manuelhankala Posted January 23, 2012 Report Posted January 23, 2012 Paul called judaizers message as a "(different gospel) a perversion of the true gospel.( Question 1):-How is this dangerous to Galatians believers? (Answer 1):-Because they start to leaving the true gospel that was preached to them by Paul and to believe what the judaizers were teaching that they also must observe the works of the law( and this is another gospel,or not gospel at all). and this is the contrary of the true Gospel ( that says , we have justified only by faith in the Lord Jesus christ and not by the works of the law, for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified)...(Question 2):-How do twisted gospels affect christian in our day?(Answer 2)There is no change of the word of God(The True Gospel) Teachings in our day also, anybody come to preach or teach the another Gospel that says our justification or righteousness must come through faith& works ,he is not true christian and will make conflict&confusion within the christians . Apostle Paul said to the Galatians and to all believers in verses 8&9(If anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed(anathema)...But The teaching of True Gospel is Clear Crystal....that we are justified only by faith in the Lord jesus christ and not by the works. and That we are saved by Grace through Faith....and this is mean that we are saved by Grace ( Grace it is a free gift from God without any works)....... through Faith.( Faith It is our faith in the Lord Jesus christ that he payed our penalty of death when he shed his precious blood upon the cross for us, and this is the only way that we must be justified and get saved) Quote
JanMary Posted January 23, 2012 Report Posted January 23, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? The true Gospel had been received and the Galatians had been born again. The Judaizers wanted the Gentile believers to forsake "Salvation is by Grace alone, not of works, lest any man boast", and to follow a "mixture" of grace plus come back under the Old Testament Law which the Jews followed. This is deadly to faith, because it appeals to the flesh to perform in order to receive the gift of Grace which has already been freely given. How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? All of the cults and false religions deny that Jesus is God, and saves us by Grace alone. An unbalanced interpretation of the gospel leads the Christian either to "lawlessness or legalism", both aberrations of the true gospel. Both lead to bondage, the antithesis of the freedom Jesus died to give us. It also leads to division within the Body of Christ....(a dear old saint told me that she was in a church where the fight was about wearing hats.... a church split resulted and the mad-hatters left and started their own church across town.It brought shame to the Body of Christ, and ridicule from the towns people. It's the "We do it THIS way" mentality, and if you do it differently, you are "less than", or WRONG. Quote
Highohfaith Posted January 23, 2012 Report Posted January 23, 2012 Because it jeopardizes their salvation. There is only one way to be saved and that is through Jesus Christ, not the law. If we are saved by the law ( in this case the Galatians believed they must be circumcised to be saved) than Jesus' sacrifice would be in vein. We are saved and justified through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross not through law of Moses. How do twisted gospels(or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? The same way as it affected the Galatians, we become confused with what true salvation really is. When we begin to question other doctrine it can seriously put our salvation in jeopardy. BECAUSE, There is only one way to salvation and that is through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died to save us and give us eternal life.To wipe away our sins, to cast them down, to give us new life through Him. He came to us as a gift from our Father, there is no other truth. Jesus is the Truth and The Way. The only light of the world and the ONLY way to salvation. To believe there is any other way than to accept the teaching of Jesus Christ will seriously put our salvation in jeopardy. The law of Moses changed when a new covenant was made by God the Father to His children. The LAW cannot save us but the blood of God's only Son can! Jesus saves, not the LAW! Quote
Father Tom Church Posted January 23, 2012 Report Posted January 23, 2012 The Galatians were starting to believe and follow the other teachings of their day, Much like today, with the different teachings and schools of thought. It is up to a Church and more so the individual, to determine the authenticity of what is being preached. It is a very dangerous and scary thing to follow improper teaching, especially in this day and age. Quote
Jen Posted January 24, 2012 Report Posted January 24, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? Think of the price our Lord paid for our salvation. Unbelievable that it could be done to God but it was by us. Our Lord said He was (is) the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but through Him. Romans goes in to it is by grace alone that we go to heaven and then some 'uninformed persons with agenda's of their own' come in and start adding a few little other things that must be done ( their opinion). Christ paid it all for us! Final. Then what do we do, start adding a little more and then tweeking this and that and soon we have a totally distorted gospel, like a piece of gossip that one person starts and gets completely embellished until it no longer resembles the truth. The eternal salvation of our souls is dependant on the truth and only the truth being preached and believed. Our sole gratitude is to Christ and none to our works. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
