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Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage? Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears? How did Paul deal with his fears?

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage?


Fear can be healthy, it can facilitate someone to exercise caution, it's a part of our daily lives regardless of people are not willing to admit it. As stated it is a reaction to danger that is hard-wired into our human bodies to pour adrenaline into our bloodstream to prepare us to defend ourselves. But fear can also continue on, eating into our confidence, if we let it. Praise God, through faith we face our fears, take courage, and don’t allow our fears to control us.

Faith = belief, confidence, it is not blind even thought the Scriptures declare "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." There is an anchor to our belief!

It has been said from the biblical days up to our day that Joshua, David and others were courage, I'd like to use quotes concerning courage:

"Courage can't see around corners, but goes around them anyway." Mignon McLaughlin

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." Ambrose Redmoon

"Every day you either see a scar or courage. Where you dwell will define your struggle." Dodinsky

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." Winston Churchill

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. Mary Anne Radmacher

Lastly I believe that an individual can experience all three at the same time.

Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears?

Having fears is healthy, it's a part of normal living, however living in fear is unhealthy in the healthy, it can paralyze your living. Pretending that we don't have any fears can cause us: to live a lie; to continuously live making advised decisions; to miss opportunities to walk by faith; to be bound, etc... We need to face our fears, so that we may have an opportunity to overcome them, the deal with them. That's easier said than done, however running away from our fears or avoiding them don't make them go away, that just makes them bigger than ever.

How did Paul deal with his fears?

He rested in the Lord, he turned them over to the Lord. By, in and through faith he faced his fears, took courage, and didn't allow his fears to control him.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage? Fear is hardwired into the human make-up for real and present threats, expect it.

Faith is moving forward in spite of the unknown trust God is who He says He is. Courage is facing and acknowledging fear but proceding in faith.

Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears? That which is denied is worse than that which is ignored. Acknowledging the fear activates the faith.

How did Paul deal with his fears? He focused on the love in that he said he would live or die with them. There was no room for fear, only love.


Thanks Pastor Ralph, this was a lesson in time.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5)

What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage?

Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears?

How did Paul deal with his fears?

Fear of the Lord is wisdom; faith is complete trust in the Lord and His promises; courage is not being afraid knowing that our Lord is in control and He will always do what is best for us. It is better to be honest about our physical fears since our bodies have a built in defence mechanism if any of our fears should be realised. So acknowledging them allows us to cope better with them. All our other fears are controlled by our faith, which does not let these fears control us. As far as Paul is concerned I think he dealt with his fears by both faith and courage. He had a personal relationship with Jesus and knew his life was planned and he thus had all the faith and courage needed and had nothing to fear.

I’m not alone for my Father is with me,

With me wherever I go.

Speaking words of faith, of courage and of love,

He’s with me, He loves me, wherever I go.

Faint not, nor fear, His arms are near,

He changeth not, and thou art dear;

Only believe, and thou shalt see

That Christ is all in all to thee.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5)

What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage?

Fear is a state where you become afraid to do something; but with faith which is a state of believing, you do not allow that fear to restrict you in doing what you intended to do but you get courage, being a state of not being afraid, to do it.

Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears?

Being honest about our fears is better than prestending we dont have any fears because it is only in the understanding of being afraid that you can be able to prepare yourself to find a solution; how to defend yourself.

How did Paul deal with his fears?

Paul dealt with his fears by facing them, taking courage and not allowing the fears to control him.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage? Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears? How did Paul deal with his fears?

Fear is good to have. We become "on guard" and can react positively to that. But, if we have fear without faith, then fear becomes anxiety and can rule us negatively. With faith, we can know that no matter the situation, God is in control. We are quieted and then proceed with caution, holding on to God in the situation. The key is we move forward. We can't see what's ahead, but we know we can go there. We don't remain frozen in fear. Courage IS the moving forward. Everyone needs to take the steps to go forward in the face of fear, depending on your faith.

Being honest about our fears helps us to acknowledge them and then examine them from a faith point of view. We can then draw on truths to see them for what they really are. This gives the courage to go forward.

Yes, Paul had fears and dealt with them in Faith.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage?

