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Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

1.a. He had first experienced a vision of God's acceptance of the Gentiles, but withdrew from them to eat only with the Jews because he was afraid of those who belonged to the "circumcision group".

b. Peter shifted back and forth in his thinking, not being strong in his beliefs.

c. He should have known better because he experienced a vision of God's acceptance of the Gentiles,

d. Barnabas too should have know better but he too was led astray. He looked at the reputation of the men who were zealous law-keepers and not at the principle at stake.

e. The political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem were a very strong influence.

f. Yes, I too have acted like a hypocrite to impress others.

g. I will tell the truth.

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Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

When Peter first embraced the Gentiles, he truly demonstrated what Jesus had showed him in

His walk on the earth. He later withdrew from them when he lost sight of Christ's mission to him

and instead looked to yhose who represented the Mother Church. (Still goes on today)

What does this tell us about his character?

Peter acted like a weakling in this instant.

Why should he have known better?

Peter should have known better because he walked with Jesus and knew that Jesus did not

shy away from being seen with sinners just to please the crowd.

What does this tell us about Barnabas?

Barnabas was also lead astray because he was too weak to stand up th those men who

represented the Mother Church.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

The visitors from Jerusalem were viewed as being extremely influential, not to oppose.

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

At this moment I cannot recall acting this way, but if I have the opportunity I pray that I would be lead by

the Holy Spirit and do what is right.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

Peter did not want to offend the Jewish christians who believed the gentiles converts needed to observe certain laws in addition to their faith in Christ.

This action clearly showed his hypocracy. He once defended the need for the gentiles to enjoy the freedom of their new faith without having to be circumcised of follow certain laws. He therefore should not have tried to do otherwise.

There are times when I do certain things just to impress some one. I often regreted this and would ask God for forgiveness


(Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? Peter knew to do the right thing. He embraced the Gentiles, but in order to save his own reputation, he changed his stance once the Judiazers came on the scene. Peter had done this before. He was worried about his reputation.

What does this tell us about his character? Peter has a tendency to be a man-pleaser. He wants to go along to get along. Maybe he's a bit self-centered.

Many of us are the same way. This made me really look into how much of a man-pleaser, hyprocrite and such am I.

Why should he have known better? Because he knew about faith in Jesus Christ through grace, not works. He knew that following the Law wasn't the way to salvation. Faith in the saving grace of Christ alone was the way to salvation. Paul said how can you, who live after the manner of the Gentiles then tell others to live after the manner of the Jews. He didn't follow the manner of the Jews, so why was he instructing others to do what HE didn't do.

What does this tell us about Barnabas? Barnabas didn't want to make waves. He was also a hypocrite. He knew better because he walked along side Paul. The Council of Jews sent Barnabas out instruct the Gentiles in the faith. He even got Paul to work with him. So it seems as if Peter, Barnabas and the rest were all hypocrites.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? It was a bit shaky.

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? Yes I have. In fact, that's something I've deal with for a long time. Am I willing to stand up regardless of the cost. It's funny because non-Christians sure stand up for their beliefs. We, who have been filled with the Holy Spirit, should have and must have the boldness to do the same.

What should you do when you recover your senses? Ask the Lord for strength to stand up against opposition and not allow fear to keep me from my convictions.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

Peter was behavior was in line with the truth of Jesus' gospel but he understood that the Jews would be offended by his actions, therefore, he chose what the thought was the path of least resistance. Peter was called to minister to the Jews, therefore, it would have been of huge importance to him to keep the channels of communication open.

What does this tell us about his character?

As I pondered on this over the week, I don't see this as matter of Peter's character. I honestly believe that he and the apostles truly believed that it was no hypocrisy to allow the Jews to mesh the gospel with the law. As a Jew, I am not sure there was separating the two. Even Paul acknowledges that the Apostles were called to the Jews and he to the Gentiles, implying somehow that their teachings would be different, yet both acceptable to God.

Why should he have known better?

Peter should have had enough confidence and faith in the power of God to stand for revelation given to them by God, which allowed for the Gentiles to become Christians. As Christians they were all in same in Christ.

