Jen Posted February 14, 2012 Report Posted February 14, 2012 Q5. (Galatians 2:20) In what sense have we been “crucified with Christ”? What does that mean? In what sense do “I no longer live”? Whose life now motivates us? How does this verse relate to Paul’s closing comments about the “new creation” (Galatians 6:15)? What does Galatians 2:20 teach about Christ’s attitude toward us? Christ died for our sins so that we might be made alive in Him and take on His righteousness. When I realized my need of a Savior and accepted Christ as my Savior I died to sin (the desire to do what was sinful) so my old self was crucified with Christ that His righteousness might live in me. It is Christ who motivates me and I am a new creation in Christ. I no longer desire the old things of the flesh, rather desire the pure Word of God and fellowship with my Lord who gave Himself for me. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
PSGivens Posted February 15, 2012 Report Posted February 15, 2012 The "old nature" is what has been crucified. Our new life is Christ is what now should motivate us and drive us. Strangely enough, there is still an inward battle between the old and new nature and even Paul struggled with this battle. There is one throne - one controlling place within us - and when Christ comes to live within us, the struggle is for who takes the seat on the throne. This is why we must renew ourselves, constantly die to self, ask for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit... so that Christ will rule as He deserves to rule and as we should desire for Him to rule. Jesus "loved me and gave himself for me"... that is His attitude toward me. Quote
ross_laoshi Posted February 16, 2012 Report Posted February 16, 2012 Q5. (Galatians 2:20) In what sense have we been “crucified with Christ”? What does that mean? In what sense do “I no longer live”? Whose life now motivates us? How does this verse relate to Paul’s closing comments about the “new creation” (Galatians 6:15)? What does Galatians 2:20 teach about Christ’s attitude toward us? Christ died for us and as we are in him our own flesh was crucified with him. We are no longer our own, we belong to God, and we are to lay down our own lives that Christ may live in us. I no longer live to the extent that I deny myself and lay my life down and yield to the Christ life. Christ wants us to give our lives to him as he gave his life to us. Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 16, 2012 Report Posted February 16, 2012 I have been “crucified with Christ” when I was baptized. Even though it is only a symbol it is something that connects me with Christ. I know that he died for my sins and there is nothing that I can do to make up for that except to believe in the one that died for them. Jesus’ life motivates me in doing the things that I do knowing that I am pleasing him. When I accepted Jesus as my savior it did make a “new creation” out of me. I completely changed in the things that I did and said. I know that God loves me no matter what. Quote
linda bass Posted February 25, 2012 Report Posted February 25, 2012 We have been "crucified with Christ" in the sense that when we are baptised our old nature is buried. This means that when we are baptized, we identify with Christ's death." "I no longer live" in the sense that Christ now lives through me. It is the life of the Holy Spirit that now motivates us. What Galations 2.20 teaches about Christ's attitude toward us is, that He loved us and was willing to die for us to save us from our sins. Quote
JenniferLynn Posted February 26, 2012 Report Posted February 26, 2012 We have been crucified when we received Christ into our life. We died to our old way of life & became a new creation in Christ. I no longer want to do what I used to do before I was a Christian. Christ life should motivate us now. We died to our old self when we accepted Christ as our Savior. He gave his life for me because of his great love for me. I am a worthy person because He died for me. Quote
Cocoa Posted February 26, 2012 Report Posted February 26, 2012 Q5. (Galatians 2:20) In what sense have we been “crucified with Christ”? What does that mean? In what sense do “I no longer live”? Whose life now motivates us? How does this verse relate to Paul’s closing comments about the “new creation” (Galatians 6:15)? What does Galatians 2:20 teach about Christ’s attitude toward us? \ I believe that in all 5 senses I have been crucified with Christ. This means that my flesh was crucified because of the grace of Jesus. My fleshly senses no longer live: the way I look and see things is now from God’s vision, what I hear is now from God’s Spirit, what I feel I now chose not to be from my own emotions but from the truth of God’s Word, I “taste and see” that the Lord is good, and I chose to impart God’s Spirit as I touch others and the world around me. I have been “crucified with Christ”. The power of death- and my experiencing life through the flesh- has been brought to nought by the resurrection power of Jesus in my life. I live now with Him. I live in the realm of the Spirit of God’s truth, not my fleshly self. I am now a new creation, seeing, hearing, tasting, and feeling as Jesus does. This new creation, this new me, is lived and experienced by faith in the resurrected Jesus who died for me. Galations 2: 20 has taught me that Jesus gave His life for me when I was still a sinner, and so undeserving, so that He could reign in me by the power of love through His death and resurrection. He wants me to be a co-heir with Him to glorify the Father. Quote
