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Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel? How do we know that it is a true revelation? How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching? What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

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Paul's source is the ultimate source - then and now - that is, Jesus. Jesus taught that He was the exclusive way, truth, and life. He is truth and the source of all truth. Paul's revelation came from this source and ours must come from Him as well through the word. We are hopefully sitting under those who recognize the ultimate authority of the word. We can learn from gifted teachers, from mentors in the faith, from each other, from circumstances, and from the indwelling interpreter of truth, the Holy Spirit. However, all of these sources must line up with the word of God as it becomes part of us.


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel? The agency of Jesus Christ Himself.

How do we know that it is a true revelation? Jesus

How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching? Not as convincing, however, verified by the Bible, the Holy Sprit guides us as Jesus commanded.

What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture? A fatal eternal error.


What is the source of Paul's gospel?

Jesus the Christ

How do we know that it is a true revelation?

By faith, by aligning what has been revealed by Scripture.

Problem arises when someone gains a revelation they deem to be true. One or more happen, man lean upon their own understanding; some make it their own private interpretation; some align the revelation with manmade traditions or feelings; some assume greater authority than what the Scriptures have said spiritual leaders should have. Doctrine itself isn't bad however when it does not align with the Scriptures and the character of God there is a problem, it is not according to the Will of God.

Jesus told the Pharisees that there works were self righteous, their traditions either were manmade and there were occasions where the Law was misapplied as they felt they applied the letter of the Law while missing the Spirit of the Law. He as well told others as they confess there works in His Name that they were not in the Father's Will.

How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching?

An unfortunate truth is that revelation be it true aligned with the Scripture or if the revelation isn't aligned with the Word of God some will receive it. In the book of Revelations there are some corrupt things that receive a word of rebuke.

True revelation from God should behave acceptably, should follow the standard, should be in line with His Will and His Character. Everything else will not be line upon line nor precept upon precept, it will be according to man's will through the influence of Satan.

What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

The danger is that an individual will not be in the Will of God; they as well will not be the salt and light that will best reflect true God. The propagation of The Gospel is thereby obscured. As this travesty perpetuates a doctrine disseminates is the guise as gospel. It hurts me deeply when a non-believer recognizes something erroneous by those whom believes and say and that's Christianity. It appears regardless of what I say an impression has been made and sometimes held.


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel?

Paul received his Revelation from Jesus.

How do we know that it is a true revelation? How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching?

"Scripture interprets scripture"...Paul's revelation is true to all of scripture without any variation! He died defending His Lord and the Gospel which had been revealed to him personally. If it were less than truth, I doubt he would have stood vehemently teaching it until his death.

What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

The early Christians after hearing the gospel, compared what they were hearing with the Old Testament to see if it "lined up". We are to do the same...if what is being taught is a perversion or distortion of the scriptures, it's just that: a perversion. We MUST read and know the Bible. We are living in the "age of deception" and just as in all of church history there have been false teachers sent by Satan to try to pervert the pure message of the gospel. It can sound convincing to hear a scripture with a lie or half truth tacked onto the end.

Much of what is thrown out there today is based on man's ideas and traditions...which are heresy and must be guarded against. I was listening to a pastor who admitted when he was a new pastor, he had unknowingly been teaching improper doctrine because he had been listening to other pastors whom he admired or who seemed powerful with big churches. He repented and now teaches scripture!

Thank God for His Holy Spirit Whose job is to "lead us into all truth"! But we must listen to HIM!


Paul claims the source of his gospel is by revelation from Jesus Christ. His encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus testifies that he learned it from the source – the Living Word. As Christians, we also need to go to the Scriptures while relying on the indwelling Holy Spirit to confirm what we hear from spiritual leaders. Knowing/searching the scriptures is necessary for discerning false teaching and avoiding being led away from the truth.


Paul's source of the gospel is revelation from Jesus Christ. It conforms with other sources because I have been taught the bible is written by man through God. God and Jesus are one. Jesus' life is recorded in the bible. I believe how Paul came to this (by becoming blind, hearing from Jesus directly, visions, etc.) also verifies that this is a true revelation.