What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

Barnabas was probably confused. Obviously, the 'circumsion party' from James were powerful and had a very storng voice in Jerusalem. Human nature almost demands acceptance by others...none of us, except maybe peole with a Paul like spirit are prepared to completely cut off from the powers that be. In fact, Paul in Acts 16, circumcised Timothy who was both Jewis and Greek to accomodate the Jews, therefore, Barnabas likely thought Paul, at least at one point, placed a value also on circumcision. Possibly, Paul regained his senses and refocused his message as we all should when the core message begans to stray off of Christ and him crucified.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

God showed Peter in a vision that the gentiles should be reached with the gospel as well en I think Peter was delighted that they also believed in Jesus. I think when the Jews came to Antioch, he remembered his roots and maybe he began to think like them, that people will still have to observe the law. He also did not want to offend his fellow Jews and decided to be on their side rather than on the gentiles' It showed that he did what he felt was right at the moment, rather than embracing the whole truth - that we are saved by grace and not by up holding the law. I think Barnabas did the same, they both wanted to please both sides, but felt more comfortable with their own people, the Jews.

I think its easy for us to criticise the Jews as well as Peter and Barnabas, but they operate through their belief in their customs and traditions. We all do that - our way of thinking are miles apart from the eastern and middle eastern way of thought. I also believe that the Holy Spirit gave Paul the wisdom to tell Peter that he should not behave the way he did and that God did not require from people to follow the law any more as a way to be saved. Paul said we must become all things to all people- the only way we can reach people is by understanding their customs. Today we have the Bible and we can read what God spoke through the apostles, but back then, they encountered many problems that they had to sort out by conferring with the leaders and by praying about it.

We all operate in a way we believe is correct - or the way we understand the Bible, but I believe we must be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and change our ways if its wrong. We must also pray for the boldness to stand up for what we believe is right like Paul did and not be hypocrites that just want to go with the flow and not offend anybody like Peter and Barnabas


He understood that they were accepted by God through Jesus, not the Jewish ceremonial laws. However, he shied aways from the Antioch gentiles because he desire to please others especially big shots. He had been filled with the Holy Spirit. It tells me that we all can fall into errors and we must walk very close to the Holy Spirit to maintain good motives in life. Once saved always saved sounds good on paper also once filled with the Holy Spirit always isn´t the truth. We must live and walk with the Spirit. Yes, I and everyone has fallen short. In our times of shortness, we must admit, confess to others if they are involved and forsake these tragedies.


I think that Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch because that was what he was sent to do. He was supposed to teach them the way of Jesus. But when there was opposition to his teaching he back off and started eating only with the Jews. I think he was afraid that his reputation was going to be ruined.

This tells us that maybe Peter didn’t believe everything that he was teaching. He knew better because he had a firsthand witness of Jesus and Peter knew that what he was saying was correct.

This tells us that maybe Barnabas wasn’t as knowable as he should have been about the Gospel.

This tells us that the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem was still pretty strong and that the people didn’t what to go against their teachings.

I have acted like a hypocrite to impress others but I got back on Jesus bandwagon when I recovered my senses.


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

Part of man's fallen nature is the desire to fit in with the crowd. It is a weakness in us and whether born out of fear or we just don't care or know enough it is ugly and in all of us. Peter "played the Jew" for the sake of a few Jews. He was willing to deny his liberty which is the very thing they were jealous of to fit in. It was a weakness in his character and I think we all have areas of weakness.

Why should he have known better? He spent personnel time (3 years) with our Lord and taught personally. This tells us no matter how long we have known our Lord we must be vigilant to remain true to our faith and the freedom (and responsiblity it bring) we have in Christ.. I think Peter found it easier to take the easy way out (which is what the easy way out is) rather than to stand firm.

Oh dear Barnabas, who knew that the legalistic system had fallen stepped right in line with Peter. He was willing to follow right along with Peter. How often do I not say something because I don't want confrontation.

