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life? How will it affect how people perceive you? How will it affect how God perceives you?

Being called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation will affect my daily life by being an ambassador of Jesus Christ. I officially represent Him and speak on His behalf to tell everyone the Good News.

People should see me walk the talk and when I do God will be pleased.


If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life?

My daily life must be spent bringing reconciliation, not division. It means that I must seek to reconcile any fractured relationships and aim to keep all those which I currently have while. It also means that I must daily ensure that my relationship with God is in good standing and I must be actively seeking to bring others to Him thereby reconciling their relationship to Him.

How will it affect how people perceive you?

People will find me more thoughtful because as an agent of reconciliation my aim is to keep relationships whole and to mend broken ones. Therefore I would be more careful about the things I say and do and people will notice this because usually I just say what is on my mind. Also as I work on bringing them into the kingdom they will see that I am serious about my father's business.

How will it affect how God perceives you?

I am not sure if it will make a difference to how God sees me since He already sees and knows my heart but I would like to think that He would be proud of me.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation, how is this likely to affect your daily life?

If we praise God daily in our lives, then we should tell others the good news gosbel so others may come to the LORD in their faith and be saved. When we accept Christ as our personal Savior, our lives are affected. People start seeing GOD in those who have the faith.

How will it affect how people perceive you? Adversaries is always there and he will do all he can to make you ran astray. He will give you thoughts that you are not worth a thing. Those who don't have the faith will criticize you and curse you, but be faithful and follow Jesus.

How will it affect how God perceives you? There is only a time when Christ is really happy: this is when a person realizes that he cannot stand on his own and must depend on God for all eternity. When a person admits that he/she is at fault and comes to Christ for forgiveness, all the angels and our LORD CHRIST stands up in ovation.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life? How will it affect how people perceive you? How will it affect how God perceives you?

I strive to do the task set before me in a way that will bring glory to God, not on my own strength rather relying on the power of the Holy Spirit.

I believe they look upon me as an object of curiosity (Psalm 71:7).

A faithful servant, a friend. I am still a work in process and He and I both know that.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life? How will it affect how people perceive you? How will it affect how God perceives you?

As an agent of reconciliation, I need to be praying for others and reading the Bible, I need to be constantly ready to talk with those unsaved people around me. People notice I'm different and I want God to be pleased with me.


Since I am called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation these effects my life in that I should be telling other about Jesus. I should not do things that would embarrass Jesus so that others can see that Jesus is in me.

This will affect how people perceive me because that can see Jesus in me and as always God will perceive me as usual. I don’t think that God ever perceives me different because He knows me.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation, how is this likely to affect your daily life? How will it affect how people perceive you? How will it affect how God perceives you?

I should create more time than ever to share the gospel to those around me- in the neighbourhood, workplace and wherever I may find myself given theurgency which god wants every one to be reconciled to Him as time is running out..


Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life? How will it affect how people perceive you? How will it affect how God perceives you?

If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconcilia-tion, how is this likely to affect your daily life?

There will be changes in commitment and cautious in my deeds.

How will it affect how people perceive you?

Critism, insult, mockery and suppression from people with wrong perception will discourage us.

How will it affect how God perceives you?

We are motivated to know that God is pleased to see we are in the right tract of our life.

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