gusta Posted November 11, 2010 Report Posted November 11, 2010 Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness? How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them? The loosening of sexual standards would cause seperation between us and God. therefore we couldn't be good witnesses and it wouldn't set a good example to the people we were trying to witness to. Our culture today makes sexual immorality seem so normal that it is easy to get caught up in it. Quote
lp2s Posted November 29, 2010 Report Posted November 29, 2010 Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness? How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them? God has called us to be holy as He is holy. Any type of "loosening" or willful compromise with sin that continues without repentance will pull us away from God. In our culture, I think we have two extremes when it comes to voicing moral convictions. One way is calling sin out in a judgemental manner. This isn't very effective, because it causes the other person to be defensive and look for justifications. The other way is what you spoke about and that is not saying anything at all. We need to rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us so that we have a balance of speaking the truth in love. In order to do that, we must first love! Quote
Sarah43 Posted December 2, 2010 Report Posted December 2, 2010 Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness? How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them? The prevailing morals of my culture are inimical to vital Christian faith and witness. We basically live in a pornographic culture, where almost every type of sexual attitude and behavior is accepted (except pedophilia, as far as I can see). The Bible is very precise about sexuality and family. Loose sexual morals destroy families through divorce and adultery. True intimacy, love, and honor and respect are destroyed. Loose sexual morals are acceptance of and adherence to sin, shut out the Spirit. The pornographic culture is so pervasive that I am quiet, for the most part, about my own convictions. One person told me, who was not Christian, when I did open up about the way I felt about marriage, "We don't live in the 18th century anymore." I had recently come from attending church. I think he may have been influenced in his comment by my ankle length dress. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted January 3, 2011 Report Posted January 3, 2011 Why would a loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of our culture be destructive to our witness of our Christian faith? Because we have direct instructions in the Bible as to how to conduct ourselves morally. We MUST live out what we know to be truth. If we don't....then what do we believe? What do we stand on? What do we portray as a Christian life? I just recently had someone tell me (A Christian) that what some people do, that is morally wrong, is acceptable behavior because the "behavior" is between "them and God" even if they admittedly know of and chose not to believe the Bible in what it says about immoral lifestyles. I shared that if that was a standard for every Christian, then there is no belief in the truth of the Bible and anyone can pick and choose as how to live. Adding or omitting anything! Then we have chaos! We will then have the same standard as the world! I was really concerned. We either believe the Bible and try to live the truth or we don't really believe.... or follow! I hope I never condemn anyone in their walk and journey as they seek truth, but once we know truth....we need to live truth. As Christians, we need to find the truth. We need to teach and speak up in love about the truth. How has our culture tended to take the edge off my own moral convictions? Everything in the world is compromised it seems. Sometimes I still have some stinking thinking in me. Sometimes, as I learn more and study more I see compromises I never really even thought about before. I WAS of the flesh, but now the Holy Spirit helps me and I become stronger in truth and in speaking truth. He gives me a passion for His Word and a conviction to really learn to live it out! Quote
Mark Smith Posted March 9, 2011 Report Posted March 9, 2011 Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness? How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them? God does not change. His prohibitions in this area also do not change, and are for our good. Many have done great damage to their witness by violating God's plan for us in this area: one man for one woman for one life time. His way will always be the best for us, no matter what seems to be the norm for society today. Quote
tammie7 Posted May 11, 2011 Report Posted May 11, 2011 Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness? How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them? Sin is all around us On the job in the grocery store it is every where and more and more we as God children is letting a lot of it go on we are not saying anything even through we know that it is wrong we act like we don't see anything. Quote
van Posted April 3, 2013 Report Posted April 3, 2013 Loosing of sexual standards is already destructive. This is seen on television and in everyday life. They promote homosexuality like it's something good. It has gotten so bad that there is a high rate of homosexuality among teenagers today! Not to mention teenage pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases. Mankind are so selfish that they focus on their own desires instead of what God desires. Sex was God's idea, therefore, it was meant for good. But mankind distorts it by ignoring God's specific standards making it harmful and destructive. God created and married the first man and first woman to be fruitful and multiple the earth (Gen. 1:28). Therefore, God created sex for the purpose only. This is vital to Christian faith and witness because if you are not living right yourself, you most definitely can expect for someone to listen to your witnessing. We can either do things God way and experience the beauty of His plan, or, we can do it our way and experience harm and destruction (Prov. 16:25). Throughout the entire bible we are warned about sexual immorality. I can go on and on regarding sexual standards. The Christ said if you live by the sword, you die by the sword. The choice is yours! I choose not to die by the sword. Quote
