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Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? How does this account inspire you – or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle?

His continued diligence affirms that he believes he was sent by the Lord. The reception of the Gospel, that people were converting to Christianity was evidence the he was sent by the Lord. His being sustained, helped, delivered, receiving the protection that he did provides evidence that he was sent by the Lord. By Paul letting his light so shine before men, that they may see his good works which glorified the Father which is in heaven.

What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment?

The he had confidence in the Gospel, that he had confidence in his call, that he was committed to the call, that he was passionate to the call.

How does this account inspire you – or convict you?

It does both, it inspires me not necessarily to duplicate what was accomplished through Paul, but to have a like dedication and compassion as he did. The Bible does not capture Paul's day to day living however from what is recorded as he overcame day to day deterrence's he made himself available and because he was available the Lord used mightily. Many of us today would prefer the later to be used mightily, however we do not consecrate ourselves (make ourselves available) so that the Lord can do so. I am convicted, not that I desire to have like afflictions pressed upon me, but more so that it doesn't take a fraction of the persecution Paul faced before I succumb to Self, doing something my way, or trying to please myself. Instead of allowing Him to work through me when I am weak, often I use my on strength. I am so very thankful for the process of sanctification, and in it that He extends mercy. My prayer is that I continue to draw nearer to Him, and allow myself to be available. May I be content if He chooses me to be a tool as was Andrew or Barnabas, regardless of the charge my desire is to be a well done servant.

How will you be different from having pondered it?

I will be different if in my choosing I LOVE the Lord God first and others as I do myself. I will be different as I adhere to the Holy Spirit's guidance vise my own especially when it is influenced by another.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? UNLESS HE IS CERTAIN OF HIS CALL AND HIS CALLER, HE WOULD NOT PUT HIMSELF THROUGH SUCH PAIN.

What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? HE KNOWS WHAT AND HE KNOWS WHY; NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

How does this account inspire you – or convict you? KEEP MY EYES STAYED ON JESUS.

How will you be different from having pondered it? I SHALL STAY THE COURSE.


He suffered greatly for his faith.

Paul was committed to travel and preach the good news, knowing he was in mortal danger.

I am excited about being able to be used of God in a way that will bring Him glory. If it includes suffering, I wll not give up--my life is His!


Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? How does this account inspire you – or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?


1.How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle?What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment?

--Paul's suffering shows his Zeal for the Ministry,for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ...But it does not necessarily mean that you must first suffer before God can use you,as most religious people say..His suffering further shows his commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ,that despite inumerable brushes with death Paul remains steadfast and continue.

2. How does this account inspire you – or convict you?How will you be different from having pondered it?

---Paul's account of personal experience is very inspirational..However many preacher has been using his example to pervert the Gospel...That if you want to be a disciple of Christ,YOU MUST SUFFER FIRST...IF YOU ARE A DISCIPLE OR TRYING TO BE A DISCIPLE AND ARE COMFORTABLE IN LIFE,THEN THIS SAME PREACHER SAID THAT INDEED YOU ARE NOT A TRUE DISCIPLE..and he will quote verse in this suffering of Paul.,..


Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle?

A charlatan or counterfeit will not endure hardship and suffering....they will leave when personal pressure mounts, and take the money and run. Paul on the other hand poured out his life for Christ in his care and anxiety for all the churches.

What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment?

Paul was sold out for the Lord, on fire for Him with a devotion such as I long to have!

How does this account inspire you – or convict you?

Paul cared not for his life...in fact would rather die and go to be with the Lord than to stay on earth, yet he pressed on until he'd fulfilled his destiny. I'm so inspired by Paul's life and devotion. I was beaten and abused as a child and I shrink from "going back there". I've been through many hard places and fiery trials, but I still shrink from physical pain! I'd like to think/believe that when persecution comes I will behave as Paul behaved, with bravery and courage and complete devotion to my precious Lord who gave His all for me!

How will you be different from having pondered it?

I will pray for bravery and courage to face whatever befalls me!


Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28)

How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle?

What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment?

How does this account inspire you – or convict you?

How will you be different from having pondered it?

