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Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

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Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

Peter exaimed Paul and embraced him and the Gentiles. His character was unsure and slightly fearful so he withdrew. He was fearful of Paul's conversion. yes apologize to God and Paul.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? Fear of losing his reputation

What does this tell us about his character? Weak

Why should he have known better? He had greater access to Jesus and had been tested.

What does this tell us about Barnabas? He, too, was trying to keep his feet in two camps; double minded.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Respected and committed

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? Perhaps the thought occurred. Like Barnabus, sometimes you just want to keep the peace and let it pass. But not long, when unchecked, offenders get bolder.

What should you do when you recover your senses? Repent and boldly return to right.


Peter was one of the pillars of the Jerusalem church. He had once defended to the church in Jerusalem his action to baptize gentiles on the grounds that the Holy Spirit had led him to do it. But, Peter was easily swayed and often afraid. His need to feel safe and 'fit in' was stronger than his convictions. His faith in Christ Jesus was often called into question. Jesus himself called Peter's faith into question. Peter was the apostle who had denied Christ 3 times at Calvary. He was also the apostle who was afraid of drowning when Jesus ask him to walk out on the sea. Peter's was governed by a lot of fear. He desired accepted by those whom he held in high authority, the Jewish Christian leaders (his colleagues) ! His priorities were not with Christ but with pleasing those who were held in a high (political) position. The fear of not being accepted, caused to vacillate. His faith was weak. Barnabas on the other hand was strong in love and faith and oftentimes it was his nature to look for 'common ground' among the Jews and gentiles. His action were governed more by the need to keep peace among the gentiles and Jews.

What this situation tells us, is that the politics of that day must have been much like those of today. When the Jewish leaders came from Jerusalem to visit, it must have been much like it would be if the American President came to our town.( or any leader from any country came to your town). Many would be impressed and enthralled to be in his presence. Because he is considered a leader by his people, He is held in high esteem. It must have been the same political atmosphere in those days.

Yes, I have acted like a hypocrite to please others. I think anyone who denies he/she hasn't is in denial. It is only human nature to want to fit in. However as our faith grows and matures, our priorities change. Jesus becomes the center point, the cornerstone. The only one we want to please is our Lord. Whenever we are tempted to be hypocritical and do so,then we need to first reexamine our priorities, turn to the word for guidance and instruction, and ask God for forgiveness.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

I think Peter knew immediately these were genuine believers, but withdrew later because he was a people pleaser, needing acceptance from his "peer group" in Jerusalem. He was afraid of the disapproval "of the circumcision party".

What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better?

His character, like ours, needed to grow and be developed in Christ until "at that day" he would be in the image of Christ. He should have known better after walking with Jesus for three years and seeing that Jesus was no respecter of people. His love was/is unconditional. The harlot or adulterer were as accepted "in the Beloved" as Peter was.

What does this tell us about Barnabas?

Barnabus was a "follower of the crowd"....and was taken in by the hypocrisy of Peter and the "circumcision" group from Jerusalem. He was not yet grounded in his beliefs and looked to others to tell him what to believe and how to behave.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

They were powerful and intimidating...the self appointed "authorities" of church doctrine and decorum, probably because their errant clinging to the past "religion" felt familiar to the Jewish believers. I find it interesting that Peter is often pointed out as the "bad" example, followed by "and the others said the same" when he said he would never deny Jesus, or in this case "and the rest of the Jews along with him concealed their true convictions and acted insincerely". Perhaps Peter was more vocal and had great leadership qualities making others want to follow him....rather than following the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others?

I remember after praying to learn to become a worshiper, having the desire to raise my hands while worshipping at a former church. I stifled that desire, in order to "fit in" and not offend anyone when I remembered in early days, observing a couple who came to the church who were free in their worship, and I looked down my nose at them in judgment because they were not conforming to the "proper behavior"...in other words, to the dead stoicism of the church.

What should you do when you recover your senses?

