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Q2. (Galatians 4:4) Why do you think it took so long to send the Messiah?

God is thoughtful, orderly and perfect and does as and when he chooses. Before the fall of man, God plan included the Messiah, see Genesis 3:15.

I think it took that long because God planned it that way, Based on Gen 3:15 I believe that Satan was quite busy doing what he does best ie stirring evil is people hearts trying very hard to prevent God's promise bearing fruit, ultimately overtime God proves Satan to be the liar he has always been and strengthens the reason why we should serve him and not Satan a created being.

What about the first century world made it fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the spread of the gospel?

The time was right religiously. The old testament canon was complete.

The time was right culturally:There was a common language and a common greek culture.

The time was right commercially: There was a system of roads connecting the empire making it easy to spread the Gospel.

The time was right politically: Rome had a common system of law and enforce it through out the empire. There was little armed conflict and roads were safer.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (Galatians 4:4) Why do you think it took so long to send the Messiah?

I do not think that it took God so long to send the Messiah. It was exactly at the right and appointed time. “When the time had fully come” or “when the fullness of time had come.” We could just as easily ask,” Why did God send him so soon?”. It was exactly the right time for Him to come. Before the world was created, and before Adam was made and placed in the garden, God had his plan of salvation already in place. What he purposed to do, he was/is able to do. He planned the end from the beginning, from before the foundation of the earth. “Declaring the end from the beginning… My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure…yea, I have spoken [it], I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed [it], I will also do it.” Is 46:10-11.

It took this long because He waited until the "time had fully come" or "when the fullness of time had come". Waited means He was setting everything up for this great event to take place at the right time, having the greatest impact and fulfillment. No detail was overlooked or left undone.

What about the first century world made it fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the spread of the gospel?

The discussion in the lesson is very good on all the conditions that were in place. It was the time God prepared in which all prophesies, concerning Christ’s first advent, were fulfilled at that time.

The fact that the area was under the rule of the Romans who were instrumental in fulfilling prophesies of the crucifixion completely. That Pontus Pilot was there to give in to the requests of the Priests and Pharisees is another factor. That travel on the roads of Palestine and all the Roman Empire was accessible and relatively safe and possible. These show that God had everything in control even as he had planned to set the stage for the coming of the Messiah at this time, etc.

It was the right time, the fullness of time; it was His time. Jesus said, "The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified....Now is the judgement of this world: now shall the prince of the world be casst out. And I,if i be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me..."

John 12:23,31,32

  • 4 months later...

2a)God was waiting for the right time. It was according to prophecy,. There was much need for a refocus; God's timing is always right. We are impatient, but not God.

B) The conditions wouldn’t have been right before 1st Century. Christ began His ministry, He Himself said He came to set the captive free (Luke 4:18). The religious authorities were upholding the gospel from a misunderstood and misinterpreted perspective. The ground was fertile because the prophesy Isaiah prophesied was coming to fruition.God used the most pagan nations to create right conditions to prepare people's hearts and religiously-expectation of Messiah coming, culturally-common language, commercially-roads aided gospel communication and politically-Roman law made roads easier to travel.

  • 7 months later...

God had waited for the right time to send His son on earth.  God’s timings are perfect, what may seem long to man , may not be the same in God’s view.


In the First century, God’s timing was right because, the time was right religiously, culturally, commercially and politically. 


It took so long for the Messiah to come because God had a appointed and the right time in His mind to send his Son and the prophesy in the Scriptures had to be fulfilled too.

The first century world made it a fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the spread of Gospel because the timing was right religiously politically, commercially and culturally.

All I can say is God had planned a perfect plan of his Son's coming to the world and then receive him as the Messaih.


Q2. (Galatians 4:4) Why do you think it took so long to send the Messiah? What about the first century world made it fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the spread of the gospel?


The scriputures teach us that God does everything in the fulness of time.  The Mediterranean world was right religiously, culturally, politcially, and commerically for the entrance of the Messiah onto the world stage in the First Century. 


The Mediterranean world of the first century had a common language developed by the Greeks, a comprehensive and safe system of commerical travel build and protected by the Romans.  The Jewish Synagogue system enabled churches to be build upon them and most importantly many in Israel and the surrounding regions were looking for the arrival of the Jewish Messiah.


These factors made the world fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the rapid spread of the gospel throughout the world.



Q2. (Galatians 4:4) Why do you think it took so long to send the Messiah? What about the first century world made it fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the spread of the gospel?




The scriputures teach us that God does everything in the fulness of time.  The Mediterranean world was right religiously, culturally, politcially, and commerically for the entrance of the Messiah onto the world stage in the First Century. 


