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Q3. Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive?

Because it separates us from God and His Word. Our focus should remain on Him, and we should never compromise our beliefs for any reason. When we do this, we are no longer walking with God.

What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with?

It seems like Christians today are compromised because of the fear of offending someone of a different religion. Doesn

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q.3.a.We believe tha certain practices are wrong. We must eat to stay alive. Truct in God to provide or truct in the c.e.o. to provide.It is a battle between the physical and the spiritual. Generally a man will choose to feed his family knowing what he is doing is wrong. spiritually destructive.

b.the compromuises I see are being forced on us by activist judges, No Christioan symbols in school or on the court house lawn. Its ok to murder 40million babies . Its ok to recognize marriage between same sex people. We compromise when we do not speak out. sin is sin and all the decisions by our courts will never change it .

c.By saying there is nothing we can do we comprimise our faith..If we let it go on as it has we will be like the churches in Sweden. You can't say it s a sin from the pulpit.

  • 3 weeks later...

By compromising what we know to be Bible principals and participating in heathen practices we are betraying God, we are being unfaithful. We are allowing our desire for instant gratification, riches, worldly goods to blind us to our goal. Our goal is to please God, to remain faithful, - whether or not we are rich in worldly materialism. If we remain faithful, we shall have our riches and blessings in Heaven. We today still need to remain faithful to what know is true - not be mislead by many "false teachers".

  • 2 months later...

As Christians, we shouldn't be surprised by the world's standards(sexual immorality, abortion, etc-these things are "natural" to them). The problem is not the world; unbelievers are carrying on as they always have. The problem is Christians adopting the standards of the world, so that we are barely distinguishable. How can we tell the world to behave godly, when we who profess to know the truth aren't walking in it ourselves or either shirking our responsibility to warn and exhort unruly Christians. We have allowed so many things(homosexuality and other sexual immorality, immodest dress, alliances with religions who walk not in the truth) to come into the church under the guise of "tolerance". As the old folks(mine) would say, "Sweep around your own front door." And, as the Bible says, remove the beam from your own eye first.

  • 2 weeks later...

Christianity is awash with heathen practices going back for centuries. Accomodating culture may make it easier to assimilate into it but it does not serve the purpose of God. The calendar is full of holidays celebrating political figures, historical events, and greeting cards. :lol: Thrown in amongst all of these are the commemorations of the birth and death of our Lord. Everybody celebrates these, even nonbelievers, because it is a day or more off from work or school, an excuse for a family get-together, fattening food and presents. The destructive result of this is the trivialization of our Lord. He is not a living powerful, loving and righteous God, He is just one of many images to bow down to. We as Christians must stand up and be proud of our God not of our sin-filled country, we are all willing to wave flags to show our refusal to cave in to terrorists, but how many of us are willing to take a stand against ****, corruption, or perversion in our own churches and homes?


Because we tends to put those practice before God and that not Godly. Christian fail most of the time to be the mouth piece for God. We sit back and let everyone predicate what going on. For instant, when we see something that not Godly, we as the body need to come together and pray, protest, and etc. for that situtation.


To compromise, you are not holding onto your own convictions. Saying it's "OK" to lean a little and then a little more and so on. If you are not holding yourself to a hire standard, how can you expect others to join you? Issues that dilute Christianity now: acceptance of homosexuality, questionable TV shows, the idea that "everyone can get along". The list can go on and on if you just stop and think about it.

  • 1 month later...
Q3. Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive? What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with? Let's not settle for trite legalisms about drinking and smoking. What are the real compromises that dilute vital Christianity?

Practicing in the trade giulds of heathen religions is spiritually destructive because those practices oppose life and are totally self-centered.

The compromises I see happening in church's today are Practicing Homosexual Preacher's. Church Pastor's marrying Homosexual couple's and accepting their life style.

I see a lack of submission to God in totality. I also see everything He consider's an abomination, being accepted in the church.

Idol worship, not reading or hearing The True Word of God as well as obeying God, & lieing about personal intentions, are real compromises that dilute vital Christianity, etc.

  • 5 weeks later...

Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive?