I tried to "fit in" for a time, then the Lord impressed me to attend a lovely church filled with worshippers, and I found my "home"...it's amazing! Not wild and crazy, with disorder or chaos, as I've also seen in one church, but this worship brings the manifest Presence of the Lord, and people are healed and delivered and changed during worship! When I recovered my senses, I stopped judging others, in fact I close my eyes so I'm not aware of others, and worship freely as I feel led.


Please see below post. I have found this study to be extremely helpful and I am extremely grateful for Joyful Heart. Thank you, Ralph.


Peter first embraced the Gentile believers and then later withdrew from them to eat only with the Jews.Peter had been given revelation of salvation for the Jew AND the Gentile; he therefore ate with the Gentiles when he was with Paul. He withdrew later, only to eat with "certain men who came from James". The answer to this separation may come from Galations 2:6,7 "But from those who seemed to be something- whatever they were, it makes no difference to me, God shows personal favouritism to no man .....But on the contrary, when they saw that the gospel for the uncircumcised had been committed to me, as the gospel for the circumcised was to Peter..." Peter accepted man's commission to the Jews and therefore was accepting of his separation from the gentiles, rather than stand in the authority of the revelation given by Jesus, and minister to both the Jew and the Gentile. Peter had accepted his job description from Jerusalem and not retained his previous job description from heaven. Peter had fear of man, and not fear of God.

This tells us that Peter had a fear of man instead of God. Peter had put into question God's authority.

Peter should have known better; Peter walked with Jesus.

This incident demonstrates that Barnabas was a "keep the peace" man, but it was at a cost of the truth of salvation. This may have put the message of grace into question with the believers who knew Barnabas.

The political clout from Jerusalem was forceful in Peter's life. It makes me wonder if these "certain men (who) came from James" were paying the bills and/or would report back to the Jews of Peter's close association with the Gentiles. Political clout and earthly provision often go hand-in-hand. If close association with the Gentiles was not recognized as being a fruit of salvation, it makes me wonder if Peter had diluted the message of grace in his own ministry to the Jews and that this needed to be corrected. Perhaps a class-system of "us and them" had emerged; respectively, the Jewish Christians, and the Gentile Christians. If it were not so, Peter would have had no hesitation to dine with the Gentiles and proving that salvation comes from faith, NOT the works of the law.

Unfortunately many times I have been a hypocrite and walked according to the law of my workplace thereby denying the gospel of Christ. I have put my job description from my Earthly masters as more important than the commission given to me by Jesus. For this I am repentant and know that I will offend those who walk according to the law, and not according to the fear-of-the Lord when He gives me opportunities to serve Him in the public arena.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

It would appear that Peter was an insecure self-centered man. He has previously demonstrated a tendancy to go with the crowd so as not to suffer rebuke from the many, a need to be accepted. There was a need to be accfepted by the Jewish visitors. Peter spent time with Christ in person, He had visions relating specifically to this issue. He knew that the blood of Christ cleansed the believer from the bondage to Mosaic law. What God hath cleansed, that call not common. It was previously held that Gentile believers were not required to be circumcised. Is the issue raised that Jewish believers may not be free from the law? Was it ok to eat with the Gentiles, the hypocrisy of Peter and Barnabas left the false impression that it was not their conviction. The Gospel teaches that a person is saved by grace, not the law, Therefore we are not obligated to live under the law. The hypocrisy was in trying to make the Gentiles observe Jewish law.

Have I acted like a hypocrite to impress others? Too many times to count.

What should I do? Apologize and ask forgiveness for the example I have laid out. I have only done this with my three grown kids. I have failede to do this too many times with the rest of the world.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14)

Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

What does this tell us about his character?

Why should he have known better?

What does this tell us about Barnabas?

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others?

What should you do when you recover your senses?

