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Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles? How did God use his being different from others? To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry? What uniqueness has God given you? What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?

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Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles? He had been one of them and had literally destroyed Jews on behalf of the Gentiles.

How did God use his being different from others? Credibility to speak from both sides, convincingly.

To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry? Diversity of experience of both hate and love by those who were a part of those who hated. I chose to focus on the love. The love demonstated it was not the group that was hating; it was the devil in the group. Forgive them for they know not what they do.

What uniqueness has God given you? A diversity of experience and the gift to share it in a way that unifies.

What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment? Honesty and trust in God. I know since He sent me to it; He will get me through it.


What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles?

His diversity, his being a dual citizen, his understanding and ability of multiple languages, his devotion, his compassion. In Paul's own word He was ideal because he was from birth separated and called by his grace.

How did God use his being different from others?

As he was being used there were some up's and downs that he encounters, however as we look back God used his being different masterfully. Paul initially focused on delivering the knowledge of Christ, the Gospel to the Jews, through varying circumstances he then began to preach Christ among the heathen. As mentioned in Romans he never lost his passion to convey this message to fellow Jews as well.

In essence he preached to all, he stayed on course according to what he received on the road to Damascus Acts 9:15: But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel.

To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry?

Through varying experience which I did not understand as they occurred. At times I am able to relate and or connect with some that may have had similar experience. There are times when I have handled or dealt with a like situation or circumstance where I am able to access things differently and or give prudent counsel.

What uniqueness has God given you?

Hard to say, perhaps that would be best answered by those within my circle, those who know me and of me.

What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?

Can't really answer that as it relates to uniqueness, however over time I have sinned and made mistakes many times. As I surrender myself to His Will, as I allow myself to be available He uses me in ways that I do not realize until quite moment and or when the individual I had the encounter with testify. And there are times when I know that He is using me, it's almost as if I can see things in slow motion as they appear before me, kinda hard to explain. There are just sometimes when I can see God using me clearly.


Paul had a testimony of change. He was once a person on 'the other side of the tracks'. He was against Christ. This testimony help drive Paul's teaching by sharing his story.. talking about how he was blinded and how he changed.

The ponder questions gave me personal insight .. Although I have been around the church all my life, my personal life took a different direction and reached its lowest point in a 2 year period. I was then really broken and thirst for God. I believe my experiences leading up to and after my point of breaking could reach non-believers with a different perspective of faith.

Uniqueness - Well, to not go too much into it, I am not 'typical' to the women my age around me. Meaning, I'm not married. I don't have children and right now I am literally completely alone. My family are not near. I have used this time to grow spritually.

Although I do feel my uniqueness is a strength, I have occassionally struggled with embarrassment. These ponder questions alone have made me now realize my circumstances of the past 7 months may not have been accidental.


Paul’s “grace” conversion on the road to Damascus made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles who were also to be saved by grace and could not claim to be sons of Abraham and therefore “entitled” to a special relationship with God. God used Paul’s Jewish learning and his zealous commitment to reinforce that Jesus was the Messiah they had been looking for and that He had died for the Gentiles as well as the Jews.

It’s usually easier to look back and see how God prepared you for the ministry you are doing now than it is to recognize what He is doing in your life to prepare you for a future ministry. What’s important is having the faith to believe that whatever He is doing in your life NOW is preparing you for what He wants you to do in the future. Sometimes the choices we make lead us away from His plan and cause us embarrassment but it is possible to get back on track by listening and following the Holy Spirit’s guidance.


Paul's calling by God and His revelation of Jesus Christ to him coupled with the zeal he had when he was persecuting the Gentiles made him a ideal apostle with the zeal for Jesus Christ & His kingdom.

Paul was set apart by God to preach to the Gentiles and the mystery of His Church. It was a new way of thinking which would take someone whom God had set apart for that very task.

I have some teaching experience & God can use me any way He wants to--using anything about me & what went on in my past to share Him with others. I am uniquely His and I want to be available for Him & also recognize His call & leading. It's exciting! No, I'm certainly not special--no way! But God can use what He wants!! I want to be a willing vessel for His use.