The Mediterranean world of the first century had a common language developed by the Greeks, a comprehensive and safe system of commerical travel build and protected by the Romans.  The Jewish Synagogue system enabled churches to be build upon them and most importantly many in Israel and the surrounding regions were looking for the arrival of the Jewish Messiah.


These factors made the world fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the rapid spread of the gospel throughout the world.


  • 1 year later...

I believe that God wanted the hearts of most of the people to be right. he needed to make sure that the message would not fall on deaf ears. I believe that the people were very willing to walk away from the type of religion that became stale. They were unable to be fulfilled spiritually any longer. There were people starving for the type of food that only God could supply.

  • 8 months later...

Q2. (Galatians 4:4) Why do you think it took so long to send the Messiah? What about the first century world made it fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the spread of the gospel?

It took a long time for the Father to send His Son because everything had to be just right, the leaders of the Sanhedrin and it's ordinances, the Roman empire with its infrastructure of roads, commercialism and political environment was right.

As above, the first century was in place for the Messiah. Christ disciples could take the gospel throughout the known world and empire. The Greek language was their cultural verbal exchange everywhere. Most everyone knew Greek and the laws of the empire, it's judicial punishment was crucification for all non Roman citizens that were criminals.         

  • 1 year later...

Q2. (Galatians 4:4) Why do you think it took so long to send the Messiah? What about the first century world made it fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the spread of the gospel?

God could have sent the Messiah at any time but both the world and the Jews had to be ready. The world had to be receptive because the Messiah was for all mankind. The Jews had to be ready because they would be the foundation for the early church. The time seemed right as there was common law due to the Roman Empire, koine greek was a common language, and travel was easier than in times past due to the great number of roads. Israel was right religiously because the Old Testament canon was closed and the Jews were ready for a messiah. This time was fertile for the Messiah due to the ease and rapidity in which ideas and knowledge could be spread. 


  • 3 months later...

SO LONG TO SEND THE MESSIAH: The spiritual immaturity of those living under the law; when the world was ready to gain an adult knowledge of God; Father chose the time for the coming of Christ to make provision for people's transition to spiritual son-ship;  God knew it was the right time; historical events not yet in harmony; time predicted and ready for His coming; delay of redemption was in accordance with divine arrangements and favor of men; the time when the race would be most benefited by His coming; world in a suitable state for receiving Christ; God's sovereign choice - in God's timetable

FERTILE GROUND FOR THE REVELATION OF THE MESSIAH AND THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL: from the human point of view, Jesus was born at a very favorable time which combined to create a situation in which the gospel could spread; exact religious, cultural, and political conditions; the world was at peace; communication by the same language (spoken and understood) with extensive use (cultural); there was the expectation of the Messiah (religious), commercially with the system of roads; common system of law (politically)

  • 4 years later...

Bible prophecies as revealed to the Prophet Daniel needed to be fulfilled. Prophet Daniel was given the date of His coming 483 after the edict of the Medo-Persian government to rebuild  Jerusalem.  Secondly, the Mosaic law had did its education work in spreading the message of the greatness of Israel to the Gentiles.   There was the Jewish diaspora, Alexandria, Egypt was a center of Jewish leaders and Learning.   Third, the Mosaic Law and the Temple would come to an end.  Gospel of Grace in Christ would  supersede.   Lastly the Roman Empire roads and Greek language would facilitate the spreading of the Gospel throughout the Empire.

A word must be said about the Virgin Mary.   God predestinatinated and had foreknowledge that a very special woman would be a willing tabernacle to carry the Lord Jesus Christ for nine months.  God prepared the hearts of Jesus and Mary for this vocation.   Mary was the epitome of the hopes and dreams of her Jewish ancestors of past generations.  Her fiat that was given at the Annunciation was of tremendous importance.


  • 5 weeks later...

Why do you think it took so long to send the Messiah? What about the first century world made it fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the spread of the gospel?

We will never know why God seemed to take so long -- from our perspective -- to bring the Savior to the world, and now, to come again to save the world. First Century Christians truly expected Christ to return in their lifetime -- 2000 years later, we're still waiting for His return. Obviously, God's view of time and delay is not ours.

Pastor Ralph gave four reasons why that particular time would have been best. They seem rational and logical, though the canon was completed 200 to 300 years before Christ, Koine had been the common tongue for awhile, etc. The bottom line is we just don't know why God times things the way He does, even in our personal lives.

I know I'm begging God to move forward with some important changes in my life, begging Him to push forward the timeline ... waiting is SO HARD!!


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