The only "clout" these visitors had was what man gave them and Peter could have handily debunked them. It reminds me of many of our politicians.

We all have hypocritical tendencies in us. We must pray and ask God to keep us from sin and weakness. We need the help of the Holy Sprit or we are next in line along behind Peter.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13

Lord please help us for our faith and courage are weak at best. Sometimes our corrupt state is still the stronger part of us until we battle that through the power of the Holy Spirit. Point out those places in all of us and me especially that are weak and untrue to the blessed gospel we profess that we might live lives that bring honor to your Holy Name. May the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be praised on this earth as long as any of us are here.

In Jesus name,



Q1a. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

Q1b. What does this tell us about his character?

Q1c. Why should he have known better?

Q1d. What does this tell us about Barnabas?

Q1e. What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

Q1f. Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others?

Q1g. What should you do when you recover your senses?

A1a. Peter had yet "to let go" of his Jewishness as Paul had done and he was still learning as he did the night into morning when he denied Jesus 3 times before the rooster crowed (Matt 26:75) about being firm in the faith.

A1b. Peter was still of the world and not just in it

Q1c. He should have known better per Matt 26:75, but as with many of us, including back to Abraham, faith is a refining process.

Q1d. Barnabas, like us/me, can be swayed by doctrine (false in this case) to forget the essentials ... justified by faith, not by works.

Q1e. Don't know if it was political clout as they were Christian Jews, but it implies the visitors still thought circumcision was important for any Christian and eating with Gentiles was still suspect to them. Peter wanted to be around those who were "like him."

Q1f. LOL ... of course I have, but less and less over time. It still happens, but two things mitigate it - my age (64) and my walk with Jesus.

Q1g. Laugh at yourself, seek forgiveness / repent, and apologize in needed or necessary while correcting any misrepresentatios.


* Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

Maybe he feared man more than he feared God. Also i think he was trying to not have his reputation ruined!

* What does this tell us about his character?

Kinda same as the answer i gave above. Trying to please man or look good in the eyes of man more than God's eyes.

* Why should he have known better?

He should have known better because he walked with Christ for about 3 years. He was personally led and taught by Christ Himself.

* What does this tell us about Barnabas?

Barnabas was easily led astray.

* What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

I think people may of feared them, wanting them to look good in front of them. kinda like how some would act now a days if political leaders came to have dinner with us.

* Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others?

Yes, I have acted in ways just to impress others before. I forgot so easily that I am accepted by Christ in who i am, not what i do or how i act in front of others.

* What should you do when you recover your senses?

I should turn my eyes back to Christ and what He's done and ask the Holy Spirit for correct direction. Jesus has done it all!


Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14)

Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

He feared the Jews that came from James. Peter’s weak attitude endangered the principle of Christian liberty. It is the deduction rather than the fact which Paul reproves. To eat and to drink, or not to eat and drink, is immaterial. But to make the deduction “If you eat, you sin; if you abstain you are righteous”—this is wrong.

What does this tell us about his character? Peter valiantly defended the liberty of the Gospel. But now by abstaining from meats forbidden in the Law, he went against his better judgment. You have no idea what danger there is in customs and ceremonies. They so easily tend to error in works.

Why should he have known better? Because, he was an excellent apostle, in a former council at Jerusalem he practically stood alone in defense of the truth that salvation is by faith, without the Law.

What does this tell us about Barnabas?Paul alone stood up for the truth, for Barnabas, his companion, was lost to him, and Peter was against him.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? It had a disturbing impact on Peter to make the right decision to stand for the truth, and not to gain respect of anyone no matter the title or power. Black is Black and White is white, no gray areas in this Gospel.

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? Yes, I have in my past, and had a very sleepless night for going against what I knew was right.

What should you do when you recover your senses? If you have hurt anyone, immediately make it right. Repeat and ask God for forgiveness, and with the help of God, don't get caught in that situation again. if you are sincere, Jesus will always give you a way of escape.


Brother Mike


I think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch because he wanted to welcome them as brothers and sisters in the faith.