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles? How did God use his being different from others? To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry? What uniqueness has God given you? What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?

His dedication to God and his learning under Gamiel. He used him by revealing His Son Jesus and annointing him with the power to teach the Gentiles from the Jewish scripture or Old Testment,because the New Testment had not been written. God has been through all my suffering and has given mw the ministry of helps, and the desire to continue in the study of His word.


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16)

What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles?

The factors in Paul's background that made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles are:

- that as a young man he had been a student of Rabbi Gamaliel in Jerusalem (Acts 22:3);

- he had thoroughly learned the traditional interpretation of Scriptures through this discipline; and

- he was part of the early persecution of the church.

How did God use his being different from others?

God used his being differrent from others by preaching the Gospel as he knew the Scripture and was good in communicating.

To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry?

My unique background fitted me for the Ministry by strenghening my faith in the Lord and understanding the word of God more clearly.

What uniqueness has God given you?

The uniqueness that God has given me is the stable family whereby myfather was a good believer despite being in a community where the majority were non-believes. It is from this I found my foundation of being able to continue until now in believing the Lord.

What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?

This uniqueness is not an embarrasment as I wa able to stand on my faith despite ridicules from my several friends.


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles?

Paul's background gave credence to what he was teaching; he grew in the knowledge of the Scriptures, the Old Testament.

How did God use his being different from others?

God used the zeal Paul had for the oral law and channeled that zeal into a new direction, proving that Jesus is the Messiah.


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles?

How did God use his being different from others?

Paul himself makes the following statement: ¶ Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. ~ Philippians 3:4-6

Although these were his external qualifications, Paul was still a man working with-in the framework of the Law of Moses. Paul considered all of these a disadvantage in comparison with the supreme value of knowing the Messiah as his Lord. He even goes so far as to call it dung because none of these qualifications provided him with righteousness. Nonetheless, Paul was a Jew. All of his qualifications could have puffed him up, but they did not.

Paul refers to himself as ‘more of a zealot’ for the Oral Law than most Jews his age. His zeal was an extension from the fact that he was a Pharisee as was his father. (Acts 23:6) The reason Paul is pointing this out is to show that if ever there was a Pharisee, he was it. Paul may have been trying to get the point across to show that he himself was far more observant that the very legalists he was opposing in this letter, that had come to teach the Galatians the very same that Paul had previously been taught.

I can not even imagine how difficult it was for Paul to come to form his teachings and how it must have taken a considerable amount of time to think about the highlights of being a Jew and what that meant to him having been reared in that all of his life, until the time he met Yahushua on the road to Damascus. He would have had to deal with the nature of atonement and forgiveness, the authority of the written Torah and the oral Torah. He would have to have a clear understandings of the meanings of the Messianic prophecies, the role and the future for not only the Jews but now the Gentiles and how God had weaved them into His ultimate plan. The requirement of trust for salvation, the role of ethics and other essential matters had to be formulated and refined with-in the views of what he had been taught. He could not just walk away from all of that.

Everything that Paul would teach was like Lewis and Clark becoming the pioneers of their time, Paul became a pioneer in his. His teachings at the feet of Rabban Gamli’el and no doubt his own father, had completely equipped him to investigate and meditate all the implications of the job that God had called Paul too. I can just imagine his own faith was shaken to the core at times. It would have been easier had he not sat at the feet of such preeminence and accepted Jesus on faith alone. However, that in itself I think tells us that someone of Paul’s zeal for truth and education had to be the one that God would choose. It would have been easier had he been just a Jew awaiting the Messiah, but easy is not the general road that Jesus would have taken either, nor did He. God’s ways are clearly not our ways and it is surely a good thing. As for God, His way is perfect.

To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry? Well easily enough, I had a photography business and now I use photos and add them to my blogs. I have been a writer since i was 12 years old and Yahushua is using that talent now mixed with the photo’s.

What uniqueness has God given you? Photography and Writing

What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment? I only see it the way that Yahushua does. It glorifies Him and that is what I strive for. That and the truth.


