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A congregation can lose its "First Love" for Jesus by turning their eyes off Jesus onto themselves. Instead of making Jesus the Centre of their very existance, the congregation themselves & the world is at its centre.

A Church that spends time in Prayer & Worship is a Church that has a genuine love for Jesus. This type of praying & Christ centred Church will show a dedicated commitment to all its ministries, be they outreach, care for the poor, elderly or just plain lost in their community.

Lack of Love in a Church shows when little time is spent in prayer or commitment to meaningful Ministries. They tolerate various kinds of sin such as adultory and even Homosexuality which I am very sad to say is happening in many of the so called esablished churches here in South Africa.

A Congregation can regain its love for Christ by making Christ its centre and by portraying this to the world by the example of their life-style. They will not tolerate sin but will rather help those in sin to find their way to God. They will be a lamp on a stand that lights up their community with the love of God.

In christ.

Glynis :huh:

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1). If the church turns inward and forsakes its light bearing responsibility.

2). The signs of geniune love for Jesus is worship, helping and loving your fellow man, Unity, helpting to spread the word, acknowledging God and acknowledging Jesus.

3). Lack of love shows up by getting so involved by worldly possessions, money, status, and worshipping something or someone more than God.

4). Congregation to regain love need to let God be our minister/teacher/leader. Need to disallow false teachings in our congregations, repent and come back to the true teachings of God.


Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?

I saw how a congregation lost its "first love"although I wouldn't say it was its first love, but the administration, or those in charge were more worried about being correct than in gathering souls and saving people. They were more worried or geared towards programs and not in the lessons people were learning...just offer this and this and this and this and lose the caring and compassion they had; if a nedy person came into the office for assistance they were judged by their appearance and not by their need....and often they were told that the money wawn't available, but someone else would come in that they felt was "worthy" and the money was there.....how odd!!!It was then that I began to really see how my old church was and I began to get a very bad feeling and started looking for another home....;genuine signs are caring, compassion and the love for a person no matter who, what or where he is from---no matter what he can do for the church or what his position in the community, everyone should be made to feel welcome and LOVED when they come to church and feel the love of G-d in that place, after all it is HIS house;the lack of love shows up when the congregation is more worried about what who is wearing, who they are with, what they were seen doing during the week and what the congregation does after they leave church...many a congregation is "perfect" while they are in church but see them in their true environment and their true colors show and some should be ashamed of what they show when their true light shines for the world to see;the congregation can regain their love if they would rememebr how they attracted their mate----they were at their best and wanted to do everything for/to them when you are in love you can't do enough of the small things that mean so much and that is why the modern church has lost its love, they have forgotten the small things that show the love that a person has...not the things money can buy but the things from the heart that Jesus would do fo the least of these........you know, I once had a supervisor that trained me and he said that if I did my job as though the boss was watching me ----I would never do wrong and I would never get in trouble and I would always do my very best, maybe we should live our lifes in the same way....as though G-d Himself were standing off aways and watching our every move---but He IS-----why do we forget that important fact? Another indication that we have lost our first love.......????????I am sorry this post is so long or that I am on my soap box, I just was so upset when I saw what was happening in my church and others I went to.....I guess it all boils down to the fact that most people and churches have religion and not relationships with G-d.


A congregation loses it's first love when anything replaces God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) as the center of the church's life. We often mistake activity for abundance. We often worry more about offering money, than offering our hearts. We often hear the siren call of "let someone else do my share of the work" and are so surprised when our leaders burn out or fall into sin. There are so many ways to lose love, but only one way to keep it

...Ps 74:20 - Remember your covenant promises, for the land is full of darkness and violence!


The church lost their first love by leaving sin in the church . Just as with the church of Ephesus we too can leave sin in the church. So I will put that we too can lose our first love if we let sin stay in the church with repenting.We do a lot to be excepted by others not doing it for the glory of GodWe lose the first love we do not stay in the word and put Jesus first. So the church can lose out when we even do what we think is right for the wrong reasons

When a church goes through persecution and trial and they still hold on to Jesus that is a sign of true love, when they have love one for another that is another sign. Mostly it is when they do all they know to do to stay in the will of the Lord and obey his commandments that the love will shine through.

1 John 3:16Hereby perceive we the love [of God], because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down [our] lives for the brethren.

