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Jesus gave himself for ours sins. He continues to rescue us by the hearing of His Word. I think it is partially up to us to keep from falling back to our old ways, through continual study, meditation upon His Word and prayer I beleive it is essential and pertains to all Christians that Paul wrote to Timothy in 2nd Timothy2:15," Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth". KJV

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Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

According to the verse, Jesus gave himself for our sins to rescue or deliver us from this present evil world (age).

That is a straight forward answer. We are held captive in a present evil world. Struggling for a life free from the present evil and yet unable to be set free on by our own efforts. Jesus did not send us a rope that we could use to climb out of this captivity on our own. He did not point to a way that would be our passage out. There was no way out to freedom or liberty, we were weak, and helpless with no way of escape. The only way was for the Lord Jesus Christ to step into this present evil world and give himself for our sins. He gave himself, presented himself, his very life and all that he is. He laid down his life, breaking the chains that have bound us to this prest evil world, setting us free, bringing life and liberty to a once defeated and helpless captive of death and destruction.

In order to keep from falling back into the old ways, we have continue to hold on to and trust in the one who gave himself for our sins. In a few paragraphs Paul says it this way," I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me, and the life which I now live I live by faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me."

We are not captives, we are set free, we are not the children of bondwoman, but of the free. It is life in the grace of Christ that keeps us from falling back into the captivity and bondange of the old ways.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1(Galatians1;4) According to verse 4 for what purpose did Jesus give himself? He gave himself for our sins. 2, How does Jesus rescue people to day? He rescue people today by his teaching of the gospel and reveling himself through the Holy Spirit. 3,How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? By studying his word and living our lives according to his word.


Q1(Galatians1;4) According to verse 4 for what purpose did Jesus give himself? 1 He gave himself for our sins. 2 2 Q2, How does Jesus rescue people to day? Jesus rescue people to day by his teaching of the gospel and reveling himself through the Holy Spirit. Q Q3, How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? By studying his word and living our lives according to his word.


Q1(Galatians1;4)According to verse 4 for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people to day? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways. 1, According to verse 4 for what purpose did Jesus give himself.? He gave himself for our sins. 2,How does Jesus rescue people to day? Jesus rescue people today by his teaching of the gospel and reveling himself through the Holy Spirit. 3,How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? By studying his word and living our lives according to his word.

  • 5 weeks later...

Jesus gave himself as a sacrifice on the cross to redeem us from sin.

He continues to rescue us by cleansing us and forgving us by His precious Blood. As the word of God says in 1 John 1:9- If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

The Blood of Jesus christ enables every christian from falling back to old ways of sinful nature. His precious Blood continually cleanses us from all sin when we turn to Him and ask pardon and forgiveness. when we come into His presence daily and worship Him and spend time with Him he fills us with His grace to overcome ways of old sinful nature. He empowers us with His Holy Spirit as we commune with Him and rescues us from falling back to our old ways,


Jesus gave himself as a sacrifice on the cross to redeem us from sin.

He continues to rescue us by cleansing us and forgving us by His precious Blood. As the word of God says in 1 John 1:9- If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

The Blood of Jesus christ enables every christian from falling back to old ways of sinful nature. His precious Blood continually cleanses us from all sin when we turn to Him and ask pardon and forgiveness. when we come into His presence daily and worship Him and spend time with Him he fills us with His grace to overcome ways of old sinful nature. He empowers us with His Holy Spirit as we commune with Him and rescues us from falling back to our old ways,


Jesus gave his ownself for mankind as the will of Abba Father in heaven to save mankind, by his sacrifice on the cross he paid the price for all of us, he shed his blood to cleanse us from our sins and each time we claim his precious blood over us , our family members and our households we are cleansed and protected by his precious blood. His precious blood and the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God keeps people from falling back to sin.


Jesus gave himself to rescue us from the present evil age. Jesus rescues people today by giving them freedom from their selfish and sinful nature. he sets us free from the sin that binds us and shows us how to live a meaningful and fulfilled life. He keeps people from falling back into their sin-filled ways through communion - the communion of the Holy Spirit with our own spirits. (Definition: Communion - to be in a state of intimate and heightened sensitivity and receptivity)

  • 2 months later...

Q1a)Jesus took all our sins upon himself &allowed himself to be sacrificed on the cross, to rescue is.He came to bring hope &salvation.By resurrecting from death he defeated the power of death &sin satan had over us.Through Jesus our relationship with our Father God is restored.

B)Believing in Jesus &what he did for us, has set people free ever since from worldly influences,our guilt, pride,sinful thoughts,temptations of sin

.c)If man chooses to read bible&absorb God’s word. He will guide us by Spirit’s prompts to keep us on track, Jesus guides,convicts, frees &gives hope to us today.

  • 6 months later...

Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

Jesus give Himself up to deliver humanity from this present evil age according the will of God and our Father. See John 3:16-17. Jesus rescues people today who put their faith and trust in Him like He has been doing for two thousand years. Jesus died on the cross for the universal atonement of human sin and as Paul has stated in other epistles -- especially for those who believe in Him. Whomever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved.

Today like yesterday Jesus saves people the same way -- "To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Free from what? Freedom from the moral and political corruption of this age; freedom from the religious world which mixes rituals and ceremonies with faith in Christ; freedom from false religion; freedom from demonic control and influences; freedom from self; and most importantly freedom from death.