hanks Posted January 24, 2012 Report Posted January 24, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day?Paul cannot believe that the Galatians had so suddenly deserted the true gospel, and put themselves under the curse of the law. By abandoning it for a different gospel they exposed themselves to a perverted message of grace and law; a mixture that unsettles them and causes confusion and turmoil. The same damage is done today when twisted gospels and doctrines are preached. We see the tendency to minimise Christ’s death on the cross. People try to find favour with God by observing certain rituals, instead of accepting that all believers have the Holy Spirit through faith. Some try to find favour with people for financial gain, and preach what people like to hear, not what God has said. We must know that we cannot be saved by keeping laws; the only way of salvation is through faith in Christ. There is only one true gospel and many false teachings that are spreading like a cancer through our churches. Quote
hanks Posted January 24, 2012 Report Posted January 24, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? Paul cannot believe that the Galatians had so suddenly deserted the true gospel, and put themselves under the curse of the law. By abandoning it for a different gospel they exposed themselves to a perverted message of grace and law; a mixture that unsettles them and causes confusion and turmoil. The same damage is done today when twisted gospels and doctrines are preached. We see the tendency to minimise Christ’s death on the cross. People try to find favour with God by observing certain rituals, instead of accepting that all believers have the Holy Spirit through faith. Some try to find favour with people for financial gain, and preach what people like to hear, not what God has said. We must know that we cannot be saved by keeping laws; the only way of salvation is through faith in Christ. There is only one true gospel and many false teachings that are spreading like a cancer through our churches. Quote
JenniferLynn Posted January 24, 2012 Report Posted January 24, 2012 It is dangerous because they were believing that works were neccessary for salvation. We could get the wrong impression of what needs to be done to be saved. Christian could get a perverted idea that what is important in their life. Quote
Jwalane Mofokeng Posted January 24, 2012 Report Posted January 24, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? 1 John 4 Warns us about the antichrist. They speak the thoughts of the world, and the world listens to them. As the children of God they don´t belong to this world they belong to God How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? They lead us astray. It does´nt build us to the Kingdom Quote
PriscillaM Posted January 24, 2012 Report Posted January 24, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? This is dangerous to the Galation believers because not only would they become confused but they actions would reflect this perverted gospel. Today if we do not follow the true gospel we also will be led astray and miss out on heaven. Quote
adelugbajk Posted January 24, 2012 Report Posted January 24, 2012 The Judaizers’ message as clearly stated by Paul is no good news at all, rather a message from the devil (thieve) who is out to steal, kill and destroy the purpose of God in the lives of the Christians (Jn. 10:10). Such a message is dangerous in that it can ruin the faith of these believers as a result of the confusion they are thrown into and consequently led back into captivity. Unbalanced interpretation of the gospel is prevalent today. It started in the days of Adam and eve from the same source (Gen. 3:1-7). It is a subtle way by Satan to discredit the fact that salvation is a gift received through faith in Christ’s finished work on the cross alone. Twisted gospel which is no gospel in real sense “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” (1 Tim. 3:5). Because it is no gospel, it cannot achieve the same result as the gospel; it lack the “….power of God unto salvation…..” (Rom. 1:16) This perverse gospel negates faith and as such leads to the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21) Quote
lesleeys Posted January 24, 2012 Report Posted January 24, 2012 Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? The Judaizers message of a "different gospel" is the same type of confusion as seen with the gospel of works. Yet, Jeus clearly said we are saved by grace alone and not by works, allowing no man to take credit for God's work. Therefore, salvation can only be received by those who accept by faiththat Jesus was, is, and always will be the Lamb of God who takes away the Sins of the World. Not one of us then, now or forever more can earn our way to right standing with God. We can only receive his merciful gift by faith. The danger for the Galation believers is Paul says, "You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ, you have fallen away from grace". In other words, Paul is saying they are following no gospel at all and therefore without faith in Christ's redeeming work, they are without his saving grace. Today, however, I believe we have a opposite but equally troubling situation existing in the body of Christ. The faith movement is has such a powerful pull yet I believe it is also a distortion of the Gospel. Jesus absolutely call us to faith in him and his saving grace but his work does does not stop at redemption and justification. The bible says, Faith without works is dead and that speaks to the sanctification. As the Holy Spirit performs his work within us the fruits of the spirit will begin to overflow. Yet, the faith movement has made faith the new works. All we need to do is have faith for any and everything and God will respond with like Santa Claus is not based upon the Word of God. This distortion or misrepresentation of the Gospel is dangerous for people today because so many people have itchy ears and they want to believe that God will bless them with all of their hearts desires, all of their fleshly desires, and make life problem free. False teachers are able to peddle this false teaching because most "believers" today do to read or study the Bible to know what it says for themselves. They are therefore being fed a false gospel and don't realize it. It leads people to being disillusioned with God when their "faith" doesn't "work" for them. Quote
linda bass Posted January 24, 2012 Report Posted January 24, 2012 The Judaizers' "gospel" was dangerous to the Galatian believers because they were new in the faith. They were easily swayed by false doctrine. Twisted gospels affect Christians in our day because most of them are based on salvation by works or living a good life. Nothing is mentioned about the sacriface of Christ on the cross for the atonement of sin. Quote