Peter at first embraced the Gentile believers because as we read in Matthew 15, Mark 7, and Acts 10, that Peter has many lessons on food, and that he had learnt that the Gentiles food and eating habits were not unclean. Furthermore, this truth had been accepted and approved by the conference of leaders at Jerusalem (Acts 15). So Peter knew there was to be no discrimination and he could enjoy fellowship with all the believers, Jews and Gentiles alike. To "eat with the Gentiles" meant to accept them, to put Jews and Gentiles on the same level as one family in Christ. However, he later withdrew and I think that Peter having been raised as an orthodox Jew, must have had a difficult time learning these lessons. For we know that the Law of Moses acted as a wall between the Jews and the Gentiles, and therefore it was impractical for them to eat together. Fortunately this wall was broken down at the Cross (Eph 2:14-18), and there was to be no difference either in condemnation or salvation between Jews and Gentiles. The trouble started when a group of Jewish Christians arrived from Jerusalem and started preaching that unless you are circumcised you cannot be saved. At the same time they taught that it was improper for circumcised Jewish believers to eat with uncircumcised Gentile believers. We read in verse 12 that Peter’s reaction to this group was one of fear. Peter’s reaction could perhaps be explained by him being an impulsive person. In the Bible we read about Peter’s faith and courage and also about his failures. For example, in the Upper Room he boasted that he would willingly die with Jesus, and then a little later he denied his Lord three times. We must remember Peter was not perfect, and so are we. Unfortunately Peter led Barnabas astray. I think Barnabas was more of a gentle person and did not want conflict of any sort by offending the visitors from Jerusalem. These visitors were all professing Jewish Christian believers, and according to Acts 15:5, they were strict Pharisees. Also, James, the leader of the Jerusalem church had sent them. This does not mean that they had his authority. Nevertheless they must have had tremendous political clout. No wonder Peter was intimidated. Many years ago as an immature Christian I must have acted as a hypocrite to impress others. I cannot remember any such occasion, but thankfully today I’m a more mature Christian, much closer to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and not ashamed of Him!


Posted 05 January 2012 - 10:57 PM

Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

He embraced them because he had accepted them int the faith. He wanted to have the blessings of the Jewish visitors, not wanting them to go back to Jerusalem stating he was breaking Jewish laws.

What does this tell us about his character?

He lacked conviction in his beliefs. He sought the praise of man rather that that of God. He lacked faith in God.

Why should he have known better?

He should had known better because he not only walked with Jesus and saw his acceptance of non Jews but he had direct revelation from God when he was sent to Cornelius.

What does this tell us about Barnabas?

Barnabas was a Greek-speaking Jew.He had been the first to defendPaul and his gospel before James and Peter in JerusalemLater, he had been sent by the Jerusalem church to instruct the new converts in Antioch.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

These visitors had good reputations as men who were zealous law-keepers. They were also seen coming from James the head of the Jerusalem church thus having the authority to demand that certain laws be kept .

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others?


What should you do when you recover your senses?

Ask for forgiveness.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

Peter first embraced the Gentile believers because he was "obedient" to the vision, the calling that God gave to him, Peter was "BOLD" when he brought the "Good News" to the Gentiles, for it was in his "obedience" to this calling that he found "boldness", he was willing to fellowship with them and even defended that cause.

The "REASON “why Peter at that time withdrew from fellowshipping with the Gentile believers is not clear to me, could it have been peer pressure?

I don't know the exact reason, but Peter was at fault when he played the part of a hypocrite, therefore his actions brought confusion to the Gentile and Jewish believers in the Messiah.

Why should he have known better?

Peter did know better, for over three years Peter was under the teaching of rabbi Jesus, Peter walked and fellowshipped with Him, and besides this personal contact with Jesus, the question was settled by the Jerusalem council (Acts 15) The "Good News" is, because of the "Cross" the Gentile believers are accepted into the brotherhood of salvation, they are grafted into the everlasting covenant God made with Israel, therefore, "Why Peter, why did you vacillate from the truth"? I guess we will have to ask him when we see him.

This brings to my heart another question, even though Peter knew the "truth", why did he deny his Lord - 3 times?

God's ways are not our ways, there must have been something in Peter's heart that the God of Israel knew for Him to give the responsibility of bringing the "Good News", breaking the barrier between Jew and Gentile people, for God gave this to Peter, this responsibility required a strong man, it required that of "obedience" and "boldness", and yet this was a characteristic that Peter outwardly seemed to be short of, "Go Peter to the home of "Cornelius" and fellowship with him, for you Peter are to bring the "Good News" that Salvation has come to the World".

