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Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

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Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray?

Paul's griving over his spiritual children is like that of a parent because like a parent he suffers the pain of seeing the child

stray from his teachings and reaping averse results.

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person?

When Christ is formed in a person every action and thought is measured by "what would Jesus do" and obedience to His word.

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

Spiritual formation involves complete repentance and a diligence and longing for the mind of Christ.


(Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul's grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? It's like a parent who has raise their child up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and then someone comes along and just takes all that instruction away. The parent sees their child following the wrong path. The parent knows the right path, but the child can't see that the parent, who spent years teaching the child right from wrong, has pointed them in the right direction. The same way, Paul taught them, walked with them, they embraced him, believed him, and then someone (the Judiazers) come along and just take that all away.

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? It's the picture of someone growing in the grace and admonition of the Lord. It's a picture of someone who is walking with the Lord, obeying the Lord, and the character of Jesus Christ is being formed within that person.

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation? Surrendering to the Lord. Also, like "Commissioned" said, repentence.


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? Parents love their children, in many cases, more than themselves. They grieve at the thought of them getting misled.

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? They reveal Christ and all He embodies. They have the mind of Christ.

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation? Letting go of the law and embracing the Spirit, one day at a time.


How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray?

Paul's grief stems from love, it isn't solely that the Galatians are steering away from what Paul has taught them, but more so that they are experiencing averse repercussions. It is very agonizing for a parent to see their child adhere to negative / damming peer pressures, a loving parent will go to great lengths to aid their child, with the hopes of curtailing this new formed behavior. He desires to be with them so that they could sense the genuineness of his intent more so than the sternness of his words.

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person?

This is a difficult question to answer, it could have been asked what does a Christian look like? A Christian, a person with Christ formed in them looks just like any person outwardly. However how they live, move and have their being will differ from someone who is not in Christ. Their reasoning, the words that they say, their conduct, their behavior will imitate Christ vise the worlds.

These Galatians initially made a decision to follow Christ, they until meeting the Judaizers made and external profession that didn't have internal roots. They heard the Gospel preached however it did not fall on fertile soil. They were enamored about the process of being baptized in Christ, just as some are with marriage in our day, however in their understanding they did not commit to the baptism in Christ it meant nothing, just as some in our day marry but do not commit to it. There acknowledgments to Paul in the early days did not have roots, they were not grounded. They made an emotional decision as many do in our day, at revivals. At camp meeting / revivals etc afterward you may hear a phrase that x-amount of people came to Christ. Some of them actually did unit with Christ as did some of these Galatians, however a greater amount simply made decision without roots.

A person having Christ formed in them lives a life whereby the character of Christ is evident in their lives. As opposition come their way they try the spirit with what God has said concerning. As they live move and have their being they are maturing in Christ.

Paul willing to go through the delivery process again strongly desires that the Galatians would embrace Christ, ingest His Gospel fully in their lives that The Truth would keep them from another gospel, that they would be able to discern the other gospel and not be deceived by it. Just as Christ was not when Satan approached Him with another gospel.

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

Acknowledging that there is a need for a spiritual change, repentance, renewing of the mind, discipleship, not taking God's grace in vain, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead, adhering to the Holy Spirit as we live, move and have our being. Hearing God as He speaks, studying, and applying what we hear as we live. Living by faith and not by sight.

"The Word of God falling from the lips of the apostle or minister enters into the heart of the hearer. The Holy Ghost impregnates the Word so that it brings forth the fruit of faith." Luther

The A clause of the quote is good, yet try the spirits, a person should study for themselves as well, the Word will line up if it is from God and according to God. The B clause of the quote is the linchpin, the Holy Spirit, He will not only impregnate but He will guide, lead, help, comfort etc, provide what is needed as we grow if and as we adhere to Him.


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray?

He laboured in bringing them to Christ, comparing his struggle with child birth. He boroght them from idol worship to a God their could not see but that possesses awesome power.

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person?

The person changes from their old sinful nature to a more Christlike person displaying the fruits of the spirit.

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

Spending time in prayer, listening to God's voice, obeying God's leading in ones' life, bible reading and instruction in the word by a man/woman of God.


After belng led to a saving faith, these Galatians were going back to ritualistic ways & it troubled Paul. No parent wants to see his child go backward in growth.

When Christ is formed in a person, he is operating under the Holy Spirit--not double-minded--changing often. He will show the Fruit of the Spirit.

The process involves following Jesus in prayer, Bible study and obedience.


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

When we, as parents, invest our lives in our children, we show them a way of life that we believe is not only best for them, but one we believe in ourselves because we walk in that way ourselves. Our whole hearts believe that if our children stray from these guidelines, that harm will come to them or they will be lesser persons of integrity and goodness. Parents have seasoned wisdom with experience on their side. They KNOW a lot of what children can't see up to that point. When our children refuse to walk under our guidance, we grieve for their safety and for the circumstances (at what cost?) they may have to suffer through to obtain the wisdom they could have had by just embracing the parent's truth. Paul loved the Galatians just as though they were His children. He labored to bring them to faith. He grieved they were turning to lies and turning from what he had taught them. He grieved they would take a lesser path and the consequences they may have to face in them.