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles?

Paul was a zealot, killing Christians because he was a Pharisee of Pharisee's, keepers of the law! He was also not one of the original disciples...he was chosen by God while on a mission to persecute more believers, and received the Gospel personally from Jesus after His resurrection rather than spending 3 years with Him while He was on earth, as the others had. Paul was also a bachelor and a privileged, highly educated member of the Jewish community, unlike the disciples/apostles who were for the most part, uneducated blue collar workers, married with families. He was a tent maker so he was not tied to a certain locality to earn a living, as were most of his contemporary apostles.

How did God use his being different from others?

Paul understood salvation by Grace, and grace alone. He knew that "Jesus ALONE makes us accepted in the Beloved" (Eph 1:6) God used his past zeal for tradition and keeping the law to preach to the Gentiles who had no understanding of the law, since grace and law have no fellowship! God used Paul's education to share the Gospel with the learned in all of the regions to which he traveled, and since he was unencumbered with family, he was free to go and could work at his trade where ever he was sent.

To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry? What uniqueness has God given you?

Growing up in poverty and abuse has given me a heart of compassion for others. God has used many of my life experiences to impart wisdom and understanding of what might be needed. He has healed crippling shyness and lack of self esteem, while giving me the gift of evangelism, so that His love can be seen and shared, rather than my lack. He has fueled my lack of education with a love of books and learning, and has taught me by His Spirit how to write and communicate the gospel. He replaced the isolation and loneliness of childhood, when He came in, with a love for people.

What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?

I praise God that even though it took many years to heal from the shame and embarrassment of my past, for a number of years I've actually thanked God for all that I've been through because of how it has drawn me to Him, and for how He uses it to encourage others. It's a past I would call "Ugly-beautiful"....pain transformed to joy, by His love and grace for His purposes. What is better than that? "Wheat must first be ground into flour to make bread for the hungry."


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles? How did God use his being different from others? To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry? What uniqueness has God given you? What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?

Paul's background included being a strict follower of Judaism, and persecuting the church of God. He was well versed in law and believed, before his conversion that people had to live the law. After his conversion, he knew that the truth was a Gospel of grace that came through Jesus and was for everyone. He himself, would have empathy for the Gentiles, KNOWING by revelation from Jesus, that they were saved by grace alone and that they were included into the family of God minus the Jewish traditions or birth rights. He himself abandoned believing in Judaism, law and tradition and could relate to the Gentiles who would come to belief through the foundation of grace through Christ. God used Paul being different from others to become a witness to the truth to those God called to be His. His experiences gave Him a pure truth to share.

Paul's "mess" was cleansed by the "Mess"iah and became his "Mess"age to others! God uses our messes to be a message to others!

God has done this in my life too! I was a person who totally walked away from God and became immersed in a very sinful lifestyle. I met Jesus and my whole life changed! I was literally drawn out of a pit of deep darkness and despair. My uniqueness now, is that I can reach others who many pass by as "hopeless." I KNOW that there are none too far gone and that there is hope for everyone. No matter how sinful or bleak the lifestyle may be. I know they need Jesus, to know the truth, to be healed in His name and that it takes time. I constantly have people come into my life that have similar lifestyles to the one I was saved from. My witness to them is unique and is my call. As for this being a God given strength instead of an embarrassment, I can say I was embarrassed to give testimony at first. So many times I was looked upon by Christians as "marred" or a "failure" in life not worthy to be recognized by the church. After a time of trying to "fit in" with those who would never accept me, I began to turn my attention to those GOD sent me. My life is filled with His strength to reach those He cries out for! I am bold in sharing my life story, my struggles and most of all about my wonderful Savior because HE'S who they need. He never gave up on me and my heart doesn't want to give up on anyone else either. There are still all kinds of "opinions" about where I've come from....but I am truly a new creation in Christ....and my eyes are on HIM! : )


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles?

Paul's early persecution of the church of God, his zeal and Knowledge of the jewish traditions which made him above many of his equals in his own nation made him the ideal apostle.

How did God use his being different from others?

