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Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives? What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

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Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives?

Because God is holy as we are united IN Christ we to should live holy lives. Although no Christian is sinless (1st John 1:8-10), as we are in Christ God expects the true believer to adhere to the Spirit's leading and not to sin habitually. “No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God.” ESV.

If a Christian willfully practices sinning they are not separated from the world, the unbeliever.

Paul references temples that God lives within them and walk among those that have been dedicated to Him. Having said the he states that those committed to God are living temples. He reference the command by the Lord to be holy, to separate, to come out from among those who have not been cleansed. Not to do things that will defile. Paul also reference that Believers are God’s own special children, that He will be a father to them.

What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

Corinth was a major cosmopolitan city, a seaport and a major trade center, it was said to be the most important city in Achaia. Idolatry was a strong part of the culture as was immoral behavior. The probable temptations are many too many to list, however from the Scriptures we know that idol worship, sexual sins (identity, adultery, fornication, prostitution etc..); partaking in sinful behaviors such as greed, drunkenness, and pride; proper treatment of women as they assembled, proper use of spiritual gifts, false religion, etc..


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives?

What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city?

We are to live holy lives separated from this evil world, since we have nothing in common with unbelievers and at the same time we are the temples of the living God. Paul asks five pairs of questions stating that, there is nothing in common between righteousness and wickedness, no fellowship between light and darkness, no harmony between Christ and Satan, nothing in common between believer and unbeliever, and no agreement between the temple of God (our church) and idols. So we can understand that we are to be distinct and separate from the beliefs and practices of unbelievers. The temptations Paul warns the Corinthians against is sexual immorality. In 1 Cor 6:18-20, he actually warns them to flee sexual immorality, and adds: “Every sin that a man does is outside the body; but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body” (1 Cor 6:18). We know that sex outside marriage inevitably and irresistibly works havoc on the offender; so we harm ourselves physically and spiritually. Since we are the temple of our Lord we offend God by rebelling and following our own desires instead of the leading by the Holy Spirit.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives?

We are literally walking temples of the Holy Spirit. Whatever we allow in our lives and bodies, we expose to the Spirit.

What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city. Sexual and idolatry.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives?

The reasons that Paul gives us - both in his letter and by quoting OldTestament scriptures - that we should live holy lives are:

1. Our bodies are temples of God; we should therefore keep them pure.

2. God walks among us; thus if we are together with God, we should not take Him to evil places or do evil things.

3. We, ourselves, are holy; thus we cannot not be involved in evil doings.

4. We are God's own special children; we therefore should not be against our Father but live according to His wishes.

What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

In their notorius city, the Corinthians faced idolatry and sexual immorality temptations.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives? What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

Paul states:

*God lives with us and walks with us. He is our God and we are His people.

*We, as believers, are holy.

*We are sons and daughters of God.

*Our bodies are God's temple and His Spirit lives in us.

Paul taught that we are set apart and holy. We should not be yoked with unbelievers. We are righteous and live in the light. We have no communion with wickedness or in wicked practices. He is reminding that God's children have nothing to do with unclean practices, other false religions or philosophies.

The Corinthians faced false religious practices all around them. Worshiping idols, false Gods and immoral rituals of worship with temple prostitutes.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives? Since God, as the HolySpirit, is dwelling in us (at our invitation), we must try to live lives that are pleasing to Him. Lives that will honor Him so that others can see Christ in us.

What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city. They were exposed to many idols. These idols encouraged sexual misconduct, with their prostitutes easily available at their temples.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives? What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city. We are Holy because GOD is HOLY and lives within us,when we have GODS Light in us then we cant walk in darkness...Pagan worship was part of everyday life,even though we live in this world we dont have to partake in its activities...Corinthians had to be mindful that visiting a relatives house food served might have been offered to the devil.demons...GOD BLESS


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives?

We are called to be God's people,showing by our lives His grace,one in heart and one in spirit,sign of hope for all the race.Let us show how He has changed us,

and remade us as His own,let us share our life together

What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

sexual immorality , worship of idols


We need to live holy lives because if we are Christians, the H. S. lives in us--we are holy & set apart to God. All that we are & do should be done with that in mind. He has redeemed us!

Idolatry, sexual perversions--not unlike what is going on today--and much more accepted today.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives?

To live a holy life is consistent with our faith and honors and glorifies Christ.( v14) We have nothing in common with the devil or unbelievers. (v15) We are the temple of the Holy Spirit, where God dwells. We are His people. (v16) We are to be separated from those who practice evil, and to abstain from evil, unholy practices. Darkness and light cannot coexist. We are the light of the world (v17) We are the Lord's sons and daughters called to holiness as He is Holy.(v18)

What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

Idolatry, prostitution, temple prostitution, incest, perversions of all kinds, Gluttony, false religions. Pretty much what we are exposed to today. The producer of the t.v. show Glee is rejoicing that he has been victorious in receiving approval to show a homosexual sexual act on prime time t.v. this November....now perversion can come right into our homes via media.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives? What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

God walks among believers and we are His people. He who is 100% Holy walks among us. That ought to make us think. Thank you God that you walk among us because no one else does. Thank you for never leaving us, never forsaking us in this dark place.

We are holy ourselves. How am I holy? I have the Holy Spirit residing in me and Christ paid that prices of prices for me. Thank you Lord, when no one else cares you are there and I want my walk with you to be holy.

Believers are God's own special children. I, me, I who am an outsider here am one of your own special children.

The Corinthians were attached to idols and sexual sins. How opposite of God. Our adversary much have thrown all at them to get them to return to their sty of sin and darkness the same as he throws all at us. Thank you Lord that you are my strength, my salvation which I can never loose. " How marvelous, How wonderful is my Saviors love for me."