Religious compromise breaks all ten of the commandments given to us by God,and nothing remains sacred or sanctified. The ten commandments are basic laws set forth by God to all of His followers, both of the old covenant and the new covenant. These commandments do not hinder one's life, on the contrary, if they are kept and followed, they enhance our lives. To break these laws result in a number of problems and is the pathway to death and destruction. To compromise would be to give in to the flesh and starve the spirit (and we are to do the opposite). To compromise, keeps us carnally minded and spiritually ignorant.

What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with?

The same compromises that existed in the OT, exist today (with the exception of a very very few) and that is why we must stay in the Word of God, to avoid the same mistakes and the practice of sin, that were a part of history. Though we are no longer under the Mosaic or Levitical laws, the ten commandments are to be the basis of living for all people.

Let's not settle for trite legalisms about drinking and smoking. What are the real compromises that dilute vital Christianity?

The real compromises that confront most Christians today is a false doctrine. There are many false doctrines and false teachings that cripple, maim, and hinder today's Christian. We must learn to walk by faith and not by sight.


Loosening of sexual standards are destructive of vital Christian faith because it goes against the direct teaching the Bible not to enter into fornication and adultery. Throughout the Old and New Testaments the people of God are encouraged to remain sexually clean and when married remain faithful to the spouses. It seems that, along with finances, immorality is the thing used by the devil to bring down the testimony of Christians. Non-Christians, who may practise the prevailing morals of the culture set a higher standard for Christians than we sometimes set for ourselves and will quickly point the finger when we fall. The media has painted Christians as joyless, rigid, party-spoilers and I think this has taken the edge off the witness of the church and individuals so as not appear to be like that.


If we are to believe all that we read and hear in the media then much of the political and business practices in the world is corrupt. There is an economy of truth, little regard for neighbour, a loan system which keeps people poor while making the business world rich, a political system, whether on the right or left, which knowingly promises more than can be delivered once having got the votes. Even so-called Christian governments in so-called Christian countries allow such things as abortion on demand, easy divorce, same-sex partnerships etc.

All these things are destructive because they are opposite to the teaching of the Bible.

It seems to me that there is nothing new under the sun and the same struggles in the days of Revelation are apparent today.

  • 3 months later...

Q3. Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive?

Because it caused otherwise good people to break commandments and damage their own spiritual paths

What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with?

Many these days comprimise the word of God itself. Trying to justify war, murder, theft, dishonesty in man's politics etc. as all being okay under this circumstance or that circumstance. Many have become so afraid of the well being of their physical bodies and earthly existences that they have become willing to bend the axiomatic core priciples of the teachings of Christ to make any protection of the earthly body o.k., when in fact, it is our spirit that must be protected at all costs, and that would mean NOT killing or causing others to kill in order to protect our small human lives and unimportant personal property. People try to make it okay to manufacture and posess guns and other devices intended solely for killing human beings. It is the single most troubling trend I see in mankind, and people of all faiths on earth. Jesus, Mohammed, Gautama Siddhartha, Moses, and every other acknowledged spokesman with knowledge of God's word for man abhorred violence and condemned the act of killing other sentient beings. It is part of the foundation of our religion and faith, and when I see so many of our fallen away brothers and sisters acting as if it's okay in the name of some cause or another it hurts at a level that is so deep that it causes me pain to the core of my soul.

Let's not settle for trite legalisms about drinking and smoking. What are the real compromises that dilute vital Christianity?

The modern acceptance of the idea that man may reasonably dole out death and violence to man. The loss of compassion, lovingkindness, and forgiveness that mankind is experiencing in general, and many churches as well.

  • 1 month later...

The religious compromise was spiritually destrutive because they where worshiping nothing. When you worship to nothing or Satin no good can come to you.

Twenty-first century christians compromise true worship to God and Jesus for things they can feel, see, and touch over what they know in there hearts is real. twenty- first cenruey christians worship money over the things God wants to give us. If we would look at what he has already done we would find we don't need anything but Him.


I feel we make comprmises every day when we dont tell others about JESUS. I so often see christians

wanting to select the ones they want to tell of our Lord. So many time we dont want to get our hands or

pews dirty from less fortunate people, including kids. We want to stay in our comfort zone within the

4 walls of our church.,but this is not what JESUS did our wants us to do.there is so many needs in our

communities that our churches should be full. I feel this is the biggest comprimise we can allow to go on.