Jen<3 Posted March 5, 2012 Report Posted March 5, 2012 * In what sense have we been crucified with Christ? What does it mean? He bore our sins, our sinner-self has been crucified with Christ on the cross. We're new creations now! * In what sense do I no longer live? Christ died and took our sins and burdens. I am no longer the old me that i once was. Even though i still sin I am free and wear the righteousness of Jesus! (I am not saying I'm free to sin because of Christ and cross but rather it's impossible to be righteous without Jesus and what He did for us!) * Whose life now motivates us? Jesus' life motivates us now. We look to what He did for us and how much He loves us so we should definitely be motivated to live like Him! * How does this verse relate to Paul's closing comments about the new creation (Galatians 6:15)? 'Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation.' Galatians 6:15 Circumcision was in the law, now in Christ we are not in the law anymore. Galatians 2:20 says we are a new creation, the old us no longer lives! Praise God for that! Quote
Eudora Posted March 5, 2012 Report Posted March 5, 2012 Q5. (Galatians 2:20) In what sense have we been "crucified with Christ"? What does that mean? In what sense do "I no longer live"? Whose life now motivates us? How does this verse relate to Paul's closing comments about the "new creation" (Galatians 6:15)? What does Galatians 2:20 teach about Christ's attitude toward us? It is through Christ that we now have a direct relationship with God instead of being shut off from God by legalistic misinterpretation of the Torah or by our own self-importance in thinking that we do not need God in our lives. Ego is a god with-in itself, thinking that ones self-importance can elevate us to a high standard. Having a self-ego is to have pride in ones self and pride is a deluded thought process. Blessed are the poor in Spirit. Those who recognize their need for something better than themselves and knowing that that something is Christ Jesus is where we learn that with out Him, we are bound to a life lived in slavery to our self image instead of the image of God and who were were created to be. When Christ lives in us, we are able to live by the same trusting faithfulness that Lord Yahushua had that enabled Him to love us and give Himself for us. The rest of our lives must be lived by and through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Anything less falls short of the Glory of God who sent His Son to lead us the rest of the way. God’s grace and loving kindness is why we have been given this gift of graciousness ness. His death on our behalf represents our righteousness before God. It is not our righteousness, but His righteousness covered over us, that God sees. The Holy Spirit is what motivates us and the fact that we are to be in an active relationship, seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness. Neither being circumcised nor being un-circumcised matters, what matters is being a new creation of God's, belonging to Him and trusting in Him, responding to the Holy Spirit. When folks walk with in this framework of the Law of Christ, peace and mercy shall follow. Quote
Dew drenched Posted June 9, 2012 Report Posted June 9, 2012 Q5. (Galatians 2:20) In what sense have we been “crucified with Christ”? What does that mean? What an amazing statement this is. This must be a key statement in this book. Something incredible has taken place in the crucifixion (of Christ). Paul brings further light on this when after looking at the works of the flesh that are manifest… and the fruit of the spirit which true believers have. Following the comparison he tells us that “they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.” Then a few verses later says “God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world.” It seems that the power the old flesh, or the old man, had on us has been completely destroyed in this crucifixion, and the hold that the world had on us is no longer there. We are dead to each other by the work of Christ on the cross. Whatever sentence of condemnation and guilt the law had on me because of my sin and sinful nature is no longer there. It has totally been cleared and my judgment is accomplished in Christ. I