God Bless all!


Romans 15:13


Paul instructs believers in 2 ways about the call to live holy lives. I like the contrasts he first made, as he demonstrated how totally mismatched things can’t exist in partnership, harmony, unity, or agreement. He paired things that can’t “occupy the same space” at the same time: belief and unbelief, righteousness and lawlessness, light and darkness, Christ and false gods, God and idols.

I’m reminded of the horrendous bumper stickers I’ve seen often in the past few years that say “COEXIST” and “TOLERANCE”. The letters are spelled from such varying symbols as the Islamic star and crescent, a peace sign, the Jewish star of David, a Wiccan pentagram, a Buddhist karma wheel, the yin/yang symbol of Taoism, and the Christian cross. The longing for peace cannot excuse this perverse notion that Christianity can just be blended into some kind of nutritious homogenous spiritual “soup” along with every other concept of religion. The cross of Christ and His gospel of peace are diametrically opposite of all these other “religious” beliefs. We are to attempt to live in peace with others to the best of our ability (Rom.12:18), BUT we are never to compromise the truth of the gospel in partnership, harmony, unity, or agreement with anything that contradicts, misrepresents, or alters the living Word of God.

Secondly, Paul quotes what God said through O.T. prophets about consecration and holiness. If God called them to live pure lives because His presence dwelt AMONG them, how much more important would that call be to N.T. believers since His presence dwells WITHIN us! Through Christ, He has become Father to all those He adopts as sons and daughters when they are redeemed. And children always reflect the character of their parents. We are called to reflect the holy character of our Abba.

Corinth was a wicked place filled with many temples to many false gods. These gods were tied into every aspect of their culture, commerce, government, and military. A large component of worship in those temples and attempts to please those gods involved depraved and licentious sexual perversions. So as living temples of Yahweh, Christians would have to be deliberate in rejecting the corruption all around them, and they often suffered profound social and economic consequences for that. I believe this is a lesson and warning for us today.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives?

We should not yoked ourselves to unbelievers. We are the temple of God for the Holy Spirit leaves in each one of us. "Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him" (Col. 3:12-17).

What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

Idolarity and sexual immorality were among those given in the text. And it is much more these days.





Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives?

The Scriptures are the Old Testament, they are the very words of the one true God who sits upon the throne, the God of Israel whom Christ reconciled us to, the God whom Paul Feared, the God whom Paul prayed to three times a day, spending many hours in studying the scriptures.

Paul was a man who feared God, and it is for this reason that Paul quoted the scriptures, the pleading words of God "If you walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments to do them, then I will give you rain in due season, but if you will not hearken unto my word, or if your soul will hate my commandments to not obey them, you will be breaking my covenant and you will be consummated by your enemies, (Satan is our enemy and he is out to consume us and to set us astray) therefore if we allow the enemy to consume us, God will set his face against us.

Jesus forewarned us “Fear him, which hath power to kill and cast into hell; yes Fear him". - - Christ came to speak and do the will of the Father; Paul understood the importance of this, and was pleading the word of God to the Corinthians, that they too would Fear God.

As I reflect on the last prayer of the Son to his Father, that we who believe would be one as the Father and the Son are one. We are called to do the will of the Father, and the Father’s will is that our souls hunger and thirst after that of righteousness.

What kinds of temptations did the Corinthian face in their notorious city?

The temptations they faced are the same ones we face today, the pleasures of carnality, ears that that delight in hearing what false prophets speak, words that tickle the ears, allowing them to feel comfortable in themselves, God has much more for us, he wants us to have ears to hear what the prophets who bring “truth” to the soul, words that convict, pleaded words of God, calling his people to that of “love” and obedience.

The calling of the Cross is the same as in the Old Testament, we must not receive God’s grace in vain; we must have ears to hear the call on our hearts, God’s calling for us is that of holiness. :)


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives? What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

We should live holy lives because we are the temple of the living God. If we are holy God will receive us and he will be a father to us.

The Corinthians faced the temptations of sexual immorality and idolatry.


What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives? What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

1) We should live holy lives because we are temple of God.

2) The kinds of temptations the Corinthians faced were sexual immorality and idol worship.


The reasons that Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures –that we should live holy lives is because we are a temple of God. We are to maintain this temple by keeping it holy. The temptations that the Corinthians faced in their notorious city were that of sexual sin and idolatry.


Christ has called us to be of the holly spirit and not of the world. As a follower of Christ we are not able to following the world the two are separate. We can not given in to the sinful nature of the world.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives? What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

We should live holy lives because God is holy and we should be holy. In addition, we are the temples of God and therefore cannot afford to be dirty.

The Corinthians face two major temptations namely: idolatary and sexual immorality. These two vices were vary common among pagans in Corinth in those days and christians were at a agreat risk to also join in such pracrtices.


We should live holy lives because we have been set aside by God as a holy people. We are the temple of God; He lives in us and we shouldn't subject God within us to unholiness. We are holy ourselves and we are God's own special children. The Corinthian Christians faced sexual temptations and idolatry sin in their city.


Referring to our bodies as the temple of God allows us to reflect on how truly important it is to treat ourselves with care, dignity and respect. The passages from the Old Testament reveal to us that the same sin that plagued those generations (idolatry, sexual sin), plagued the early church, as they plague us in our present time. The good news is that our God doesn't change; His promises stand true for all time.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives? What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives?

Firstly, it is a Command. Secondly, this deal with relationship and lastly is we are different and set aside to be holy.

What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city.

The kinds of temptations the Corinthians faced were sexual immorality and idol worship . These are deem as spiritual adultery.

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