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Jesus walking in the midst of the seven lampstands represents how Jesus is always with his believers. Jesus walks, talks and lives within the sons of God - Christians (John 1:12). The Father and the Son are one, and when a person recognizes Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, they too become one with the Father and the Son. The exalted Jesus represents his power over dealth and how he shares his exalted power with his church (believers). With Christians (the church) being the body of Christ, God's grace is present and alive daily in the world. Jesus is alive, the church is alive, and Christians are alive - all thru the mightly resurrected power of God. Jesus will never leave nor forsake his believers. Glory and thanks be unto God!


Verse 1:18 states: "and the living one. I was dead, and see, I am alive forever and ever; and I have the keys of Death and of Hades"NRSV

What does it mean when I (Jesus) states that he was dead? If Jesus is God, how could he have died? Was this a spirital death? Was this only a physical death of the body? Was it both a death of physical and spiritual?

What do you think?


About Jesus being dead I asked someone about it because He told Mary not to touch Him because He had not yet ascended but He told the thief on the cross today you will be with me in paradise. He said tht Jesus spirit went immediately to be with the Father and he suffered physical death. If anyone has anymore thoughts on this I would be interested.

I love seeing Jesus walking among the lampstands. It tells me that He is in the church. He is here He is here He is moving among us He is here He is here as we gather in His name. Doesn't that just make you want to gather in His name. We are gathering in HIs name now. God Bless each and everyone reading this lesson. One day we will be gathered before Him. I wonder what that will be like, to be in the presence of God in person. See you there!

God Bless


Verse 1:18 states: "and the living one. I was dead, and see, I am alive forever and ever; and I have the keys of Death and of Hades"NRSV

What does it mean when I (Jesus) states that he was dead? If Jesus is God, how could he have died? Was this a spirital death? Was this only a physical death of the body? Was it both a death of physical and spiritual?

What do you think?

The answer to your question- Jesus- divine and human

14Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death--that is, the devil-- 15and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. 16For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham's descendants. 17For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement forF the sins of the people. 18Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:

6Who, being in very natureA God,

did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

7but made himself nothing,

taking the very natureB of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

8And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself

and became obedient to death--

even death on a cross!

9Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

and gave him the name that is above every name,

10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.

;) The significance of Jesus walking among the lampstands means He is communicating with the people. This shows He is among us even now interceding as needed. He brings reassurance that through the trials that must be faced He is with us. He brings His presence among us rather than sitting off somewhere on His throne waiting for judgement day.
:unsure: Jesus walking among the lampstands is a powerful statement to the church(es) of today. Even as I meditate on His presence in the church, I'm reminded of the passage in Ezekial where the Lord warned the shepherds who were feeding themselves and leaving the flock to fend for themselves. There is always the danger that Jesus will withdraw His presence from the disobedient church.

A lampstand is just a stand for the lamp. Jesus walking in the midst of the lampstands suggests of Him as being the lamp. Jesus is the lamp (Ps 132:17) as He is the Light of this world (Luk 1:79; 2:32; Jn 1:4,7-9; 9:5) and His words is the lamp unto our feet (Ps 119:105), therefor He is the lamp on the seven lampstands which guide the seven churches.


Jesus is in the Church. Seven Churches symbolic of the entire Church in her wholeness, and glory, who lights us a dark world, sustained and strengthened by His presence. There are angels assigned to watch over each church. There is protection, complete protection.

Jesus is present among believers and He sees all things - the motives, the secret sins, the spiritual slackness. I see it as His care and concern for His sheep, a desire for them to walk right, to be safe, and not to wander off into danger. The warnings are for the sheep 'who hear My voice'. But whether the hearts with be obedient or not is up to the sheep.


Jesus is the light of our church. We walk with the light when we walk with Him. He is our guiding force in the church walking among the people. He is the eternal lamp, just like the menorah of the synagogue, the eternal light, never extinguished.

As long as we walk in Jesus light, as He walks among us, we will know what truth is, but walking in the darkness we will always stumble and lose our way.