tgandy Posted April 26, 2013 Report Posted April 26, 2013 I am a United Methodist, a Certified Lay Minister, and studying for the Pastorate. We may hate the sin, but we always love the sinner. The culture of today has not changed my opinion or has any pressure. Jesus preached love no matter who you were or what you had done. Forgiveness and love. This was the New Covenant, Love your neighbor as yourself. Quote
Craig Posted May 13, 2013 Report Posted May 13, 2013 Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness? How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them?          Sexual standards that go against God's standards for human sexual conduct reflect in sin and broken relationship with God. The breech of Godly sexual standards eventually leads to rebellion and disobedience in other areas of conduct. Sex in exchange for religious worship of demons and false gods are the ultimate disloyalty to the one true living God. Those behaviors end in condemnation and death. Additionally, this ends in the destruction of the Christian witness and testimony.  Pop culture hasn't taken the edge off my Christian moral convictions or forced me to be quiet about my convictions. Truth is truth.  Quote
rn_flobow Posted May 18, 2013 Report Posted May 18, 2013 I am a Nurse and aware of the Anatomy of the Human Body. To me, it is obvious that male and female were created to "cleave together as one unit"ie "one flesh"......God does LOVE us all. The sinner IS LOVED but we are to turn away from the sin.We are expected to live as close to the way God ordained as possible and that means NO to Divorce; Homosexuality and other Sins that are horrible for God's eyes to behold. In our Society, Ministers try to say it's "ok" to be homosexual. That's not what the Bible says. If you DARE speak up in this society against homosexuality, you are condemned as being "cruel". When you accept Christ, you become a new Creation and leave those sinful ways behind. It doesn't mean that we become perfect but our life styles begin to go under a Major Transformation so that we are more of the beings that GOD created us to be not to continue sinning. When we have sinned we turn to God and ask for forgiveness and this is always granted from our loving Father. However, we want to live in a way to bring God honor. There are many churches out there in today's time that don't stand up for the Truth. YES you can be forgiven and YES that gives you a whole new lease on life. No church has the right to hold past sins against us because Christ doesn't. However, we also don't surround ourselves with Ministers and such who will tell us what we want to hear not what the word of God has to say. We walk with LOVE and in LIGHT of what is RIGHT not what we wish was RIGHT. Quote
JoanG Posted January 26, 2015 Report Posted January 26, 2015 I feel that this would be the first step to the down fall of the church. To accept what others are doing and keep our mouths shut is sinning just as much as doing the acts... We as a society have been forced to accept changes by the government and ruling bodies... They tell us what we should think and feel about issues that were once very private and personal. We no longer have the rights to voice our opinions as openly as we once had. The media is also a really big problem. They only report the issues that bring in money and they glorify things that should not be. To them, it is more important to show us what the rich and famous are doing than to show us real life issues. How can we be a true Christian nation when we cover up all the wrong that is being done? Quote
Paulhoward Posted June 23, 2015 Report Posted June 23, 2015 Two or three things come to mind. Compromising sexual standards allows demonic spirits to attack us, lowers the moral standards in the church. it leads to poor standards for youth who will quickly be absorbed into the world. It causes a lack of passion for witnessing because we become guilty & become unsure of our faith. We come under the influence of the worldly beliefs & ways of those sexual partners we may have relationships with!!!! The things which Christians in UK are compromised over today, including mixed messages by different church streams over homosexuality & same sex marriage. We are are afraid to say anything in case we are accused of being "homophobic". Quote
DawnMc13 Posted March 17, 2016 Report Posted March 17, 2016 We cannot be a light if our light darkens. Â The more we compromise the more our light fades. Â We are to be a reflection of a hope the world desperately needs. Quote
Old Jerry Posted May 24, 2016 Report Posted May 24, 2016 We believe in one woman being married to one man. So to compromise that means that we have lost our moral guide. We have more to look forward to and that is resting with God our king. The way that the culture tends to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions is by our entertainment and trying to be political correct. Quote
TraceyF Posted April 5, 2020 Report Posted April 5, 2020 The bible tells us to sustained from having sex prior to marriage. We all know this is a hard thing today; especially in today's culture. If Christians conform to believing sex is acceptable now, then there is a problem because God's love is not showing. If any Christian loves God, then he/she will not believe as the world or today's culture believes. It is true that we, as Christians, fall short by doing something that is not of God but we are forgiven as soon as we ask the Lord for forgiveness and our souls will be out of whack because of it. We have to stand strong and think on him and really take the quiet times to talk with him and ask him to guide us in the right direction and protect us from all temptations. I see some people are losing sight of being a Christian or believing in God. It is sad. Quote
Commissioned Posted June 21, 2020 Report Posted June 21, 2020 On 7/28/2003 at 12:38 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness? How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them? Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness? Loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture is destructive of vital Christian faith and witness. Even though the Church is in the world the Church cannot allow the world to dictate its sexual standards. The standard for the culture should come from the church. How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them? My culture tended to take the edge off our own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them by stating everyone's rights should be protected. Quote
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