Eudora Posted March 11, 2012 Report Posted March 11, 2012 Galatians 4:3-5 Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. In what sense were both the Gentiles and the Jews enslaved? They as all are with out the Spirit of the Son of God are bound by the elements of the world. These are the elemental spirit who hold folks captive. "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God These are subject to the god of this world who is the enemy of our Lord. Gentile and jew alike served these elemental spirits as gods, though there were many Jews who believed and had faith in the One true God. Many were lead astray by these demonic spirits and including demonic spirits of legalism. When ever they perverted the Torah, the teachings of God handed down through Moses, into a legalistic system. We know that Jews were bound by demonic spirits Before we were called or chosen into the knowledge of truth, we all served the god of this world. Through the Messiah, we have all, Jews and Gentile alike been joined together into a single people of God. The elements of the universe are under a certain limited power by the god of this world. People are lead astray by the demonic spirits and even legalism is governed by the powers of the let’s say... the underworld. Paul discusses this or at least hints at this in the passage below to the folks in Ephesus. Ephesians 2:1-3 ¶ And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. We can all rest assured, this limited ability will one day run out. What does "redeem" mean in verse 5? to buy up, i.e. ransom; figuratively, to rescue from loss (improve opportunity):--redeem. God sent forth His Son speaks of a pre-existence of God who sends His own form to the woman Mary who gave birth to the form of God in the flesh. This is what Paul is talking about when he mentions that He (the Son) was born of a woman (Mary) which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh. This and the little snippet from Romans 1:3 that I mentioned is all Paul mentions in any of his letters about the miracle birth that came upon Mary. Even though Yahushua was a heir and Lord of all, while He was a child, He was under those who tutored Him until God appointed that the time would come when He would begin His ministry and joyfully and willingly give His life to reconcile us back to the Father. Yahushua came to redeem those who are in subjection to the law of legalism. Quote
linda bass Posted March 24, 2012 Report Posted March 24, 2012 Both Gentiles and Jews were enslaved in the sense that they were under the law. What "redeem" means in verse 5 is "to buy back." Jesus came to redeem us from the slavery of sin. The implications of adoption regarding a person's legal and spiritual rights are, as believers we have been adopted into God's family and are co-heirs wth Christ. Quote
Dew drenched Posted June 20, 2012 Report Posted June 20, 2012 Q3. (Galatians 4:3-5) ”Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: but when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons: “ In what sense were both the Gentiles and the Jews enslaved? Both of them were held in bondage, or in other words, reduced to bondage as minors, not ready to take their place as heirs which can only come through faith in Christ. Both under sin and both under “weak and beggarly” elements of religions that was unable to bring them into their inheritance. It fell short in that it was weak through the flesh. (Sin) What does “redeem” mean in verse 5? Redeem in this verse means to pay the price necessary to purchase or secure freedom for one who is enslaved as a servant. In order for him to be able to pay the price required he had to be born of woman, becoming a man in the flesh, given a back to be beaten, and receive the stripes of the scourging whip, and hands and feet to receive the nails of the cross. He had to be born under the law, not only human but a Jewish heritage, subjected to all the ordinances and of the law, Then in perfect righteousness become a curse for us 3:13 that he could pay the necessary payment to purchase our freedom and be released from servant hood. As is stressed especially in Chapter 3-4 given “sonship” and as sons becoming heirs according to promise What are the implications of adoption regarding a person’s legal and spiritual rights? Receiving the adoption of a son means that we reached the legal age and are entitled to all the privileges that go along with the legal rights as sons of age. We are no longer under the authority of the care givers of our minor childhood. The spiritual rights are that God recognizes us as sons and sends the Spirit of His son in our hearts crying Abba Father. We are no more a servant but a son and an heir of God. Quote
wifee Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 3a)Gentiles were enslaved by the principles of the world,worship of false gods, depraved human emotions/desires, and Jews enslaved by Laws requirements with no true hope&slvation. Both needed freedom from slavery. B)Redeem in v5 means to released receive full rights as sons. Christ redeemed us, freed us from the Law, so we receive freedom we do not deserve. c) Adopted sons would receive all their adoptive parents possessed.We are adopted by God, what ever Christ inherits we inherit, as co-heirs with him, seated with him in the heavenly realm. Quote
