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A local congregation can lose its "first love" for Jesus through many ways. Some of the ways are: they get stuck with self-love - doing things for personal gains; priorities become mixed up e.g. working for more money comes before family and self-care; the attractions of materialistic goods...

Signs of genuine love for Jesus are those who can forgive, have the courage to be the first to ask for it; who prays and listens attentively to the gentle voice of God; who have compassionate and generous hearts; who are able to see beyond the externals and are non-critical and non-judgemental.

The lack of love shows up when there is disharmony and discord among members. When members begin to compete and compare themselves with one another, or vying for leadership places or consistantly disagreeing with the Pastor. Or when members begin to gossip about one another.

A Congregation can regain this love by acknowledging that they have sinned, repent and be sincerely sorry for what they had done and to take steps to reconcile with God and with one another.

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:) A local congregation loses its "first love" for Jesus by what we often say, 'we have become busy with the kingdom and no longer with our King'. When they lost their fellowship with Him through quiet time and prayer. By not doing anymore the things that they used to do the time they were so in love with Jesus doing His will in their ministry. There's no more joy in fellowshipping, love for others had gone cold, service to the Lord is already considered a burden not a privilege and by being complacent to their progress spiritually.

The signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry: there is joy worshipping the Lord with fellow believers, love is overflowing that it satisfies the needs of each member with contentment and become more committed to the vision of the church, spiritual growth is encouraged and giftings are recognized to be used for God's glory, and dependence on the Holy Spirit to move in their midst.

Lack of love show up by the leaders' and members' indifferent attitude with one another, the declining number of attendance, by their shallow commitment and service to the Lord, diminished concern for one another. neglecting the needs of the members, pride, etc.

A congregation can regain this love by repenting and acknowledging once again their need of Jesus. Rededicate one self unto the Lord. Personally experience the great love and salvation that Jesus had done for us. Enjoy the love of Jesus and what you get from Him will just overflow from you to others. :)


A congragation can lose it's "first love" for Jesus by concentrating on the faults of people. The signs of genuine love are compassion and love for one another, despite one's faults. The lack of love shows up by thinking we are spritually or situationally better than others. A congregation can regain this love by humbling themselves and showing compassion and love for their neighbors.


We lose our first love by focusing on other things besides the gospel. The most attractive distraction being legalism. We try to work on keeping the law rather than loving the Lord who fulfilled the law. We think we can do it ourselves and we forget how much we need a Savior.


They lost their first love by forgetting who gave them this love. No hope lots of frustration. They wont work to find it again. What they need are pastors that are on fire for the Lord and to offer encouragement


They started to accept things of the world and not standing up for what Christ & the Apostles had taught them..

Ministering to the people in need in the local community. not being open to acceptance of a repentant sinner.

We must turn away from the things of this world, our reward is not from this world, proclaim the Good News to those who are lost, be the shepard lead them to Jesus.


"First Love" can be lost when we stop real two-way conversation with God, when we are too busy with the world to spend time with Him in personal prayer and study. This is so for any relationship, (not spending time on it) since we are made in the image of God. This emphasis needs to be strong in the congregation.

Signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry would be in the unity of the congregation. It becomes fragmented when genuine love ceases. Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

Lack of love shows up in division, empire-building, criticism, cynicism, lack of interest in newcomers, etc.

A congregation can only regain this love when every person gets on their knees before God in repentance, and sets aside the daily hours of worship, praise and prayer, really earnestly seeking God Himself (not just the miracles) when we talk together of Him and teach children and "gentiles (non-Christians) the truth about Him. We need to seek to please Him every moment of our day, and speak truth in gentleness to each other. We need o be prayerful watchmen.


Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus?

By placing things of this world before God, material things, money, jobs, homes, programs, self, etc. When we do this, God is no longer our first love, but whatever we have placed before him becomes our god.

What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? Our love, concern, and service for one another and for the lost. Love and hunger for Truth.

How does the lack of love show up? Mostly by non-growth, stagnation, and indifference

How can a congregation regain this love? By humbling ourselves, recognizing our sin, repentance and turning back to Christ and His truth

  • 2 weeks later...

#2 Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus?

I believe as, the Word warns us, there are many subtle ploys of the Devil (Ephesians 6:11) and as I said before

  • 2 weeks later...