Sin comes in and they start to not act God like anymore anger and hate and other sin like gossip starts to take place in the church and the Holy Ghost is not present there.

Repent go back and do their first works over again. Ask forgiveness and turn from their wicked ways.


I think sometimes we get into teaching sundayschool classes or going to meetings. Or planning fellowships we forget the one we are there to serve and worship, Jesus our first love.

when we can do something for someone else, without condeming them for past wrongs. We are showing our love for them and for Jesus

Jhn 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

The lack of love is when we let ourselves get so involved what we are doing that we forget why we are doing it in the first place.

We can regain this love by repenting of anything that has taken our eyes off of Jesus. By putting Jesus where he belongs first in our lives


It can lose it's first love by putting the church building and the social aspect of the church above worshipping God. Alos, when it ceases to be a faitful witness and conforms to the wants of the congregation.

I think signs of genuine love for Jesus within a church are when the word of God evokes as much emotion as the social events of the church and sporting events do. When a congregation is eager to hear and learn the bible, and are excited about it, instead of looking at their watches to see how much longer the sermon is going to last, then there is genuine love for God.

The love could be regained if the church remembered to be more like Jesus, and by being a light in the community so that unbelivers would feel drawn to the church. Also, they should feel the love, peace and enthusiasm that is present when the love of God is present.

Churches shouldn't have a "members only" attitude. It's God's church, not the congregation"s.


A church can lose its first love when the members forget Christ and put all else before Him. Their service is centered around "what we can do for ourselves " more than what the mission is to bring lost souls to Christ. Programs, events, and etc. take preminent.

Signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship is true worship and not false worship. Many people are so wrapped up in them selves, they put on a show because they want to be seen and recognized for what they do. True worship is worshipping God in Spirit and in truth.

They lack of love showes up when you are interested in only yourself or the special few. No concern or love for the unchurched.

To regain your first love , confess your sins and repent.


Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?


By turning away from the true teachings of the Bible. Such as the Ten Commandments, Immorality, and coveting. Genuine love is, devoting your whole self to loving God, and worshipping in a way that others will be Blessed. When we lose the ability to love our neighbor as thou self, it show's in all aspects of our Christian life. The only way to regain this first love, would simply be to repent as a congregation, and return to the body of Christ.


When a small, new congregation starts out it is usually out of love for Christ....just like a marriage between a man and a woman, it begins out of love. As time goes on, just like in marriage, members of the congregation lose sight of what they started out for in the beginning, which is to love God, love one another and to bring the lost to Christ!

I believe that many accomplishments are given too much human praise and not enough praise of the Lord. We do not always humbly seek His will, and realize we are His servants, and that Christ, not US are the head of the church. We tend to forget that we are only His instruments in the church and all glory and honor is to be given to HIM in worship.

I strongly believe that too many congregations today are so afraid of offending someone that they will not stand up for the absolute truths of the Bible, and sweep them under the rug instead.

For chruches to return to their first love, Jesus Christ, they need to go back to what Jesus taught which simplifies things greatly. If we love God with all our hearts and souls, we will put Him first, and if we love our neighbor as ourselves, we will reach out to the lost sheep and truly share God's love with them.

Fun and fellowship are wonderful and important for any congregation. But we must first get our priorities straight, then God will bless our activities and fellowship one with another!


Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?

I think we start to lose our Love for Jesus when we do not put Him first in our lives. The lack of love shows up when we forget that the Church is not the building we gather in but is the people. When we consider the building more important than the people than we have lost sight of the meaning of Church. The first church was gatherings of the faithful followers in homes, not in magnificant buildings we see today. All this came later.

The genuine love in worship and ministry is when we start to see Jesus in each person of the community (church) and treat them with love and respect as we do Jesus.

God Bless

Richard Obl.SB


i believe a congregation loses its "first love", (being christ) when they stray from the simple truths that his word has laid down. ie, adhereing to false teaching and preaching. signs of genuine love in a congregation, such as reaching beyond the four walls of the church, the neighbourhood, the city's lost. the poor and destitute, letting them know he cares for them is a true sign.a sign of lack would be strife and discord among church members. to regain his love a congregation must repent, not only to god but to one another to allow his spirit to feel welcome in the church.