happysheep Posted January 24, 2012 Report Posted January 24, 2012 The Judaiser's message was dangerous to the Galatians because, while it sounded 'good' and 'right' and gave them 'something to do' to 'earn their salvation', it negated the one true gospel, that of Christ dying for their sins. If they believed in this perverted gospel, they stood the risk of losing their salvation, in time!!!! Likewise, perversions of the good news as well as unbalanced interpretation of the gospels lulls people today from staying in the truth or building on the foundation of the true gospel. People today who follow anything but the good news of Jesus dying for us, also stand a risk of losing their salvation, or not being saved at all. Quote
happysheep Posted January 24, 2012 Report Posted January 24, 2012 Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? The Judaizers message of a "different gospel" is the same type of confusion as seen with the gospel of works. Yet, Jeus clearly said we are saved by grace alone and not by works, allowing no man to take credit for God's work. Therefore, salvation can only be received by those who accept by faiththat Jesus was, is, and always will be the Lamb of God who takes away the Sins of the World. Not one of us then, now or forever more can earn our way to right standing with God. We can only receive his merciful gift by faith. The danger for the Galation believers is Paul says, "You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ, you have fallen away from grace". In other words, Paul is saying they are following no gospel at all and therefore without faith in Christ's redeeming work, they are without his saving grace. Today, however, I believe we have a opposite but equally troubling situation existing in the body of Christ. The faith movement is has such a powerful pull yet I believe it is also a distortion of the Gospel. Jesus absolutely call us to faith in him and his saving grace but his work does does not stop at redemption and justification. The bible says, Faith without works is dead and that speaks to the sanctification. As the Holy Spirit performs his work within us the fruits of the spirit will begin to overflow. Yet, the faith movement has made faith the new works. All we need to do is have faith for any and everything and God will respond with like Santa Claus is not based upon the Word of God. This distortion or misrepresentation of the Gospel is dangerous for people today because so many people have itchy ears and they want to believe that God will bless them with all of their hearts desires, all of their fleshly desires, and make life problem free. False teachers are able to peddle this false teaching because most "believers" today do to read or study the Bible to know what it says for themselves. They are therefore being fed a false gospel and don't realize it. It leads people to being disillusioned with God when their "faith" doesn't "work" for them. i walked in this 'gospel' for several years and when my 'faith did not work for me', i was told that i was far away from God. the first thing the Holy Spirit did was to get me away from these teachings and he taught me once again, what the true gospel is. years later, i can see that those times when the 'working of my faith' did not get the desired results was when God was holding me in the palm of his hand and rescuing me, all by himself, paying the ransom and getting me back, bit by bit from the enemy. its grace and grace alone-with complete trust in God and faith in him, that we grow. the problem with the faith gospel is that there is a 'desired state' that all followers are brainwashed to aspire to, whether it is wealth, health, prosperity, whatever. when we aspire for anything but Jesus and him crucified ( 1 Cor 2:2;Gal 6:14) we know we are in trouble. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted January 25, 2012 Report Posted January 25, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? The Galatians had stopped believing that faith and belief in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord was the way to Salvation. Instead, thanks to the judaizers, they now believed that good works and obedience to the Law of Moses were required for salvation. That was the very flawed system of attempted righteousness that Jesus came to do away with! How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? Nowadays we're seeing good intentioned but misguided people believing in the power of special rites prescribed by their churches to make them right with God. We're seeing people putting their faith in ordinary people who have died and later been canonized, instead of putting their faith in Jesus as their Savior and Lord and provider of all things. We're seeing people using Jesus' earthly mother as the mediator between man and God instead of using the Name of Jesus to enter the very Throne room of God in prayer. We're seeing people abstaining from certain foods as a way of getting closer to God, when Jesus declared all foods fit to be eaten. We're seeing people who believe that only their particular branch of Christianity is the right path and that all other denominations are bound for destruction. I'm sure there are more but right now that'll do. I took part in a counsellors course years ago. One rule they maintained was: No prosletyzing. If someone is attending a different denomination to you, you aren't to tell them to come to yours because "it's better". I asked: What if they go to the Catholic Church? I can't in good conscience send a born again Christian back to that heresy. The leader of the course asked me to see him afterwards. Two Catholics turned up to tell me they'd become Christians and were still attending the Catholic Church in an attempt to win their fellow parishioners to Christ. I asked: How's that working out then? They hadn't had any success. I wasn't surprised. The counselling course leader didn't have much to say. He was the author of the video series Christianity Explained. I'd hoped for a definitive answer as to what to do when counselling an inquirer, as he called them, about accepting Jesus as their personal Savior if the person was Catholic. To the Catholic couple I quoted Revelation 18:4 - 8, the passage about the fall of Babylon where God says: Come out of her my people so you won't share in her destruction. That's how serious this whole false teaching is! Quote
