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Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit? What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches? How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

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Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit? Miracles were performed in their midst.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches? While the spirit was their, it was a dynamic environment. When the Jewish-Christian heresy arrive; It became a show me church. Out of sight--out of mind ignoring the deliverance from the law and trying to gain the Spirit by human means.

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations? The Word--just the Word


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit? What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches? How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

They heard first, believed and received the Holy Spirit. It was through faith alone and not of works.

They started out spiritual (where the power is) and turned to doing by works to attain salvation and accomplish their own sanctification. No wonder Paul called them foolish and he would call many today foolish also.

We really need to pray, thank God for His way of savation through the atoning blood of Christ on the cross and then bring our requests to Him and wait for His guidance, deliverance, miracles, however He chooses to perform. And we need to read the Word so we are aware of what God does and what we are to do and how do to it. The Bible is our instuction manual so to say from our Father in heaven.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith

does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit? What does

this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian

churches? How can we regain this dynamic environment in our

own congregations?

Paul gives 5 augments for salvation by faith.

1. Argument for receiving the faith - They have already received the faith, witnessed miracles, how could they go backward? Paul argues, how could they first accept Jesus as their savior through their strong 'faith' and then be so easily swayed? He is saying to them how STRONG is your faith? Suggesting, not so strong, but weak indeed!!

2. Prophecy- It was promised by God to Abraham that justification would come to everyone through the Seed. Only those who are in FAITH would receive the promise , the Seed, and become part of God's Kingdom. Adopted as sons and daughter of the Father, brothers and sisters of the Seed (Jesus). There is nothing in GOD'S PROMISE about the law.

3. You are "cursed' by the law, because by believing you can be saved by the law is abandoning the promise of salvation through FAITH( Jesus).

4. God's promise never changes!!!! The LAW cannot not change God's promise!

* "And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then your descendants also could be numbered" (Genesis 13:16 NIV)

* He took him outside and said, "Look up at the heavens and count the stars--if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be."( Genesis 15:5 NIV)

* I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies,(Genesis 22:17 NIV)

5. Augment for the purpose of the law.The law was given as a sort of guardian, until the time the Seed was to arrive.It was given to keep mans sinful nature in tact, but had been distorted throughout the years by Jewish leader who were expounding on the law. It was given by an angel through a mediator. It was a temporary means to keep man's sinful nature in check,it was not God's promise fulfilled.

The spiritual environment of the Galatians churches were in turmoil, torn between the promise of God and the Mosaic law and now the Jewish-Christian 'law" , law (which had been elaborated on, changed and born in sin since it was brought into existence)

The Galatian church was out of touch with the Holy Spirit. They were easily led astray by teaching not consistent with God's Holy Spirit. They were turning away from God in an attempt to keep the "law' . If they did this, they would then render Christ' crucifixion exempt. Paul couldn't let this happen!!

In my opinion the presence of the Holy Spirit existing in the Christian church of today has lost significance.The meaning of trinity of has been compromised .GOD THE FATHER,GOD THE SON,GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT. There is not enough emphasis put on the HOLY SPIRIT in the churches of today. It wasn't until I became personally touched by the Holy Spirit that I began to learn and study the significance of The Holy Spirit . God provided me ,through revelation, a profound knowledge of the Holy spirit and how he works ( and resides) in me and others. It was not by any teaching or instruction I had received in the church. We, as a world, need to believe that modern day miracles do happen. Miracle are not something which only happened during apostolic time. They are occurrences which happen daily. The Holy Spirit literally refers to the breath of God- God is the Holy Spirit. We need to keep the breath of God circulating among our congregations of today. Jesus lives, His Holy Spirit, and His miracles are as much alive today as they were then and will be for all of time.God's promise is infinite.

Church can regain a dynamic environment by seeking to adhere strictly to scripture ans stop putting their own "spin' on all that is taught to us through scripture. They can stop trying to be 'hip' 'mega' churches and teach the word of GOD is a way consistent with scripture.


What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit?

