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Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians? How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? How does it compare to what Paul faced?

  • 2 months later...

Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians?

I think that Paul shares so much to convey his point, he shares with them that his service to Christ is a living testimony. As a faithful agent of urgent reconciliation He by the grace of God did not allow his communication about Christ ministry become neutralized. Although he was faced with hardship, hostilities both verbal and physical Paul's behavior never discredited Christ ministry nor his allegiance to Christ. By Paul sharing his experiences some will gain a greater grasp of service, some will receive comfort for they may have been persecuted as well, some will strive to do likewise. Paul by sharing his experiences informs them as well that he did not receive the grace of God in vain nor did he present to the observer an offence.

How we act in varying situations, when we are faced with circumstances will reflect what we believe. As we promote the testimony of Christ some will accept it, some reject it, some will hate us, some will love us, it was so for Christ and it will be likewise for us. Even so Paul sharing with the Corinthians and also to us gives us treasures beyond explanation. As Paul did, we should look for ways to demonstrate our faith even in bad situations. Whether or not the situation improves.

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic?

Paul sharing not only that he encountered struggles but also that by the grace of God he persevered encourages them. In Paul living what he believed, what he preached, encountering such opposition and yet continuing with confidence, sharing his experiences helps the Corinthians and also others who read or heard of his sharing and how they strengthen his claim to authenticity.

Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry?

Sure I have. Throughout the Scriptures ordinary who answered the call may have became frustrated, yet they continued in the calling. Moses, Joshua, David: Stay alive until you take the throne. Jeremiah: Preach the warning of God in spite of opposition, all of these saints got may have gotten discouraged and complained, but they overcame and continued in their calling. Our focus should be just as Christ was, just as Paul's was regardless of how we preceive the results should be and that focus should be to never to lose sight of God's calling.

How does it compare to what Paul faced?

Paul was appointed a time and a season, he encountered what he did according to the permissive and the perfect will of God. His service to God had the same purpose as mine, nonetheless the hardships that Paul faced greatly overshadows what I have faced. Nonetheless in the course of each day that the Lord has blessed me with I should not allow careless or undisciplined behavior be the light that people see. In the midst of trial, test, tribulation, and temptations I should strive as Paul did by turning to the Helper, that being Christ Jesus. Regardless of the situation I must fight my way through it and faithfully carry on in Christ. I must not succumb when another god desire to take God's place as head in my life.


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13)

Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians?

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic?

Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry?

How does it compare to what Paul faced?

Paul opens his heart to the Corinthians by explaining all he had to endure. He expects them to reciprocate and accept him in love. Unlike the other false teachers they could see what hardships and sufferings he had to go through to bring them the truth; they could see that his teachings came from our Lord and are authentic. I have read somewhere, “When a man is clothed in practical righteousness, he is impregnable.” Yes, I suppose like most people, I have complained; but it is nothing compared to what Paul had to go through. This makes me realise how the Lord has blessed me, and I’m forever grateful.


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13)

Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians?

I think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians in order to show them that, the spreading of the word of God is not an easy task; it can involve sufferings, but with commitment, dedication and dependance to God, we will succeed as he himself, Paul, succeeded in Corinth.

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic?

I think this helped as they came to realise that, despite the sufferings, the Lord was with Him, he did not despair and leave everything.

Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry?

Yes, as human being, sometimes I found myself with so many reponsibiltiies in the Ministry and start complaining why others are like not doing enough to help me.

How does it compare to what Paul faced?

Of course this does not compare at all with what faced Paul as the Corinthians were really difficult.


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians? Because as a rule, humans believe that what looks good has not suffered. In addition, we tend to think that whatever state is witnessed is the continued state. Paul wanted to illustrate that "change" is a very real part of struggle and it can be good and bad.

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? Only an authentic person would know and share the paradoxes.

Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? Absolutely. I am totally astounded at the evil that prevails in the church. I don't understand why they choose the church. It really helps to know, as the Bible says, there is nothing new under the sun.

How does it compare to what Paul faced? Not even close.


Paul shared his struggles because he wanted the corthains to know that

he has went through some of the same as them and he was no better

then them and he was flesh and blood like them and men and women of

God go through also.

Yes, because to be put down and over looked because of your gift or

your ministry that God have put in you.

It was no comparing to what Paul went through.


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13)

Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians? They have been listening to imposters. Speakers who have gossiped and slandered and misrepresented Pauls works and his words. Paul is opening his heart to try to show the corinthians his true nature, his true calling to Christs ministry.

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? They can compare Pauls life with the impostors. Pauls actions with theirs.

Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? Probably. I can't remember specific times, but being a weak human, I'm sure Ihave.

How does it compare to what Paul faced? So many differences. I teach in comfort---heaters, air conditioning, padded seats, lights, friendly faces, printed word -- the list is endless. Paul daily faced physical pain, discomfort, imprisonment, hunger, and no Bibles to help present the word.


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians?

Paul was an encourager and a Father to the flock. I believe he shared his struggles, knowing that they would face the same or perhaps worse, and wanted them to know that he was standing firm and they could as well, in Christ's strength just as he was doing without "fainting" or quitting.  To prepare them. Perhaps a reminder to keep him in prayer.

