smithjeanne Posted April 27, 2015 Report Posted April 27, 2015 They were taught correctly by Paul and because they are new believers, they can become easily confused. Believing in a gospel of works in order to be redeemed rather than a gospel of trusting in the redemptive work of the Messiah would lead others astray and give them false hope. Today, believers are easily confused especially when those presenting a gospel different or unbalanced gospel seem to have authority from G-d when in fact, the opposite is true. Quote
Lunkhel Haokip Posted August 15, 2015 Report Posted August 15, 2015 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatians believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? Answer; The perversion of the true gospel was dangerous because it was foolishness act. They received Holy spirit by faith, but if they live with the another gospel, their live will ended in flesh. At the same time the gospel will not be the gospel of grace anymore. Today, imbalance of interpretation affect despising the purity of Christian life, compromise the word of God, turn to worldliness, etc Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted December 4, 2015 Report Posted December 4, 2015 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? The Judaizers of a different gospel or perversion of the true gospel is dangerous to the Galatian believers because it is causing them to go back into the old Mosaic law., which required circumcision of the males believers. This would cause the Galatians to now rely on a physical fulfillment instead of the saving work of Christ. A twisted gospel in our present day causes many Christians and denominations, to rely on their law in order to gain heaven after death. Indulgences of money etc. for the forgiveness of sins, repeating prayers to saints, doing good works alone to get to heaven, is a very twisted gospel that will lead many astray. There are innumerable denominations that exist today, it is almost impossible to list all their interpretations and ideas of life after death. Quote
Danjan1794 Posted May 9, 2016 Report Posted May 9, 2016 Reading a news story about Glenn Beck being on suicide watch after Ted Cruz dropped out of the Presidential race saying "God needs to punish us" for allowing this to happen. I am appalled by this because I believe God can use anyone to lead our nation. I feel this is just one of many things that we put upon Christians that we need to do to be justified as "Saved" and "Born Again." That we need to call the Republican Conservatives "God's Own Party." Others may say "Old King James Bibles" only. These are just two of many things that Christians feel have to happen before "Our election is true. We have received Christ as Lord and Savior. Whatever happened to just true repentance? Coming to Jesus " Just As I Am?" Quote
Danjan1794 Posted May 9, 2016 Report Posted May 9, 2016 Reading a news story about Glenn Beck being on suicide watch after Ted Cruz dropped out of the Presidential race saying "God needs to punish us" for allowing this to happen. I am appalled by this because I believe God can use anyone to lead our nation. I feel this is just one of many things that we put upon Christians that we need to do to be justified as "Saved" and "Born Again." That we need to call the Republican Conservatives "God's Own Party." Others may say "Old King James Bibles" only. These are just two of many things that Christians feel have to happen before "Our election is true. We have received Christ as Lord and Savior. Whatever happened to just true repentance? Coming to Jesus " Just As I Am?" Quote
Danjan1794 Posted May 9, 2016 Report Posted May 9, 2016 Reading a news story about Glenn Beck being on suicide watch after Ted Cruz dropped out of the Presidential race saying "God needs to punish us" for allowing this to happen. I am appalled by this because I believe God can use anyone to lead our nation. I feel this is just one of many things that we put upon Christians that we need to do to be justified as "Saved" and "Born Again." That we need to call the Republican Conservatives "God's Own Party." Others may say "Old King James Bibles" only. These are just two of many things that Christians feel have to happen before "Our election is true. We have received Christ as Lord and Savior. Whatever happened to just true repentance? Coming to Jesus " Just As I Am?" Quote
Danjan1794 Posted May 14, 2016 Report Posted May 14, 2016 I look at the Jewish Christians as "Wannabe Teachers." They profess Christ, but their hearts want to keep their Jewish traditions and customs to please the Pharisees. The Pharisees fate was sealed when Jesus levied on them the seven woes. They'd plot to murder Jesus through Roman law, but God know their heart. The Jewish Christians here were definitely weak in the faith if in the faith at all. Paul called everyone out on the floor by saying 1. He was chosen of God to preach the good news 2. He preached that Christ died to save us from this evil age. 3. He makes it plain through his rebuke of the church of Galatia that salvation is through faith in Christ, and nothing else. 4. He calls anyone who says anything else is accursed... Even the angels. 5. The ultimate was in form of a question. "If I was trying to please man why am I being persecuted?" Quote