His ability,passion, knowledge and willingness to learn and to travel in pursuit of the followers of Jesus was used by God in the reverse. It took a special person to carry the Gospel to the gentiles. God prepared this educated (in Jewish traditions), passionate, courageous man by revealing His Son (V16) in him. God did not use any of the men who walk with Jesus he used an outsider to go to the outsiders (gentiles).


Paul's personality was what we might call "type A". He had a drive and a zealous nature for his spiritual quests before conversion to Christ and after his conversion as well. He knew and pursued the traditions of the Jewish faith and because of that, also knew the Gentiles and why they were, in his mind, "outside" of the faith. Paul used these experiences and traits in his quest to make Christ known to all.


He was someone who was taught the Jewish law by the best teacher of the day. His conversion was unique in the fact that it was a direct encounter with the risen Christ so that he had a direct revelation so that he would be able to provide convincing prove of his knowledge. He was told to go to the Gentiles & was given a heart & the ability to teach them on their level. I believe that God uses every experence that occurs in my life so that I can encourage or help someone somewhere that I will meet even if I haven't met them yet. Any trial I go through is for a specific reason that only God knows. I know it is God's plan to use me with all my quirks & even my learning disabilty (dyslexia) However I even work in a library & I love to read go figure. Take care people Love ya.


Paul was a Roman citizen, speaking Greek, having a trade-although he was a Jew, he was familiar with Gentile cultures and customs. This made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles. Of course God prepared and called him to this position-his training as a Rabbi was also central, in his own understanding of

the gospel and in sharing them with other Jews. God used his differences for his own glory-Paul was able to prove to the Jews everytime, from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Messiah. And his zeal for the God of Israel which he mistakenly used to persecute the fledgling church, God used this to build up the church. Everything about Paul, that was different from say, the other apostles, God used in places and ways he couldnt have used the other apostles.


Paul was ideal for ministering the gospel to the gentiles; he knew that being circumcised was not a hallmark of salvation and that it was by grace that he was saved. Therefore, the law did not lead to salvation rather it revealed the necessity of salvation through Jesus Christ. Paul therefore ministered grace and transformation by God's wisdom revealed through His Son rather than man's futile efforts by adherence to the commandments.

Paul was different to most Jews: he had a personal encounter with Jesus. Paul could use this difference to illuminate the relationship with Jesus that both Jews and Gentiles were available to have by the example of the father of faith, Abraham. It was not the law that he preached, but rather righteousness through faith in the Son of God.

Ponder point: my unique background is that of Paul's - a transformation from meeting Jesus and knowing that I too persecuted Him. His grace freed me from sin. I once had no respect for life. My transformation was when I gave my life to Jesus and I instantly had a respect for life rather than man's assessment of "quality of life". As John 17:3 states," And this is life eternal, that they might know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." Knowing Jesus is knowing life

My uniqueness of knowing life is often an embarrassment in the secular field of healthcare in which I work, especially in Australia. Sharing of life- of Jesus- is frowned upon within the healthcare environment but I know a God who has freed me to minister his grace and forgiveness. I pray for opportunities to speak the power of the gospel unto salvation.


How am I unique? I have had an experience in which my "Towers fell". I was saved from a rigid background. For a time I gloriously enjoyed that freedom. The church I was a part of seemed to have so much more freedom than I had ever known. I did not realize it, but this church also had its strict, rigid "doctrines" and beliefs. The reason I could not see it was because it was so much MORE freedom than what I had previously known. Over the years I became a very "useful" person in the church: I perfomed every duty, took part in every ministry from cleaning toilets to handling finances. I was always a student of the Word, and a worshipper. I just had some big blind spots. While I was secretary in this church, some things came to my attention that did not fit in with what the Bible teaches as integrity. So I confronted, at which point I was no longer "useful". My towers crashed, over a long story of circumstances and experiences. I isolated myself. I, who was always considered to be the "pillart of the assembly", now became absent. I left, I stayed home, I turned to other sources for my study of the Bible, etc. I never left GOD, I just left the CHURCH. I am in an in-between period right now, where I may be in preparation for some future ministry--or not. I can't see the future, and at this point, I am not sure that I want to. My whole idea of CHURCH has died. All the visions and dreams I had are gone. I have been knocked off my horse and am laying blind on the ground. BUT I am not alone. Jesus has come to me in my time of despair and loneliness and He has begun to lift me up and show me my unique value to Him. I feel that I have thoroughly experienced the lesson of the Galatians: do not, once saved by grace, fall back on works (no matter how "spiritual) those works may be) to keep myself on the spiritual walk. I am free. But, gulp, unable to dance in that freedom because I suffer from the fear that I will fall into it again. How will I know it is really Jesus speaking to me and guiding me? I have been deceived before, I am not beyond being deceived again. I am praying my way through this bible study, hoping to find some answers and some assurance.