What does this tell us about his character?

It appears to me that when Peter is being Peter, his "CHARACTER" appears to be "WEAK", (if we walk in the flesh we are weak) however, when Peter follows his heart, his "LOVE" for God and he allows the Holy Spirit to lead, Peter's "CHARACTER" displays that of a "new creature" that of being "BOLD" for Christ.

This gives to us the reason why God tells us to be "FILLED" with the Holy Spirit, what good would it do for us to receive the Holy Spirit and not walk in its fullness; instead we walk in the flesh? We are to be filled, continuing to walk in Its "FULLNESS", the power of the Holy Spirit, or we too could vacillate. :o


Peter was fearful of the "circumcism" group.

He vascillated between opinions.

He had Jesus as his teacher & shouldn't have feared anyone.

Barnabas should have known better--he got duped trying to find common ground.

That group had alot of clout.

Yes, unfortunately.

repent! ask for forgiveness & trust God.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14)

Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

Peter first embraced the entile believers in Antioch because he was convinced that was the right thing to do; but he later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews because he feared of his own reputation.

What does this tell us about his character?

This tells us of hypocrism in his character: saying this but doing otherwise.

Why should he have known better?

Peter should have known better because he was one of the pillars of the Jerusalem church; he had experienced a vision of God's acceptance of the Gentiles, he preached the gospel in the house of Cornelius in Caesarea and he defended to the church in Jerusalem his action to baptize the Gentiles on the grounds that the Holy Spirit had led him to do it.

What does this tell us about Barnabas?

About Barnabas this tells us that, he was not strong to stand on the correct principle but wass ready to diverge from the principle in order to please other people.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

This tells us that, the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem was very influential as these visitors were regarded as zealous law-keepers and then they came from James, the brother of Jesus.

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others?


What should you do when you recover your senses?

When I recover my senses, I should understand that what I did is wrong and try to change and do what is correct.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

He was afraid of the circumcision party who criticized him

What does this tell us about his character?

He is a hyprocrite.

Why should he have known better?

He was alway with the Lord.

What does this tell us about Barnabas?

He does not know where he stand.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

They were the law keeper

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others?


What should you do when you recover your senses?

Ask for the forgiveness


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch because he knew that to do so, would be to live his faith. He knew the truth about the Gentile way of life from the vision given to him. He knew that eating with them was considered clean by God. I believe he later withdrew because of sin in his life. He was more worried about his reputation than living the truth. He was compromising. To me, this means his character was weak, but not only his character, but his faith as well. He was still trying to please men over God. Peter always seems to have to learn the hard way. He should have known better from his past mistake denying Christ and his overall characteristic of blustering pride that Jesus rebuked in him. I believe he KNEW from the vision he had, that what he was doing was wrong but chose to do it anyway. Pride can be pretty ugly. Barnabas seems to have the weakness of following after men and not God also and a weakness in his conviction for living out his faith. Maybe he was a follower easily swayed and not a leader in truth. Obviously, the political clout of the visitors was great. The fear they invoked must have been pretty strong, because Peter and Barnabas knew the truth in the situation and chose to follow wrong. I'm sure though, just like today, there was enough confusion from the Jerusalem leaders to make truth seem skewed and to cause doubt among many.

I know I've acted like a hypocrite to impress others or to fit in. I'm sure I've also changed my mind in my beliefs back and forth as I have sought to learn more. I've doubted the pure Gospel because of teachings I've heard and then sorted it out again. I've had blurred lines in trying to understand how to live purely yet also minister in areas that I thought practiced a lot of sin. All that is a learning process as I'm sure this whole experience was for Peter and Barnabas. I've learned being more like Paul is good. Stand up for truth. The pure Gospel truth. Don't be afraid of men. They can't do anything except what God allows and He's trustworthy in anything we go through. People are fickle. They can be for you in one minute and against you the next. God is unchanging. He's knows everything. He's truth. Go with Him. Even if it seems risky. Then you have the best!found I was in the wrong and hurt anybody in my process.

