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Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance?

I can't answer that, I've never experienced a congregation taking on other motivations for its religious observance. What I can say however is that I know of some people that were a part of a congregation that worshiped Christ, and because they felt that the bishop was an ineffective as a teacher and preacher; they left this congregation and joined another congregation that worship God but not Christ Lord. Although they are not Jews they adhere to the majority or perhaps even the same ordinances as a Jew. The leader of this congregation I am told is an excellent teacher. Rumor says that those who left and are under his tutelage say that they are now being feed. What a cost!!!! to eat something that's not good for you. It is also being said that the earnestly attempt to recruit from the congregation they left.

I don't know what it feels like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ and instead take on other motives for its religious observance. What I know unfortunately that those who take on other motivations for sacred / spiritual / dutiful adherence they are no longer aligned with the Spirit. When they follow their own spirit and do not repent they are influenced by another spirit and under another gospel they become corrupt. Adherence to another gospel leaves them uncovered and also no longer espoused / betrothed to Him who is the Redeemer. As they are inclined to the deception they farther distance themselves from the only way to the Father.

False apostles preach false doctrine remaining under this influence can lead to a reprobate mind. The Jesus that Paul preached is the only Jesus that is able to save. The Spirit which he preached is the only spirit that is able to sanctify in a manner pleasing to the Father.

In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)?

Those who follow the false apostles (chiefest / super apostles) followed with another spirit as they preached another gospel. Unlike the church at Ephesus these did not try these apostles determining that they were not apostles, that they were liars. Just as the church at Ephesus made a choice to leave its first love so had these Corinthians as they chose to adhere to another spirit, another gospel. Thou hast left thy first love. Neither maintained the passion and devotion of the love required. Verses 2 & 3 tells us that the church at Ephesus did things that were pleasing to God nonetheless they are charged with a sin. The sin Christ charged this church with, is, not the having left and forsaken the object of love, but having lost the fervent degree of it that at first appeared. Perhaps they were going through the motions, espoused but not engaged. The impression I get from 2nd Corinthians 11:1 - 5, is that these false apostles were attempting to convey something better than what Paul had, something more excellent. Inferring that those who inclined to follow them were seeking more, something better. They made a chose to seek another forsaking the devotions they had for Jesus.

How can this purity of devotion be restored?

Yes, by adhering to the same guidance Christ gave to the church at Ephesus, Repent! Return to Jesus, change the way of thinking and acting, and do what the things as they were done and why they were done before.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5)

What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance?

In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)?

How can this purity of devotion be restored?

If great care is not taken to preserve the pure gospel of Christ, confusion can take place. Very often the congregation is manipulated to meet the ego of a false teacher. Or there might even be subtle changes that occur, and the gospel of love and forgiveness is replaced by the gospel of fear and suspicion. False doctrines can sound so spiritual that members can easily be led astray. False teachings might not even be that subtle, they might teach another Jesus - denying the virgin birth and even His resurrection. I would think that purity of devotion can only be restored if the true Word is taught and Jesus Christ is the centre of all, and there must be the renewed love for Jesus with heart, soul, and mind.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance?


In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? GULLIBLE TO PRETTY WORDS AND IGNORING THE WORD OF GOD.

How can this purity of devotion be restored? GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL TEACHINGS WITH GOD AS ITS LEADER.


I would suppose the church would have it's lights hidden from the community and instead, be like the unsaved. Darkness and unrest would permeate it.

Gullibility comes when there is a lack of maturity of believers. They were open to accepting a false gospel because they were not daily in the word and learning.

They had to go back to the basics and actually repent of their behavior.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?


1.What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance?

--Apostle Paul said,if anyone does not Love Jesus,Let them be ANATHEMA.

1 Corinthians 16:22- If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

Anathema means to be accursed.

2. In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)?

They Lose their First Love(who is Jesus Christ),when they try to start looking upon themselves,to work hard in order to maintain their salvation...Notice in Revelation 2;2-3..I know your works as well as your labor and...

