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-- loosening sexual standards is = to loosing self control it is very destructive to Christian witness and our faith in Christ who is the source of our strength.

I come from a non-Christian background where the only moral rule where sex was concerned, was don't get pregnant and don't date married men. So for me being a Christian since 1985, I've adopted the biblical view that is contrary to my upbringing.

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i believe that in our culture today, that we are tolerant of every sexual sin known to man, just as it was in sodom and ghemorra. we are taught by society that its ok to have same sex parents, that homosexuality is a gene trait and not a demon spirit. the church i believe has failed miserably with performing same sex marriages, allowing the homosexual or lesbian to frequent services and never preach the truth to them out of fear of rebuttle. sexual premiscuity is rampant in the world and church today. all this is contrary to the word of god, and until we recognize just how hurtful this is to god as well as future generations, we are setting ourselves up for an unfortunate outcome.


When we are immoral or overlook moraliity and doctrinal laxity we are to be disciplined by Christ and this loose action turns us away from the church. Today, we condone some questionable moral practices usually in the name of love for others that may not be morally pure. I believe Christians are often confused by morals because they know the person to be good otherwise or are a family member who we can make excuses out of affection.


I know a guy, who is at a considerable high level in his organisation, who is very friendly and helpful, but whose colleagues dare not utter a bad word or make sexy joke, in his presence. That is the level of seperation our God desires, from all of us his children in this world. It not possible to witness to our Lord, if we become one among the world. That is where satan would like to hit us hard , the flesh. Strong Biblical foundation to us and to our children, to our infants, can only make us strong to withstand the onslaught of the present day society morals. Above all coporate prayer, the only resort !!


:D Again i must say this topic is coverd well and i think we all know what the TV has to show but i must say i still watch it but i choose to keep the remote close at hand an i have alot of christain channels but even them have bad teaching so if my Grandkids are over i have to really listen an teach them the things i see wrong with what they are whating to watch because my children doest have the insite i have an she isnt sold out but yet she loves Jesus and teaches the sunday school stuff to them but the school sys is alot deeper then that so we let the world teach our children an then they become a leader of the country an have no clue of what God calls sin an or choosees to turn for fame an money

there are alot of rock stars who have preachers for father and they had been raised in church

Also Gods kids always turned away untill they had to trust in God

Jesus planly teaches that it will be as it was in the days of Noah he told them of the comeing flood for what ?? i think 40 years and they laughed

just like our fellow americans who say dont judge me ,take that preaching to church etc etc

Well now we go to a land far away and have to hide our signs of Jesus or the other people police may beat us to death an its their law so our men are orded to hide any sign of christain beliife or they could get locked up and the if they do get back they face chares of their own etc etc

WE can see the end is near an they will say they been saying that since jesus was walking but its time for us to hold on tight share with others but dont cast our perals b4 the pigs or the just stomp them into the ground

So we must know the holy sprit will lead us an he will make it know when an whare to to speak an dont fear what they can do to our flesh think of what god can do for our soul .Theres no felling like sharing with someone an see them open up to the sprit of God an hear their heart call out to God oh please save this sorry fleshly sinner

it only comes in 2nd place to the high i got when i asked Jesus to be my Lord an Master no matter the cost an i paid it but the promise of the Lord was true i was an im still blessed comeing an going even in my battles i know Jesus is there an he will be there for all we bring to him praise the Lord Jesus king of kings Lord of Lords


prophet / joe

Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness? How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them?

:(+ This is a difficult and sad subject. I know young people who are very close to me that have left home to live with someone they are not married to or have a sexual relationship. The culture of today has made this so easy, not many condemn this as most parents, grandparents or aunts, uncles have this in their families.

+ My moral convictions and the fear of losing them completely has kept me from being as condeming as I might otherwise be.

+ They know that I don't accept this and believe they are wrong. I pray for them and I pray that I may find the right words to keep them from sinning and go back to being "in the Lord's perfect will." Yet I too sin, not sexually but in many other ways. I am not without sin and so I am in a difficult position. :(

How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them?