  • 2 months later...
Q3. Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive? What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with? Let's not settle for trite legalisms about drinking and smoking. What are the real compromises that dilute vital Christianity?

The items that they dealt with in those times are still here unfortunely for instance. A friend of mine was having an affair and I was telling them how wrong of it was. Since she had taken a vow in front of God and he she was having an affair with another man and she said to me everyone has had one. That is one of the bigest problems in this society today. We dont seem to want to listen to what god has told us. It is like I tell my kids dont do this because when I was your age I did it and this is what happened to me. God is telling us the same thing and we are telling God the same thing are kids tells us that was your mistake not mine. We need to learn from the past mistakes that have happen to the people for disobeying God. As far as the old days of other worshipping of gods I dont know how they could if try to befriend someone of a different belief of God since in todays society there are people trying to get you to believe in other things or other gods so I tend to only have Christian friens now so there will be no problem with the worshipping of other gods.

  • 2 weeks later...

It was so spiritually destructive, because it anesthetized them to do more and more evil. 21st century Christians struggle with dishonestly, immoral behaviors, greed (keeping up with the Jones), love of money and possessions...the list goes on. 1 Cor. 5:6 "A little leaven works through the whole......."

  • 2 months later...

Entering into idolatry is the reason the Israelites spent 40 years in the dessert! Idolatry was the reason entire cities with all the inhabitants, etc. were destroyed! Anything you exalt over the Lord and your relationship with Him is idolatry! And you are not saved if you are worshipping anything but the Lord your God.

One way you can tell if you are worshipping anything but the Lord is - if you had to give up everything - if you lost everything like Job did, would you truly still remain in faith and perservere? Would you truly give your life for your faith? From your heart - if you will die, you are saved. If there is doubt, you are not saved and you need work on your relationship with the Lord first and foremost even if it means giving up the bowling league, soccer for the kids, ceramics, a vacation or two, a home, everything you own and everything you are - relationship with the Lord is first or you are practicing idolatry, not faith in the Lord. I like to ask "what have you done for the Lord lately?" and "if there were no promise of eternal life, would you still believe and have faith?" Many people DO because of the reward THEY will receive. How many would DO because of their faith, not for the reward - but because they truly believe? These are the Christians and the chosen ones - the others are fooled.

What dilutes Christianity today is that so many people SAY they Christians, but they are empty shells - they have no relationship or experience with the Lord. They can recite scriptures inside and out. Well Satin believes in God - and Satin knew Jesus very well - they were together before the fall. Satin can recite scripture - he is the great imitatator. Not everyone who says they are Christians are Christians that is why when the man told Jesus he had cast out demons in the name of Jesus, that Jesus replied "I do not know you." The man had no relationship with Jesus, but he did the work of Jesus in the name of Jesus - but that didn't make him a Christian.

We are saved by faith, not by works. If the Holy Spirit changes us, we know we are truly saved. If we are not changed, we are not saved and nothing that we can do is going to make Jesus save us. The Lord will not be mocked.

Like the Pharisees, they had their rewards here, there is no hope for eternal life for them. It is true of some Christians - some of them share what I call the kiss of Judas.

  • 4 months later...


Chapter 8

"Opening of the Seventh Seal, The Seven Trumpets of God"

Revelation 8:1 "And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour."

We see here the opening of the seventh seal; for then it will start the sounding of the seven trumpets. Though the seals are not in chronological order, However, the trumpets are sounded to do an action. The trumpets are actions that are in order, and acted upon at the sounding of each of the trumpets.

Though the white horse of the first seal [Antichrist's arrival] is stated first as a seal, it is the fifth trumpet that sounds his arrival upon the earth. The seventh seal is the final seal and also the seventh trumpet. This first "half an hour" will be completed in the eleventh chapter. This is the hour of temptation; the first part of that hour.

This hour is when the Antichrist is on earth, and he is the "son of perdition", which will be discussed in Revelation 17, which includes each of the first six seals. Jesus spoke to His disciples about each of these seals in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, as He sat on the Mount of Olives just prior to his death.