They are all God-given. Fear, is an emotion meant to keep us safe from harm...to flee danger such as an oncoming car, or a snarling animal. And yet God's Word tells us it is also a spirit which if succumbed to, can keep us in bondage to it. (We have not been given a SPIRIT of fear, but of love, and of power and a sound mind. 2 Tim 1:7

Faith is a gift, of which every man/woman is given a measure. Like the spirit of fear, we are given the choice of what we do with it.

Courage is also a gift which is controlled by our will. We can be besieged by the spirit of fear sent (from the devil) to disable and paralyze us, and yet in faith, can choose to be courageous...to do the thing or say the thing while still afraid if need be.

Yielding to the Holy Spirit is how we are to exercise His power in all three mentioned above.

Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears?

Fears, like sins, when not acknowledged, have power to control us. Exposing either to the Light, diminishes their power. Last Monday as I was getting ready to go to bed I suddenly started shaking violently, teeth chattering, chilling. I took my temperature and became frightened when I saw 104 degrees, and recalled hearing that 101 is a very high temperature for an adult....so what on earth happens with 104? I took Tylenol and got a cold cloth for my head, turned on the light and and prayed. "Lord, I don't know what is wrong in my body, but I'm frightened! I felt led to turn on the t.v., and a Christian program was just signing off, and said "We leave you with this scripture: "Do not be afraid, for I AM WITH YOU. I will uphold you with my right hand" (Is 41:10) Immediately the fear left and I was peaceful, being aware now that the Lord was right here (I forget that when I'm afraid and feel all alone, without resources or anyone to take care of me....old childhood feelings and experiences from before I knew Him). Acknowledging my fear to Him, brought His Word and His presence immediately to my rescue. .....the fever subsided over night and I recovered from a stomach flu in just a few days. I realized that I must have had a low grade fever for some months from an ear issue, and only recognized that when the fever was gone, so was the ear issue, and the almost debilitating fatigue of past months, was also gone! So the Lord allowed the high fever to burn out that undetected infection and to heal my body!

How did Paul deal with his fears?

Paul exposed them to the light...he admitted them to his listeners and readers, "BUT GOD, Who comforts and encourages and refreshes and cheers the depressed, and the sinking, comforted and encouraged and refreshed and cheered us, by the arrival of Titus". Paul demonstrated in his own life that he had fears, but taught that God is the source of diminishing them, and Who also adds comfort and sends us the help we need!

How would we KNOW that He is the Comforter, if we never acknowledge that we are afraid, or need comfort? How would we know that He is the Deliverer, if we're never in danger or peril or bondage? How would we know that He is our Healer, if we're never sick in body or soul? I thank God that His Word teaches us that we don't gain victory by sucking it up and trying to deal with life in our own strength, but rather to surrender our fears, weaknesses, illnesses, etc. to His superior strength to bring victory in our lives, and then He is glorified through us.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5)

What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage? Fear is a normal human emotion we experience when faced with things we can't control that can hurt us. Faith is the firm belief that we have a mighty God who is with us during these fearful times. Courage is when we confront our fears, accept our weakness and let God guide and comfort us whether we are in physical pain or mental anguish.

Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears? If we pretend, we can't see things clearly. Pretending no fear hides our fears from ourselves, therefore denying us comfort from our God. God knows our needs and how to calm our fears but we need to tell him about our problems, be honest.

How did Paul deal with his fears? He prayed and he confronted his fears and let God speak thru him.


Fear is a natural reaction to something that may hurt us. Faith is trust in God. Courage comes when we trust God for the outcome & go forward--not be paralyzed by fear. Denying fear is foolish, and not being honest. It actually is prideful.

Admit your fears to God, trust in Him & He will give you the courage and the words you need at the exact time of need.

Paul admitted his fears & asked God for the courage needed to face them.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage? Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears? How did Paul deal with his fears?

Fist let me say that I can't add much to the answers already given. Thank you all for you help me when there is no time to think in silence.

Fear is what we feel when there is danger or maybe the unknown. It can strike suddenly and without warning.

Faith is believing God, that He is who He says He is and will keep His promises.

Courage is going on in spite of the fears because we have confidence in and from God.