He later withdraw from them to eat only with the Jews because he was afraid of those belonging to the circumsion group. He acted out of fear.

The same way he did when he denied Christ 3 times. Sadly,Peter was more concerned with his own skin then doing what was right.

This tells us Peter was more afraid of his reputation being ruined by the law keeping Jews than doing the right thing.

Peter should of known better because of the vision of the sheet on unclean animals he received from God before going to Cornelius' house.

God was telling Peter it was permissable to eat and fellowship with gentile believers.

What this tells us of Barnabas,is, it was his nature to find common ground where he could. :(



They were the people Paul was suppose to minister to according to God's plan however human wisdom took over when the Judizers came to town. He is a flawed human being. God had to strike Paul blind before he listen to him & told him that everyone belonged to God. Barnabas was just following Paul who taught him about God. They must have been pretty high up in the Jewish Community or Paul would have stood up to them more likely. Everyone has acted like a hypocrite at one point in their life. Keep rooted in God Word everyday so that you will see what the truth is even if it hurts.


Please disregard previous post I goofed. I am dyslexic so sometimes I miss important parts of questions like the name of the apostle in question.

Peter wanted to welcome the new believer at Antioch. He was trying to be hospitable to all the new Christians. He withdrew because of peer pressure put on by Judizers. He is a flawed human being. He received the vision at Cornilus's house about everything that God says is clean no one can make unclean. Barnabas was just following Peter's lead because of Peter's leadership skills. They would have been people that had a high status in the Jewish Community or Peter would have come to his senses earlier. Everyone has acted like a hypocrite at one time or another. Stay in God's Word everyday so that you will know the truth when you see it.

  • 1 month later...

1. Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile beleivers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

I believe that Peter embraced the Gentile believers because he experienced the vision of God's acceptance of the Gentile believers.

He withdrew later I believe for the same reason he withdrew when denying Christ. Which is intimidation and lack of faith. It seams to matter to Peter what other people think.

2. What does this tell you about his character?

At that time it showed that he would bend to the worlds standards to be accepted by the world. Even when he knew the right thing to do. He is very easily pursuaded and didn't seam to have a sure foundation in Christ.

3. Why should he have know better?

For one thing he had a vision of God's acceptance of the Gentile believers. Another reason is because he had been taught that and was already practicing it.

4. What does this tell us about Barnebas?

That he lacked faith and that he was willing to follow opposition when being opposed even when he knew it was wrong.

5. What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

That they had a stong influence, was intimidating, and like to exercise their political powers onto others.

6. Have you every acted like a hypocite to impress others?

I would be lying if I said no. I am most positive that I have and from time to time still do. When we want to be accepted by others and the world it is amazing what we will do to gain the acceptance. I do believe that as I grew and continue to grow in Christ that my weaknesses are few and far between.

7. What should you do when you recover your senses?

By all means make correction/reconciliation/applogize etc.

  • 2 weeks later...

I can relate to Peter! I must confess I have the fear of man all to much in my life. It is a continual source of pain to me. Because of this I am a big hypocrit!

I can relate to Barnabas, because I often want to be kind, and thereby compromise the truth I should speak in given situations!

I realize my sin and pray that God will forgive me and change me,I cast myself on his mercy-"I have no other righteousness, I have no other plea-it is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me!" Please pray for me!

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews?

Peter had various encounters with Gentiles and in most of them he struggled with being able to accept them as equals. The Lord had to really work on his heart and his belief system. He believed that the Jews were the privileged group of people. The Lord was helping him to change his stubborn mind set. As he began to embrace the fact that these people could be accepted to the point of shared fellowship with them he began to really enjoy the freedom that this brought. It was no more the stuffy and boring ritualistic practices which he grew up with in Judaism. There was now life and liberty that he never knew before. However, overcoming all the past prejudices and mind set of Gentiles as out side of God’s chosen people was extremely difficult. So when he felt challenged by those who want to maintain the purity and separateness of the Jewish nation and religion he chose to go back into his established mind set and withdrew “for fear of them that were of the circumcision.”