Any local congregation and or church can lose its "first love", being Jesus, in a number of ways: They may start to search for a "deeper" meaning of the scripture, the simplicity of salvation and the plan of God, for some reason, some may want to make it out to be more stringent. The fact that God's plan for salvation is Jesus, His atoning death and the resurrection and that only by believing one can be saved is so simple that we then beging to think as the world thinks and start to legalize salvation. Once that occurs, the congregation starts placing themselves in a position where by they believe that they have the way to salvation and there begins the process of making Jesus secondary, and there by one loses their "first Love which is and always shall be Jesus.

  • 3 weeks later...






  • 2 weeks later...

Q.1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus?

The first letter to the churches reveals to me that one way to lose the first love for Jesus and His church is to follow other ways than of God's ways. We are to follow the ways of the Kingdom set out by God for the church ruled by His Son. Our first love is to be God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit which is first priority.

- when our focus is not on God in what we do as church as a body of believers in worship and praise and in services offered of ministry but operate in the spirit of man meeting our own personal needs first or our agendas then we lose our first love

- Jesus' needs have to be met first in the church to keep our first love; to focus first on loving Him to keep the relationship by worshipping Him and His word as primary and man's needs secondary such as ministry, programs etc

Jesus pointing out the ways of the Nicolaitans to John as to wrongful practises is made know that He hates this. Therefore there are strict rules to follow and to be obeyed and that man does not make them or change them or add to them, that the church has already been established. Man's agenda is not wanted by Jesus. Jesus asks us to repent from ways or teachings of false Apostles or wicked men. Jesus hates practises that are not of the teachings of God's Kingdom. When the needs of man is first our love is going elsewhere. Jesus loves the church. Jesus loves us. We should love the church, each other. If we give loyalty and allegiance to leaders or men who lead by their own spirit then we are loosing our first love that is Jesus.

Jesus shows his love for individuals and the church in His addressing the people through John's letter. He sees individuals within churches who endure in hardships and that have persevered. Then we are to watch out for and be beaware of false Apostles and teachings which are not biblical. We must be able to identify these people that are not under Jesus' headship and not fall into trap by ignorance. Thus we need to know God's word, be taught God's word and to learn God's word. We are then each given responsibility, each as followers or leaders to know and do as it is written.

I think another way to lose our first love for Jesus would be to close our ears and disregard what authority figures or messengers say that are under the headship of Jesus, true Apostles. Those who Jesus appoints in the church who are under Him such as are angels (guardian angels, pastors, prevailing spirit). Revelation shows then there is a heirachy system. God first who appointed Jesus as King and Judge. Jesus walks admist the churches being central to all churches and is Ruler. Jesus appoints angels as guardians over the church. In the Kingdom it is God who is in control and second in command, Jesus, where Jesus charges angels to guard in each church. It says we should hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. So we have to learn to listen for ourselves with open ears to what the Spirit is saying to us and through others as well. We should discern when listening to who is speaking whether a false Apostle or true Apostle by the Word and the Spirit.

What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and in ministry?

What comes to mind is we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind. Also that what Jesus tells us to do and what He did for others is written. So signs of genuine love for Jesus would be to worship Him as a body with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind and to do as He commands, as it is written. A sign of genuine love is when we as a body are of one mind and heart under the head of Christ Jesus. When there is a God felt presence in the church, to me that is one sign of genuine love for Jesus. The service or gathering to be church is a powerful experience of God, an anointing through worship and the teaching of the word. We are blessed in His presence.

When the focus of the church gathering is on God and Jesus in a church gathering, the service when we worship together, praise together, sing together, when the Word is taught from the Bible is done for God's greater glory and in His will, then it is a genuine love for Jesus. Jesus loves His church, God's people and in gathering we should do everything out of geniune love for the church and meet the needs of Jesus first and not the needs of the people that come to the church. We give back to him first in grateful thanks, Him first for all that He has done. He is our first love. Without him we would not be as we are. Another sign is when there is a recipication of love flowing and being transmitted to God and from God to us (me) and from us (me) to each other in the congregation, this is also when there is a genuine love for Jesus present. When there is unity. Unity in the body of believers is a genuine sign of love for Jesus. We are under the one headship which is of our Lord God, unity. Jesus unites by His love and we by His love unite with each other in His love for Him and each other. The same love flows of our first love, Him to us, we to Him and then we to all others in need to meet the needs of man. It is His love that is the root of all gifts. Love is the foundation from which all things flow. Jesus' needs must be meet first and we must not love our first love.

