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Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

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Q2. Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers?

This was dangerous to the Galatian believers as they started leaving the true Gospel and believe what was being preached by the Judaizers. They were therefore risking to loose the inheritance of the Kingdom of God.

How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

In our day, twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians by being moved from the truth and being trapped to follow teachings that will not make them inherit the Kingdom of God.


Q2. Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers?

This was dangerous to the Galatian believers as they started leaving the true Gospel and believe what was being preached by the Judaizers. They were therefore risking to loose the inheritance of the Kingdom of God.

How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

In our day, twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians by being moved from the truth and being trapped to follow teachings that will not make them inherit the Kingdom of God.


The Galatian believers were being led astray by false teachers. Paul condemns their lack of discernment as well as the intentional misinterpretation of the gospel by the Judaizers. Accepting a different gospel nullifies the True Gospel and becomes a source of confusion and division in the lives of Christians today.


Jesus gave himself for our sins, according to the will of God. Jesus is the only way to salvation. The loss of salvation is the result. Look what happened in the garden of Eden with a slight twist of God's word. The affect today is a perversion of the Word and falling away from the truth. Anything added to or subtracted from God's word is nothing more than man trying to interject a wisdom that God has proven foolish. Is this not an attempt by man to be like God, the same thing that caused a certain fall from Heaven?

Thankfully God is in control and not me!


Q2. Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

There is so much being twisted out of the Bible that it truly frightens me what people believe. There are so many that call themselves Christians that never read their Bible and are so easily mislead. I fear if the antichrist comes along, they could be convinced to follow because they are not watching out for him and know nothing about end times.

My dad was a preacher/missionary and he always taught me from the start the "simplicity" of the gospel. We accept Jesus and His death on the cross for our sins and His resurrection and the fact that we cannot do anything to save ourselves. We serve the Lord in obedience after we are saved; it does not save us. There is none righteous among us, no not one!

If we do not read our Bibles, study God's teachings and most of all pray for understanding on a regular basis, we will not have the discernment to when we are led astray. Churches need to watch and protect the sheep from wolves coming in and causing confusion. There are many wolves in sheeps clothing that will try to harm the sheep by confusing their thinking.


Q2. Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers?

Its danger lies in its perversion of the law into that of "LEGALISM" - defined as one who thinks himself "righteous" because he follows a set of rules or regulations, instead of putting their trust in God.

How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

I believe there are many twisted gospels being taught today, many come with their own set of rules and regulations that must be followed in order for one to be found righteous before God, but the "true" gospel, the good news is - the Gentile Galatian believers are called to follow one set of rules, to let "love" rule, the true gospel allows us to see more clearly, one of the reasons why Christ died for the world, was to set them free, God's laws would be seen in a new light, they are there and are to be followed, because they are "FOR OUR GOOD", it is a means for us to love God by, that is - if they are based on the calling of the “CROSS” - that of "LOVE" and not that of "LEGALISM. :huh:


Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers?

The Judaizers' were teaching a different truth (misapplied truth), not the truth. this was dangerous because it was a mixed message. The Judaizers' message (verse 6) was causing those who received it to turn away the one who called them by the grace, in essence as they received this different message it was as if the work of Christ was not enough.

So soon removed - Is especially dangerous because it coveys they made a decision, a decision to turn from Him to their selves They had moved from the Rock the only true foundation, to a foundation that surface was as sand.

And would pervert - With certainty one cannot that the Judaizers main intent was to turn the Galatians from Christ for it is my belief that if they held Him in a different light than that of those who disdained Him their intent was not malicious. What they were doing though was bringing misguided / misapplied ceremonial principles from their heritage. The guidance God gave their forefathers along the way became polluted and they were continuing in that manner. Works NEVER was a means to salvation, it was from Adam by GRACE through FAITH. God through many Prophets express that man's righteousness according to man was not pleasing to Him, one Prophet siad that it was as filthy rags.

It was dangerous because outward acts / works has a tendency to lead to self worth, pride vainness etc... By continuance to depend on self one would turn away from God, people would feel a comfort by way of competing rites and ceremonies. God through the major and minor prophets told the people that these kinds of sacrifices were not worthy. People then and those now who gravitate to this doctrine that the Judaizers project in essence are continuing in the likeness of those who believe in gods, as in we must do this or that to keep the gods appeased. if we do not unfortunate events will occur.