What does this tell us about his character?

His character in the past was impulsive and” wishy-washy”. We saw at the time of Christ’s crucifixion when he was challenged by a maid at a fire in the court yard, although he was determined in his mind to be loyal to Christ he gave in to his fears and denied knowing the Lord and any association with him. In this present case, it was similar in the fact that he gave into fear of others. However, the main thing was that he was slipping back into a previous mindset of prejudices and religious beliefs when confronted by the purists. The strongholds of prejudice and religion took over. He could accept the Gentile believers but only to a point. Out of sight of thee strict Judaizers he had no problem, but when they are there he is overcome with fear and can’t hold his ground. I think he slips away quietly trying to appease both sides. In his mind, uncircumcized believers were second class citizens in the kingdom.

These are strongholds that each believer struggles with overcoming today in how we reach out to others. That is why this book is so important today.

Why should he have known better?

He experienced first hand revelations about how Gentiles are accepted as equals and receive adoption of sons and heirs through the cross of Christ. He had been shown by special revelation that probation from eating with Gentiles was not binding and he encouraged others to eat with them also. Now he was stepping back and this influenced those whom he had previously encouraged to eat with them

What does this tell us about Barnabas?

Barnabas is a puzzle indeed. He came to Antioch to encourage the believers, most of whom were Gentile believers. He spent time with them; he asked Saul to come and join them there and begin to minister to the church there. How can this religious sprit so grip people? Barnabas becomes a follower as Peter leads the way and others begin to follow along with him. The encourager gets caught up in the dissimulation or carried away by it. The religious Sprit is strong and begins to take hold whenever it has a slight opening. We are so susceptible to this evil spirit. It takes hold of denominations, local churches and individuals.

What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?

It seems these people had convinced James that they had the interest of new believers in mind and talked him into sending them out with his endorsement. They had a letter of backing from him. They particularly followed Paul wherever he went and spoke to the new believers about the Mosaic Law and about especially circumcision. They were effective at stirring up Jews and Jewish believers. They were powerful in causing people to fear and give in to that religious spirit

Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others?

I recognize wearing a religious mask often in my life; self righteous and unable to extend the grace of God to others. I see the fear of men and what they think bout me.

What should you do when you recover your senses? “Put off concerning the old man, which is corrupt according to its deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1/(Galatians2;11-14)why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in antioch and withdraw from them to eat only with Jews?----At first Peter want b the Gentile believers to know that as christians we are all one, but later on, when the other Jews came in, he was afraid of them as they belong to the circucision group B,What does this tell us about his character?-----This tell us that he is a hypocrisy, by saying one thing but doing another thing.. C,Why sould he have known better?----Peter should have known better he was with Jesus for years, he was the first person to preach to the Gentiles also eat with them... D,What does this it tell us about Barnabas?---Barnabas wasn't strong enough, so he was trying to please the other people. D,What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem?---- The visitors that came from Jerusalem were powerful, they came in to influence the Gentile. E,Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others/? YES. F, What should you do when you recover your senses?---- I prayed to good Lord forgiveness. , ..

  • 3 months later...

1A)Peter had through a vision/picture of God’s acceptance of Gentiles,gave him authority&desire to convert Gentiles.He ate&mingled with them with.When Peter drew back from eating with non-Jews cos of cicumcision gp,he was hypocritical, not living free from law as he preached.

B)Peter was weak,impulsive when tested,not as bold in his beliefs as Paul, he didn’t defend Paul when accused, he denied Jesus3X.

c)He should have learnt from previous failure,denying Jesus.

d)Peter’s hypocrisy misled Barnabus,a Greek speaking Jew bornCyprus,hypocritical too,also ate Jewish Christians

e)Leaders were respected &men of influence.

F)Have felt pull to fit in,weakened too often.Studies&HS convict me&affirm belief in Christ alone I am free&secure

G)Repent,put off old,seek the Lord’s forgiveness &help in changing me to live aright.

  • 6 months later...

Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?