Too much reliance is left on leaders without checking facts. Too many believers are satisfied with what they hear without verifying scripture. The danger is it leaves the door open for a leader to morph his/her teachings to his/her own purpose. It can begin to become of man and not of God. (Which we are warned about in the Word.)


Paul source is from the only true God, just as His word is true. It was revealed and he was chosen to preach Jesus. Jesus....the truth and the light. This is not man made but from God. When we tell others about Jesus let it be according to the scripture and not our opinion.


The source is from a revelation from Jesus Christ.

It stands the test and conforms to other inspired works from the O.T., the revelation from the 11 disciples as eye-witnesses to Jesus and Paul's previous revelation directly to Paul from God.

Today it is dangerous to take someone's teaching as "the gospel truth" for they may be misled and can only be confirmed by the scriptures. We should also double-check our pastors and what they preach to the scriptures regularly.


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel? How do we know that it is a true revelation? How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching? What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

What a terrible part of man's character that we twist and tweek what someone says without verifying or studying to tell the truth about the issue or doctrine questioned. We seem most anxious to receive the untruths than the beautiful truth (in this case the gospel).

The source of Paul's gospel was straight from our Lord HImself. So there is no question who I am talking about that would be Jesus. There is no question Paul had a revelation. How do we know it is true? Some of it is a test of time. It lines up with the firm foundation laid by our Lord. Some of it is by Paul's own words himself. Had you ever seen Paul lay any foundation other than what was already laid by our Lord Himself. Look at the suffering Paul went through for what he knew to be the truth.

I looked up the word doctrine to see what the definitions were. The first definition is "What is taught, a body of instruction". That should be enough to frighten anyone. Anything can and is being taught. We need to check to see if it agrees with what the Word, our firm foundation from our Lord Himself says or we will be led off to follow some other doctrine to our own peril.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13

Let us be faithful to pray for one another.


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel? How do we know that it is a true revelation? How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching? What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

The source of Paul's gospel comes directly from Jesus who is sent to us by God. Jesus taught through his 11 disciples, so they could go out and tell the world the good news, fulfill the great commission. Jesus also at times taught each one of his disciples independently. Paul is teaching the message God brought to him through Christ.

We know that is true revelation through our FAITH!

I'm independent of a church right now because the church I was attending,in my opinion, was losing sight of the fundamental truth of Jesus Christ and seeking more and more to become a "mega church". When they cut service down to one hour to accommodate a 3rd Sunday service, it didn't strike a good cord with me. I felt a third service is great, but why cut services to an hour from and hour and a half? The Pastors and staff and worship team I felt could accommodate both, but didn't want to put the effort in. I didn't see the need to cut service. It left me feeling a spiritual void. It felt like it was becoming less and less about Jesus and more and more about growth and money.

Everything which is taught to us from any leader of any congregation must be cross referenced with the Bible.iThe ONLY TRUTH is found in the Bible.It is important that we read scripture and discern for ourselves if what we are being taught is true revelation form God!


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel?

Paul's gospel came from Jesus Christ himself.

How do we know that it is a true revelation?

It is a true revelation because it came from God not from man. If it was not from God himself it would have come to nought. It was also confirmed when Ananias in Acts 9 was sent by God to Paul/Saul.

How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching?

Our source is the Bible which was written by men led by the Holy Spirit.

What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

Jesus warns us of false teachers so we must always check the Bible for ourselves and not be led by man's interpretation of it. As we read the word, God speaks to us, reveals and inteprets things for us.


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul's gospel?

The source of Paul's gospel came from the Messiah, in other words, because the Son of God came to speak and do the will of the Father, that the gospel comes directly from the God of Israel.

Paul did not go and study for three years with man, instead he went to Arabia, preparing himself for the task that was set before him, the task of bringing a revolutionary version of the Gospel, given to him by Jesus Christ, and it was revolutionary!

For the first time, Paul would present the Gospel to the Gentiles without their having to become a Jew first, therefore the outward act of circumcision would not be required - Circumcision was a command given directly from God to his chosen people Israel, circumcision was to be an outward sign of God's covenant with His people, and most important it was not to be taken lightly (Gen 17:14 And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, THAT SOULD SHALL BE CUT OFF FROM HIS PEOPLE; he hath broken my covenant.)