How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

Paul in verse 7 begins it by saying, " Which is not another. " It is not a Gospel, or good new, it is misapplied doctrine which attributes justification to the works of the law. It attempts to mix grace and works equating to salvation. It affects Christians today as it did for those of the 1st Century, it gives them a false sense of hope, it corrupts, it dishonors God, etc...

Works never have save, the Ceremonial Laws were not give to save nor can they save.

Having said that when most look at Paul's recording as it relates to the Gospel immediately many attest that the Law was done away with. Not to get on a soap box, nor to cause contention. It is true that Christ Jesus desires relationship, that has been the desire from the beginning, nonetheless there is yet order. To my understanding no one is saved by keeping the Law, we all are saved by grace through faith. We no longer are required to maintain or physically observe the Ceremonial Laws. However the Moral law and some of the Civil Laws do have relevance in our lives today. All will be judge by some standard, where does the standard come from. Love the Lord, Love other both are contained in the Moral Law and Civil Laws that are applicable to our culture. (some civil laws the application may not be applicable however the concept has relevance.

Paul himself said he would not know sin if he did not know the Law (Romans 7:7; 6:15; 3:31). Again this does not save in respects to eternal salvation, but it has relevance in our living.


Q2. Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

There is so much being twisted out of the Bible that it truly frightens me what people believe. There are so many that call themselves Christians that never read their Bible and are so easily mislead. I fear if the antichrist comes along, they could be convinced to follow because they are not watching out for him and know nothing about end times.

My dad was a preacher/missionary and he always taught me from the start the "simplicity" of the gospel. We accept Jesus and His death on the cross for our sins and His resurrection and the fact that we cannot do anything to save ourselves. We serve the Lord in obedience after we are saved; it does not save us. There is none righteous among us, no not one!

If we do not read our Bibles, study God's teachings and most of all pray for understanding on a regular basis, we will not have the discernment to when we are led astray. Churches need to watch and protect the sheep from wolves coming in and causing confusion. There are many wolves in sheeps clothing that will try to harm the sheep by confusing their thinking.

I am in total agreement with you Servant Of God!


Since Jesus died for our salvation, anything other gospel negates our salvation. Twisted gospels can have a person doing any multitude of weird things according to the person giving the law, just to gain the salvation we already have.


Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

- This was dangerous to the Galatian believers because it put them in confusion and in believing the perverted gospel in thinking they could be saved by the works of the law and not by faith in Jesus Christ and what He accomplished on the cross at Calvary for their salvation.

- Twisted gospels affect Christians in our day because is causes them to fall away from the truth and believe another gospel which is not of God. We need to continually test to see if it really agrees with the Word of God and is not a false doctrine.


If we believed the Judaizers then all we would have to do is follow the law then we would be righteous

and Jesus death on the cross didn't matter.

There are people that twist things around and want to lead us away from Jesus.

We have to becareful that we don't fall into that trap.


In Galatian's time - it causes confusion which was shifting th focus away from the truth of God.

In our time - It may 'stunt' the growth of a Christian. It may cause confusion - which leads to frustration which could eventually turn someone away from God entirely. It can reduce the likeliness of more non-believers to come to Him.


Jesus described Himself in many ways... once as "the way, the truth, and the life" emphasizing that "no one comes to the Father" in any other way. Sometimes we have differences that are not critical, but at other times, doctrinal error, half truths, lies, deceptions of the gospel can have eternal consequences. In Paul's day and in ours, we must be wary of those who would lead us astray. The word is our source, and we need to be saturated with it (engrafted or planted in us, James would say) in order to stay on the right path.


Q2. Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel.

How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers?

We can only believe one thing and expect God's Grace, it is the only right thing. While the intent of the Galatian believers may be good; the impact will be devastating. God is looking in our hearts for his Son; nothing else will do. They will go into an eternal curse for the wrong reason.

How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

Many ways. Cowards with bad intentions but a twisted understanding of the Bible, will attempt to use the Bible for their bad intentions. Many innocent followers will listen to them, act on what is shared, and like the Galatians will go into an eternal curse for the wrong reason.

When we choose an alternate truth; we have chosen a lie; it will be received that way in the heart and mind of God. He has told us I give you a choice life or death; choose life. A hint to the wise should be sufficient. Read the Word for yourself as you will be held accountable, not for what you thought, but what you believed and acted upon.


