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(Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

#1) Jesus gave Himself for our sins, to save us from the evil in this world.

#2) He saves us today through the teaching of His Word and drawing us to Himself. He opens our eyes to the things and evil we can't see and works wonders in our hearts.

#3) The Holy Spirit convicts us in our hearts and points us to the cross over and over again.

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Christ gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the evil present age, according to the will of our God and Father. Jesus rescues people today through the Holy Spirit who nudges or sometimes gives a push if we don't listen. He uses us and his Word to rescue the lost. He stops people from falling back into their old ways by using the Holy Spirit to disciple believers first gently but he will become more forceful as we keep doing what we are not suppose to do. It is always better listen to his gentle voice instead of waiting for the punishment that will take place if we keep sinning.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

Jesus gave Himself that we might have eternal life, a relationship with the Father where we can come into His presence without the shedding of the blood of a lamb, Christ was our sacrifice once for all. Jesus rescues people today by their reading His word or hearing it preached by others. He keeps people from falling back by giving them His Spirit that is their seal till He come again.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) (A) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

A. He gave Himself for our sins in order to rescue us, redeem us, pay with His blood the penalty our sins deserved (e.g. Isaiah 53, Leviticus 16 and the Day of Atonement, lots of other types).

B. Jesus rescues us today as He did then. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8). His blood alone confers on the penitent alone forgiveness and eternal life.

C. By the action of the Holy Spirit to convict us of "sin, righteousness and judgment" (John 16:7-14), leading us to ongoing conversion, repentence, maturity and humility. I like to refer to the four Ss : Scripture (reading/study), Supplication (prayer), the Sacraments (especially confession and the Eucharist), and Socialization (fellowship).


Accoding to Gal.1:4, Jesus gave Himself for the purpose of rescuing us from our sin. The whole world (human race) is lost in sin (Rom. 3:23). Not only are we lost in sin, we are taken captive by the devil and we are in need of a rescuer. Jesus Christ the rescuer came to set us free.

Jesus rescue people today the same way as before: through the gospel (Psalm 107:20; Rom. 1:16; Rom. 10:13-15)

Jesus keeps us from falling back to our sin by giving us His Holy Spirit who empowers us with grace to so NO to sin (Titus 2:11-12)


Jesus gave himself for my sins so that I may be presented to the Father as pure and blameless and be known as His child. Jesus gave Himself so that I may know the Father and thereby have eternal life.

Jesus is always the rescuer. His blood is still the only redemptive power available to man. He rescues by making Himself known. As Christians, we are called to make this power known - our Jesus known. Jesus rescues through the gospel shared by us and by his divine revelation.

God keeps people from falling back into their old ways by relating to them so that their inmost needs are met by Him. We can chose to walk with Jesus - hearing his voice, by reading His word, abiding in Him, and maintaining fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Alternatively, we can step out of the Kingdom and deafen our ears to the Holy Spirit. It is a daily, minute-by-minute decision to lean into the arms of Jesus and not walk according to this present evil age. The ability to do this, so that this call is not beyond us, is given to us by the grace found in the resurrected Christ. GOD'S GRACE ENABLES US TO WALK IN HIS KINGDOM AND MAINTAIN FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM.


According to verse(4)(1) The Lord Jesus christ gave himself for the purpose to save us from our sinful life becuse the gospel says ( for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God ( Romans 3:23).( and also ( for the wage of the sin is death (Romans 6:23) the Lord died for us and gave us forgiveness of our sins and eternal life with him in The heaven.(2)The Lord rescue people today...when any one come to him and ask him to forgive his sins..and the lord will fogive him.. Then accept the Lord Jesus christ as his personal Lord & savior to his life .then the Lord wil dwell in his heart through the Holy spirit and the believer will be child of God and will have eternal life in heaven...(3) He keep them from falling back into their old life through the work of the Holy spirit who is dwelling now in the heart of every child of God, and the believer must let the Lord lead & guid him every day through the daily followship with the lord in worship& prayer and reading the bible and have followship with other believers.. and it is only by the grace of the lord we can stand firm in our faith in God and this will not make us falling back in to our old life(sinful life) .... God bless you all.


According to verse 4,for what purpose did jesus give himself? How does jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into old ways?

Jesus gave himself as a ransom for all of us or as a rescue mission to save us from making mistakes and caring more about the law then the gospel. Jesus keeps rescuing us by the word of grace and of salvation. He keeps people on track by motivating and encouraging us to stay true to his word.


Jesus gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age. Jesus rescues people the same way today--through the gospel being shared. He provides the Holy Spirit & His Word to keep us on track. Also, reviewing the gospel message often, helps to keep us on track.


(Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose

did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today?

How does he keep people from falling back into their old


According to verse 4, for what purpose

did Jesus give himself? Jesus gave himself that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He came to seek and to save sinners. It is not his desire to see any go to hell. We should all repent of our sins.

How does Jesus rescue people today? We are rescued through the everflowing blood of Jesus. There is a fountain filled with blood. This fountain never runs dry. As you read the word of God and obeys its principles you are rescued. As you listens to the preacher and walks in the will of God, you are rescued. If you are obedient to the call you will be rescued.

How does he keep people from falling back into their old


People will always fall back when they are rebellious to the will of God. The word is available. Trust and obey there is no other way to keep in Jesus. Have fellowship everyday. Stay in fellowship. You cannot have a good relationship unless you communicate and make things right. Jesus is always available to hear our faintest cry. Just trust Him,.


According to verse 4: the purpose jesus gave his life for us was to save us from our wicked ways also sins so we would have everlasting life in him. How he rescue people today is by his grace and mercy. He protect us from harm and danger. He keeps a shield of protection around us. He hide us. How he keep us from falling back into the same ways is by when we get saved he send us a comforter which is his spirit to guide us....because if we abide in him he will abide in us....