Jesus Christ met Paul and commandeered him to become an apostle of the very gospel he had sought to extinguish. But God had another surprise in store for Paul, the strict Jew. He was to go to the people he had been brought up to despise, the Gentiles, and declare to them the love of God in Christ. Paul’s sufferings proved his dedication and commitment. We read that the false teachers avoided any ill-treatment or unpleasantness. Paul, on the other hand, in discomfort and great danger, travelled widely to make Christ known. During these journeys he suffered greatly. As a true apostle he loved and cared for the Lord’s people. During his sufferings he relied on God; knowing that He is always faithful and that He will be by Paul’s side helping him get through any difficult times. Any trials and tribulations I’ve had to endure pale in comparison with what the great apostle had to go through. I thank our Heavenly Father for that. It does however make me think that there is a great deal more I could and should be doing for the Lord.


How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle?

A false apostle would not have to endure sufferings and hardships. In addition, Jesus also suffered and He predicted that those who are called by His name will be persecuted. As His disciples suffering will come because the enemy will be attacking us to get us to renounce the faith. Satan recognised Paul as threat, therefore his mandate was to eliminate him or try to win him back to his side where he persecuted and killed Christianity. as long as we are working for the Lord, persecution and suffering will come.

What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment?

These tell us that Paul was committed to his task. Just as he was committed to destroying the Christian church he was equally zealous to promoting it after his encounter with the risen Christ. After that nothing meant more to Paul than to share the gospel of Christ with all who would hear.

How does this account inspire you – or convict you?

I am inspired to press on for God. I am reminded that persecution will come but I am in good company. I am also convicted because there have been times when I have been ashamed to confess that I am a Christian because I feared the persecution it would bring.

How will you be different from having pondered it?

I will declare that I am a Christian and seek ways in which I may share the gospel with someone else without fear of the persecution I receive.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? How does this account inspire you – or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?

Paul authenticated his claim to be an apostle of the Lord by the hardship he went through without giving up.

Only one committed to God could have gone through all the trials he went through and yet did not yield to the temptation to draw back.

This should encourage us to be steadfast and remain commited to our calling and service despite the enormity of the challenges that we may go through.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? How does this account inspire you – or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?

Paul's sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle, because he is living his faithfulness to God. He is showing he doesn't just talk the talk, but that he BELIEVES and he walks the walk. Nothing has ever turned him aside from preaching the Gospel.

This tells us Paul's commitment was 100% to the Lord. Christ is his Lord. He went through many tough times and suffered much FOR the Lord and the Gospel. He was steadfast and long suffering. With any commitment, you vow to stay the coarse no matter what and if you have integrity in what you say, or you truly believe that what you live for is absolute truth to follow.....then you can't help but make a commitment to follow that with all your heart. So many today in many different areas big or small, in or out of the church, say a lot, but they really lack commitment. They just change up for the moment when things get hard or something easier or better comes along. Sadly, that includes living for Christ and remaining strong in faith.

Paul's accounts both inspire me and convict me. They inspire me to keep going, don't quit, remain strong, trust in God, BELIEVE God. They convict me because what I go through is small compared to Paul's sufferings and and I'm brought out of feeling sorry for myself and back into my purpose. They also grow me as I realize the faintness of heart I can have in areas of suffering or trial. I learn more and more to keep my eyes on Jesus and to grow in trust and ultimately I see HIS faithfulness to me and I grow in my relationship with HIM becoming stronger in my faith and why I believe and why I'm even here and WHO it's for!

I'm different already! This study came by the Holy Spirit at the exact right time to convict and encourage me through a very difficult time. I did want to quit.....but I'm still holding on to Him in faith. He'll see me through. Praise Him!


Paul went through a lot of testes but he don't give up and he walk an good faith

for God.Paul suffering tells us that he had made up his mind to work and to

service God with all that he had.

IT let me know that I have went through some or none of the thing that Paul

went through.

I will feel sorry for my self, and said that i have been through because I have not been

through nothing.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul's sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle?

Paul's endured sufferings is only what a "fool" for Christ would go through, and his authenticity is seen in the results after enduring such cruelty, he stood strong, displaying to others who boast in weakness, an authentic believer is one who is found still standing, their strength is found in Christ, strength enough to run the race to the end, authenticity for sure.