Peter was afraid of alienating himself from the Christian Jews.   Peter was looking out for himself and his own comfort zone, thus displaying a weak character.   Peter should have known better by the vision God gave him regarding Gentiles and food.  See Acts 11:1-18.

Barnabas acted no better than Peter, despite his convictions he permitted the Christian Jews to talk him out of fellowship with Gentile Christians unless they subjected to certain Jewish rituals.  This created broken fellowship between Christians.  Apparently the visitors from Jersalem carried a lot of influence to cause Barnabas and others to be led astray.  Barnabas, like Paul, had become close to the Christian gentiles.  So for him to abandon them as a result of his visit with the representatives of Jerusalem surely indicated their strong influence.


Yes and repentence and apologies were given.





"Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?"




Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? Fear of losing his reputation.




 What does this tell us about his character? Self centered, Weak.




Why should he have known better?Peter should have known better by the vision God gave him regarding gentiles and food [Acts 11:1-18]




What does this tell us about Barnabas? Barnabas acted no better than Peter.




 What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Apparently the visitors from Jerusalem carried a lot of influence to cause Barnabas and others to be led astray Barnabas like Paul had become close to the Christian Gentiles so for him to abandon them as a result of his visit with the representative's of Jerusalem surly indicated they're strong influence.



Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? Yes, a few times. 






What should you do when you recover your senses?Ask for forgiveness, and apologize for my wrongs.

















Peter was in Antioch to teach the gentiles and mingles freely with the new believers.  Peter was one of the pillars of the Jerusalem church (2:9). He had experienced a vision of God's acceptance of the Gentiles, preached the gospel in the house of Cornelius in Caesarea (Acts 10), and then, defended to the church in Jerusalem his action to baptize them on the grounds that the Holy Spirit had led him to do it (Acts 11).


Later he withdrew from them to eat only with the jews out of fear of being smeared by the law-keeping Jews who threaten to ruin his reputation as the leading apostle of the Christian movement.


Peter had a fluctuating mind, when the wind turned against him. His mind had fluctuated when Jesus was on trial by denying him three times. He should have know better because he was with Christ all the time and was one of the pillars of the Jerusalem church. 


Barnabas was a Greek-speaking Jew who had been born in Cyprus. He had been the first to defend Paul and his gospel before James and Peter in Jerusalem (Galatians 2:1-10). Later, he had been sent by the Jerusalem church to instruct the new converts in Antioch (11:22). But now, with representatives from James present to make sure that the Jewish law was being upheld, he, too, was "led astray." He looked at the reputation of the men who were zealous law-keepers, rather than the principle at stake. But perhaps it was part of Barnabas' nature to find common ground where he could. He just saw it as the loving thing to do, so as not to offend these visitors from Jerusalem.


The visitors from Jerusalem were zealous law-keepers.  These men were strict in their observance of the kosher laws.


Yes I have feared law and traditions most of the time.  When we recover from our senses we have to repent and ask pardon from God and turn to the right ways.



  • 3 weeks later...

Peter first embraced the Gentiles and later withdrew form them to eat only with the Jews because he feared the law keeping Jews and wanted to be a people pleaser by obeying the laws of the Jews not eating with Gentiles.

This reflects his fearful,weak people pleasing character.

The political clout of the visitors of Jerusalem reveals that they were respected,strong lawkeepers.

Yes.often times to keep the friendship ongoing and fearing displeasure I have acted like a hypocrite.

When I came to my senses I have repented asked forgiveness from the Lord and asked the Holyspirit's guidance and strength at all times.

  • 1 year later...

Peter was a very reputation minded person. He was constantly concerned with the way people talked about him. He always wanted to be with the majority and did not stand on principals that he held in his heart. he should have learned that it was important to do what is right versus what the crowds did. I feel thaqt the apostles actually let Christ down again. They were more afraid of the letter of the law than they were of the heart of the law. I feel that people need to acknowledge what they do wrong. They need to ask for forgiveness and understanding. I have always tried to stand on my principals and morals. I really try to do what is right and not follow the crowd. I rather go alone than to go wrong.

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