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic?

If Paul was any less than authentic, he would have turned tail and run when the persecution and tough times became intense. We'd have never had three fourth's of the New Testament, had he been a fake! He was like the lead goose flying in formation, "honking" back encouragement to keep the faith, as he made a path for them in the realm of faith and suffering for Christ's sake.

Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry?

I can't recall a time, other than saying how weary I was after the long haul.

How does it compare to what Paul faced?

I can't even imagine what Paul endured....what a beautiful example for us! I so admire him...he's one of the first people I want to meet in Heaven to thank him for remaining faithful to the Lord and for his authenticity and integrity.


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians? How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? How does it compare to what Paul faced?

I think the Corinthians added Christ on to their lives and kept everything as it was. Paul showed them what was expected as a Christian. Our lives are to change. Our characters are to be developed to be more like Christ and we are to live lives that honor and serve Him, not ourselves. We will find much opposition from others when this happens.

There is a difference between groaning and grumbling. Sometimes I find myself grumbling and then I need an attutude fix. We will groan as Christians. The work is hard, grueling and unrewarding in human terms. However in God's eyes there is an approval if we continue in the faith and work. We need the help of the Holy Spirit. We need to pray for each other.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians? How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? How does it compare to what Paul faced?

Paul shares his struggles to defend his ministry. There were some trying to discredit him and he was speaking the truth of not only his ministry, but of the ministry of all true Christians. This will help those who are seeking the truth to understand and accept the true walk of a Christian. Even today, so many want to water down Christianity. So many are mislead by the notion that there won't be suffering or that adversity won't be a part of sharing the Gospel or even in living the Gospel or in showing how to live a righteous life. When we do that, there are many who will shut their hearts to us. They only want to hear the good things, have the easy way and not give up sin. Paul was experiencing and sharing how the world looked at him. In showing God's glory, he was dishonored by the world, he had good report among believers, yet bad report among the worldly, he taught the truth of the Gospel, yet was regarded as an imposter by unbelievers and sometimes by "religious" leaders. To him and to any true believer with truth, these were all proof of his genuine apostleship. Those seeking after a shallow belief, has closed their hearts to him. They rejected a genuine walk with Christ that includes changing their lives and sorrow, suffering and hardship.

Yes, I have complained in my ministries. I like that Paul appeals here. I usually get frustrated and tired and withdraw. I have experienced people closing their hearts to the truth and chasing after the easy life or running to their group of "friends" who mislead them in wrong ways. I get discouraged when I'm left standing in a truth by myself and adversity seems to be winning the day. It's hard when a spiritual truth is not understood and rejected for the "candy" that is offered and you want someone to grow in maturity so much! But, I'm learning I, myself, can grow in these situations too. I learn perseverance, patience, self control and strengthen in my faith too. I'm changing too and I can trust God for a good work in all of it.

As to comparing to Paul, I have not experienced all he experienced. I haven't been physically beaten or put in a prison, but I don't dare compare my walk with his. My walk is my walk. Who knows where God will lead me. I'm concentrating more on being trained for whatever that may be. I am grateful for Paul's words, they do encourage me in my walk. They remind me of the truth of following Christ. They admonish me in my attitude at times. So, I am grateful for them. God's word is alive and active still today!


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians? How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? How does it compare to what Paul faced?Saul pre-crucifixion wasnt an Apostle of Christ,but a persecutor of"The WAY"...On the road to Damascus post crucifixion JESUS commissioned Saul and changed his name to Paul also told him how he would have to suffer for the Church...Its good to know that others also suffer for CHRIST,kind of like group therapy...Yes have had many pity parties,nothing on the physical sense but i think that Spiritually satan attacks anyone who is trying to further GODS Kingdom...GOD BLESS


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians?

Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians, because he set an example, how to serve the Lord.and so everyone may learn from him.

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic?

Despite his suffering the Lord was in Him and he could not stop preaching

Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry?


How does it compare to what Paul faced?

Paul was a servant of God indeed. my prayer is if God can do to me what he has done to Paul. to use me the way He uses Paul. help me to die daily to my sinful nature.


What person in their right mind would endure such a list of persecution, poverty, rejection, and physical discomforts without the authenticity of being genuine? In listing what he was willing to endure with joy, Paul was validating his call as an apostle of Christ, the truth and honesty of his message of the Gospel, and the credibility of his personal character. This must have stood in stark contrast with the false teachers that popped up all around.

It is our nature to complain when things are tough, isn’t it? Yes, I’ve complained at times when trying to serve the Lord with others who just aren’t “on the same page”. Rather humbling when compared to what Paul faced. Or to what the persecuted Church faces in many parts of the world today. I really have nothing valid to complain about.


Paul shares, I believe, to encourage those Christians around him that could be suffering in any of those ways. He also wanted to be transparent & for them to know how he suffered while getting out the Word.

He exhibited the fruit of the Spirit as he went through the various trials.

A little.

Not even close to what he has suffered. This next Sunday is for us to remember the persecuted church. In so many countries individual believers have to suffer similar things to what Paul suffered. We don't even come close here in the U.S.


Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians?

I think that Paul shared his struggles in order to validate his ministry,as well as to give them a realistic view of Christianity. Even in our day today there are some who teach that as long as you are a Christian then your life will be perfect and nothing bad will ever happen to you. Paul's life speaks to the error of such a belief. By sharing his struggles he also identifies with Christ who suffered in His ministry. In all of the struggling though Paul was never alone and he kept the faith .

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic?

It helps them see that he was not a rich, well fed, untouched apostle but that he was committed to Jesus whatever the cost and this shows true apostleship.

Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry?

Yes, there have been times when I have complained. In recent times especially as I have resigned from a good job with a great salary and am currently attending Bible School full time in another country I have complained somewhat.

How does it compare to what Paul faced?

It does not compare because even though I am in another country I can still call home and speak to my family. People send me gifts regularly, I always have food, etc. Even though it may get rough at times my experience can never measure up to the experience which Paul faced.


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians?

He wants them to know that they are not alone in their struggles. Even Jesus Christ our LORD and SAVIOR went through the same things that we went through, but HE nevers sin.... Amen

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? He talks about the sufferings he had and also his characters. He also shares how he suffered and what he was accused of. And then he appeals to the Corinthians to open their hearts to the message of GOD.

Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? Sometimes.

How does it compare to what Paul faced? What sufferings I have learned and experienced is not comparable to what Paul has gone through, but at least I know that Christ suffers same like me and I praise Him for it. He is LORD and yet he experienced the same sufferings like us, but He is LORD. Thank you Jesus..... :D


Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians? How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? How does it compare to what Paul faced?

1) Paul shares about his various struggles with the Corinthians because he wants them to know that He is geniune. He wanted to remove any obstacles that would keep them from knowing the Lord.

2) This helps them to accept his apostleship as authentic because they had an opportunity to look at, not only, the sufferings he endured but also his character. They had been listening to impostors who would more than likely turn tail and run if they had to go thru what he went thru. He had no gimmicks to draw them, just the word of God.

3) Yes, I have complained about what I had to put up with in my ministry.

4) It does not no way come close to what Paul faced. Makes me realize, what am I complaining about.


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians?

I believe Paul shared his struggles with the Corinthians because his heart was very concerned about the direction they were going, there were deceitful workers, false apostles who were teaching a simple kind of "faith" that seemed to be very appealing to them, teachings that did not require them to continue to "walk in faith".

Paul was very concerned, because he knew if they followed this false teaching their lives would not be able to stand up to the struggles when they come to the Corinthian believers, hindering their ability to continue to "walk in faith", therefore their testimony would not hold up to (2Co 7:1) Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic?

Paul's life was a testimony to what the Cross will and can do for those who do not except it in "vain", to those who are authentic believers.


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians? How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? How does it compare to what Paul faced?

He shares about his various struggles to encourage the believers, but especially to authenticate his apostleship. Paul's example of faithfulness in struggles and his letter to the Corinthian believers proves his apostleship is authentic.

I have complained at things that are insignificant compared to what Paul faced.


The reason that I think that Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians is that they were his friends and he loved the much. When we have friends we usually do share the things that are bugging us.

This helps them to accept his apostleship as authentic because they know all about him and they know that he is their future in his mind.

Sometimes I do complain about the things I have to put with in my ministry but it is nothing as to what Paul had to put up with. I haven’t been through anything compared to Paul.


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians? How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? How does it compare to what Paul faced?

Paul shared so much about his struggles so that the Corinthians would know that he was trully an apostle of Jesus Christ.

Only a true apostlelike Paul could endure such hardship and go on without abandoning the the ministry. This made the Corinthians christians had a re-think about their acusations of him.

I thinh I have not encountered much suffering as the apostle Paul had. But even so, I havehad cause to grumble about some bad treatment from my christian coleagues.


Paul shares about his struggles with the Corinthians to encourage them that they are not alone in their struggles. Even Paul had great difficulties sharing his faith and standing for Christ. The fact that he always bounced back from almost certain defeat or death showed the Corinthians that God has His Hand upon Paul. So instead of complaining about the hardship, Paul uses it to show God's hand in it!


I believe that Paul shared his struggles 1. To show others that spreading the good news is worth anything that life can possibly endure and that bringing others to Christ brings more joy than hardships can bring pain. 2. The joy of the life to come far outways the tribulation in his present life. I have seen, in my own life, times that my complaints were so petty; it had to take the visual of real tradegies for me to open my eyes to of how little the little things were.


Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13)

Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians? How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? How does it compare to what Paul faced?

Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians?

He wanted to convince them his dedication to the Lord Jesus

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic?

At least they might realise his heart is all out for them

How does it compare to what Paul faced?

I haven't come to that stage.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians?

Paul shared so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians so that they may not become discouraged when

hardship come their way.

How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic?

This helps the accept his apostleship as authentic becaus they saw him fully trusting God and living what he taught.

Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry?

Yes, I certainly have.

How does it compare to what Paul faced?

It pales in light of what the Apostle Paul went through.

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