What do these sufferings tell us about Paul's commitment?

His commitment was authentic.

How does this account inspire you -- or convict you?

It definitely encourages me, I am a big baby when it comes to "pain" - "suffering", and however, seeing how Paul endured such great suffering, and was left standing strong, I know I can endure, stand strong also, why? Because I am an AUTHENTIC believer, I believe in the Messiah of Israel, too. :)


Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? How does this account inspire you – or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?

They show he is genuine for the Lord and His gospel. Paul has a thing called zeal and there is no lukewarmness in him. He is not in it for money or prestige. He understands just what is at stake and the task and difficulties he will face. Paul walks the walk he talks. His concern for the church is not to be outdone by any except our Lord. It was a heavy burden on Him so He rejoiced when they did well and mourned (deeply) when they strayed and was quick to set them straight. It is all the more impressive because Paul I think didn't like conflict however he confronted anyway. He was a little out of his comfort zone in many areas. He let nothing deter him from his mission of spreading the gospel, seeing souls saved and supporting his little churches.

Maybe we aren't doing what Paul did however God has placed each of us in our present circumstances and place and He expects us to be little Pauls where we are planted. Maywe each be inspired to persevere in tough times and to love our Lord always with fervent love.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28)

How do Paul's sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle?

Paul's sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle in that, despite the sufferings, he did not quit; he remained committed to accomplish his mission: to spread the Gospel to all.

What do these sufferings tell us about Paul's commitment?

These sufferings tell us that, Paul was real commitment and was not a pretender like other self-proclaimed "apostles"; otherwise he could have quitted.

How does this account inspire you -- or convict you?

This account inspires me to understand that, in spreading the Gospel there are barriers and someone has to remain commitmentted and not quit despite the barriers.

How will you be different from having pondered it?

After having pondered this, I am more energised and understanding what it takes when one is trully committed to doing something good.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? How does this account inspire you – or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?

Though Paul suffered greatly through many trials he kept the same attitude of the loving, caring, prayerful apostle that he was. His commitment was total, to the death. This account is very inspiring, I believe he suffered all these things as an inspiration to us. I to want to make a total commitment.


I think the way that Paul’s sufferings helps authenticate his claim to be an apostle is to show that he is willing to do anything to get the word of God out to the world. Paul was totally committed to tell everyone that he could about God. It helps to inspire me because my cause is small compared to his, but he never quit.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul's sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? What do these sufferings tell us about Paul's commitment? How does this account inspire you -- or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?

All the suffering that Paul received was for the glory of God. His confidence and willingness to face all consequences showed that he was ready and has prepared himself by his faith in Jesus Christ. The sufferings tells us that his commitment to God is real and we can face similar sufferings, but have confidence that our faith can help us be in heaven when Christ returns. What Paul has gone through gives me convicts me to glorify God in all the right doings and my faith for Christ.

  • 2 weeks later...

How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle?

Helped to counteract the charges that the false teachers were making. Despite all the suffering he did not quit.

What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment?

He was definitely committed and his committment was real.

How does this account inspire you – or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?

This account inspires me because it tells me that the little sufferings I go thru are nothing compared to what Paul went thru. I need to reaccess myself in what has allowed me to not work for Christ like I should and go at it.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? How does this account inspire you – or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?

How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle?

The readers might compared him with the rest so called 'super apostles'.

What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment?

He was really steadfast in his commitment to the Lord Jesus.

How does this account inspire you – or convict you?

Steadfastness is what to be cultivated in ministry.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle?

Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle because he reminds them of all that he experienced and still he continues to be God's servant.

What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment?

These sufferings tell us that Paul is totally commited to the work of the Lord.

How does this account inspire you – or convict you?

I am inspired that my trials in carison to Paul's is nothing.

How will you be different from having pondered it?

By God's grace I will seek to be more committed to God's assignments for me.

  • 7 months later...

4a)Though he words may have been less eloquent,his letters are firm,bold&daring,His sufferings show his faith in Christ has been tested &proven& through patience,&perseverance in his sufferings,his character has been refined, changed and he is a stronger leader.