The seventh seal of Jesus' warning has to do with the "parable of the Fig Tree". When you observe this tree, it will bring forth leaves, and not fruit. Our generation is told that when we observe this, the reestablishment of the Jews back in Israel, the prophecies of the the end times would all take place, and that generation would observe them all. That generation started in May of 1948, when the Nation of Israel was established. This seal, then is the seal that will allow our generation to witness all the prophecies of the final days.

It's not difficult to understand when you see what the seven trumpets are. They will come to pass in order, and with that seal, or knowledge in our minds, we can identify each of them.

Revelation 8:2 "And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets."

John witnessed these seven angels being given their trumpets.

Revelation 8:3 "And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden senser; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne."

This makes a total of eight angels standing before the throne of God, that are the main actors in this chapter. Seven of the angels hold trumpets, and one will hold the golden censer. The eighth angel is important, for he will use the incense of the golden censer to be offered with all the saints prayers on the altar of God, that is before the throne of God. These prayers are offered to God as part of God's promise to fulfill all prayers that are within God's will. This eighth angel's action is the first of the eight angels to come to pass.

Revelation 8:4 "And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand."

Only the saint's prayers are in this vial. God was reminded instantly of all these prayers, with the incense offered to Him by these saints. They include all the prayers of vengeance on behalf of the saints. They are all going up before God.

Revelation 8:5 "And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake."

What is this fire? God is a consuming fire; it's God's glory. God's glory and response to these prayers are going to shake many people up. If you are a true minister of God, telling people the truth of God's Word, it will shake people as the conviction of the truth of God's Word reaches their hearts and minds. It's impossible to be loved by the worldly minded when you preach the justice of God, along with God's love. Everyone loves to hear of God's unspeakable love, but when your sins are in focus, their shaken.

Revelation 8:6 "And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound."

As the Word goes forth, and heaven is silent, the trumpets are about to sound.

Revelation 8:7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth [and the third part of the earth was burnt up]: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up."

This is the first trumpet. Can you think in a spiritual sense? If you are looking for this to take place in a physical happening, your going to be deceived. The fire is God's consuming fire, and the distruction here is more than on a fleshly level. This deals with the future condition of your soul.

Your flesh, as in all mankinds, exists for only a few years [70 on the average], then it goes back to the dust or elements from which it came. It's finished. However, your soul is eternal when it is covered under the blood of Christ. The concern, then, by the Christian is focused on the condition of their soul, and this is spiritual. It is God's Spirit [the Holy Spirit] that will pour out on this earth, as never before. That Spirit is God's will, and control over all things.

Within that will of God, is that our Heavenly Father will give Satan the authority to act as the Antichrist and do the things that he shall do, as we will see in the next chapter. The Antichrist will come to this earth and do his deeds so that all the people on the earth can and will be tested. The movement to the religous one worldism will be total. All the "green grass" will fall to that world wide Satanic system.

I Peter 1:24, 25 "For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. the grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the Word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you."

Right now the pastures are green with the gospel, however those pastures of God's holy Word are drying up. In the end we will see where Antichrist and his system will burn up.

Revelation 8:8 "And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;"

The great mountain is a great nation, remember the sea are the peoples of the world. This will be discussed later, however when a great nation burns and is cast into the sea, it ceases to be governed as a nation, but falls under a world wide system where boundries don't exist.

Revelation 8:9 "And the third part or the creachers which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed."

The sea are peoples, and nations; and the here death is a spiritual death. The ships that were destroyed were the commerce and trade. The commerce and trade of that great nation was hurt and burned very badly, for it dried up one third of all commerce and trade. Can you see this economic condition happening today? It's going to get worse.

To understand this sea, and the waters it contained; Revelation 17:15 defines it for us. "And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are the peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues [languages]."

This deals with the Harlot, "Mystery Babylon" [the false religious system]; the ten kings, or powers of authority that give their authority to the beast [Antichrist and his system]. The system where this whore is sitting upon includes the nations entire world, which is the waters. The sealed of God are the only exceptions to this system.

Now back to Revelation 8:9.