What did I do to recover my senses? Sought God in prayer and for wisdom and understanding. I have repented when I discovered I was wrong. I have sought forgiveness from people I have hurt in my wrong doing. I grew in my relationship with dependence on God and not dependence on people. That was major! I learned to seek Him every day for truth in my life from the Word so I could compare what I heard from what was really truth. But most important, I learned to stand with Jesus as my foundation. I received mercy and could give mercy. The love I filled with, was the love I could give. The passion Christ has for me, I give in what He asks me to do. Everything on the sideline seems to fade that way.

Posted (edited)

Q:1(Galations 2:11-14)

Why do you think peter first embraced the Gentile Believers in Antioch and later withdraw from them to eat only with Jews?

He was feared of his own reputation, He was walking to please Men and not God . He was in his weakness.(weak in his faith)

What does this tell us about his character?

He was afraid and Walking according to his flesh and not in the spirit, he was weak in his faith.he was hypocrite in this Case.

What does this tell us about Barnaba?

Also he was like peter weak in his faith and fear from men.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors?

Because they having the authority from apostle James and the Jerusalem's church . They demand that the Law must be observe to anyone who want to get save...it mean their source of authority was from Jersulem's chruch , not from God himself.

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others?


What should you do when you recover your senses?

The Holy Spirit convited me of my Sin, then I repent and ask The Lord to forgive me.and the Lord indded forgave me(1John 1:9)

Edited by manuelhankala

Peter was afraid of the law keeping jews.It tell us that Peter fear of being

smear by people with a little power. Because Peter says on thing but do

something else.It tell us that Barnabas will alway find a commom ground.

I think from one time or the other we all have tried to impress people

at one time we want to be like them. We come to our sense when we

realize we have more than them when we have God.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

Peter first embraced the Gentile believers because he knew that was the right thing to do, after the revelation to him in Cesarea. So he was doing what he had been practising. However he later withdrew from them to eat only with the Jews out of fear of the circumcision group. This tells us that he was concerned about his reputation and that he did not have it in him to openly fight for his convictions. He should have known better simply because he was one of the first apostles to be given the revelation about embracing the Gentiles.

Barnabas it seems was too impressed with the visitors and their stature that he was willing to compromise his principles. The visitors seem to have been very powerful in the structure of the early church in Jerusalem.

Oh yes, several times-unfortunately. The right thing to do after recovering my senses would be to ask God for forgiveness and repent of the hypocrisy; and behave differently in the future.


(Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

He embraced them because he had a single focus and was in the Will of the Lord. He later withdrew because he became distracted and perhaps the focus of his will became the more dominate view. Peer pressure, FEAR, He was afraid of criticism, what he perceived they thought of his dining with the Galatians or of what they may have said of his fellowshipping with them. Possibly fear as to what others would think upon hearing about his fellowshipping with the Galatians.

We really can only speculate the motives behind his fear, but with certainty we can say that he feared and that he was influenced.

What does this tell us about his character?

It still needed development as do many of ours. Prior to these men from James Peter would eat with the Galatians. His separating himself upon their arrival shows that he was influenced by them. Peter was not only influenced by their appearing, there was either some monologue or dialogue that took place that may have as well levied the influence. It is not written in exactness as to what was said. However from Acts 15:24 we gather that some things were said by them. Acts 15:24 For as much as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, You must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment:

Note: For many who hold Peter in high esteem might be surprised by his actions; but we really shouldn't be for we all are at risk do to the weakness and corruption of our flesh, especially at times when we are not anchored. It is easy to criticize Peter; but every person knows what it means to do something you know is wrong. Everyone knows what it feels like to go against what you know very well is right. No man's standing is so secure that he may not fall.

Why should he have known better?