When we voice our fears we are honest with other believers who have many times like feelings. I love Paul's honesty. And sometimes, somehow when we voice our fears they aren't so fearful anymore.

Paul faced his fears head on because He was focused wholly on His God.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Fear is being afraid, and faith give is the unawardness that

we have to go through,and courage come in and we have the

strengthen to go forward.

Because we all are going to go through. The faith that we

have not to let it take control of our faith.Paul don't allow

fear to continue on.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage? Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears? How did Paul deal with his fears?Fear is from the flesh,Faith is from the Spirit,courage comes from a belief that one shall over come the obstacle....It is said that 50%of the battle in defeating a problem is ADMITTING that you have a problem,being dishonest/hiding behind fear only keeps you locked in the battle with no sight of victory...By admitting he had them & welcoming others into the problem to UPLIFT the situation...GOD BLESS


Fear is essentially forgetting God and focusing on self in times of duress. This powerful emotion is a place where satan can exert much influence as he lures our attention to real and/or perceived circumstances that are frightening or unknown and draws our focus inward to dwell on the inadequacies of self.

Faith is choosing to focus on God – who He is, His faithfulness in the past, all that He has promised for the present and the future. It is deliberate rejection of reliance on self – what I can see, sense, understand, or imagine - and intentional trust in God.

Courage is deciding to act on what is right in spite of any fear that would say hold back. It’s saying, “God, I trust You in this even though I am afraid.” This comes from having confidence in God.

If we aren’t honest about our fears (that are a very natural part of the human existence) then we’ll never face them, never own them so that they can be dealt with. In suppressing that, any efforts to overcome them will be thwarted as they constantly simmer beneath the surface to stir up confusion and unrest. We will be ruled by one or the other because they cannot share the same space at the same time. In my life, the Lord has clearly taught me that the ONLY remedy for fear is active, deliberate, cultivated faith. He taught me to pray for discernment, then respond immediately when I recognize fear is in charge by confessing it and rightly speaking out loud to it with the Word, with thankfulness for who God is and all He’s promised, with God’s qualities and characteristics, with praise-filled songs. I might have to do it again 5 minutes later, but God is faithful to Philippians 4:7 when I make Him my focus rather than my fearful circumstances! Two of the most encouraging words in the Bible for Christian living are "But God" (2Cor. 7:6)!! I think this is exactly what Paul did. And then, as others see how we handle our fears, we have a powerful personal testimony of encouragement to share that honors God.






Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage? Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears? How did Paul deal with his fears?

Fear looks at the circumstances and is the opposite to faith which looks to God and trusts him for the outcome. The devil uses fear as a weapon against us to rob our faith and peace. Courage is refusal to give in to fear and to trust God in despite of fear.

We need to be honest about these things or the devil can use them to trap us. Paul took comfort in God who sent Titus to comfort him and tell him of the Corinthians desire, mourning and mind toward Paul.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage?

FEAR - There are many things I am fearful of, I am fearful of the path America is going down, I am fearful of the many decisions that are being made, I could go on and on with the FEARS that grip my heart - HOWEVER, it is because I believe in the Messiah, that I have a distinctly different value system, the distinction is that of "FAITH" - the distinction is BIG, the distinction is clear, it is because my confidence is in the Lord, that I am able to remain steadfast, strong in "COURAGE", excepting whatever may come my way, for my life now reveals the distinction between FEAR, FAITH, and COURAGE, is that of "PEACE" as I courageously walk the walk of FAITH, leaving behind the FEARS that grip my heart.

Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears, and how did Paul deal with his fears?

I don't know how anyone could not be honest about the many fears that lie ahead of us, Paul set an example, he courageously faced his fears in all of its reality, as did Moses, by steadfastly walking in "FAITH". :mellow:


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage?


Fear can be healthy, it can facilitate someone to exercise caution, it's a part of our daily lives regardless of people are not willing to admit it. As stated it is a reaction to danger that is hard-wired into our human bodies to pour adrenaline into our bloodstream to prepare us to defend ourselves. But fear can also continue on, eating into our confidence, if we let it. Praise God, through faith we face our fears, take courage, and don’t allow our fears to control us.

Faith = belief, confidence, it is not blind even thought the Scriptures declare "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." There is an anchor to our belief!