These "creachers" that had life and died, that were in the sea, are the men and women living on the earth that have become and are part of Antichrist's world wide system. They are the ones who were deceived by Antichrist and his world government. The "death" is a spiritual death of the soul, when they take up the worship and work for the system. They are the ones putting their faith in the Rapture doctrine, and all those other doctrines that will lead their flocks, their families, and friends to the Antichrist. And they will do it in ignorance, for they do not know Gods Word.

How could a great mountain fall into the sea? This mountain is a great nation, and when it allows itself to be taken over by these waters of people [the one world government], they will sap the strength right out of that great nation. When it takes the industries, and removes trade barriers, the commerce of that nation is "burnt up". This chapter quite obviously is refering to the United States, the only superpower left on earth, and this verse says one third of our wealth, and strength in commerce and trade will be gone for good. Also adding to the sapping of the strength, or burning up of our wealth, are the heavy taxes our Godless leaders are imposing upon us, to flow through their huge give-away programs, and govermental theft.

We are in the end times of this earth age, and there is no more powerful nation of the face of this earth than the United States. America will continue to be drained, as our politicians continue to sell their country out, as well as their very souls to the Kenites, and this one world order. God foretold us this would happen, and the Church world slept and bartered with the devil's kids for crums from their table. They bowed to them for advantage through the tax system, and now with the new tariff and trade agreements in place, America is being dismantled rapidly.

Revelation 8:10 "And a third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp [torch], and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;"

This is the sounding of the third trumpet of God. Remember Luke 10:18, "And I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven." Satan is called "the morning star" in Isaiah 14:12-16. This falling star is the devil, the "son of perdition". Satan reflects as a illuminated lamp, his "Illuminati" shining it's lies out to the world, and is drawing his world wide system together. Do you see it happening today? If you don't, your either blind, or in a convent. The news from all the media today covers only what is promoting the adgenda of the United Nations, then it is so distorted and full of lies it isn't worth the time to watch.

The "shining ones" from the United Nations, which is part of the Illuminate, are given whatever authority of credit they need to carry on their murder, thievery, and attacks on the public at large.

The "rivers" are waters, or nations, whereas the "fountains" are in reference to "the fountains of the living waters", which are the Christians whose fountains of living water flows from our Lord Jesus Christ. This burning by Satan comes through deception, and many Christians will be deceived by Satan because they do not know the difference between the morning star [satan], and the Morning Star [Jesus Christ the Messiah]. All except God's elect, are going to be deceived.

Revelation 8:11 "And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter."

Satan may look like Christ and offer fountains of blessings, but his fountains will give only bitterness. You think it is clean, fresh and pure water, but when you taste of that water its bitter. When you drink of it and digest it, it becomes poison to your very soul. This is why Satan is called "Wormwood" [a poison]. One third of the world will become part of Satan's system, and drink freely from the Antichrist waters. Will you? Are you prepared to know the difference, or are you trusting your soul to a pack of Kenites.

Many church denominations today are allowing changes to take place in their doctrines to allow for compromise with the world, and Satanic doctrines. They allow for abominations such as sodomy to enter their house of worship and call it of God. The chief shepherd of their Luciferian dogma is the "World Council of Churches". When wormwood is allow this to happen, those churches lose total sight of Our Lord's teachings. They become part of the type of Churches that we saw at Ephesus and Pergamos, from chapter two.

Revelation 8:12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

The first three trumpets are well under-way and this is the fourth trumpet sounding. The false teaching; the falling of a great nation; The bitterness of Wormwoods [satan's doctrine] in bring down churches everywhere; and these events are becoming more final with each passing day. When the true Christ comes, the entire world will be consumed by his authority and power; however with wormwood [satan], only one third will be consumed by him.

When Satan arrives darkness will appear; and the darkening in the heavens will be exactly as you expect it to be when Jesus Christ returns to earth. The universe will even announce both comings. Notice, though, Satan will cause only one thire of the effect, whereas our Lord's return will be complete and total.

Revelation 8:13 "And I beheld, and heard an angel [eagle] flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound."

In the original text the word "Angel" should read "Eagle"; for the word in the Greek reads "Aetos". Why is this ? Their is an urgency to this eagle's cry of "Woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth", by reason of the voices from the other trumpets. This is why the last trumpets are called the "woe trumpets". This is not woe to those in heaven, but woe to those who are living on this earth. It is aimed at our generation, and to you and I specifically, if you are a Christian. This woe is directed to those who are not doing their bible study, and preparring themselves for what is coming.