He had been with Christ, he saw how Jesus interacted among those less desired by the religious authority. Jesus yet conveyed love and concern, inclusion and on occasion shared edification to all within the sound of His voice the need for doing what He was doing or being where He was when He was.

What does this tell us about Barnabas?

It tells us that he like Paul was influenced as well, it reinforces that peer pressure expressed or implied can be powerful. Acceptance, belonging, are powerful elements, the feeling of belonging is a very powerful force that can outweigh ties to church, family, or community.

Peter was a figure head however in ways Barnabas' being carried away with their hypocrisy may have been of a greater capacity. Family and friends misgivings sting is often greater in comparison to an acquaintance or stranger. Barnabas Greek-speaking Jew who had been born in Cyprus. The people perhaps felt a greater comfort around him, he could relate if he grew up around non-Jews. If Barnabas saw his being carried away with hypocrisy as the loving thing to do, so as not to offend these visitors from Jerusalem. He probably felt as many family members do when they do things in a none intentional manner. They feel or assume the potential offend family member should not be offended or hurt. They take their relational connection / closeness for granted.

It can be said that compromise is an important element in getting along with others, but we should never compromise the truth of God's Word. If we feel we have to change our Christian beliefs to match those of our compromise, we are on very dangerous ground.

Again we can only speculate as to why Barnabas and Peter did as they did, however we do know that they both at that moment were not in the perfect Will of God. We know that the probable affected some in damaging manner. We can speculate that it was God's perfect Will that Paul observed what was going on and addressed it accordingly. Although the Scriptures' were not specifically written to us they are written for us, for our learning.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

Their influencing Peter, Barnabas and others suggest they either were important figures or well connected. Perhaps they were men of great prestige and influence whereby their voices were heard and recognized. Later in Acts 15 we learn that they were Believer that had came from a sect of the Pharisees, we also learn that they had no commission whatever from James.

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others?

Probably more than I would like to believe. I know on more than one occasion at work I have laughed at a joke or two that some may have found offensive. A joke that was not spiritually edifying in any manner.

What should you do when you recover your senses?

There are however times when I remove myself, there are time when I acknowledge in a none offensive manner that I would prefer not to be a part or engaged in activities as such.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

He first embraced the Gentile believers because that's what he should have done as a church leader, so he was doing his job. He later withdrew from them when the Jews arrived to avoid critisizim from the Jews. He should have known better, because he had made a similiar mistake in denying Jesus three times. Barnabas was similiar to Peter in this. The visitors from Jerusalem must have had a lot of political clout.

I have acted like a hipocrate in the past, putting on a false image of a 'perfect' Christian. I try to be genuine and confide in trusted friends, and keep seeking God for wisdom, courage and to be more like Jesus.


Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch because he was one of the pillars of the Jerusalem church. He had experienced a vision of Gods acceptance of the Gentiles, preached the gospel in the house of Cornelius and defended to the church in Jerusalem his action to baptize the Gentiles on the grounds that the Holy Spirit had led him to do so. He later withdrew from them to eat only with the Jews because he was more concerned about his reputation.

What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better?

He was a hypocrite. He should have known better because he walked with Jesus. You would think that he had learned his lesson when he denied Jesus.

What does this tell us about Barnabas?

Barnabas should have know better also. He was led astray, more concerned about his reputation.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

The political clout of the vistors from Jerusalem was strong. So strong that people was more concerned about pleasing them than God.

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

Yes, I have. When I realize it, I should ask God for forgiveness


I’m in a small group Bible study on James and we recently discussed James 2:1-13 regarding favoritism. This text is a good example of what James was warning us about. Peter embraced the Gentile believers until “those who belonged to the circumcision group” came. The text says Peter was afraid of them… perhaps he was afraid they would look down on him or smear his reputation among other Jews. Either way, he was being hypocritical and Paul confronts him because he was judging the Gentile Christians by his discrimination and leading others to do so as well. James later seems to apologize for the confusion caused. (Acts 15:24) Peer pressure is a powerful force for good as well as evil. When confronted with hypocrisy, I want to be the one who will admit it and do whatever necessary to undo the damage I have done.

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