In Paul's frustration and attempt to correct wrong thinking among the Galations, he refers to a "different gospel." It seems to me, that the Galatians are falling for the same tactics as the serpent used on Eve in the Garden of Eden. There was enough truth mixed in with lies, to create confusion, second guessing, and ultimately reality itself. I have heard insanity is believing lies, and acting upon false belief. Sanity is believing truth and acting upon truth. The Jews were creating an insane environment by mixing truth with lies. The Galations were succombing to the insanity. We all live in an insane environment until Christ comes back again; and our sinful natures leave us all vulnerable to doubt when anicdotal evidence supports the lies. Again, Christ saves us everyday by His grip on us, His grace, and word implanted in our minds, to remind us of truth. In his passionate love of Christ, Paul was used by Christ to remind the Galations of truth.


Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

#1) This was dangerous to Galatian believers because they were easily being astrayed, led in the wrong direction. They were believing a "gospel" that was never the gospel, therefore being led away from Jesus.

#2) In the same way with the Galatian believers, twisted or perversions of the gospel to Christians in this day have the same result, to be led astray, led in the wrong way. Paul states that anyone who preaches any other gospel other than the one he preached (and others) then let that one "be eternally condemned" (1:8).


2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

It was dangerious because it tried to lead them back to the law and asay from Christ as their means to God the Father. In our day false teachers use other means to lead people who are unlearned away from the word of God and Christ His Son, they speak of false gods, or other means to God other the Jesus, and other are still worshiping idols, money,work, possessions, to name a few.


The danger lies in adding more to the salvation message, anulling the simple truth. Unbalanced gospel messages will grow unbalanced believers--or confused unbelievers who think they're saved. We have plenty of cults around, doing that very thing.....


Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? Heresy is bad for any child of God. As long as heresy comes into play. The children of God who are not keen and paying close attention, will be carried away. Heresy is false doctrine and this will break down any house. The Ga latian brethren were wrong to have not kept to what Paul had taught them, but we always need constant teachers and preachers who have sound doctrine. We will always need guide. The children of Israel were led from Egypt with a guide.

How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

Heresy leads a child of God astray. Without sound doctrine, we will fall for anything. As children of God, we have a responsibility to seek God, to find Him and to ask of Him. He will talk to us. There is no relationship without communication. Read the word of God and adhere. God is available to our faintest cry.


Q2---Judaizers message is a different kind of gospel (which there isn't any).

Dangerous to the Galatians, they were taught the only goapel, by turning away from it they were putting their lives in jeporady for eternal life!

How does twisted gospels hurts us because it takes us away from the only true gospel for those who are week and takes them away from the Kingdom of God.


Heresies have cropped up periodically throughout Church history. The Judaizing heresy was only the first. Gnositcism was also floating around at the time. Later, Arianism, Appollinarianism, Nestorianism, and a host of other ideas (false gospels) which had the great potential to lead new (and older) believers astray. The Galatians heresy had the potential to ruin the orthodox faith taught by the apostles. False teachings today have the same potential.

Our safety? What saith the Scripture? But the argument usually follows: WHOSE interpretation of Scripture?


I believe this is dangerous because it makes believers think there is something we can "do" to earn our salvation. It somehow makes us think that we have the power over our salvation which only increases our sense of self. Christ alone is our salvation. He is the author of our faith.

Even today we think we can do things to gain salvation. There isn't. We love Him because of what He's done. We can't earn His love because of what we do - no matter how righteous it seems. Our obedience to Him comes as a resonse to His great love for us not from a desire to follow rules or laws.


Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel.

How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers?

This is dangerous to the Galatian believers they had been taught the gospel of the grace of God. There is no excuse for them to be so easily swayed away from God. Anyone that believes another gospel, which is no gospel, shall be cursed.

How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

Christians today will be affected the same way as the Galatians were. We can be easily led astray. We must know the gospel for ourselves to before accepting the teachings of any one.


Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?

Perversion of the true Gospel was dangerous to the Galatian believers because it was salvation through Jesus.... PLUS.....a mere Jewish tradition. The false teachers were saying salvation couldn't be attained without circumcision! The Good News is a Gospel of grace. We don't receive salvation through works or tradition. It is a gift given. Free and clear. We just have to accept.

I think Christians today do receive messages in churches today that include teachings on human achievement and pride. Christ must always be at the center of the Gospel. We don't receive grace after we are doing everything right, looking religious or following the law. When we were but sinners He saved us.

Yes, on this journey we will see our sins and we WILL become free of them, but it's grace that saves. Amazing Grace! Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved!

"Behavior" gospels only lead to guilt and self condemnation or pride in human achievements that are temporary at best.

'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus! Without Christ at the center and as our firm foundation all else condemns!

The GOOD NEWS of the Gospel of Jesus Christ = heart changes from the love we have received!

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