B)His commitment was total, unthwarted, sacrificial unto death.

C)It encourages me,God’s saving power through Jesus was sufficient,to help him face the most horrendous challenges of torture, prison,pain,disability, and this inspires me to know His power will help me in my challenges now.

d)I will keep eyes on Jesus, be emboldened &encouraged to persevere through all even trials, showing his power through it &giving him the glory.

  • 1 year later...

Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? How does this account inspire you – or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?


Paul shares with the Corinthians the sufferings he has endured to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world around him.  A level of commitment rarely seen.  Paul is truly an apostle of Jesus Christ.   No false apostle or pretender would or could endure the hardships and sufferings Paul did.  Pretenders are normally in it for themselves and this doesn't include suffering for nothing.  


Paul's account inspires me to stay the course in my own gospel ministry.  Ministry is both a joy and a burden.  Many people you minister to out of love are just plain mean-spirited and ungrateful and can be brutal.  But we must continue to minister and live out our faith both in word and deed or it is not real.   The satanic world order pushes back at the believer.  We must, like Paul, spread the gospel of Jesus Christ faithfully.

  • 11 months later...

Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? How does this account inspire you – or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?


Paul says to the Corinthians: I've been faithful, even though it has been difficult. These are some of the marks of a true apostle!(notes)  This Is especially true in the case of Paul when he has so many trials and tribulations in his work.


Paul was committed to the death. If Christians in general had his commitment the church would be different!


I hope to be able to work harder for the Lord.



  • 8 months later...

Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? How does this account inspire you – or convict you? How will you be different from having pondered it?

Paul tells the Corinthians that to preach the gospel and prove his authority as an apostle, he tells them of all the suffering ha has gone through. From beatings, ship wreaks, hunger, thirst, stoning, freezing cold, intense summer heat, no clothes and being rejected by his own fellow Jews, for this no ordinary person would go through for nothing.

Paul was so committed to Christ and preaching the gospel and to bring salvation to all that he could, suffering and sacrificing his own life was well worth serving the Lord with great joy.

Paul's suffering for Christ and his commitment to serve the Lord causes one to know that whatever we go through for the gospel, it should inspire us to plunge forward for Christ, no matter the obstacles we encounter.

Undertaking what the apostle went through for Christ, I believe that what ever I go through even if it is not as bad as Paul's travails. I will definitely be a more worthy witness for Christ.    

  • 8 years later...

Paul certainly suffered, but so do people who are not Christians, so this isn't enough to authenticate his claim to be an apostle. Also, had Paul NOT suffered, I don't think his apostleship would be in question -- I don't know, but think not. What authenticates an apostle, then? In part, an apostle  knew Jesus when He was on earth for those three short years -- Paul claims that his experience after Damascus in the desert was the equivalent. But, again, many people knew Jesus but were not apostles, including many women. And some of these non-apostles also suffered greatly, often to death. The first martyr, Stephen, was not an apostle yet suffered unto death. 

I cannot explain what characterizes a genuine apostle. I'm sorry.


Paul's sufferings show his devotion to the Corinthians. It's a sign of loyalty to give up something for someone else or the church, even health. Paul did not take from the Corinthians. He was no indebted personally or have any personal investment in them. He only gave.


When I read about Paul, I am afraid. I fear the God who permitted such suffering in Paul's life because I don't understand it. Why is suffering such a central aspect of faith? Can I expect God to alleviate my pain, for example, when He did not alleviate that of Paul? Do I even have the standing to ask God to help me through suffering when, apparently, He willed it in the first place? These are some of the huge questions that this sort of undeserved and unmitigated suffering bring to light.

It seems that the closer we get to Him, the more we suffer. The depth and length of trials increase, too.  I admire Paul's determination and unshakeable faith in God even as God turned up the heat on him until his horrible death. I can see why Paul would brag about surviving the various trials God made him endure. I can see how this would authenticate him in the eyes of those who had suffered less. 

But I can't see how a good God wouldn't pull Paul away from the flames ... I can't see how a God of love would let him suffer so much. "Lord, help me understand this. It's becoming a huge road block in my faith. I don't trust you enough to suffer without questioning. I don't love you enough to see this as Your love.  Amen."



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