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles?

Paul was a "pharisee of the Pharisee's". His moral countenance was above reproach. Plus he had persecuted the followers of Jesus unmercifully, therefore, if the revelelation of Christ could change him it was only logical that what he had to say was worth listening to.

How did God use his being different from others?

Paul was not a follower. He was willing to even stand up to Peter, the rock, when the truth of the gospel was at stake. An apostle so strong in his faith that would correct Peter, who walked with Christ daily, is different that most others. He is commited to truth at the expense of popularity, friendship, comraderie, belonging, etc...This is why Paul was chosen to spread the Gospel to the nations. God knew he had this thing in him that would keep him focused on truth even unto death.

To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry?

As an uneducated single mother living in poverty lost in an urban nightmare, Christ found me. He cleaned me up, sent me back to college, then to law school, and he loved me and my child through our struggles, mistakes, loneliness, poverty, hopelessness, helplessness into a life of faith, trust, peace and rest. God has placed within me an undying need for a relationship with him that no other relationship in my life can replace or fulfill. As a result, I love him and need him unceasingly and I am at a point in my life where I freely share my commitment to him with everyone I meet.

What uniqueness has God given you?

I think God may have give me the gift of parenting but not marriage. I know that I possess an ability to celibate beyond most of my contemporaries. This does not mean that I don't have desires in my flesh but at this point, actually most of my life, I feel the pain of disappointing God. I can't pretend or ignore when I am breaking his heart. I spent years running from that truth. The world encouraged me to satisfy my own flesh but when I read Deitrich Bonhoeffer's "The Cost of Discipleship", it felt like he wrote it just for me. God gave me the heart of a disciple.

What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?

Drawing closer to him has been the only thing that has allowed me to see that my ability to stand alone and to go against the crowd is acceptable behaviour.


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16)

What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles?

How did God use his being different from others?

To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry?

What uniqueness has God given you?

What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?

Paul attended the rabbinical school of Gamaliel, and by his own admission, had become a fanatical persecutor of Christians. This thorough training coupled with the revelation he received from Jesus helped him rapidly absorb and understand Christian doctrines. Our Lord had also set him apart to be a missionary to the Gentiles. Of all the apostles he was the most grace-oriented; admitting that he was the least deserving to be an apostle. “For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God (1 Cor 15:9. We also note that he was also the most productive because of grace. “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them - yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me (1 Cor 15:10). All I know is that I am a sinner saved by grace, and I can only praise Him for electing me before creation. Without Him I am nothing.


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal

apostle to the Gentiles?

Paul was a Jew, born and rasied in Jewish culture. A Jewish Rabbi who was intent on keeping the law and persecuted those who did not before his conversion on the way to Danascus. This made him an ideal candidate to witness to the gentiles..The gentiles believed Paul's teachings came directly from Jesus, not from any religious leader of the time. Plus, Paul had already established churches among the Galatians. The gentiles trusted Paul. However, in his absence they were confused about circumcision and being 'swayed' by Jewish leaders whom were still defending the law as the only way to righteousness. This made it extremely important for Paul to write to them,to further witness to the gentiles about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Saved by grace, not by law.

How has your unique background fitted you for ministry?