Verses 2 and 5 Paul basically asked them a question and reminds that that they had been with the Sprit (received the Spirit) prior to their doing works with the intent of being saved. They had received the Sprit by faith before they knew of the works that were introduced to them. Upon hearing the Word, the Gospel they entered newness of life and also experience miracles as the Spirit ministered to them.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches?

Prior to the Judaizers arrival The Spirit was received, there were manifestations of the Spirit (natural and supernatural), the Spirit was forefront, the environment was a dynamic environment. When the Judaizers arrived the Spirit was no longer affront but their spirits began to lead attempting by works vise faith to save themselves.

Those that were influenced by the Judaizers fostered a surrounding, an atmosphere that was not conducive to faith / devotion that God desired. The spiritual environment of the Galatian churches was that of legalism. The critical genuineness of justification by faith rather than by the works of the law had been obscured by the Judaizers’ insistence that Believers in Christ must be circumcised in order to be saved or to gain God's approval.

There is not a written reference that these certain from James did not believe in Christ. They simple held to what they had learned to be acceptable by God, God told Abram to do it. And that by doing so it would be a token of the covenant betwixt God and Abram (Genesis 17:7-14). This was pre-Mosaic Law, however the concept is found within the Ceremonial aspect of the Law.

These Judaizers and others missed the spiritual connection of Abram and held on to the natural, to be bunt in and overview this is what they held to be unique. Through misinterpretation it promoted a strong sense of exclusivity, through their interpretation throughout the years pride and prejudges became strong pillars. Many until Paul acknowledges it did not see that in actuality Abraham was justified by faith and not of any works.

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

This dynamic environment can be prevalent in congregations that follows the Spirit vise spirits (others, Satan's, leaders or our own). It in a way is a tricky thing yet it isn't, from the Word we gain an understanding. Unfortunately sometimes that understanding may be misinterpreted, there are a lot of denominations that derived from reasoning. For now we see through a glass, darkly. Another Scripture tells us to (1st John 4:1) try the spirits whether they are of God. The Word should be reviewed line upon line and precept upon precept, it was breathed from / by the Spirit, it will guide us. My answer is that we adhere to the Spirit's counsel, the Spirit's counsel will not contradict the Word, God's character will not contradict His Word.

The later dynamic that emerged in Galatia Legalism yet exist today, it can be a tricky thing, it can be overt or subtle. Speaking from the subtle view it will not deny that Jesus is the Lord and Savior, or that he died on cross for sins, or that you have to put your faith in Him. However through a congregations doctrine they have interpolated some things that supersedes or conflict what the Scripture convey. These things from their doctrine in themselves may not be bad, just as all that the Pharisees had written were not, but when misapplied and or conflicts what God requires it does not make one a true follower of the Almighty, in fact it contradicts.

Legalism in our day does some of the same things as it did in the first century. Display a guarded persona vise being opened and receiving; it alienate and promote exclusivity vise being welcoming and promoting inclusion; it promotes perfection, vise realizing that correction is still needed and that one learns as they grows; it is stern / rigid when imposing disciple vise showing compassion and rebuke with love.

We can regain the dynamics of legalism as we continue faithfully pursuing that we have to do a certain thing in order to be saved.


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit?

Paul is saying that they received salvation and the presence of the Holy Spirit the moment they asked Jesus to become their Lord and Savior....BEFORE they had performed any works of the flesh or effort to EARN salvation or growth in Christ through their own WORKS! Great question Pastor Ralph! That should settle the issue for good, but probably won't due to the pride in fallen man who wants to WORK for God's approval...which he already has.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches?

It says that the Judaizers had made great inroads and the gospel of salvation by faith in God's grace, was being compromised. It tells us the Galatian church was in turmoil and disunity, with many under bondage once again to the Law, having abandoned allowing the Holy Spirit to reign in their lives.

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our our own congregations?

Verse 5 speaks of how the Holy Spirit was working powerfully and miraculously among them, "BECAUSE OF YOUR BELIEVING IN AND ADHERING TO AND TRUSTING IN AND RELYING ON THE MESSAGE THAT YOU HEARD". This dynamic is regained through the preaching of the pure gospel of grace then trusting in the FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST AND THE INFILLING AND EMPOWERING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO TEACH, TRAIN AND MOVE US FROM GLORY TO GLORY! No more trying to motivate the saints through guilt and manipulation, and the saints must know the Word of God while resisting the enemy who tries to dilute the gospel and enslave God's children.