Rev 2;2-3-I know your works as well as your labor and steadfast endurance, and that you cannot tolerateevil. You have even put to the test those who refer to themselves as apostles (but are not), and have discovered that they are false.2:3 I am also aware that you have persisted steadfastly,endured much for the sake of my name..

The focus of the people in Ephesus is themselves...and no more on the finish work of Jesus in the cross who is their First Love.

This can only be restored,by renewing of mind(Romans 12:2) and refocusing their mind and heart to Jesus Christ,the author and finisher of their Faith.

(Hebrews 12:2-Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.)


Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?

What does a church look like when it loses it's pure devotion to Christ? Fighting, pettiness, vindictive, envy, self righteousness, disunity, gossip, slander, legalism, apathy, no passion to see anything through, drop out rates, worldly standards, NO LOVE. Those are all there, because the truth of being disciples of Christ is either, not known or rejected and "church" is just about a social club or where "self" is exalted. Coldness creeps in and "people" start to reign. It becomes about "agendas" and different groups of people fighting for control to promote their own thoughts which are usually self serving. The whole purpose of the Christian life is lost and the purpose of the church has nothing to do with God. There is usually so much fighting and self absorption that there aren't even any true ministries because satan has everyone concentrating on the fighting and the destroying that goes on. Deception rules and satan laughs.

Ephesus too had become cold and the church at Ephesus had become more about false teachings, or about legalism in doctrines, theology and less about servanthood or esteeming others above self and it was more about "self" serving than about loving Jesus.

Purity of devotion comes from returning to Jesus, knowing Him and following Him. It's about keeping our eyes on Him, studying the Word, changing our own hearts, becoming true disciples and even though it hurts, asking God to reveal our true motives to us and it's remaining in Him daily to walk in a better way to overcome our "self". It's depending every minute on the Holy Spirit for the way we should walk and the way we should live and in renewing our minds with the Word that is wisdom and truth.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5)

What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? The congregation loses its center, its cornerstone; becomes more argumentative, less loving and forgiving. Satan creeps quietly in with his sneaky ways. The church has no enthusiasm.

In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? Our pastor taught on Rev:2 :1-7 Sunday, and he compared it to a couple freshly in love, eager to see and talk to each other, and then the enthusiasm drops off, the heart dosen't burn. This is what happened at Ephesus as the people listened to outsiders rather than praying to and loving God and Jesus as fervently as when they first got the message

How can this purity of devotion be restored? Yes. The leader needs to be awakened. This can only be brought about thru prayer and the faithful who still have the intense love for Christ, talking to the leader and praying for him. Then he, the leader (pastor) can again take his rightful place as a true minister and draw the people back to Christ. Much prayer for Gods intervention. A revival.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5)

What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance?

When a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance it feels bad; and it feels like a betrayal.

In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its "first love" (Revelation 2:4)?

In both cases the purity of the church is destroyed.

How can this purity of devotion be restored?

This purity of devotion can be restored by telling the people the truth about the "fake pastors"; "pretenders" who are leading people astray.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance?

Having just left a church like this, I can tell you. The change was so grudual and subtle that it was difficult to get a handle on what was wrong. More and more frequently the "message" was about money (the lack of it, due to premature expansion to a large expensive building) Jesus was left outside knocking as it became more of a secular business meeting...and then deception to cover irregularites, blaming, etc. We left and grieved the loss, disappointment and disillusionment!

In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)?

The people had abandoned and deserted Jesus. (Amplified) They gradually started "doing church" and went throught the motions in the flesh, like many churches today...relying on tradition and self while Jesus is no longer the Center and purpose for being there in the first place!

How can this purity of devotion be restored?

Jesus said in the Revelation passage: Remember from what heights you have fallen! REPENT (change the inner man to meet God's will) and do the works you did previously (when you first knew the Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit and in love for the Lord) or else I will visit you and remove your lampstand (Pastor) from its place, unless you change your mind and repent.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?