In today's society we are immursed in advertising, television, movies and other media that use sex to "sell" - it is difficult to turn around without seeing some suggestive situation. Many of us work in an environment that does not welcome us to share our faith or openly express our beliefs, and many schools do not permit our children to mention God or share their budding beliefs either. I believe that it is my responsibility and a blessing to be firm in my faith and beliefs, and though I may not speak of them I have many "quiet" reminders surrounding me during my workday; the cross I wear, a stone on my desk that proclaims "Jesus loves you" and the veil of peace I wear throughout the day that the Lord has given me. I am hopefull that though I cannot speak openly of my faith, that I may be a comfort to someone who may be seeking the Lord.






Loosening of sexual standards can be destructive because sexuality and sexual acts are sacred. God has given us our sexuality which we ought to be proud of and to protect it in every way possible. Sexual acts are acts of love for one another and not for mere pleasure or leisure.

It is sad but here in our tiny island, we are exposed to lots of mass media especially advertisement where both man and woman are used. Sexual acts among the teenagers and young adult too are rampant, so much so that Christian doctors and nurses are struggling to uphold and stand for their beliefs (especially those working in government hospitals) against the legalisation of abortion. There are a group of pro-lifers who offers talks to schools and institution to promote healthy sexual relationships and the dangers of allowing themselves to give in to impulsive actions. There are doctors and nurses who do stand for their beliefs and some abortions have been prevented.


:) Loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture would be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness because on one hand Christians will be compromising their own godly standards and so with their duty to share the gospel to these people who are lost and in need of a Savior. On the other hand, I would say it's not really loosening of one's standards or compromising but rather they just don't know how to approach them. Here, one really needs God's wisdom and strategy to share God's love and forgiveness to people like them.

Being overseas and introduced to another culture other than mine, it's hard since I don't speak their language. I know they already approved same sex marriages. They hold gay and lesbian parades every year. Teenagers are very liberal, they dressed so wild. But with people I know, I go to God in prayer and ask for wisdom. I personally rebuke my friends who are unequally yoked with unbelievers and tell them what the Lord says in His Word. They often have problems with their partners when it comes to coming to church or anything that has to do with church and I tell them that's the consequence of their relationship with an unbeliever. It is either them be pulled out from their fellowship with God or their partner be brought into the family of God. It's their choice to make but they have to make a stand for the Lord. And glory be to God because of prayer they were able to bring their husbands to the church.

I overheard somebody telling me that I tolerate fornication with a member in the church. It's not that I tolerate it, what else can you do if the pastor said: "She already had gone very far that there's no more hope of restoration"? What I believe is that Jesus is the Restorer of broken relationships and with Him all things are possible. I don't condemn people who have lost their way but rather help them find their way back to the Father. A rebuke done with love is different from condemnation. :)


The loosening of sexual standards can be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness because it leads to adultery and low moral character. My culture has tended to quiet my own Christian moral convictions by claiming premarital sex is acceptable as long as you practice "safe" sex. We see sex everywhere. On TV, radio, in magazines and books, on billboards, etc.


By loosening the Moral standards of conduct more would totally distroy the self image of a person who is active in this area and would surley lead to self damnation of the person or persons and this would put the word of God futher from the mind of the peson. How can one truly confess God and live the lie that is today distroying the Church of God.

In all honesty I still speak out about them. I am not perfect by any means or holyer then thou. But I believe that by being quite about this problem is the same as agreeing to it. I believe that its time that with the help of God its time that Christians reclaim there right to a God given right to free speech. I dont mean the get in your face kind but the loving true kind. I dont mean by the I think and judgment style but again by the way Christ would have done it.


the sexual standards then as today can be very pervasive. They are wrong and can lead to such evil things that do not have Jesus in mind. We must obey Gods laws of sexuality Sometimes it is very hard to obey Christian morals


Because you are not following the teaching of God, and by not following Gods teachings how can you be a example to the unsaved.

Because we accept a washed down version of God's moral code it is easer to sin, and by making it easier to accept sin in our lives it is harder to witness to the true word. What will this hurt God will understand I'm not perfect. What we don't see is the effect on the unsaved or the ones whos faith is not yet strong. We must be ever faithful, it will effect other.