This will be revolutionary for sure; Paul's allegiance was not to please man, but to please God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

How do we know that it is a true revelation?

I believe it to be true because I believe God's word is true, I believe it is written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, "It is written" says God.

What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking with the Scripture?

It is most important that we study to show ourselves approved, for in the last days, even the very elect will be deceived, there are so many versions. :huh:


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12)

What is the source of Paul's gospel?

The source of Paul's gospel is his revelation from Jesus Christ.

How do we know that it is a true revelation?

We know it is a true reflection by being in line with the Scriptures - the Old Testament.

How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching?

It conforms to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching in that, it based on the Old Testament and does not contradict anything that was taught by Jesus Himself and spread to the worls by His eleven Apostles.

What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

The danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking with the Scripture is finding ourselves believing on human beings and not on what God wants us to believe and follow.


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel? How do we know that it is a true revelation? How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching? What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

The revelation given to him in the arabian desert by Jesus Christ. It is in the Word, and the Word is true. It is part of the Word of God and is use for our instruction and training in the knowledge of Christ. Timothy tells us to study to show ourselves approved. If we continue to study the Holy Spirit will reveal what He wants us to know and understand so the we will be able to judge what we are being led to believe and not be miss led.


The source of Paul's gospel is the revelation that Paul received from God. It jives with the rest of the revelation from other sources in the Old Testament & the teaching of the other apostles. It completely conforms to our foundational sources. We could be led astray by false teaching by someone that is a smooth talker.


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12)
What is the source of Paul's gospel?
How do we know that it is a true revelation?
How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching?
What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?
Paul received this gospel directly, by revelation, from Jesus Christ. This is the highest authority and being divinely revealed it can only be the absolute truth. It was not based on any human reasoning or human logic, which can be a danger if we accept these teachings without first checking and verifying them carefully with Scripture. We do this because we know that “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, (2 Tim 3:16).

Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12)

What is the source of Paul's gospel?

How do we know that it is a true revelation?

How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching?

What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

Paul received this gospel directly, by revelation, from Jesus Christ. This is the highest authority and being divinely revealed it can only be the absolute truth. It was not based on any human reasoning or human logic, which can be a danger if we accept these teachings without first checking and verifying them carefully with Scripture. We do this because we know that “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, (2 Tim 3:16).


(Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel? How do we know that it is a true revelation?

The Good News that Paul traveled with was revealed to him from the risen Lord Yahushua and no one else. The fact that it is not a human product and that neither did he receive it from someone else nor was he taught it means that he had no reason to try to win the approval of or cater to his teachers that had once been Rabban Gamli’el (Acts 22:3) and other non-Messianic Jews that had taught him something very different. (The traditions of his fathers) The tradition of his fathers did not include Lord Yahushua as the Risen Saviour.

Acts 22:3 ¶ I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as ye all are this day.

Paul provides evidence as he claimed that the gospel that he preached was by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul certainly would not have learned any of this at the feet of Gamli’el. Not to mention but I will that it was God who chose Paul from out of the darkness into His light of truth. He did not go back to Gamli’el to study with him about what had been revealed and he did not even go to the other apostles. He went off to Arabia for as long as three years and began forming his firebrand version of the gospel as it had been given to Him from Yahushua. The reason why it was revolutionary was that now this gospel was going to be presented to the Gentiles without their having to become Jews first. It is like a sparkplug that ignites the truth of what God had intended in the beginning that the gospel was to be preached to all the nations through the Jewish peoples. But they understood this not and God chose the Jew of Jews He goes on to explain that his ministry is developed independently from what the leading Jewish believers of his day taught.

How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching?

What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture? We could die without the promise of salvation if we take any other truth from the altar.

It is kind of like when the High Priest would take the fire from the established altar and take that to use when he entered into the Holy of Holies, if he had ‘not’ taken the fire from the altar, this would have represented a false fire, a fire that would not always stay lit and would soon burn out. If he had used any other fire, he would have died. Similarly to the angel in John’s vision that took the censer, filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. If it were not fire from the TRUE ALTAR, it would do nothing but burn out as it is thrown to the earth.