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

Jesus died on the cross for our sins, exactly as God the Father had planed from the beginning. This was done to rescue us from this evil world and bring us into the family of God.

Jesus rescues people today by loving them and drawing them to the Father, they are forgiven through his work at the cross. They are kept by his grace and intersession to the Father on their behalf.


Jesus is my Rescuer. It is by His atoning, substitutionary shedding of His Blood, that I am rescued. It is by GRACE through FAITH. Just as I was rescued some forty years ago by believing on what He did and by GRACE receiving my salvation and freedom, it is also BY GRACE that I am kept. I am powerless to save myself, and I am also powerless to keep myself from falling back once I am set free. It is Grace -- GIFT -- to be in Christ, and to remain in Christ. The enemy, the world, circumstances, sickness, poverty, etc. have certainly robbed me of much. BUT God has graced me with FAR MORE than the enemy has taken. I was rescued from a rigid religious system when I believed and received Christ. But over the years, I slipped back into performance based religious works as my way of pleasing God and walking with Him. Suddenly that way of life came screeching to a halt through family tragedy, spiritual abuse and abandonment. Over a period of time the Lord is bringing the truth of Galatians to LIFE in me--saved by faith/kept by faith. It is Christ in me the Hope of Glory. My part is to keep my spiritual eyes and ears open to Him, open every spiritual door and window that He may come in. He has filled me with so much more than the enemy has taken away.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

According to verse 4, "....who gave Himself for our sins, to rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father..."

He exchanged His life for our sins. We no longer are of the world, but are new creations in Christ. Through HIS sacrifice.

Jesus rescues people today in the same way. There is only one way to be rescued. Through the blood of the Lamb. When we accept salvation through Him, we receive the Holy Spirit.

Jesus sent this helper to live within us when He went back to His (Our) Father in Heaven. The Holy Spirit is our helper and counselor in this life and He will convict us, encourage us and direct our steps in multiple ways. Through the Bible, daily devotionals or studies. Through music, sermons, circumstances in our lives where that still small voice gives direction. We though, must allow Him to help us. Sometimes we don't want to.....but in our obedience we find that He always directs us in ways that are good and 100% right, so we learn to listen more and better and to do as He directs and to trust Him.

I agree that our relationship of love is a major factor in our not falling back. When you fall in love with Jesus and experience the Holy Spirit's leading....it's like having your "perfect" best friend and love by you all day long to help you and you just want to love Him back through your actions. I'm just so grateful for His direction and love!


For God alone my soul waits in silence;

from him comes my salvation.

He alone is my rock and my salvation,

my fortress; I shall never be shaken.

--Psalm 62:1-2

He saved me by GRACE through faith and He keeps me by GRACE through faith.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does He keep people from falling back into their old ways?

According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself?

Jesus was sent to us according to the WILL of the Father ( Jesus was sent to us as a gift from God to atone for our sins and show us The Way). To rescue us from evil.

How does Jesus rescue people today?

The same as ever. We are atoned and justified only through the blood of Jesus Christ. We are rescued.

How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

Through the workings of the Holy Spirit, oftentimes through the workings of the church and discipleship. Through strong faith, and by getting to know Jesus on a personal basis we can avoid falling back into our old ways. It is important to open our hearts to the teaching of the Holy Spirit. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are many ( the Holy Spirit is literally the breath of GOD)! It is equally important to stay in the word. Read your Bible and pray often, Talk with the Lord. He is your best friend! He is our Redeemer, our Rescuer, our Savior. only through His sacrifice do we begin to realize the meaning of true love.


Jesus gave his life for our sin. He went to the cross that you and I may have eternal life.Jesus rescue people today by them asking him to come in to their hearts. He keep them from falling by them reading his word that he left for us until he returns.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself?

To free us from this evil world we live in.

How does Jesus rescue people today?

By revealing Himself to us, through his word

How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

By renewing their minds through the word.


NIV Galations 1:4 in pertinent part reads, "who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father," therefore, Jesus' purpose was to do the will of God, his father by dying as a substitute for all sinners as a means to rescue us from our rightful punishement.

Today, Jesus' work on the cross continues to cover with us grace and provides us with right standing with the father as long as we continue to have faith in his atoning death and resurrection. Jesus also left us with the Holy Spirit.

The Comforter or Holy Spirit which Jesus sent upon his departure dwells within us as he leads and guides our spirits into all truth.


Jesus gave Himself for our sins and to rescue us from the present evil age. He died for our sins on the cross.

Jesus rescues people today by the gospel message and leading of the Holy Spirit.

He keeps people from falling back into old ways by having the Holy Spirit teach and guide them.


According to Galations 1:4, Jesus gave himself for the purpose of rescuing/redeeming/buying/saving us from the present evil age, which gets

everyone to sin.

Jesus rescues us today as he has always done, by paying the price for us, that is himself, being judged in our place, for our sins, according to

God's will.

Jesus sent us God the Holy Spirit to counsel, guide, teach and keep us in the Way-the Holy Spirit helps us to get back when we

slip, he helps us to discern between the way of the present evil age/our old ways and the one Way.


Jesus gave Himself to deliver us from this "evil world""

This is how God sees us in our conditions.."in an evil world" I often wonder if we see ourselves in this view..that we need to be delivered..Often this world is beautiful to us..and until we realise that we are in such an evil world..then will we want to be delivered and seek Jesus as our deliverer.


Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? Jesus died for our sins

How does Jesus rescue people today? We have the Holy Spirit to keeps us on the right track

How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? To study the word and let it dwell in us

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