People who are not Christians seem, however. to have very high expectations of people who say that they are Christians. They know of a high moral code, even though they themselves do not attempt to follow it. In particular, they love to bring down Christians who fail to keep this code! That's about the one thing that brings Christians into the news! Yet for those who do maintain their standard there is some respect, eg not telling dirty jokes around them. (They know, oddly enough, exactly the kind of jokes NOT to tell!)

Personal associations can take the edge off one's moral convictions - mixing with the wrong people as friends. Sometimes taking the lead of a Christian whose behaviours I have questioned, but thought they must know better than me, has landed me in trouble. :huh: I gave them "the benefit of the doubt." Poor decision! If there is any doubt, cancel the thought! Now I am learning to confront Christian people immediately I have any doubts :ph34r: at all about their judgements. I have that responsibility, I think. We are required to have discernment. Many "Christians" object to this, saying you are judging them, (in other words they can do no wrong?) To brothers and sisters we are supposed to speak the truth in love. And I am delighted when brothers and sisters question me and make me think more before God about what I am doing.

  • 2 weeks later...

#2 Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness?

A real touchy subject at the moment in the Anglican or Church of England in America. The ordaining of an Anglican Bishop who confesses openly to being active in a homosexual relationship. Years ago this issue wouldn

  • 2 weeks later...

The problem with loosening sexual conduct that violates traditional standards is that accepting it changes the setting in which men and women deal with each other in a way that radically weakens family life. This in turn weakens the structure of christianity. We as believers hold to what the scripture says. If we tend to dismiss one small point in order to not alienate ourselves from the society that is accepting a "new" standard, that same society will then look at the believer as a hypocrite. When one witnesses for Jesus, that testimony is then weaken in that the believer is stating one message but others will not accept it because they will see that the believer is not being truthfull to his/her "convictions.

This culture as any other culture has and will contue to take the "edge" off a Christians convictions by over whelming that individual with propaganda that shows that the new norm of sexual morality is okay because "look what prominent people" are doing. If they can be as such, and still be "accepted" by the public, then it must be okay. The enemies lies are so deceptive that if it were possible even the elect would fall in its trap. Jesus warned us of this.

  • 3 weeks later...

HI everyone,

Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness?

Because we are always looking for ways to do what we want to and at the same time to be in good standing with God. To call sin the sexual relationships out of matrimony, practising homosexualism, practising lesbianism and many other forms of sexual depravation create a big struggle for many Christians today; we end up with a lot of unwanted pregnancies that may end up in abortion and on the same token the church is ordaining practicing homosexuals and lesbians to the ministry.

How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them?

By means of the law of the land and by attacking the integrity of the scripture or simply by pointing out the brokenness of those that seek holiness and purity according to scriptures.

May the Lord bless you always,


  • 3 weeks later...

Q.2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness?

Our testimony and witness as Christians becomes meaningless words to those who hear that do not know God nor what the Bible says.

It is harmful to souls who partake of sexual immorality to the believer and non-believer. Christians who accept the norms of the world lose their integrity. Christians who partake of false teachings become unfaithful to the God they serve. The Word is not to be added to or taken from it. An act made by groups or government to permit such sexual standards leads others into living sinful lifestyles. Terrible consequences results when there is unfaithfulness or disobedience to the standards set for living by the Lord God. A relationship with the Lord God whether a person is single or married their priorities are with the mindfulness of the Lord God's standards. Sexual immorality is destructive to people influenced by what the world tolerates and accepts as norms are souls are being taken by the enemy. Over time through the watering down of sexual morals instills a new mindset of, it is okay. Society begins to tolerate sexual immorality and the act of it becomes a norm. People without relationship to God or knowledge of the Bible are being mislead in thinking it is okay. Generational lifestyles of sexual immorality create a norm of acceptable life practise and behavior.

It is destructive behavior for when you are committed to the Lord God as His people, you are His and He is yours, like a marriage relationship. He is the faithful one bestowing consistent faithfulness throughout all generations. We are to be faithful to Him in our commitment. In the act of sexual immorality the charge is unfaithfulness to the Lord God and the relationship is hindered or severed.