All those who have studied the Scriptures, and used the proper tools of study, will know the true Christ from the fake. If you are rapped up in the rapture theory, or other one world doctrine, you will think the Antichrist is the true Christ, and the waters old wormwood gives you are then poisonous to your soul.

The Shepherds Chapel

  • 2 months later...

Q3. Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive? What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with? Let's not settle for trite legalisms about drinking and smoking. What are the real compromises that dilute vital Christianity?

a) I think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was spiritually destructive because it created weakness in the Church. This heathen worship was the work of Satan and involved idolatry and sexual immorality sanctioned by Jezebel.

B) Twenty-first century Christians struggle with being in the minority and being constantly bombarded with the work of the evil one.

c) I think the compromises that dilute vital Chistianity are directly linked to my answers in a) and B). We live in a capitalist society where material wealth is a major issue. Values of society and strength in unity appear to have lost their value where as it seems to be more popular to act as an individual.

We are in much the same danger as the Church of Thyatira in that we will weaken our Christain faith by compromising on fundemental issues. By doing this we are letting Christ's control of our lives slip. It is imperative therefore that we steer clear of temptation and that we do not allow any compromise on issues such as the love of material wealth or sexual immorality.

  • 3 weeks later...

Heathern religious practices. false teachings, and idioltry are the dangers about which the bible warns us. God says put no gods before me. This must be taken seriously. God in his wisdom knows how easily we can be deceived by Satan's charms. There are so many heathern religions in our country today. It seems they are everywhere. Friends can be involved in the new age and encourage us to come in with them and get us involved. We must not open this door.

  • 11 months later...
Q3. Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive? What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with? Let's not settle for trite legalisms about drinking and smoking. What are the real compromises that dilute vital Christianity?

Because we put ourselves above others only thinking we can contol anything. Participation doesn't require only actions if we are present and don't say anything we are as guilty as the ones who compromise. The 21st Christians struggle with so much more than I struggled with for example homosexuality, wife swapping, and even "foursomes" or whatever they call it.

The real compromise is satan twisting people's lives to attack others.

  • 1 month later...

I cannot grow in the grace and knowlege of Jesus Christ into spirit maturity; be fully committed to the church; be an effective witness and minister (all saints), and be sound in Biblical doctrine if I am actively participating in false religion for my economic and social welfare. What does that say about my faith in God Almighty and His ability to provide for me.

Real compromises by Christians today are familiar. Many put work before church, worship and spiritual growth. Many put God on the back burner because "we just have to get ahead." Many put materialism and the world's priorities before spiritual priorities. Many will work severn days week, but think its too much trouble or tiring to participate in God's activities. They become dead, ineffective Christians. Many wonder why?

  • 4 weeks later...
Q3. Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive? What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with? Let's not settle for trite legalisms about drinking and smoking. What are the real compromises that dilute vital Christianity?

When we compromise our beliefs for opportunities to increase our wealth that lets us know where our hearts truly are. If we compromise our beliefs for any andvantage or pleasure then those things must be more important than our beliefs. Our beliefs must not be very strong if we feel it is ok to compromise them for any reason. When the opportunity comes our way to compromise, we are being tested to see if we truly believe, and long for, the truth of God's Word. Todays society is really not much different than those of the Bible. We compromise for promotions on the job, for money, for friends. We become men pleasers instead of God pleasers. We even compromise for religious reasons - to be with the people that we think can promote our church or our ministry. If we hang with the right people then others will know that I am spiritual. We look to other things and people to promote our ministries instead of trusting God to put us in the right place at the right time. Some will preach to please the crowd instead of to please God. Many times we are required to preach a hard word - a word that cuts to the heart - but many wont do it because they fear upsetting someone in the congregation. Even in the church people feel they have to be "politically correct" instead of preaching the Word that God gives them then and letting God take care of what happens afterward. Dont get me wrong I believe the Word must be preached in love but not in compromise. We cant always preach what pleases people but we must preach the word and the word will challenge us to grow and be better all the time.