Jesus said that he was the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that nobodys gets to the Father but through Him. See John 14:6

Jesus keeps people from falling back into their olds ways through a personal relationship with Him and the filling presence of the Holy Spirit in the believer's being. We are sealed in the Holy Spirit. However, it up to people to stay the course with Christ. We are not puppets on a string even though humanity is very easily influenced by "whatever." It is in a saving, trusting, dynamic relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that we become new creations in Christ and the old way passes away.


"Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?"

According to verse 4, Jesus died on the cross to save us from the present evil age. So salvation is through him alone.

Christ still rescue's us today as he always has, people invite him into their life. Whoever calls upon the the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Jesus keeps us from falling back into our old ways. Through the power of the Holy Spirit who is actively working in our lives.


Jesus gave himself according to the will of His father to take our punishment for our sins and rescue us from evil. He gave himself to death to give us eternal life.

The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is saving people even today. It is only blood of Jesus which saves us even today. When we turn to Christ and repent and ask him to be our savior we are saved. When we learn the word of god and walk close in God’s commands we are rescued.

The Holy spirit helps people from falling back into their old ways.

  • 1 month later...

Jesus gave Himself to us to save us from our sins and we may not perish but have eternal life.

Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father and is interceding for us that we may remain in Him.

Jesus has promised us the Holy spirit who is our Comforter our counsellor and helps us in our weakest moments and keeps us from falling back to our old ways

  • 1 year later...

Jesus gave Himself to rescue us from the present evil age and for our sins. Jesus gives people a second chance and sometimes even more chances. When we truly repent of our sins and accept Him as our saviour, redeemer and friend, we are given the guidance of  the Holy Spirit to help us. He puts us on a path of finding those people that will be there to guide us in our pursuit of Christian faith.

  • 1 month later...

He gave Himself for our sins so we may be delivered from this evil age. He rescues us in the same way in this present day. He keeps us from falling back into our former ways through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

  • 3 months later...

Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? 


Answer: The purpose of Jesus gave himself for our sin, was to rescue us from this evil world.

              Today, Jesus rescue people by Faith, those who trust in Him he gave the power to became the sons of God.

              He gave Holy spirit to guide the believer and not to fall again into their old ways of life. 

  • 3 months later...

Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?

According to Galatians1:4 the purpose Jesus gave himself for our sins was to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory, forever and ever.

Jesus rescues people today just as he did in the day he died on the cross, was buried and resurrected on the third day. By having faith and belief in him we are rescued from the just punishment that was required by the law.

jesus keeps us from falling back into our old ways by providing strength and perseverance of the Holy Spirit.  

  • 5 months later...

I see Jesus as the chosen one to save us, so we can be reconciled to God. I feel He has saved me time and time again. I could've died at seventeen when I almost fell onto a elevated train track, and could've been electrocuted. At twenty six I was in a car accident and flipped my car. I was anticipating an explosion, and seeing visions of hell.

I'm thankful for what Jesus did for me.


I see Jesus as the chosen one to save us, so we can be reconciled to God. I feel He has saved me time and time again. I could've died at seventeen when I almost fell onto a elevated train track, and could've been electrocuted. At twenty six I was in a car accident and flipped my car. I was anticipating an explosion, and seeing visions of hell.

I'm thankful for what Jesus did for me.


Jesus gave His life for us because we can't save ourselves. We proved the law to be ineffective. As we continue on the age is evil. Christ died not just for the present, but the past and future as well.


Jesus continues to keep us from falling into the traps of works through His Word if we choose to read His Word, and listen to when the Holy Spirit is warning us not to go down the road of sin and works. The Holy Spirit will also convict us when we do after not listening to the prompts.

  • 10 months later...

Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways?


Jesus gave himself for our sins in order to deliver us from the the present evil according to the will of God. Jesus asks the same today, believe in Him by faith! Jesus helps keep people from backsliding by the gift of the Holy Spirit. 


  • 2 months later...

PURPOSE JESUS GAVE: To die for our sins that He would deliver us from the world; it is His sacrifice that made it possible to know God; Accepting His grace instead of condemnation; righteousness made possible; understanding that it is not about man (it's the work of the Holy Spirit); He gives us peace instead of guilt and shame; seeing God's glory

JESUS RESCUE PEOPLE TODAY: with His grace He offered salvation; able to take or be with Him in every situation; focused on Jesus to combat the influence of the world; seeking and wanting Jesus; for our minds to be renewed and as well as we repent; man has no part in saving himself; understand to allow the Holy Spirit to move in our lives; the Lord speaks to us; ability to do God's will; the cross being allowed to take all things (looking and understanding the emphasis); knowing that it is not about doing things that we think would save us (seen as a requirement)

KEEP PEOPLE FROM FALLING BACK: The Holy Spirit covers us when we follow Him; looking to Christ for answers; being willing to yield and submit self regardless of what people might say; He gives us new desires; convict us - when being pulled back into what would gratify the flesh or with friends that do not respect your new lifestyle; not to dwell on the past but knowing that all things are under the blood; remove self from the environment that would tempt us; He gives us His strength; giving God the glory and praise 

  • 10 months later...

Jesus gave Himself for "our sins to rescue us from the present evil age according to the will of our G-d and Father." He rescues people the same way today. We are kept from falling back into our old ways because He has sent us the Holy Spirit upon salvation to equip us to live lives pleasing to Him. Because we are redeemed according to His sovereignty, He never loses those He has called. John 6:37 states, "All those the Father gives me will come to Me, and whoever comes to Me I will never drive away." John 10:28 says, "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand."

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