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4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father :

Jesus sacrificed Himself for believers that we will be saved. And that salvation is through Him alone. Jesus saves in the same way today. Our Lord is unchanging, He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. That salvation is trusting and believing on Him, not a thunderbolt and lightning experience.

In the past I have made a variety of excuses for falling back-away. 'I was trained to fix, be a self starter, earn what you get etc'. That is nothing more than self-centered egotism. We trust Him, read his word and follow the path laid out for us. The power of prayer and the asking of forgiveness can not be left out.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4)

According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself?

According to verse 4, the purpose of Jesus to give himself was to rescue people from their sins so that those who believe in Him can inherit the Kingdom of God.

How does Jesus rescue people today?

Jesus continues to rescue people today through the teaching of the Gospel.

How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

He keeps the people from falling back into their old ways by powering into them the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


I agree with all of the above. The helplessness to live according to the directions of Christ is teaching me that all I have to DO is trust that His Spirit is in me, teaching me, guiding me, changing me. Just as He promised. To learn to trust Him takes noticing everything, all day long. Realizing that He has presented me with this day for His purpose and I can go forward rejoicing in His love.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself?

The purpose of God the Father and the Messiah was to bring hope and salvation to the present and evil "world".

The purpose does not end there, true hope for the present and evil world is that the "Cross" would create in us "a holy people", a people with new desires; the Messiah came so that God's laws would be written on our hearts.

How does Jesus rescue people today?

Jesus atoning death has the same power today, bringing to us forgiveness for sins, resurrection and continuing authority, salvation, and obedience to God's will, all for God's glory.

How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

There is great power to be found in the "Cross", with the "Covenant" comes the power of the “Holy Spirit”, however, the only thing that would keep people from falling back into the old sinful ways is mans "Will" - --- Choose today whom you will serve in faith and obedience, for it is very easy to fall back in the old ways of sin, thinking the "Cross" carries with it no "demands".


Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sins. His sacrifice was just as much for our sins today as it was for those Paul is writing to here. The indwelling Holy Spirit and the living Word implanted in our hearts helps prevent falling back into our old ways.


Galatians 1:4 - Jesus gave Himself for our sins so we could be with Him and the Father eternally.

Jesus still rescues people the same way He did back then in Paul's day by revealing Himself through the Holy Spirit.

The only way we can stay on track and keep our hearts from growing cold is by allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will not force us to do God's will; we can still choose to ignore Him, do our own thing and mess our lives up. The Galatians had chosen to listen to man instead of the Holy Spirit which I am sure had to tell them they were doing wrong.

We all need to humble ourselves and realize there is nothing we can do to save ourselves; works come from obedience AFTER we are saved by grace.


(Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself?

"that he might deliver us from this present evil world" us from ours the Galatians' from their sins, from all the bad or misguided influences of this world, and from all the false systems of religion engendered in this world.

How does Jesus rescue people today?

He rescues people today as He did in the days afore by faith. There are too many Scriptures that encourage or tell us to believe, I simply love how it is conveyed in John chapter 3 verses 15 -21.

How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

This is a tough question however the simplest answer is through faith. When one looks at Hebrews 11, we tend to look at all the marvelous things that were accomplished, and they were marvelous. However this then called faith is as well what kept / allowed those mentioned to be in relationship with God. "Tis So Sweet" just as the song writer express "take Him at His Word! Upon uniting with Christ Jesus there is a need to abide in and with Him. Romans 10:17 gives some good guidance, as we have came to know it is a GREAT thing to continue in His Word / Will as we comprehend more about His Word /Will we have this to aid us in keeping His Will. No man is an island has been quoted for ions, it is a good thing to be amidst other who believe as well. Romans 8:9 being submissive to His Spirit afford us the privilege of being in His Will, this as well helps to keep those that are His from falling back into their old ways.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

Jesus said that he will do nothing unless what His Father tells him to. He is also the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the earth. He is part of the Godhead and is faithful in every way. With God knowing the end from the beginning, God already saw in advance that Adam and Eve would sin and that we will all be subject to the curse. So God make provision before the foundation of the earth in Jesus being the slain lamb. So Jesus gave himself so that we could be saved from being subject to the curse.

The whole aspect of grace which is not rigid like the law. It is one way in which we never live in condemnation and guilt. His grace is sufficient to keep us from falling.

The table of the Lord (Wine and the bread) is one way in which we come knowing that there is no condemnation. That is why we do this as often as possible remembering his death and the blood that was shed for the remission of sins.


Christ died to take to the punishment that we deserved for our sins. In doing so, he has rescued us from this evil world in which we cannot save ourselves.

He saves me today, by having a tighter grip on me, than I have on Him. I trust He intervenes in my life in ways that I am unaware of. He saves me by His Spirit reminding me of what He has taught me, and thereby guiding me. If I am paying attention, and notice, He gives me blessings every day.

I agree with whoever said the right thing to do, is usually the harder thing to do. I believe it is the Holy Spirit who keeps His grip on me, and keeps me from falling too far away from my God. And is not about "keeping the law" in my life, for I know I cannot. At this point in time, it isn't even so much about the fear of hell, as sometimes I think life must be like hell. I don't want to fall away from God, because I don't want to dissappoint The One who loves me, and The One I love. I want to be with Him someday, I want to see Him someday. The desire to be WITH Him, is greater than my fear of being without Him. Love is a VERY compelling thing!


For what purpose did Jesus give himself? To fulfill the will of God that we be rescued

How does Jesus rescue people today? With the same love and compassion he did while physically on this Earth. We have and serve as reminders that everyday we all have something we need to be rescued from.