Leviticus 16:12-13 And he shall take a censer full of burning coals of fire from off the altar before the LORD, and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small, and bring it within the veil: And he shall put the incense upon the fire before the LORD, that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat that is upon the testimony, that he die not:

The danger is our very lives would be in jeapordy.


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel? How do we know that it is a true revelation? How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching? What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

The source of Paul's gospel is Jesus himself who appeared to Paul and made him an apostle for the gentiles Also the revelation of the Old Testament - Paul was a rabbi and had a good knowledge of the Scripture. The Bible must be our foundation as well - if we do not know the Word, it is easy to be led astray by people who claim that they have fresh or new revelations. We must test all things to the Bible - checking that what people preach is in accordance to Scripture and pray that the Holy Spirit will give us discernment to know the truth.


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel?

Revelation of Jesus Christ

How do we know that it is a true revelation?

V12 Paul says: I didn’t receive it from any person. I wasn’t taught it, but Jesus Christ revealed it to me.

How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching?

What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

Spiritual death. 1john 4 My dear friends, many false prophets are in the world now. So don’t believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are from God. 2 This is how you can recognize God’s Spirit.


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel? How do we know that it is a true revelation? How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching? What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

Paul received the gospel by revelation from Jesus Christ (v.12). We know it is a true revelation because of the fruit it brings forth and the fruit and transformation in Paul and in his life. There is no contradiction to other Christian teaching. If we listen to contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with scripture we can easily get into error and be lead away from Christ.


A false teaching can start as a tiny deviation from the truth. Consider a straight vertical line as Truth. One can come along and begin to draw another line from its base, just a fraction of a degree to the left or right of vertical. As the line continues, the variation is scarcely discernable, but as time goes on and the new line is drawn out straight from where it was begun, the gap between the two lines becomes wider. The people in Galatians had followed a false line until the gap was clear. They were now depending upon their works, rather than the Grace of God, to keep them. How did this happen? A little at a time! Just so, it happened in my life that I was gloriously saved and set free from doctrine and works as the means of my salvation...but then a gradual deviation occurred that led me into the hamster wheel of performance all over again, just like the Galatians. After the realization came a crash all around me of the pieces of religious structure that had been built. There came a time of total withdrawal from all things "church" as I journeyed back to the beginning of that false line. I had come from one system of "works" and gone into another, believing strongly that I was on the right track. It is so easy to become deceived. It is so easy to believe smooth talkers who say, "The Lord showed me..." or "The Lord told me..." I have had a severe shaking to the whole structure, and at this point in my life I am extremely cautious about teachings and doctrines, to the point of isolating myself from them. So I am working through this question, "How do we know it's true?" having seen how easy it is to deviate from the straight line.


Continuing above thought...this is the very reason why I chose to study the Book of Galatians. The Galatians made the mistake I seem to have made...going back to "works" and "performance" once saved. The question "How do I know something, i.e. Paul's message is true?" is the point I am struggling with. Not with Paul, but with the teachings and traditions of the church.


Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel? How do we know that it is a true revelation? How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching? What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

Paul's source of the Gospel was Christ Himself. Paul states, "I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ." We know this was true revelation because his source was based on Christ and no one else. Christ was the center of his Gospel with no additions or subtractions!

How does this conform to our foundational sources of Christian teaching? If we are not teaching a pure Gospel of Jesus Christ, then we have tainted the Gospel. It's not salvation through Christ PLUS anything we do.....it's just salvation through Christ based on HIS sacrifice and saving grace. We just accept and receive!

There is great danger in just accepting any teaching without comparing the teaching to scripture. The Word of God is truth. If the teaching doesn't line up with the Word of God, then it's not true! There are many out there who teach salvation plus a lot of "stuff". Even if anyone questions them as to the validity of the teaching asking for scripture references they react with anger and will try to discredit the real truth and anyone representing it! I had the great pleasure of hearing a sermon recently that relied 100% on the Word of God and it took any argument against the teaching and compared it directly TO the Word of God. It was a complete teaching, in context and I walked away 100% convinced because it WAS the Word of God! What joy!

WOW! Thanks for this study! My eyes are so opened to what true teaching should really look like and then I got to enjoy seeing it happen!

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