  • 1 month later...
Please hear my heart on this issue, but we have to get back to our roots of our Fathers to get back to proper perspective. I don't mean the reformist fathers of Luther, Calvin, Knox, etc, I mean the founding fathers of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We are quick to look at the obvious idol/pagan practices and see the wrong, but we are blinded when we let a little bit of that world into our lives and into our churches.

Our entire church system as we know it today is steeped in traditions that come out of the church as it was in the 200-300's from a blend of pagan cult beliefs with religious overtones. Even our church altar is based on a system of a Greek arena.

I agree with others that we do make sure we get to kid's soccer games, football games on Sunday, but move about uneasily if the Pastor is taking too long or goes over during a sermon.

I was invited to hear a Messianic Rabbi speak at a church and he stated that churches today would see more miracles IF the Pastors and leadership would be more open to do "God's will" rather than their own interpretation of God's will. I believe most churches' focus is correct, but let us look truthfully at how we are doing it. Many have compromised original beliefs to "bring in the masses". We are concerned with numbers; thereby we have soft-soaped the truth. Sin and repentance is no longer preached. A loving Jesus is preached to accept Him, which is the key, but we forget the repent portion, the portion where we have to surrender all. We pride ourselves on having 100 ministries in our church, but we are missing the mark when reaching the community and evangelism. We don't have time for that, because we are supporting 100 ministries. Then our church becomes our idol or even sometimes our pastor.

As in the world sin is not dealt with honestly in churches, we overlook some sins because they are done by "heavy contributors." We don't want to put stumbling blocks for people to come in. Our Gods become ourselves, our own agenda's and almost profit. We are losing the absolutes that God has placed before us.

When Jesus walked the earth, he was Jewish and practiced Jewish customs, traditions and was obedient to the Torah. I am suggesting searching for the truth through the powerful word of God. Listen to His counsel in the entire Word of God and be obedient to that only. We must learn the Word of God for ourselves, giving that God time as our first fruits, not as the left over portion of the day. Salvation is through the blood of Jesus and the resurrection is a powerful hope for us. Accepting Jesus as Lord is crucial, but God's instruction must be taught and sought after that fact.

Let's get back to basics and get into the truth of God's word. Yes it may be uncomfortable and we will be set apart, but we will be aliens in this world, but children in God's kingdom.......Praise be to God for His truth and promise in Jesus.

To me the real compromise is that we have compromised the church for the traditions of man. We must be Holy (set-apart) because God is Holy - - getting back to basics. We have become lazy, we don't know the word any longer, and we know what the Pastor says about the word with very little measurement of his words.

In 1 John the problem was that Gnostic beliefs had filtered into the Church and people began denying that Jesus was God, that knowledge is power and that is salvation, etc. The same is going on today. Most churches have lost their absolutes and compromised God's truth.

There are many great churches out here and we must support them without fail so we can be the earthly extension of thie glorious God we serve. We must daily put our priorities back in order. We all get side tracked by the detours that Satan puts on our straight path that God has for us.

Getting back to basics. 2 Peter 1:3 says "seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence." He has given us everything we need to DO IT!

Thank you once again your answer has been a blessing to me! It is something that has been striking me more and more as I read revelation - holinesss - being set aside, a holy people concecrated to God.


Q3. Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive? What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with? Let's not settle for trite legalisms about drinking and smoking. What are the real compromises that dilute vital Christianity?

Anytime we compromise and go along with heathen practices we break our relationship with God and must repent. We also will live with the regret of what we have done. It is better to just stand firm in the first place and not sin (but I fail at this all the time). I think some of the major areas of compromise in the church is how easy it is to get a divorce (God hates divorce), abortion (of course here I fail because I believe in some reasons for having one, rape, the baby is dead, etc) either having one or not speaking up against it and homosexuality. iI know that I don't stand up for God like I should but I never fail to say that I am a Christian and I am saved by the grace of God. I spend alot of time in prayer and reading His Word, but I know that I dont spend enough.

I am easily distracted by chores and life in general. I spend a lot of time on the computer talking with family and friends, sometimes more than I should. I watch very little TV anymore and I don't listen to a lot f music either. We all have our areas of regret and where we would like to grow.

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