am now declared righteous and set free from that death penalty through what Christ did. I am crucified with Christ tells me that when he hung on the cross, he took my old man and had him nailed to the cross with him. “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness :”( 1 Peter 2:24) In what sense do “I no longer live”? If that old man, the man in Adam’s race, that sinful man has been put to death, in Christ, then it is no longer alive, no longer having any hold on me. The life I now have in this flesh (my life in the present) is now a new creature in Christ. Whose life now motivates us? Now we can “put off the old man” and “put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” It is the new man which is Christ himself living in us by his spirit. How does this verse relate to Paul’s closing comments about the “new creation” (Galatians 6:15)? We have been changed. No longer in the first Adam, that old man, that condemned man, that was beyond help by any law keeping. We have now a new man, created in Christ Jesus, We are now in him who is righteous, and He was made sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. What does Galatians 2:20 teach about Christ’s attitude toward us? It shows us that Christ has a great love for us, each one of us as individuals. It was a self-giving sacrificial love. He gave himself, taking the punishment, the death and condemnation that belonged to us upon himself, and willingly suffered and died for us. What love. Quote
wifee Posted October 18, 2012 Report Posted October 18, 2012 5a)When we accept Jesus as our peronal saviour and commit to follow Him,we are crucified with Christ. In our baptism we are buried with Christ, united with him in his death. B)We have died to our own way,thoughts,actions and allow Christ through HS to direct all my thoughts and actions,no longer slaves to sin. c)How I previously acted and thought directed by me,started changing when made personal commitment to followJesus and he is still working in me each day.He took away fear of unknown,gave me ability to trust in him each day.I no longer live trusting in me alone,but Christ lives in me guiding me,refining me and shaping me. D)Christ´s life empowers, motivates me through His Spirit. e)In Christ we are a new creation, born anew f)Christ voluntarily gave up his life,allowed himself to go through torture,pain,anguish &death free us from hold of sin &restore us to God, the greatest self-sacrifive ever, all for us.He lives in me and loves me, and all I have to do is live by faith trusting in Him alone. Quote
Craig Posted May 14, 2013 Report Posted May 14, 2013 Q5. (Galatians 2:20) In what sense have we been “crucified with Christ”? What does that mean? In what sense do “I no longer live”? Whose life now motivates us? How does this verse relate to Paul’s closing comments about the “new creation” (Galatians 6:15)? What does Galatians 2:20 teach about Christ’s attitude toward us? The believer is identified with Christ in his death. Not only was He crucified on calvary, I was crucified there as well -- in Jesus. This means the end of me as a sinner in God's sight. It means the end of me as a person seeking to merit or earn salvation by my own efforts. It means the end of me as a child of Adam, as a man under the condemnation of the law as my old unregenerate self. The old evil me has been crucified. It has no more claims on my daily life. This is true as to my standing before God. It should also be true to my behavior. The believer does not cease to live as a personality or as an individual. But the one who is seen by God as having died is not the same one who lives. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. The Savior did not die for me in order that I might go on living my life as I choose it. Jesus died for me so that from now on He might be able to live His life in me. The life which I now live in this human body, I live by faith in the Son of God. Faith means reliance or dependence on Christ. By yielding to Him, by allowing Christ to live His life in me. Thus the believer's rule of life is Christ and not the law. It is not a matter of striving, but of trusting. The believer lives a holy life, not out of fear or punishment, but out of love to the Son of God, who loved us and gave Himself for us. In Jesus we become new creations. Quote