Argument? - We receive the Spirit through faith/believing.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment? - The church was brand new. They didn't have history to teach them. So they were easily lead off course/focus. Through Paul's letter he is gently showing them back to the path. It shows how eager and hungry they were to grow spritually.

How can we regain this dynamic? - Emphasis in personal spiritual growth. Once it becomes more personal, we can be more (help) to others.


4-(Galatians 3:2-5)

What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the spirit?

When they believed first time they had recieved the Holy spirit, and He was working with miracle & wonders in their life , Then the Judaizers came to them trying to get them back to observe the law. Paul told them that they had get saved through faith & works of the Holy spirit ,not through the Law.they start walking throught the spirit of LORD. and they Want to walk according to the flesh as the Judaizers want to deceive them.

What does this tell us about the spiritual that environment of the Galatians Churches?

First they were walking in the spirit with manifestations of miracles in their life,then were decived by the Judaizers when they told them to observe the Law , and this is not the teaching that they had recieved from Apostle Paul, It is from the Flesh not from the Holy Spirit.and he was telling them that time of Law has had finished, with the work of the Lord Jesus upon the Cross . Now we enter in the ERA of GRACE not Law.

How can we regain this Dynamic environment in our own congregation?

When we always let the Holy spirit led & teach us, and release His gifts in our congregations .and Do not quench the spirit of the LORD of what he can do or not . Not put him in a box .Our God He is Great & powerful, more than we can comprehensible . there is no change in him. LORD is the same yesterday, today and forever, as he was in the first century church doing miracle & wonders, he still Now doing the same things, because he is our SAVIOR,HEALER,DELIVERER, He still doing miracles & wonders this days. All the revivals that started after the Reformers time was initiated& leaded by the Holy Spirit with signs ,Miracles, and wonders. where were people get saved, there was also people get healed and set free from the bondages of satan. THIS OUR LORD .Hallelujah.. praise the LORD. We give him all The GLORY , HONOR,and Praise.. FOREVER ......Amen.


After receiving the Spirit and seeing the miracles performed by Him, why would they want to add works to what God had already completed?

They weren't strong in their faith, easily swayed by those who say they need works to complete salvation.

Stay in the Word. Review often the scriptures pertaining to salvation and what Jesus did for us.


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit?

The the Holy Spirit came upon the Galations because of their faith not by obeying the Jewish Law of circumcision. He reminded them that the miracles which were done amon them was by the Holy Spirit because of their belief of his teaching of salvation through Jesus Christ. Obeying Jewish Law would be a backward step.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches?

The spiritual environment of the Galations churches was a heathy, rich in the spirit one. It however was not confident in belief of the power of Jesus Christ because the allowed the men from Jerusalem to put doubts in their minds.

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

We can regain this by each person seeking God's face with pure, clean hearts. Too many Christians see church as a place to go once a week and then live the rest of the week as they please. The HOLY SPIRIT does not dwell in unclean temples. We want unity in the church, great fellowship and miracles in the church but we are unwilling to allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse us of our selfish, insincere attitudes towards each other. We can have this dynamic environment when we learn to forgive each other and let the power of the Holy Spirit cleanse us of all unrighteousness.


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit?

Miracles seen by the Galations because of their faith. They received the power of the Spirit before the Jews brought them knowledge of the law. The spirit was operating in their lives from the point that they recieved their righteousness through faith.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches?

It was powerful and operating in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God was not quenched in any way.

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

By releasing religion and embracing faith. We need to understand that we serve an all-powerful God who loves us so much that he allowed his Son to die for us and then left us with his Holy Spirit. This is a God who intends for us to be completely tapped into him through our spirit. We need to embrace the Power of the Spirit that dwells within us that enables us to live spirit-filled lives. As Jesus said,...then we would do even greater miracles than he."


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit?