I think of the book of Genesis where it writes what God created, male and female and that the man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. A one-flesh union that he blessed as a three-fold cord union. Sex is a good action in the eyes of God, he created it to be and a gift for man and woman. But God laid down the rules of sexual standards in the beginning when man and woman were first created. He also gave to Moses commandments for people reinforcing what he designed for sexual standards by the 7th Commandment you must not commit adultery. God wants you to love your husband or wife all the days of your life. A moral enforced as a command.

Throughout the Bible and in various books such as Exodus, Leviticus, Matthew, Acts, Corinthians Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Hebrews and Revelation speak of sexual morality, standards for Christian living. In the book of Leviticus, chapter 18 lists acts of unlawful sexual relations. The sexual standards are strict and consequences follow if not followed by God's people. Sexual immorality is detestable to the Lord and anyone who does these things listed "must be cut off from their people" which defiles a person who is involved. Sexual immorality is sinful acts of the flesh and consequences follow. Loosening sexual standards is disobedience to the Lord God who has set the laws for Christian living. God does not tolerate any act of sinfulness but is merciful and forgiving to those who acknowledge their sin before Him.

How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them?

I choose to live accordingly to God's word. For the sake of my own soul, the destination I choose to reach as my goal in life, I do not invite nor entertain corruption into my daily living. I choose to be faithful in my relationship with God. I have no trouble speaking out about the wrongfulness of sexual immorality neither.

Our culture through toleration of sexual immorality places it as acceptable behavior in today' society. The new norm has silenced Christian moral convictions. We are forced to be quiet about them and if we speak they become meaningless words to the ears that hear.

We have become a minority mindset in a world of growing immorality. What is good to report is that about twelve years ago, which is at the time my daughter was in Junior High School was an emergance of guest speakers going about local schools to do talks. Guest speakers spoke about living chaste lifestyles until the day you marry. Speakers giving talks on chastity is a good attempt to revive sexual morals. And, schools are a good target because youths are being sexually active at early ages. I truly believe though it has to start with teaching our children in the home as the first place to being informed about God's word and educate our own children in the area of sexual morality.

  • 2 months later...

Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness?

Immorality is rampant in our culture today; on TV, the movies, magazines and on the internet, but as Christians we have to distance ourselves from it. To lower our standards to

  • 3 weeks later...

The world is obsessed with sex today. It starts at a younger and younger age each year. Mothers try and make their pre-school daughters look "sexy" for dances, programs etc. This harms our christianity and churces by increasing our desire for instant gratification - it causes us to please ourselves and lose sight of our final great hope and desire to please God. So many are so "selfish" anymore thinking only of their own pleasures and making sure things are good for "Number One" (themselves) They take their sexual pleasures wherever and with whomever is around when the "itch" strikes. We are defiling our bodily temple when we have sex outside of Gods intention of sexual pleasure for husband and wife.

  • 2 months later...

The loosening of sexual standards is just one of many ways of taking a step away from God. "Then when **** has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings death." JAMES 1:15 I recently found that I was sorely tempted and my convictions slowly eroded away, until I reached a point where I couldn't deny the wrong any more. We cannot lead others down the narrow path if we aren't walking it ourselves. "...prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves." JAMES 1:22 ^_^

  • 2 weeks later...

God ordained sex for the marriage - not outside of marriage. Just because current morals are less then that, doesn't make it right. I think this is most evident by the rampant STD's today. I have tried to stay true to my own convictions. I have talked with my oldest son about morals abnd abstinance. So far it has not been a big challenge.

  • 1 month later...
Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness? How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them?

I apologize for being a day late on this post. My pc went down yesterday and I just got it all reinstalled and optimised.

Loosening sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of culture, is fornication & has no value, is all about self, and thereby distructive to the one's practicing it and their witness of Christ.

It is my own guilt of sexual immorality, although repented of, that keeps me from pressing the issue out loud, as much as I should. I stand up for myself by the Word of God when approached in that manner, but don't go out of my way often enough to bring it up first.

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