GoRaysXD Posted May 14, 2013 Report Posted May 14, 2013 Q5. (Galatians 2:20) In what sense have we been “crucified with Christ”? What does that mean? In what sense do “I no longer live”? Whose life now motivates us? How does this verse relate to Paul’s closing comments about the “new creation” (Galatians 6:15)? What does Galatians 2:20 teach about Christ’s attitude toward us? The believer is identified with Christ in his death. Not only was he crucified on Calvary, i was crucified there as well in Jesus. This Mean's the end of me as a sinner in gods sight. it means the end of me as a person seeking to earn salvation by my own efforts. In mean the end of me as a child of Adam, as a man under the condemnation of the law as my old unregenerate self. The old evil me has been crucified. It has no more claims on my daily life. This is true as to my standing before God. It should be true as to my behavior. The believer does not cease to live as a personality or as an individual. But the one who is seen by God as having died is not the same one who lives. It is no longer i who live, but Christ who lives in me. The Savior did not die for me in order that i might go on living my life as i choose it. Jesus died for me so that from now on he might be able to live His life in me. The life which i now live in this human body, i live by faith in the Son of God. Faith means reliance or dependence on Christ. By yielding to Him, by allowing Christ to live his life in him. Thus the believer's rule of life is Christ not the law. It is not a matter of striving but of trusting. The believer lives a holy life, not out of fear or punishment, but out of Love to the Son of God, who loved us and gave Himself for us. In Jesus we become new creations. Quote
RD35 Posted May 15, 2013 Report Posted May 15, 2013 The old person which I was has been crucified with Christ, which means all my sin and old ways of the world which I was clinging to have died and I am now a new person. Now it is the resurrected Christ who lives in me and I am His. Though I live, the new man that I am will live depending on Christ alone. The life of chirst motivates me. Because the old person of me is dead with Christ I am now a new creation, created in the likeness of Christ. The death of Christ on the cross has showed me that there is no hope of salvation by the law; I am therefore as truly dead to all expectation of justification by the law. Through him alone I live - enjoy a present life, and have a prospect of future glory Quote
JoanG Posted March 26, 2015 Report Posted March 26, 2015 Our lives were changed the minute that we accepted Jesus as our savior and he entered into our hearts and souls as the Holy Spirit. He lives inside of us at all times. We needed to shed our old skin and be born again into grace that was never in our lives before. This means that we must give up our self-serving lives. We need to learn to put our egos aside. We need to learn to follow the path that Jesus puts in front of us. We need to give up all of our cruthches. We do not need them. We can now depend on Christ to be there for us. Christ loved us as sinners. he gav e up His life for us so that we might have a chance to become who He intended us to be. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted December 19, 2015 Report Posted December 19, 2015 Q5. (Galatians 2:20) In what sense have we been “crucified with Christ”? What does that mean? In what sense do “I no longer live”? Whose life now motivates us? How does this verse relate to Paul’s closing comments about the “new creation” (Galatians 6:15)? What does Galatians 2:20 teach about Christ’s attitude toward us? In the sense are "crucified with Christ", because now we live by faith in the Son of God. The above means we have been crucified with Christ and we no longer for ourselves, but Christ lives in us. Because Christ now lives in me, I no longer live, Christ lives his life through me. Christ life now motivates us by the power of the Holy Spirit. This relates to Paul's closing comments that we are a new creation, Christ lives in us and our ald sinful life is done away with. Christ over came sin and the law through faith, we are a new creation. Gal. 2:20 teaches us that while we were still in our sinful nature, Christ loved us and gave himself for us. No greater love then this, to lay down one's life for his friends. Quote
Lionwolf Posted April 17, 2017 Report Posted April 17, 2017 Q5. (Galatians 2:20) In what sense have we been "crucified with Christ"? What does that mean? In what sense do "I no longer live"? Whose life now motivates us? How does this verse relate to Paul's closing comments about the "new creation" (Galatians 6:15)? What does Galatians 2:20 teach about Christ's attitude toward us? Christ was crucified in order to end our dependence on the law and introduce us to God's grace. We are "crucified with Christ" when we accept Christ as our savior because we are dead to the law. We are no longer dependent on the law for our salvation. Christ now lives in us and it is Christ that now motivates us to live a life for Him. This explains the "new creation" as we are no longer the same person. We are not living in the flesh but are now living in the spirit, now living by grace and not living under the law. Christ loved us so much that He was willing to suffer a painful and excruciating death in order for us to have life, willing to give His life so we may die to the law and experience God's loving grace. Quote