I feel that a local congregation is in danger of losing that 'first love' for Jesus when they discourage expressions of emotions, even of our love for God. Whenever faith is based purely or primarily on head knowledge rather than allowing people to experience the love of God through reverent worship and acts of kindness offered and received then a church begins to die spiritually.

When there is a lack of love within a faith community, it is not long before divisions occur with the congregation splitting into unpleasant factions. The focus turns inward, meaning that the desire to welcome new people into the church is lost. Indeed, very few seekers or new converts would choose to join such a community.

The congregation can only regain their love for God, each other and those who are still outside the church by repenting and turning their focus in both worship and ministry back to being Christ-centred.


Hi:) It has taken me some time to answer this question I try to answer without looking at others answers, but after three days I decided to peek, and when I did

I had seen that I had just went through a church possibly loosing it's first love:(

This was my very first church I was a member at, I was so eager to learn, so excited to attend, but then something started to happen I lost that joyful feeling

I had, I started coming home confused. My husband never went with me, he had been saved long before me but did not go to church. The Pastor came to my home four years ago, I was saved started going to the church was baptized with my son

and I went every Sunday, just me and my son. What first happened as I look back

is the Pastor took away the children, I loved sitting with my son and learning, but then my son was gone they started a youth church. And then I started to see when scriptures were being read a message was being sent but the message could have been different if the following paragraphs in the Bible were read, it was like something was left out but I dared not to say anything for I was a mere babe, then I started to see more talk of money, and numbers, and the word my church not Jesus'

church come in the picture, I stayed for this was my first church, but down deep I felt something was wrong. I started to hound my husband, about coming to church with me for I sit in a pew by myself for four years I sit there I did move around after two years I started to introduce myself for I wanted to just sit and fellowship with someone but no one ever invited me to sit with them. The final draw was win the church decided to add on they are already big, ($30,000 a month, and two churches and a gym with kitchen and class rooms)so I called and asked what do you do for the poor in our community and they said fruit baskets twice a year, I decided to move on somewhere else for they had lost their first love and bringing me down too. GUESS WHAT?

My husband is going with me I do not sit alone I have that joy back, Oh yes my son too, and even my granddaughter for I forgot to tell you another reason I left is my grandaughter makes noises like most babies but I was afraid we would be thrown out for not being quiet but the new church enjoys children. I do not know how a congregation that has lost this first love can regain it, it would take alot:)


A. We can loose our first love by: 1. not having a deep relationship with Jesus and 2. While in a service by not giving the Holy Spirit the liberty to move in a way that He wants to move.

B. The signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship is when worship can take a congregation into the Holy of Holies. In the ministry time, where lives are truely being changed, where the sick are being healed, and the manifestations are seen.

C. The lack of love shows up when christians show up for church because they have to. When christians are being religious. There is no freedom for the Holy Spirit. When church services are dead.

D. To regain our 1st love: In the church services, let the Holy Spirit be free to do what He wants, even in the worship part. Don't have an order of how the service will be done. Let the worship service be longer than 2 upbeat songs and 3 slow songs.

God Bless. At first it may be uncomfortable to let the Holy Spirit take control of church services, but when you let him have control. He shows up in a way that people least expect



- a local congregation can loose it's 'first love' for Jesus by 1) being too interested in fund raising for the sake of money as compared to the Kingdom of Christ; or by being too busy doing and not enough time being

-the signs of genuine love for Jesus are to name a few: love for others (Christians), love for the lost, praise, worship, witnessing.

-Lack of love is evident by a 'false front,' only when you look behind it you see it for what it is and what it is not.

I think the only way to regain this love is by the Grace of God, through repentance and prayer. I also think it would be very hard.


Our original love and devotion can wane and we no longer work tirelessly for the Lord. We are not doctrinally zealous. Signs of love of Jesus is to make his Gospel our focus. Good works are vital once we are saved. People who are his own are eager to do what is good. we must persevere and not become weary. We must examine every teaching in the light of Scripture.


Local congregations lose their "first love", when the focus moves away from absolute adoration, awe and worship to the Father, Saviour, and the Holy Spirit . We do not love our Lord, not because He heals us, not because he restores us financially, familywise but just because He is, what He is, a caring, loving, zealous, Saviour. As has expounded in the Scriptures, love is all that works miracles in the churches. And love does not stop in the church and its activities. Some church members when they see other members at the Mall, grocery store, just look thruogh them and do not even care to recognise them. We should be thirsting and looking for an opportunity to spread the love with which we are encompassed. When love overtakes the congregation, everything will be set right.