Another sign is through the observance of fellowship in the church. Does the good fruits show up among the people. Is there love for one another as Jesus loved each of us and through ministry work as Jesus did ministry work on people he encountered. Is there Baptism, healing, breaking bread, setting people free ... is genuine love for Jesus through ministry and meeting the needs of the people, secondly. Jesus first then ministry, man's needs. Jesus loved us and came to us to do these things for us and are we also doing in the church the same ministries as He did for others. Do we try to become more like Him through discipling. Are we his disciples or disciples of man? Are we following the right path or wrong path is there light-bearing responsiblilities being carried out in the church is a genuine love for Jesus.

Genuine love for Jesus is when I see others in church and myself growing in spiritually, maturituring in the Spirit. As a body of believers growing corporately is too, genuine love for Jesus. As is building the Kingdom. Good fruits of the spirit manifesting and showing up to church, being faithful, is a sign of genuine love for Jesus. Willingness to do it God's ways not our ways and to repent when necessary.

How does a lack of love show up?

1. No repentance.

When we go back to old ways of living to the old man life and not take up the walk of new life. When we follow wrong practises or false teachings. Or, when we quarrel, when there is division, when offences are taken and we do not forgive

2. Bad fruits are more evident than good fruits. When evil prevails in a body. When personal and corporate growth ceases or is on standstill for long durations due to offences or sin. When there is unforgiveness or unwillingness to forgive each other and let go of situations.

3. When people do not listen to authority.

When people do not hear the word being taught when correction is being served by the Pastor to the body of believers whereby repentance is required. When the body of believers does not change.

4. When there is no two way flow of God's love nor unity and paradise is not being restored but divisions are occuring.

When we do not give off light or bear light to others. There is love for God but not for each other in a body. People receive God's love but do not give it out. When fellowship is unobtainable and not being perfected. When there is no outreach to give people ministry needed. When the second commandment of Jesus starts to cease between others.

How can a congregation regain this love?

1. Repent

2. Ask for forgiveness

3. Listen to what the Spirit is saying; discern who is speaking

4. Endure and perseve when hardships occur, be an overcomer

5. Be faithful to Jesus, be loyal and keep allegiance to Jesus

6. Come back to Jesus and follow the ways of His teachings if gone astray

7. Hate what Jesus hates; false Apostles and wicked men

8. Recognize what is false teachings by taking responsibility to learn God's Word

8. Know God's word and live according to His word; do God's Word

9. Love each other as Jesus loved; love your brethern

10. Obey the Word; worship God

  • 2 months later...
Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?


a.you can have enthusiasm without knowlege of God but you need both to maintain yopu zeal . when you think the liturgy will do it all you are becooming complacent and do not have the desire to go tell it to everyone you see.

b.love for one another and the desire to tell others about Jesus in your life.

c.the church begins to lose members and there is little activity in it. no new members. the congregation is not being fed spiritually.

d. it all starts with scripture . study it and understand it and then start telling everyone you see about the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ and what it means to them.

Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?

q.2.a Aldous Huxley was an ardent evolutionist and former head of UNESCO a UN Organization.He was asked in a t.v. interview whay evolution was so widely accepted. He didn't say because it is a scientific fact . No he said it is so widely accepted because the idea of God interferes with our sexual mores . Since evolution is being taught to ourchildren in k to through college and since evoljution is totally anti christian in belief the sexual mores in our country have put us in jeopardy. The church has not spoken out as a single unit against this apostacy . The church is under attack and we are seeing the effects of it .

b.As you will see in the coming weeks I am not quiet about my faith in Jesus Christ as My savior.

  • 2 weeks later...
How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?

It loses its enthusiasm of evangelism and of caring for one another - of devoted study. It starts thinking in terms of money - catering to the wealthy of the community - showing favoritism to those who are richer.

Genuine love shows in how you treat one another -your prayful, devoted attention to worship - you're not there to show off your new clothes, your cute kids, but to worship God - to learn - to give thanks and praise. The word of God is a priority in your life - you have a great hunger to learn more and more and a desire to share what you know.

  • 2 months later...

A local congregation can lose its "first love" for Jesus by becoming complacent, judgemental or closed. By not staying in the Word, by failing to remember the mission of the church - to spread the Word. The signs of a genuine love for Jesus is joy in worship, a refusal to water down the Word, no matter how unwelcome the message. Not hiding :ph34r: your beliefs out of fear of ridicule.