The congregation that does that heads for destruction and if not redeemed as Paul did for the Corithian Church, the Church will be destroyed and the members may mis salvation.

They started with/ in the love of the Lord and faith in Him but veered off the road to works and other godly activities that denied the power that is diivinely God's.

Restoration will only be possible through repentance and seeking the Lord and the truth which will set them free.


It feel like God spirit, his love , your confident that you have in him is gone. You have loss your protection, your shield.

It is like the church in Ephesus because they had loses sight of the serious of sin, lose the trill of forgiveness.

It can be restored by going back to your first love.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance?

I would have to say "the congregation that has lost its pure devotion to the Messiah would no longer feel the "Joy of serving the Lord in their lives."

We must be careful we do not replace our devotion to the Messiah, with that of legalism, the laws that various churches lay down for its congregation to follow, in order for them to be called a Christian.

True Joy is felt by each follower of Christ, who does not trample on the Cross with a kind of easy believe-ism, with promises of forgiveness for anything we might do, over and over again, with no regard to keeping God’s commandments, for they may have a form of Godliness, legalism, but deny its power - those devoted to Christ are called out to be radical for Him, it is because of God's grace that we are to put to practice God’s commandments, with the greatest commandment of all, that of "love".

In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its "first love" (Revelation 2:4)

Any church is in danger of losing their "first love" when they no longer are devoted to following Christ, when they no longer desire to keep his commandments, when there is no longer that desire to work out their own salvation by running the race to the end, when they no longer put on the armor of God, great danger is ahead when we forget what Christ taught us in (John 14:24) He that hath my commandments, and KEEPS them, HE IT IS THAT LOVES ME; and he that loves me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

How can this purity of devotion be restored?

In order for this purity of devotion to be restored, one must first acknowledge its lose, the Joy of serving Christ is not there, it has taken on a form of religiosity; what will bring restoration, is a repentant heart, a heart that longs for the zeal that it once had, that of being devoted to Christ, its “first love”. :)


Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?

It is artificial, doesn't last, boring, lukewarm, a new toy can easily replace it.

Jesus is our first love. I don't believe any of us "really" knew love before Jesus. This church has lost its love for Jesus and replaced it with perishable, artificial phonyness (did I spell that right?).

Repent, ask forgiveness and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul knew what was important and we need to also.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?

The congregation will probably lose a lot of it's love and freedom. It would feel a little lifeless and mechanical in it's worship and the people will lose their joy. I think this condition would be similar to the church in Ephesus. This purity of devotion can be restored by repenting and choosing to love God first and to love people.


I think the feeling of when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observances is one of being lost. It would be like losing somebody that you were attached to for all your spiritual advice. This is like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” because they are lost. One way that this purity of devotion can be restored is maybe by changing pastors or the elders of the church.


Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its "first love" (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?

We all need to keenly study the word of God in order for each of us to know how to obey and glorify HIM by lifting HIM up. If the congregation does not devote themselves to GOD, that means that congregation is not worshiping and giving glory to GOD the creator. We each soul have to accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and really repent in truth and not by only on our lips but in our heart.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?

What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance

Very disappointing, like Judas betraying the truth.

In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?

Repent and return to The Lord Jesus.


A church becomes spiritually dead when it loses its pure devotion to Jesus; it also becomes focused on what man can do to reach heaven, so it feels like no one can ever succeed. Laws become more important than Christ and people become unsure of their salvation because they are never sure that they have been good enough or obedient enough. The only way this purity of devotion can be restored is for the church to repent of its sin and turn completely back to Jesus and forsake its waywardness.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance?

When a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance it begins to lose love for God and the things of God.

In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)?

They have been led astray by the material things of the world. The have forsaken their first love.

How can this purity of devotion be restored?

This purity of devotion can be restored with a humble return to Christ and forsaking the pleasures of the world.

  • 7 months later...