Niesha Posted January 25, 2012 Report Posted January 25, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? This is something like False teaching (twisted gospel) so if this would be followed we would not inherit the Kingdom. Quote
ross_laoshi Posted January 26, 2012 Report Posted January 26, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? The Judaizers' "different gospel" was dangerous to the Galation believers because it took those following it away from grace and back under the law into a "works" gospel. Going away from grace and the Christ-centred life is also included in twisted gospels and unbalanced interpretations being taught today, this affects people in many ways such as getting them into striving, following a human leader instead of Christ or Paul's example, bondage, loss of joy and love, cults, being a bad example to the world and ultimately if not corrected leading people to hell instead of heaven. Quote
Tess Raven Posted January 26, 2012 Report Posted January 26, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? This is the same tactic that Satan has used since the beginning of time; take the Truth and tweak it just a bit so that it still "seems" legitimate, but leaves the Believer with a false sense of security in his new found "knowledge". Once the Truth has been manipulated, it is no longer truth. When the truth pertains to one's life or death, either you live or die depending on if you are following THE Truth or a perversion of it. The blackness and whiteness of the Gospel has been so watered down in our present day that many people are lead into the false sense of their own salvation. Quote
tammie7 Posted January 27, 2012 Report Posted January 27, 2012 It is dangerous to the galatians belevers because Paul hadd careful taught them the gospel They started believeing after gospel because if they kept the law they were rightous.Twisted gospel hurt a believer because it have you so you don't what to live by. That it is good to read God word and know it for your self and no one can have you going the wrong way or beliveing something that is wrong. Quote
tammie7 Posted January 27, 2012 Report Posted January 27, 2012 It is dangerous to the galatians belevers because Paul hadd careful taught them the gospel They started believeing after gospel because if they kept the law they were rightous.Twisted gospel hurt a believer because it have you so you don't what to live by. That it is good to read God word and know it for your self and no one can have you going the wrong way or beliveing something that is wrong. Quote
bmudrack Posted January 28, 2012 Report Posted January 28, 2012 Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? It was dangerous to the Galatian believers because it took them away from the truth Paul taught them at the beginning of Christ and Him crucified. This is dangerous to us because when you get too many people taking scripture out of context and twisting it around, it splits the true church of God (God's church). They become denominations with truth in part, but not all truth. They start then coming up with their own belief systems based solely on the portion of scripture taken out of context. Quote
wilma m Posted January 29, 2012 Report Posted January 29, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? The Judaizers' told the Galatians that they can become righteous by keeping the law - thus nullify Jesus death on the cross. It was a false gospel and led to confusion and could lead them astray and they could lose their salvation. The same can happen today when people believe in works rather than the full payment of Jesus on the cross.Jesus has paid for our sins once and for all- all we have to do is to believe it and to accept it. Quote
Eudora Posted January 30, 2012 Report Posted January 30, 2012 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? Paul was amazed that the folks had so quickly turned from Yahushua Whom had called them in His grace. I do not think he is angry with them but the one who has come with the false teaching. He mentions ‘another gospel’. This would be misleading news and not good news at all because it would not hold steadfast to the gospel of Lord Yahushua, all things according to the law of the Lord and all things that were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. This is a lesson to all of us to stay on the road that leads to salvation. The Galatians had been exposed again to legalism, that false principle that grants acceptance to people apart from putting their trust in Lord Yahushua, rather than relying solely on Him and accepting His love for us and the promise that He will do all the work that He intends to perform in us through the power of the Holy Spirit. How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? Terribly. I fear many folks who believe that they are where they think they are supposed to be will be shocked to find out the truth of where they are not. I do not understand how all this is going to work out for so many people. But Yahwey has His plan and He will take care of it all. My view is only from a human standpoint and from a standpoint of reading scripture and studying it and knowing that the life I live is way different than most folks I know. The word of God is only twisted by the work of the enemy but many have fallen into a snare of believing everything that their minister teaches them and this is extremely dangerous. Many strange teachings and theories come out of pulpits and they do not align at all with what the word of Yahwey teaches. One has got to search the scriptures for themselves because the reality is that their very own lives are on the line. Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 31, 2012 Report Posted January 31, 2012 The danger in the Judaizers’ message being “a different gospel” is that it has some requirements that would make the people thinks that they were earning their own salvation instead of God giving it to them by His Son. A lot of times a twisted gospel affects Christians in our day is that they will start following a person rather than God. That is what happens in cults. Quote
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