:) I just love the postings and i think we all agree on the fact if we take our eyes off Jesus an start looking at man we will lose the LOVE that only he can pass out when we are doing his will an even the simple things need to be done when we start pleasein man instead of God then we know we got something out of line but we see it alot please the people or this an that wont get done etc etc etc

The only way to get back to the 1st love is to alow the Lord Jesus to show us our heart an our desireers an then alow him to cut out the bad an heal the wounds that are left by our errors an the things others do to us or say that cause us to take our eyes off Jesus .But the best part his he does alow U TURNS anywhere along your road of life

grace an peace to all

prophet / joe

Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?

+ It's important to remember the church in Ephesus had *many great qualities* - this was when Believers met in homes, not buildings "called churches". This must refer to the love members no longer shared. Because if the *first love* was meant to be Jesus he wouldn't be praising them.

+ Lack of love among Believers is one of the first that shows up, not showing "agape" love to our fellow Believers than our love for Christ is also weak. We must Love One Another.

+ It shows up by not being close to our fellow saints/Christians. Ignoring them

when something is needed.

+ To regain this love people must be attentive to others - share w/others, be there for their needs and to Repent and change our ways. :huh:


Rev.2:6 - Surprised me, as Jesus tells them "You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate." :rolleyes:


A congregation can lose their " first love" by getting so involved in church activities and the social gospel (feeding the poor, ministering to alcoholics,etc), that they lose sight of Jesus. They can also lose their "first love" by watering down the gospel message and making it acceptable to the masses.

Some of the signs of genuine love for Jesus are loving our Christian brothers and sisters(and not just those that go to our church), greeting visitors who come to our church by making them feel welcomed and wanted, and sharing the gospel with those who don't know Jesus.

We have many visitors that come to my church and continue to come. They say that the reason they chose our church was because of the friendliness of the members.

Lack of love can show up by being cold towards or ignoring those who visit our church.

Some of the newer church members at my church have told us how they visited several other churches first. The congregations of those churches either out right ignored them as if they weren't there or else were cold in their attitudes told the visitors.

Also lack of love can show up by gossiping about other church members.

A congregation can regain they "first love by repenting, turning back to God, and asking His forgiveness.

Also by placing their focus back on Jesus.

Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?

There is a song that I love called "Come, now is the time to worship" = this for me reminds me of the reason we go to church; to worship together, give praise to the Lord in a community setting. "How can a congregation regain this love?" I believe this comes from the top; our pastors, church elders, and staff - if the people we are learning from do not proclaim their love and joy for the Lord, it is difficult for the congregation to do so.


There are many ways churches can lose there first love. One way is to preach for the dollar to build bigger Churches, and at the same time let there flock go hungry. Another way is to inguage in intertainment an ignor the Bible teaching. Churches should use a cover charge for interainment and do away collection plates. I believe Churches are drifting away from Bible study and replaceing it with the likes of other programs. Also by using the newer versions of the Bible that change the word of God.

Some signs are lack of attendance when the intertainment is not present. Also there there members dont know the Bible at all. Plus the lack of prayer durring service and the biggest one for myself is the Clock that almost all Churches have. If God gives the message, I have yet to get a time limit from him for his message.

Signs of a proChrist Church is, Bible reading, Bible study, Praising of his name, and the love that is shown to each other and the fact that the Minister has takes the time to answer questions.

A good start to regain the love for Christ would be to get on there knees and repent. Also remove all distractions from worrshiping the one and only true God.


Churches can lose their love of the Lord through getting their eyes off Jesus, and looking toward man. They can become more interested in perfection and performance, rather than Christ's perfection and His performance on the cross. I read once that God has a plan, Satan has a program. All these things can cause Christians to lose sight of the Lord, and place them on man.

I have seen true love in worship through the songs shared, through the prayers given, and the spirit of the church. When people are truly worshiping, God's message will be able to be heard. Worship opens our hearts to hear the word spoken to us in the message. We can begin to be open to His Word by listening to what God is saying to us as we prepare to hear what the Spirit is speaking. I have been in churches where there is little love. There is a definite spirit in a place when God's Love abounds.

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