2a)The light of Jesus love is not so evident.Darkness of selfish ways of pride, distorting the gospel, deceiving people, is allowed to flourish,as people put themselves, or observing practices before following Jesus,his leading &direction first.

B)It lost its focus on Jesus,open to deceiver coming in form of super apostles/false tho eloquent speakers

C)repent, challenge false teachers,back to basics &submit to lords leading at all times.

  • 1 year later...

Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?          


It feels empty and secular.  When a church loses Jesus Christ as its driving force and focus, the Church takes on the feeling of a dysfunctional secular family.  It is not a church a true follower of Christ wants to remain a part of.  There is nothing divine going on.  It might as well be the Elks Club.


Corinth lost its love for Christ and each other.  During the time of this letter, the church in Corinth was got up in who's the best apostle, teacher, preacher -- the cult of the celebrity and the rock star.  Look at me I am the best  and do the most.  The focus was on speakers and teachers and not the Gospel of Jesus (first love).  Much of the church is like this today.


The purity of devotion to Jesus Christ can be restored through repentance, prayer, and determined/intentional recommitment to Jesus Christ.

  • 11 months later...

Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?


One feels terrible. Our church has seen people go to neighbouring churches. It is a gnawing feeling, a feeling that you did not minister to them probably, that one is incapable of imitating Christ.


Paul feels abandoned as does the writer of Revelation .


Just as Paul is trying. To show that what is is correct and in line with Jesus teaching,  that the people are loved and cared for and  to refute any false teaching.

There is a little difficulty here in Corinth because we, 2000 years later, have difficulty in knowing just what the other 'preachers' were preaching. Were they preaching a non Christian  heretic view of Christ. ( I gather this was the case for Paul seems to have little problem with Apollo) or  whether they were just a little different like Presbyterian 0r methodist.  

  • 8 months later...

Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? How can this purity of devotion be restored?

When a congregation loses it's pure devotion to Christ and takes on other motivations for it's religious observances, it can be disastrous for them.

Like the church at Ephesus that has lost it's first love, have gone back to the lewdness of the world. If the Corinthians do not change they will end up the same way because of the false teachers. They are to live a life of holiness and worthy of Christ.

The purity of this devotion can be accomplished  by sending the false teachers away and through prayer return to the Lord. They are to walk in love and follow the teachings Paul has taught them.   

  • 8 years later...

Pastor Ralph questions whether a congregation loses it's devotion to Christ, but not individuals. I don't know how to answer this. Obviously, individuals can lose their passion for the Lord, but can a church? Is the church's passion something different than the sum of individual passions?

If a church squelches the Spirit thus causing it's members to lose their singleminded devotion for the Lord, then perhaps the congregation loses it's devotion to Him. But would there be not a remnant, a core group left? Would everyone, in concert, turn away? I hope not.

I'm not being consistent, here. Though I think individuals lose their passion, not churches/groups, I also think that revivals/awakenings occur within groups (of individuals). Revival is the way a church regains it's passion for Jesus. Individuals can be revived, too, but revival is corporate.

A revival occurs when the Holy Spirit instigates both the urge for revival as well as directs the revival itself. It is hard to figure out the mind of the Spirit! For years, people have been praying for various revivals that never manifested (that we know of). I personally have been praying for France, specifically Paris, to experience a revival so huge that it rocks the EU ... sadly, this hasn't happened. So we can't force the Spirit by begging and cajoling Him to work. We can "pray into His will" which means that God has already decided to effectuate a revival in a particular place; our role is to march behind His parade, the one led by the Spirit.

And then there are times of revival when the Spirit seems to suddenly descend on a congregation or place ... to everyone's surprise. 

It seems that some sort of disaster prompts revival, at times, personal or corporate. War. Loss of a loved one. These horrible events in life cause people's eyes to refocus on the Lord. God uses if not directs these disasters in the lives of Christians. He wills, that is, our pain so we turn back to Him with purity of devotion. Revival is another way God causes us to turn back to Him. 

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