The lack of love shows up when a church falls into legalism or, on the other end of the spectrum, becomes more interested in #'s than in spreading the Word.

A congregation can regain this love by remembering the love of Christ, a sacrificial love, and emulating it. By returning to the Word where it is all revealed. :wub:

  • 3 weeks later...

I think a congregation can lose it's first love for Jesus by puffing themself up and doing "works" to have the outside community notice them more then God. Genuine signs of love for Jesus I think are demonstrated by those who are more in "the background" trying not to be noticed. A lack of love shows up by boasting and pointing out their good deeds to excess. A congregation can regain this love by recognizing what has happened and then by praying to God for help and guidance.

  • 1 month later...
Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?

A congregation can lose its "first Love" for Jesus by procrastination, blasphemy, false doctrine, fornication, half hearted works, want, and self-rightersness.

Signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry are patient endurance, shunning evil, good works even through tribulation & poverty, holding fast the Name of Jesus, charity, faith, watchfulness, strength to endure when weak, & being on fire for God!

To regain this love we must repent, resist evil, & run from the **** of the flesh!!!

Oh, and this lack of love show's up by allowing the way's of the world, through the **** of the flesh to prevail in our lives. In other words: Setting Down The Word of Truth and following self robs us of the Joy of The Lord!!!

Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?

A congregation can lose its "first Love" for Jesus by procrastination, blasphemy, false doctrine, fornication, half hearted works, want, and self-rightersness.

Signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry are patient endurance, shunning evil, good works even through tribulation & poverty, holding fast the Name of Jesus, charity, faith, watchfulness, strength to endure when weak, & being on fire for God!

To regain this love we must repent, resist evil, & run from the **** of the flesh!!!

Oh, and this lack of love show's up by allowing the way's of the world, through the **** of the flesh to prevail in our lives. In other words: Setting Down The Word of Truth and following self robs us of the Joy of The Lord!!!

  • 1 month later...

How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus?

A congregation can lose it's love by getting too heavily involved in programs, works, etc. There are churches that contribute a great deal to the community, yet Jesus receives little if any of the glory of such works. Works are essential to the Christian, yet we can never forget who gets the glory, praise, and honor. Congregations can get caught up in the programs and running the church efficiently and beneficially .. Slowly removing themselves from the Word of God and reinstating themselves in the affairs of the church.

What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry?

The best sign of genuine love for Jesus is obedience to His Word. The love Jesus speaks of in this warning to the church of Ephesus, is not an emotional love so much, but an act of faith. A church that studies and abides in the Word of God will be a church that has genuine love for Jesus. This love will permeate everything the church touches on .. Worship, praise, ministry, etc.

How does the lack of love show up?

A lack of love shows up when we cast aside the Word of God in favor of our experiences, or another person's experiences. When we begin to believe 'the experience' over 'the Word', the lack of love is obvious.

How can a congregation regain this love?

A congregation can always 'repent' (God if faithful to forgive) and turn again to the Word of God.


Congregations lose their first love when they do everything because they have always done it. There is no effort to win the lost and there is a belief that people should come to church because it is there. Worship becomes a mere repetition of the current favourite songs and ministry becomes a homily on social events. Genuine love for Jesus shows when people are able to praise and worship Him whether they have music or not, praise and worship becoming a lifestyle rather than something done on Sunday morning. There is a love for the Bible and a desire to live it out. Congregations who have lost there first love need to repent, seek God until they as individuals as well as the church are revived

  • 1 month later...

We lose our first love by departing from the lovong and outstreched arms of Jesus. He came to be a light and we dim it by watering down the Word. We seek to bring people into the church building but not the kingdom. we try to do it on our own merits and what we think the world would want to seek. We show a true love for Jesus when we care more for the soul than we do for the body. We share the true Word of God. He said if my people would humble themselves and pray he is just and will forgive us our sins. We need to turn back to our first love. Christ and Him crucified.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus?

By involving itself too deeply in the matters of politics, exclusion, etc. and not focusing on the all encompassing compassion and love of Jesus Christ for mankind.

What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry?

Passing on his message of love, compassion and tolerance for mankind

How does the lack of love show up?

By twisting the word to fit various interpretations, and by getting the church involved in politics or judgement.

How can a congregation regain this love?

By overcoming being judgemental, and sharing Christ's wonderful message of love, peace, hope and compassion with all that will hear.

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