Annie343 Posted July 20, 2017 Report Posted July 20, 2017 "CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST" AND WHAT IT MEANS: Christ's death is appropriated and transforms life (gives life); share in Christ's suffering; trusts in Christ for salvation; spiritually participate with the Lord's crucifixion and victory; joined by faith to Christ; died to the law and baptized by the Holy Spirit's work in our lives; united to Christ's burial and resurrection; divine power released to live the Christian life; conversion experience (progressive); hidden in Christ; trusting God's righteousness "I NO LONGER LIVE": no longer controlled and dominated by self; doctrine of the indwelling Christ (takes up residence in our heart); now the temple of the Holy Spirit to live for Christ; new life; transformation and union with Christ; self taken off the throne (not living in our own strength and efforts) being yielded to Christ for His will to be done; life of faith; no longer living our life according to the old self which is dead; empowered by the Holy Spirit to live for Christ; life of faith and not according to the flesh and world; surrendered to Christ; past is no longer influencing the present MOTIVATES LIFE: our relationship with God; privilege of salvation (Christ's sacrificial death for us); faith builds on the sacrifice; Christ in charge; an attitude and lifestyle of giving to God and others; carries life-giving in everything we do; confidence in God - looking to him for strength and trusting His promises; allowing Christ to live through us; focused on Christ Quote
smithjeanne Posted June 12, 2018 Report Posted June 12, 2018 We have been "crucified" because we have "died" to our old sinful life to a new life in Messiah. We no "longer live" because we have died to the old nature and have been created anew. We are now not our own but belong to Messiah. His life motivates us to live for Him according to His Word. When you are a new creation, you put away the old patterns of believing and behaving. In embracing your status as a new creation, you seek that which enables you to live in a new way, motivated by the life of Messiah. He loved us and gave Himself for us even though we were sinners. We are no longer viewed as children of wrath but are beloved and sanctified. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted July 10, 2022 Report Posted July 10, 2022 Christ gives us new life. This a life giving principle. The Holy Trinity dwells with in us. So now we can live the Christain life due to the inliving Christ. We cooperate with God's grace to live as stated kin Galatians 5:15-23. Paul is stating that the "sarx" sinfull principle of life opposing God would not get the upper hand in his life. Paul had a firm grasp on the sufficiency of JESUS CHRIST for salvation and sanctification. Paul preached that we are foreordained and predestinatinated. This is extremely important for him. God's plan of salvation is divine; it is truly a work of grace. This is no light matter. Christ gave Himself and loved him. The vision on the road to Damascus made such a deep impression on Paul. Despite all the years spent in the yeshiva and persecuting Christains, Paul was so convinced of the ALLNESS OF CHRIST. The word 'soteria' aptly describes Pauline theology. Paul did not want the Galatians to act like unjustified sinners, seeking to become righteous via law-works. Quote
Krissi Posted August 12, 2022 Report Posted August 12, 2022 I see parallelism in the statements surrounding, "crucified with Christ." through the law I died to the law so that I might live FOR God through being crucified with Christ I died (to myself) so that Christ lives IN me. The law is being "paralleled" to being crucified with Christ. Had there not been any law, there would have not been death to the law: had there not been Christ's death, there would be no possibility of self-death. Dying to the law creates a situation where we can live FOR God; dying to self creates the situation where God can live IN us. I thought I knew what this meant, but not I'm not so sure. More prayer needed. -- I found Pastor Ralph's words about Jesus' hesitation and willingness to die on the cross rather moving as well as compelling. Jesus deliberately chose death. Pastor Ralph believes that martyrs do not choose death, but isn't that the point of martyrdom -- they're not murder victims but willing to die for their faith? "The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." The Son of God loved me, says Paul. Paul is talking about himself, of course, but I would think this would apply to all of us. He's speaking about his here and now, about the life he was actually living, that he lived in the Son of God. That's amazing. He lives by faith IN the Son of God. He doesn't live BECAUSE of God. He doesn't live FOR God, as Paul used to as a Jew. He lives by faith IN God. I can't wrap my brain around this. Sorry. Quote
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