How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? When our desires for Him.. of Him are what we strive for then the 'old ways' loose their charm. Sometimes he chooses to take those wrong desires those old ways and takes them out of our hearts or minds. But he can also choose to take us through them. Either way it can and will only be done by His will. And we can do nothing without the Holy Spirit.. our helper.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself?

Jesus yielded Himself up "to atone for our sins and to save and sanctify us, in order to rescue us from this present wicked age and world order in accordance with the will and purpose and plan of our God and Father." His shed blood paid the price to make us His own...Our gift to Him from His Father.

How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

Our rescue comes as the Holy Spirit gently woos and nudges our spirit to, first, turn to Jesus if we are unsaved, and second, when we are saved, to "keep us from falling until that day". Jesus said "I do not ask that You will take them out of the world, but that You will keep and protect them from the evil one," as He spoke to His Father in John 17: "Sanctify them, purify, consecrate, separate them for Yourself, make them holy by Truth: Your Word is Truth." ...Neither for these alone do I pray, but also for all those who will ever come to believe in trust in, cling to, rely on Me through their word and teaching...."I in them and You in Me....."

When He was on earth He prayed to His Father: "While I was with them I kept and preserved them in Your Name in the knowledge and worship of You. Those You have given Me I guarded and protected, and not one of them has perished or is lost except the son of perdition (Judas Iscariot)"....Jesus is with us today, as the Holy Spirit indwells each believer, and we have His same guarding and protection as the first believers enjoyed.The indwelling Holy Spirit and His Word are our "life jacket" and our "compass", empowered by His "safety Net" of mercy and grace! "Underneath are the Everlasting Arms."


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself?

who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age,

How does Jesus rescue people today? The Holy Spirit, the Holy Bible, & other Christians.

How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? Resisting, fleeing, and avoiding temptation.


Jesus died that we would be delivered from our sins, not through works but by His sacrifice. I believe that Jesus is still rescuing people through the Word and the multiple channels, praise God, for receiving this Word, like the church, video, internet and classes like these. Also the kindness of strangers be it through missionary work or just a random act of kindness, I believe are rescues from Jesus.


Q1:For what purpose did Jesus give Himself?

Jesus gave Himeself for our sins.

How does Jesus rescue people today?

Jesus rescue people as he did in his time.

How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

By giving us away out by running away,avoiding temptation and resisting.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? Jesus gave himself for our sins and to rescue us from this present evil generation. Jesus rescues us by the drawing us by His spirit. We become dissatisfied with our life and know that there has to be more to life than this. We start seeking and He is there for us. We keep from falling back into our old ways by reading His Word every day and being led by His Holy Spirit. He has given us all the equipment - The Armor of God ..... His Salvation, His Righteousness, Faith, His Word, His Truth and His Peace.


Jesus (as God incarnate) never changes. He rescues us from sin through repentance and faith in His atoning death. Those who lived before the cross looked ahead to this rescue and we look back on it... to God, who is above and beyond time, there is no difference. He keeps us as we depend on the work of the Holy Spirit who empowers us to live Godly lives.


He gave Himself so that He can rescue us from our sins. WHen we believe that Jesus died for our sins it is then that He rescue us from our sins. When we continue to live according to His Word we avoid falling back to our old ways.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4)

According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give Himself?

How does Jesus rescue people today?

How does He keep people from falling back into their old ways?

Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice for our sins. The righteousness and justice of God requires payment for sin, and as an act of grace Jesus died on the cross so that we could have eternal life. By turning to Christ as our Saviour we can be rescued from this present evil world. He rescues us from drugs, alcohol, and any number of sins, proving that even today there is power in the gospel. We tend to try and earn our salvation – trying to gain God’s approval, not realising that it has all been done for us and we need only put our trust in the work of Christ. I think it is only through His Word and His power that we can be saved from the present evil age. It is also this power of God that will keep us as Christians until the day we die. We know from John 6:39 that Jesus does the will of the Father, which is that He should “lose none of all that He has given me, but raise them up at the last day.” In John 10:27-29 Jesus says that those that follow Him, those who are His sheep are given eternal life. He also says (v.28) that “no one can snatch them out of my hand.” From these and other passages of Scripture we have the assurance that Jesus will keep us from falling back into our old ways.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

Jesus gave Himself for our sins.

It is only through the shed blood of the Lamb of God that we are saved and enter into eternal salvation so it is always, yesterday, today and tomorrow the same way. Jesus paid the only price accepted by God.

It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we do not fall back in our old ways.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself?

Jesus gave himself for our sins

How does Jesus rescue people today?

Jesus rescue's people today by his teachings of the Gospel and revealing Himself thru Holy Spirit.

How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

People are kept from falling back into their old ways by studying his word and living our lives according to his word.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? To save us by taking our place and giving us a way out beyond the law.

How does Jesus rescue people today? The comforter, the Holy Spirit, and the Word

How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? Just the Word and a heart to obey.


The only way we can stay on track and keep our hearts from growing cold is by allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will not force us to do God's will; we can still choose to ignore Him, do our own thing and mess our lives up. The Galatians had chosen to listen to man instead of the Holy Spirit which I am sure had to tell them they were doing wrong.

I like the way you put this, thanks!


The obvious purpose of the death of Jesus was for the remission of our sins. He became the sacrifice once and for all. This ending Old Testament rituals and cleansings.

It is our Faith and belief in that fact that rescues us, today.

In my opinion it is our choice to believe in that fact that keeps us from falling back. Salvation is given freely, however it is a daily choice on our part. God desires a relationship with each and everyone of, but in the end it is our choice to respond.






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