Danjan1794 Posted May 14, 2016 Report Posted May 14, 2016 I look at the Jewish Christians as "Wannabe Teachers." They profess Christ, but their hearts want to keep their Jewish traditions and customs to please the Pharisees. The Pharisees fate was sealed when Jesus levied on them the seven woes. They'd plot to murder Jesus through Roman law, but God know their heart. The Jewish Christians here were definitely weak in the faith if in the faith at all. Paul called everyone out on the floor by saying 1. He was chosen of God to preach the good news 2. He preached that Christ died to save us from this evil age. 3. He makes it plain through his rebuke of the church of Galatia that salvation is through faith in Christ, and nothing else. 4. He calls anyone who says anything else is accursed... Even the angels. 5. The ultimate was in form of a question. "If I was trying to please man why am I being persecuted?" Quote
Danjan1794 Posted May 14, 2016 Report Posted May 14, 2016 I look at the Jewish Christians as "Wannabe Teachers." They profess Christ, but their hearts want to keep their Jewish traditions and customs to please the Pharisees. The Pharisees fate was sealed when Jesus levied on them the seven woes. They'd plot to murder Jesus through Roman law, but God know their heart. The Jewish Christians here were definitely weak in the faith if in the faith at all. Paul called everyone out on the floor by saying 1. He was chosen of God to preach the good news 2. He preached that Christ died to save us from this evil age. 3. He makes it plain through his rebuke of the church of Galatia that salvation is through faith in Christ, and nothing else. 4. He calls anyone who says anything else is accursed... Even the angels. 5. The ultimate was in form of a question. "If I was trying to please man why am I being persecuted?" Quote
Danjan1794 Posted May 19, 2016 Report Posted May 19, 2016 I know that today there is plenty of debate as to what makes or not make us a Christian. Some say you need if you're a woman to wear dresses 24/7, Men wear suits and ties 24/7, Old King James is the only Bible that's used in Personal and Public Worship, You need to be a Conservative Republican no matter how corrupt they are, and you need to listen strictly to Black or Southern Gospel. It comes down to pride, and depending on the leaders frame of mind manipulative, controlling. It becomes flesh, and it can be dangerous. Quote
Lionwolf Posted April 2, 2017 Report Posted April 2, 2017 Q2. Paul called the Judaizers' message as a "different gospel," a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? A "different gospel" is dangerous as it sows confusion and discord. It also takes the Galatians from the truth of Jesus. As Paul states so clearly the law doesn't save, the law convicts. The confusion and discord can also pit one against another. Unbalanced interpretation of the gospel can, and does, create these same types of problems today. As we see Paul speaking very strongly against the "different gospel", these issues need to be confronted immediately. Quote
Annie343 Posted June 30, 2017 Report Posted June 30, 2017 PERVERSION OF TRUE GOSPEL DANGEROUS TO GALATIANS BELIEVERS: when they are not strong enough to really fight; they have a desire to do all they can do to show sincerity which is why the Judaizer's message was so appealing (which would allow them to become super Christians); being condemned (judged) instead of realizing freedom in Christ; turn eyes away from the Lord; mixing grace (which is free) with something that binds the soul (not walking in truth); not being restored or have conviction leading them (cause hearing to be dull); Paul warned them to be alert to the danger; there is grace with nothing added (not necessary) for salvation; believing perverted gospel when Judaizers preached a false gospel (recognize); being easily swayed to run after something that is harmful to our spiritual health (causing us to be bound); trying to chase after the golden fleece without consequences TWISTED (OR UNBALANCED INTERPRETATION OF THE GOSPEL) AFFECT CHRISTIANS TODAY: considering that there is no need for discernment and do not seek the truth (bible study, prayer, fellowship); not willing to know God's will in light of the bible and not listening (being influenced by all people); seen as being a super Christian; accepting man's opinion as an authority on living the Christian life; hearing that they can do something in order to say they are saved (a works orientation); mixing grace with the flesh instead of knowing who you are in Christ; walking in guilt with burdens that have been overwhelming as well as considering other religions; deceived and open to the enemy; being in error and turning away to a false gospel - take the stand of faith being for us (can depend on God's words); seeing no need for the cross and the blood of Jesus to be proclaimed to combat error; no need to recognize when it is man's gospel; believing new age ideas that are contrary to God's word - understand the need to being prepared for spiritual warfare; not putting the Word into action; accepting everything at face value and what is offered; confusion with no peace; no change in life Quote