I wouldn't say I've had a unique background for the times. I had gone through a rough stretch for some years. I was really at my wits end. I had attempted suicide and in my late 30's, struggled with depression, drug abuse, and abusive relationships. Had all the baggage that comes with ruined relationships, and the quilt of hurting others for years. Jesus came to me and sat on my bed. He didn't say a word, He didn't have to, but He was truly there in the flesh. Yet at the time it wasn't enough for me to turn my life around. But, it was enough to save my life that day! Years later, in my 50's when I truly hit rock bottom for the second time, that experience of seeing Jesus and truly knowing He was my Savior was once again revealed to me. This time not through seeing the Lord, but by Him sending me a Church (which I had been praying for) in which I could fit in, and become a part of, He sent me a church family ( fellowship). I was baptized in 2005, and truly came home for the first time in my life to a Wonderful Loving Father who was waiting for me with open arms. Christ has made me unique, He has molded, chiseled, and sculpted through the years to bring me to the point where I am today in my relationship with Him. It hadn't been an easy thing for Him to do ( you might say, I was a 'hard case) but He is Faithful Father and never gave up on me!If I were to guess, I would say it is my testimony that has 'fitted me to minister to others about the truth of Jesus Christ.

What uniqueness God has given you?

He has given me the ability to communicate with others about God online ( fellowship ), and through many Christian relationships around the world I have experienced fellowship and the love of God with many others ethnic groups and cultures. God is everywhere. On every Continent of the World.

What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given

strength rather than as an embarrassment?

Because He has brought me to His love (which was always there) I just didn't see it, I will never feel embarrassed to spread the Word of His Love to others! I only pray that God's will be done and that He uses me as His vessel. I am truly His creation and I want Him to use me to fulfill His will.


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles?

His testimony : He persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it.

How did God use his being different from others?

To speak for both side in the knowldge of God

To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry?

What uniqueness has God given you? What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles? How did God use his being different from others? To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry? What uniqueness has God given you? What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?

The facts that Paul was formally a highly educated Pharisee and a Roman citizen made him an ideal apostle to the gentiles. Because of these differences he was able to debate well with the religious leaders and to appear before Roman officials and Caesar.

I am unique in that no one has been through the exact same things as I have. I have a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and I have compassion on those that are suffering, especially the downtrodden. I still need emotional healing, which I am seeking God for to be more effective in prayer and ministry.


Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles? How did God use his being different from others? To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry? What uniqueness has God given you? What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?

Paul was totally commited to learning and obeying the Jewish religion. He was zealous in learning and carrying out.

Paul had a unique ministry and God Himself taught Paul how to spread the gospel to the Gentiles.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q:2..(Galatians 1:13-16)...what factors in paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles?.....He was taught by Gamaliel in jerusalem and have zeal &good knowledge of the scriptures ,and he persecuted the church........How did God use his being different from others?...God chose him for special ministry, to preach to the Gentiles even in the beginning he was going preaching to the Jews.. when they did not accept his teaching about that Massiah is Jesus christ He went to the Gentiles, beside that he has ability, passion, knowledge,and ready to do anything what the Lord had him to do even to die for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ(Acts 21:13)..To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for Ministry?..what uniqueness has God give you? what will it take to see that uniqueness as God- given strength rather than as an embarrassment?....My background it was like this. I was Roman catholic believer,But when the Lord Jesus christ by His Grace has saved me ,and I was born again, at that time I felt that I am Now true believer and that I have eternal life, then I went to my family members& relatives to tell them about the New life that I have found in Jesus Christ and asked everyone of them to accept the Lord Jesus christ as their personal Lord& savior to their lives, then they will have Eternal life in heave.Many of them they did not believe me,little of them believed, and I still untill Now praying for them to get save, not quit to share with them the Good news and tell them that Christianty is not religion or , one of the other religions in the world Today, But it is Relationship with the Lord Jesus christ.because He is The only way that leads us to Heaven, not other way or religion.(Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.... John 14:6).I Thank My God that He has saved me, and gave me a privilege& ability to share with others The true Gospel(saved by Grace through faith). I am ready to do whatever He want me to do for His Glory.

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