I love the picture of Christ walking among the lampstands. It says to me that Christ while glorified and all powerful, he is still with us, in the midst of us. He is interested and watching his church, his lampstands to guard and protect her. Christ is at the centre of the church - the centre of all we do. This should cause us great joy and also cause us to watch carefully that we, as the church, remain true to Jesus.


The Lampstands refer to the seven churches. Therefore, showing Jesus among the lampstands tells us that He is with the churches today, walking with His people and guiding us--if we will but listen! The church is where we can find Jesus in all His exalted Majesty! It teaches us that He wants us to know Him fully--and He is ready and willing. The problem is that we are often too anxious to go our own way without checking with Him! No wonder we get in such messes!

:D Jesus is the Light of the World. Therefore the Lampstands refer Jesus is with us (with the churches of today). He will guide us through the tribulation. However we need to follow Him closely otherwise we will be like some of the 7 churches such as losing the first love, lukewarm with God etc.

This affirms Eph. 5:23 and other passages as well, that describe Jesus as 'head of the church'.

The church must seek Jesus and let Him lead the church (not doctrine, nor people, nor money, nor programs, etc.).

When the church puts Jesus first and seeks Him earnestly and diligently and is obedient to His Word, only then will the church have success.


If the lampstands are the churches, their light only shines in their surrounding area but with Jesus is the greater light, shining everywhere and the lampstands gather their light from Christ. The church has no light without Christ. Jesus has power whether we grant it or not. By His grace he gives us a choice to walk with Him or not but He still has the power.


The significance of the exhalted Jesus walking amongst the lampstands is to show us that He is the centre, the heart of the Church, in fact He is the Church. We must always keep in mind that although we as humans are part of the Church we are there to serve, praise & glorify His name. Jesus is our Lord, Master, King & head of the body of the Church. He is the High Priest & Judge.

In Christ.



'What is the significance of the exalted Jesus walking among the lampstands? (1:12-20) What does this teach us about the church? What does it teach us about Jesus? '

The significance of Jesus walking among the lamp-stands, shows that He is ever watchful of His Bride...That His presence is 'ever there' among His people, and His Church, (which in reality, is the Bride, made up of you and I, not a building)

This teaches us that 'The Church'..the Body of Christ, belongs to Him, and that He is ever-faithful to protect and watch-out for her.

(praising God); " the lampstands gather their light from Christ. The church has no light without Christ. Jesus"

I don't believe I've ever heard it put any better than that,

praising God..! :lol: That was a great word!

love you all....jaunita


a. The significance of Jesus walking among the lampstands is that Jesus is walking among the church.

b. The church is one body.

c. Jesus has no difference among different people, nationalities or race, but that we are all one in Him.




The seven lampstands are the sever church that are referred to are equal to all the church of today as we all fit into one of them. Jesus is walking among the lanpstands show us he is always with us. And will never leaves or forsakes us.

Jesus is walking among the church and each church is different. We all still depend on him for all things he is the head of the church without Jesus their would be know churches.

This teaches us that he Body of Christ, belongs to Him, and that Jesus is ever-faithful to protect and watch-out for her. We have nothing to fear Jesus is with us always. There is no light with Jesus.


I think with him walking among the lampstands that it shows that he is always with us.

It shows us that he is our light, and willl be our guide to show us the way to him.

It teaches us that we are his church. And without Jesus there would be no light.

A lampstand is just a stand for the lamp. Jesus walking in the midst of the lampstands suggests of Him as being the lamp. Jesus is the lamp (Ps 132:17) as He is the Light of this world (Luk 1:79; 2:32; Jn 1:4,7-9; 9:5) and His words is the lamp unto our feet (Ps 119:105), therefor He is the lamp on the seven lampstands which guide the seven churches.[/QUOT

Thank you Ronald. This explaination is excellent in my humble opinion. Jesus Christ is the light of the World. His walking among the lampstands is another assurance that His Presence is among us. I can feel His Presence when I read 'posts' like yours.

Love ...Bro. Al


The exalted Jesus walking among the lampstands let me know He is in charge, in control, he is the head, he is the leader and we belong to God through him. This teach us that the church is accountable to God. Jesus walks with reassuring love and fearsome power. The church should remember Jesus concern for purity and his intolerance of sin. He is a holy God and we should be holy

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