It has been said from the biblical days up to our day that Joshua, David and others were courage, I'd like to use quotes concerning courage:

"Courage can't see around corners, but goes around them anyway." Mignon McLaughlin

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." Ambrose Redmoon

"Every day you either see a scar or courage. Where you dwell will define your struggle." Dodinsky

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." Winston Churchill

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. Mary Anne Radmacher

Lastly I believe that an individual can experience all three at the same time.

Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears?

Having fears is healthy, it's a part of normal living, however living in fear is unhealthy in the healthy, it can paralyze your living. Pretending that we don't have any fears can cause us: to live a lie; to continuously live making advised decisions; to miss opportunities to walk by faith; to be bound, etc... We need to face our fears, so that we may have an opportunity to overcome them, the deal with them. That's easier said than done, however running away from our fears or avoiding them don't make them go away, that just makes them bigger than ever.

How did Paul deal with his fears?

He rested in the Lord, he turned them over to the Lord. By, in and through faith he faced his fears, took courage, and didn't allow his fears to control him.

I found it very enjoyable reading your post, and thank you for posting the quotes of others, for there is much wisdom in them, I liked the quote of Winston Churchill, as I did yours. :)


What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage? Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears? How did Paul deal with his fears?

1) Distinctions between fear, faith, and courage is fear is what we feel when there is danger, faith is belief in God that will help us to face our fear and courage is when we move in spite of our fear.

2) Being honest about our fears is better than pretending we don't have any fears because if we deny our fears it will eat into our confidence. We will never face them, which means we won't utilize our faith and courage to continue to the end.

3) Paul dealt with his fears by facing them and not allowing them to control him.


The distinction between fear, faith, and courage is that we are all hard wired for fear. This will keep us safe. But if we let faith take over then fear will be run out. Courage is doing the things that need to be done even though the consequences may be bad. Being honest about our fears is better than pretending we don’t have any because it will encourage others to let go of their fears. Paul dealt with his fears by turning them over to God.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage? Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears? How did Paul deal with his fears?

Fear is a reaction to a threat, danger, failure etc that may affect us. Some of the cause of fear are real but a lot are imaginary which end up just our making in our minds.

Faith, the opposite of fear is the confidence we have ingod that He willl deliver us from the thing that causes us fear. It is such faith that develops courage that developes courage in us.

It is good we acknowledge our fears. But it is even more important that we trust in God's ability to deliver us from the thing we fear.

Paul dealt with his fear by trusting God to deliver him from whatever sitaution.


Fear is a reaction to danger that is hardwired into us that prepares us to defend ourselves or protect ourselves from a situation.

Faith is leaning on God to take care of the danger and to direct our path instead of leaning on ourselves to take care of it.

Courage is the ability to do something that frightens you and strength in the midst of pain or grief.

If we are honest about our fears we have the ability to begin to do the work to tackle them. Paul dealt with his fears by praising God and trusting Him to deliver him from them. And Paul had a long list of history of God doing just that.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage? Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears? How did Paul deal with his fears?

What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage?

Fear is a reaction to threat, doubt and danger.

Faith is a confidence of having in what God has promised.

Courage is the Boldness to take challenges.

Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears?

Fear is a natural instinct that is a healthy response. To ignore fears sometimes may lead us to unwise move or step. To acknowledge fears show that we are honest to ourselves.

How did Paul deal with his fears?

He always relied on God Whom he trusted.

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage?

Faith enables the Believer to have the courage to face fear.

Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears?

Being honest about our fears will enable us to face our fears and deal with it.

How did Paul deal with his fears?

Paul dealt with his fears by not allowing it to cripple him.

  • 7 months later...

4a)Fear is the opposite of faith,perfect love drives out fear.It is also a reaction to dangererous situation,&is healthy, prompts adrenaline to flow,helping us to defend ourselves.If it is prolonged it drains our confidence.Faith is belief, confidence in the things hoped for,the evidenc of things unseen. Courage is facing our fears,gives us an opportunity to address them, stepping forward in faith, whatever the situation, trusting God to lead, guide, protect and enable us with HS at work in us, to overcome fears we may experience, and not allow fears to control us.

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