RD35 Posted June 2, 2013 Report Posted June 2, 2013 The Jews were enslaved to the Mosaic Law and certain traditions. The gentiles were enslaved to the Jews and to pagan traditions. To redeem means to buy, to deliver someone or to liberate. Adoption bestows full status of son on a person. The adopted son will be a full heir to all that his adoptive parents possess. At the death of the parents, their estate passes to him, to his children, and to his children's children. We are adopted by God, and so what Christ inherits, we inherit. Our status in God’s family is full. We are seated with Christ in heavenly realms, the place of honor as Son and Heir. Quote
Thanking Joan Posted June 8, 2013 Report Posted June 8, 2013 Both Jews and Gentiles were enslaved to the law. The word redeem means liberate and Christ has liberated us from law and sin.The implication of adoption regardin a person's legal and spiritual rights mean he receives every right as a son from the Father. The Father gives us the same rights as Jesus our older brother has and we coheirs in the inheritance of the Kingdom of God. We are heirs according to the promise of God made to Abraham. Quote
Craig Posted June 8, 2013 Report Posted June 8, 2013 Q3. (Galatians 4:3-5) In what sense were both the Gentiles and the Jews enslaved? What does “redeem” mean in verse 5? What are the implications of adoption regarding a person’s legal and spiritual rights? The Gentiles were enslaved by pagan cultic ritual and the Jews enslaved by the Law. Both were enslaved to the lusts of the world i.e., the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of eyes, and the pride of life. All sin and slavery evolve around around those things. Redeem in this verse merans that Jesus Christ on the cross paid for our sins, freed us from the penalty of those sins, and set us free, by his Spirit, from being slaves to this world and the demands of the Law. Jesus enabled us to become brothers and sisters with Him. Adopted heirs or sons of God. God has granted believers all of the legal and spiritual rights that Jesus Christ has. Jesus provided the ways and means for direct access to the Throne of God. Quote
GoRaysXD Posted June 8, 2013 Report Posted June 8, 2013 Q3. (Galatians 4:3-5) In what sense were both the Gentiles and the Jews enslaved? What does “redeem” mean in verse 5? What are the implications of adoption regarding a person’s legal and spiritual rights? The Gentiles were enslaved by pagan cultic ritual and the Jews enslaved by the Law. Both were enslaved to the lusts of the world i.e., the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of eyes, and the pride of life. All sin and slavery evolve around around those things. Redeem in this verse merans that Jesus Christ on the cross paid for our sins, freed us from the penalty of those sins, and set us free, by his Spirit, from being slaves to this world and the demands of the Law. Jesus enabled us to become brothers and sisters with Him. Adopted heirs or sons of God. God has granted believers all of the legal and spiritual rights that Jesus Christ has. Jesus provided the ways and means for direct access to the Throne of God. Quote
JoanG Posted April 10, 2015 Report Posted April 10, 2015 Both groups were caught up in laws and rituals that were sucking the life out of them. They were caught up in a never ending cycle that left them empty. They needed to be saved. Christ came along and they were redeemed. He saved them from this life. Christ freed them by giving them a choice to follow him and to live again. We as God's adopted children and now able to worship him totally and fully on our own. We can talk directly to him on a daily basis. But by agreeing to this, we are also required to live under his rules. we are to live in the ways that we are taught in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted January 2, 2016 Report Posted January 2, 2016 Q3. (Galatians 4:3-5) In what sense were both the Gentiles and the Jews enslaved? What does “redeem” mean in verse 5? What are the implications of adoption regarding a person’s legal and spiritual rights? Gentiles and Jews alike were both enslaved to sin, we today are slaves and need a redeemer. Everyone on earth are enslaved to sin because of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The word "redeem" in verse 5 means to buy, to buy back as in slavery to deliver someone by paying or buying their freedom. God sent his only son to suffer and die for us so that we may have deliverance from sin. The implications of adoption regarding legal and spiritual rights is that once we come to the knowledge of what Christ has done for us and believe he is the Son of God, then we become heirs with him in all God the father gives him. We are spiritually adopted into son ship with him, Christ release us from the slavery of sin and now he adopts us as a brother or sister and simultaneously we become co-heirs with him. Quote