smithjeanne Posted May 13, 2018 Report Posted May 13, 2018 It is pulling them from worshipping G-d purely. Once they begin to serve Him only out of their good works, they begin to see themselves as responsible for their salvation. They become self-righteous and non-discerning, falling for everything a preacher or teacher says that is unbiblical and elevates man over G-d. The same can be said of the age we live in. Instead of reading the Word and interpreting it correctly, they rely on the newest "revelation" from unscrupulous, false teachers. Their hearts fall further from G-d's true Word to fantasies and fables. The lives they lead are far removed from obedience and holy living to reckless abandon and heresy. It infects and poisons the body of Christ, rendering the church ineffective and apostate. Quote
kennedy Posted April 28, 2019 Report Posted April 28, 2019 This is dangerous because it is not the true gospel of salvation by grace through faith, new believers are not yet equipped to discern when presented false gospel. it is easy for them to draw back to works to attain righteousness and feel condemned when they fail. It is also dangerous since they can spread this faulty not even gospel to others. This affect Christians to day in a way that they try to keep laws to please God, they end up condemned and fearful. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted June 19, 2022 Report Posted June 19, 2022 They fell from grace. They were adding on to the all sufficient Christ Jesus. What a tragedy. They were neglecting God's true plan of salvation. This Gospel of Christ was a Revelation, and not being of nor from man. The Gospel of Christ was of faith, making us sons nor servants. The Galatians were falling for a subtle heresy that Jesus Christ wasn't enough. Twisted Gospels are very common. Little by little even amongst conservative churches, there is a steady drift from true Biblical moorings. Amongst a number of Mennonites, an acceptance of LQBTXYZ agendas. For years, traditional denominations have swallowed Modernism which demyologizes the Holy Bible and denies basic Christain doctrines. At the time of particular judgment, false teachers will have to give an account for misleading many souls. The Galatians wanted to forfeit their Gospel benefits (soteria); and go back to bondage. Quote
Krissi Posted August 3, 2022 Report Posted August 3, 2022 What is a twisted gospel to me may not be to you. I think the problem of a "different gospel" exists both on a personal and corporate level. Personally, it's quite possible to mishear His voice. I'm sure all of us had been convinced that God had been leading us in a particular direction only to later discover we were wrong. We had misinterpreted his voice and, at times, even scripture. This same sort of thing also happens on a corporate level, that is, in the church. As groups of people feed on each other's opinions, the idea of what's acceptable drifts toward something unacceptable. We have to be flexible about the stuff that does not matter while being firm about the stuff that does matter. The problem is we disagree over what matters. Prayerfully and earnestly we have to answer to ourselves, "What is core doctrine ... what is fluff?" The Galatians, even after being taught directly by Paul, couldn't figure this out; similarly we, after 2000 years of practice, still can't agree as to what is core and on what we are permitted to disagree. Someone upthread mentioned a church splitting over the issue of wearing hats. I consider this ridiculous and frankly don't care if people wear funny hats to church, but for some people, covering the head is a biblical "fact." They can point to verses to back up their belief. Although wearing hats as "gospel" seems like a silly point, other more important issues are worth fighting for. For me, the ordination of practicing homosexuals is a line in the sand I won't cross. I find this to be profoundly unscriptural, a twisted gospel. But what is so obviously a twisted gospel to me is not to half the Methodist church! That church just split over this issue. Twisted gospels cause churches to break up. This isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes breaking up a church is the only way to preserve "untwistedness" -- at other times, it's just petty and wrong. Quote
epiphone8 Posted February 15 Report Posted February 15 It’s incredibly easy to fall into traps that misconstrue God’s truth. This creates a state of fear and replaces Jesus’ strength and glory with our own ego. That obviously could lead to a weak faith that doesn’t serve God’s kingdom - exactly what the devil wants! Regular prayer, fasting, and asking the Holy Spirit to guide us are crucial. Trust in Christ alone (not my own weakness) and he will make my paths straight. Quote
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