Paul's argument certainly was not against God's laws, his argument was more of a reminder, reminding them of something they already knew, he spoke in a very clear language to them, you, we are saved by "faith" not "works" - just as Abraham was considered righteous because of his "faith" - we see his "faith" revealed as true, as he was obedient to God's law and brought his son to be sacrificed, awesome faith indeed, seen in his works.

Faith always comes first and then works will follow, we know Abraham's faith by his works of obedience to God, and they will know us by our works, the fruits of our faith, as we walk after God's holy laws that have been written on our hearts, just as it was on Abraham's.

This is what Paul was trying to get through to them, "faith" not "law"; OR that would be putting the cart before the horse. God always has and still does want us to walk in circumcised hearts, because we have been filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatians churches?

Paul loved them as a brother; he knew the Holy Spirit was very dear to them.

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

I am afraid we are in need of some more Rabbi Paul's in our churches as they did back then, the environment in our churches seems to be lukewarm to the things of God, I think things have turned around, the environment in our churches are lukewarm because they think their "faith" alone is all that is needed, we will regain the dynamite when we fully understand what the Holy Spirit is telling us in --

James 1:21-25 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. THIS IS WHAT CHRIST IS COMING BACK FOR, A FAITHFUL, DYNAMITE CHURCH.


We should be like Paul, stand up for the truth. They seem to be going backward. They knew they were saved by their faith in God thru Jesus Christ and not works. Sometime we need to be reminded of what we already know.


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5)

What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit?

The argument for salvation by faith that Paul gives from the presence of the Spirit is that, the Spirit came through faith rather than the law.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches?

This tells us that, the Galatians recieved the Holy Spirit first long before they were tried by the Judaisers to observe the Mosaic Law.

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

We can regain this dynamic environment in our own congragations by standing on our belief that, the Holy Spirit is real and powerful in our midst.


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit? What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches? How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

1. a They received the Holy Spirit by faith not by the works of the law. God worked miracles among them through the Spirit, were they now going to do them by human effort.

b. They were foolish in believing that obeying the Jewish Law that they could be made perfect and be stronger Christians, but obeying the Jewish Law never gave them spiritual life.

c. We can regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations when we are totally committed to God, believe His Word, walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Signs, wonders and miracles have not ceased. He is waiting for His Church to awake from sleep.


thank you Pastor Ralph for another excellent study with all praise and glory to our almighty GOD who sent HIS SON and who gave us the HOLY SPIRIT once we believed on HIM.....praise and honor to HIM above all........

I am only going to reply to the last question - it is time we, the BODY of CHRIST, repent and turn from the pride we have in our lives - asking our heavenly FATHER for forgiveness for our sin of works through the law and not by the SPIRIT.........praise be that we serve a merciful GOD who will forgive us - may HIS HOLY SPIRIT fill us with HIS love and a desire to live as HE has called us to live - to do HIS will and to spread the good news of salvation through JESUS CHRIST.....AMEN!


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit?

Paul's argument is simple. that the Galatians had received the Holy Spirit long before the Judaizers came trying to get them to observe the Mosaic Law. When they received salvation it was by faith. They were filled with the Holy Spirit at salvation. Therefore, the Holy Spirit came through faith rather than the law.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches?

The Galatian church was founded upon faith for salvation not upon the law.

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

We can regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations as we continue to teach salvation by faith in Jesus Christ and not by works.


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit? What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches? How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

Paul's argument was that the Holy Spirit was given to the Galatians by faith and not by any human effort. He asks, "Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard?" They began by faith, but many were turning from faith, trying to obtain salvation through works. This tells us that the Spiritual environment in the Galatian church was weak. There seems to be difficulty in letting go of the Jewish traditions and accepting grace by faith alone. There seems to be some unbelief towards the truth of salvation and that the Holy Spirit was dwelling within them. They were more dependent on what "they" could or should do to be right with God as opposed to embracing Christ's righteousness and walking in the Spirit. How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations? By teaching truth. To set the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ as the the cornerstone in each believers life. To give a clear understanding of who the Holy Spirit is and what His role is. I rarely even hear anything of the Holy Spirit in churches today. I DO hear a lot about "behavior" and behavioral therapy and how to be good. I think this breeds people trying to be good enough to strive for salvation through guilt. I believe testimonies of how He works in our lives as we mentor others is imperative. Unless people can hear and see Him at work in our lives there tends to be the trend of "doing it on our own". Others should have opportunity through relationships to see how God works in our lives and how trust worthy and faithful He is. And we should always go back to God's grace when people struggle....because His grace is the bottom line.... and the encouragement to go to Him because of His love....not because we are so good. Being loved by God really changes our hearts!


(Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit? They heard from Paul the truth of faith in Christ. They saw and experienced the miracles of the Holy Spirit. They KNEW the truth. They heard it, experienced it, and received it by the hearing of faith and not by works.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches? Paul called them foolish. He asked if they were "bewitched." To me is shows that they might be easily swayed. Paul indicates very strongly that they KNEW the way to go, yet they allowed the Judiazers to convince them otherwise. There was a glitch in their belief system.

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations? I think when we stop being selfish and start focusing on what God has called us to do (love Him, love others, and serve others). Sometimes I think we get so caught up in "our" ministries and our own lives that we fail to remember our commission. Are we sharing the Gospel? Are we looking out for one another? Are we really being obedient to the Word of God and doing what it says? I'm talking to myself. To me, building a strong foundation in the Word of God AND being obedient to it is what we should focus on. This is so important. It would be wonderful if we (the 21st century church) could experience the Holy Spirit like the Galatians did. Iknow that many are. Maybe we need to start walking in the Holy Spirit and following Him. It would be great if we'd continue doing what we know is right.


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5)

What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit?

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches?

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

Paul’s question to the Galatians was whether they received the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith. When Paul visited Galatia God gave them the Spirit and worked miracles through him (2 Cor 12:12). They therefore, trusted Christ, and received the Spirit through hearing with faith. They had neither submitted to circumcision nor obeyed the law, and having begun with the gospel Paul was urging them not to go back to the law, imagining that the law was needed to supplement the gospel. These people had obviously experienced something in their lives when Paul had first visited them, but now the Judaizers came along trying to persuade them that this experience was not complete. I read once that the difference between the two is the law says ‘do this’ whereas the gospel says ‘Christ has done it all.’ I think this sums it up very neatly. Today in our own congregations it is important that we understand the work of the Spirit in salvation and Christian living; understanding that the Holy Spirit convicts the lost sinner and reveals Christ to him (John 16:7-11). So we are to hear the truth, believe it, obey it; the result will see us born into the family of God.


1. You get the Spirit by faith and not by Law.

2. The church is based on faith and not on Jewish tradition. Also, the church is called foolish, so they lso must do something wrong.

3. We must believe in it, and act like christians by praying/reading the Bible/worshipping ?


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit?

How did they receive the Spirit? God give his Spirit and works miracles among them because they heard the message about Jesus and believed it.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches?

They believed every one who comes with his doctrine 1 John 4v1 says Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

Never stop seeking God´s wisdom, His guidance


Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit? What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches? How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

Paul wondered how the Galatians could be foolish by turning to works for righteousnes instead of by faith in salvation brought about by the death and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The experience was sealed by the the receipt of the Holy Spirit who remained in them.

The spiritual environment of the Galatians was dry. They were not longer concious of the presence of the Holy Spirit in them and therefore turned works for righteousness.

We can regain the dynamic environment of the Holy Spirit by walking by faith and praying for increase in our faith as the disciples asked Jesus at a point in time.


What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit?

The argument for salvation by faith that Paul gives from the presence of the Spirit is that they received the Holy Spirit by faith rather than by the Mosiac law.

What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches?

The spiritual environment of the Galatian churches was the Galatians began their Christian life with the supernatural power of the Spirit, but now they wanted to bring it to perfection by observing the law. Paul said they were foolish in trying to obey the Jewish laws to give them spritiual life.

How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations?

We can regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations by continuing to study the word of God. Believe what the word says and not allow ourselves to be led against the word .

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