Lionwolf Posted April 22, 2017 Report Posted April 22, 2017 Q3. (Galatians 4:3-5) In what sense were both the Gentiles and the Jews enslaved? What does "redeem" mean in verse 5? What are the implications of adoption regarding a person's legal and spiritual rights? All people, Gentiles and Jews, were enslaved as they had no rights or entitlement to God's kingdom. Being enslaved means no inheritance from God, slaves to sin. Whether enslaved to the law or to paganism or the secular world the fact remains we are not heirs to the kingdom. Jesus came into the world to redeem the world. To redeem us means to liberate us, to secure our deliverance from sin. Adoption bestows full status as a son on the adopted person. This gives all rights as an heir. By believing in Jesus as our redeemer we become children of God and heirs to the kingdom. Quote
Annie343 Posted July 27, 2017 Report Posted July 27, 2017 BOTH GENTILES AND THE JEWS ENSLAVED: they were enslaved to trying to reach God - thinking they can be saved on good deeds; no freedom which came with the gospel; we can now approach God as true children knowing that we are not saved by the law; use of things that man use to get right with God and secure favor and approval of God (to justify self before God); now they could enter into their inheritance; they feared fate - enslaved by evil spiritual powers which was apart from God; in bondage by the basic principles (stage of religious practice); any experience before accepting Christ as Savior; the proclamation of the gospel of grace was not told "REDEEM" MEANT: to buy back, deliverance; set free from the law; redemption was the price paid to gain freedom for a slave; Jesus was the perfect sacrifice - took on the curse of the law; ongoing purpose - receive the full rights of sons; Christ paid the price by taking the penalty for our sins; having a new relationship with God; by His death providing an atoning sacrifice; be adopted as a son of God - part of God's family; great benefits believers receive through faith in Him; buy us back so we might be divinely adopted; Jesus was born under the law - He submitted to the curse that the law imposed to redeem those who were under the law ADOPTION RIGHTS: full rights as sons and full heir to all that his adoptive parents possessed - this idea of inheritance with Christ (the status in God's family); full son - all that God possesses is yours; adoption being combined with heirship; full heir to new family guaranteed; all legal rights; equal to all other sons; person's origin or past no longer a factor in his legal status; confirmation to believers by the Holy Spirit that we are adopted as God's children Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted July 26, 2022 Report Posted July 26, 2022 All men were slaves to sin and Satan, and held under the death penalty of the Law that they had broken. Exagorazo ! Christ has bought us back from the curse of the Law ( Sodzo). Christ our Redeemer has set us free from slavery to the Law, Christ was made a curse for us. The perfect Atonement has been made. We have 'soteria' ! Abiding in the Vine ! What an awesome thought that all sins, diseases, and pain are atoned for. We are not entagled again into myriads of rules and man made traditions.. We are set free all observance of Jewish rites, ceremonies, days, times, years and many traditions that were accepted and made part of Rabbinical Judaism. Rabbinical Judaism added many laws as codified in the Talmud and by Rabbinical scholars throughout the centuries. Rambam (Maimondes) had detailed writings for Jews to read and do each day. We can now come into the Holiest of Holies. Christ our High Priest our Joshua has gone on before us; He is in the order of Melchizedek. We are not in bondage to the stories of Jewish and Gnostic philosophical systems. We need not to pursue medieval Jewish texts to reach God. Christ is no emanating, Christ is the eternal Word of God. Quote
Krissi Posted August 22, 2022 Report Posted August 22, 2022 In the last section Pastor Ralph mentioned that Jews and gentiles were both under bondage. Non-Jews and Jews had the same "general revelation" as well as the Holy Spirit in their conscience to prod them into doing good as well as to convict them when they behaved sinfully. Jews and gentils had the same Noah-era revelation from God until the temporary Mosaic law was instituted which clarified Jewish ethical and moral behaviour. But the temporary Mosaic law was supposed to further restrain the Jews until Jesus came enslaved them instead. The restraining influence of the law is what Paul calls "enslavement." Since they had the law, they were obligated to do it, enslaved to it. Worse yet, they were enslaved to all the "extras" the Jewish clergy and scholars had added. The law, then, had mushroomed into complicated and convoluted set of social strictures. The Jews were slaves to silly rules created by man, given by God as well as to a social system that oppressed them. Christ "redeemed" them from what should have been a temporary set of laws as well as from the laws-upon-laws Jews created for themselves. He blew up the entire oppressive system. He set them free. Paul says Christians are full-heirs with Christ, in part, to drive home the point that Jews who had believed they were set apart and special to God, were no longer chosen. He let them know their chosen status has evaporated as they were now at par with anyone who believed in Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. Quote
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