When Christ is formed in a person, we begin to look more and more like Christ to others. Not only that, but we experience an inner change in our countenance as well. We experience the fruit of the Spirit. We have a new peace in our daily walk. We can submit in joy to God's daily guidance. Our rebellion (in what WE want to do) dies out and we become more trusting in God's wisdom than our own. We no longer fear looking at our sins, but look at them and quickly confess them. We truly do walk in the freedom of grace and can give grace to others, but we also become strong to not become enslaved to others also. We know the truth of God's Word and are free in that. Christ formed in me changed my entire life!


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

As their spiritual father, the one who brought them in to the Kingdom and God, Paul's feels the same love as God, his Father feels towards him. He emanates its by trying to get them going in the right direction. He tells them, as any parent would who had their child's best interest in mind, to pay attention to the company they're are keeping. To what they're listening to,or following after, because there are many bad people who will try to influence them in all the wrong ways.To gain their trust for their own means.To many wolfs in sheep's clothing. Many whose ideals may seem harmless enough, but are very deadly to spiritual growth.

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

To sum it up in one word: GROWTH ! Continued daily growth through the Word of God. READ YOUR BIBLE. God gave us an instruction manual, He didn't just throw us down here on earth and say "fend for yourselves" He gave us a manual on how to survive and thrive,The Bible, but what good is it if we do not READ it?

Matthew 4:2-4 (NIV)After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

When Christ is formed in a person, that person begins life as a new creation in Christ. His life takes a different direction.He seeks unification with God,through His Holy Spirit and seeks to emulate the character traits of the sacrificial Lamb ,Jesus. He seeks to glorify, to walk the path to righteousness, through obedience, redemption, and faith.The embryo is a starting point, but they must learn to survive and grow outside of the womb. Growth is key to Christ being formed in a person. If an embryo is formed, then dies in it's mothers womb, Its development ceases. For the development of a Christian, formation is seed, the starting point, one must experience, seek growth, faith, everyday till the fullness of Christ is revealed. Just as a plant seeks water and nutrients to grow from seed to mature plant, we must do so, or face sure spiritual death.

Supporting scriptures:

1 Corinthians 13:11-12 (NIV)

11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

Ephesians 4:14-15 (NIV)

14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.

1 Timothy 4:7 (NET)

4:7 But reject those myths fit only for the godless and gullible, and train yourself for godliness.


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20)

How is Paul's grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray?

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person?

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

Paul is grieving over the Galatian Christians, his spiritual children, as he sees them backsliding. When he first came to them with the Gospel he worked hard to see them turn to the Lord, but now they were falling back into legalism and a ‘second childhood’ experience; almost another confinement! Paul is not satisfied that Christ dwells in them, he wants to see Christ formed in them, just the same as Christian parents long to see their children mature in the will of God. In other words to see them transferred into the image of Christ. The process involved in our growth in likeness to Christ is called sanctification. We become more and more obedient to God, and start experiencing the joy and peace that are part of the fruit of the Spirit which we will learn about later in Galatians 5:22. Others will start seeing the beauty of His character in our lives.


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray?

Very relevant question for me today, as I watch one of our children floundering, miserable, walking his own way with his back to the Lord, whom if he only knew, is standing with His nail scarred hands and arms outstretched in Love for him to turn and run into! Paul "birthed" these spiritual children and regarded them as such, to love, shepherd and guide. As a "parent" he longed to see Christ formed in them, and for them to flourish and grow and thrive and multiply, just as a natural, loving parent longs for ones children. Paul must have felt the same pain and grief that I feel for my own child, and the same earnest prayers and pleadings to yield to the One Who loves them so.

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

When I see that Christ is formed in a person, I see more of Christ than I do the person. (He is the "form" which fills the "glove" which is them) The will is yielded to the Holy Spirit, and there is joy and peace and the other fruit of the Spirit being produced in increasing measure. No longer self preoccupied, but outward focused and willing to follow the Lord's leading concerning others. The words spoken honor Jesus, and bring life. The personality of that one is enhanced rather than replaced...just a better more complete individual, and one I enjoy being with because it's like hanging out with Jesus!

All of this reveals: time spent with Jesus, in fellowship, listening, learning, feeding, growing; enduring trials, testing's, many surrenders, and much groaning; recognizing and enjoying grace and receiving His unconditional love; walking in intimacy with Him; loving His Word; allowing Him to be Lord as well as Savior.


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul's grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

Paul's grief for his spiritual children was like the grief a parent feels when his bilogical child drifts away- painful, very painful.

When Christ is formed in a person, the person becomes mopre matured spiritually in his prayer life, bible study, commitment to serve the Lord. Such a person is led by the spirit and bears the fruit of the Spirit as found in Galatians 5:22.

The processes involvde in the transforamtion are deep repentance and salvation followed by discipleship where the new convert goes through teachings from the word of God- his spiritual milk and food. This helps him to develop his spiritual muscles- and grow spiritually.


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

Paul loved his spiritual children as parents love their children. The love intensifies the anguish when they stray because we know the consequences.

It is wanting to spend time with Him, learn about Him, obey Him. It is intense love. You cannot think or talk about anything or anyone else. It is all Christ.

The process? It is the first recognition of Him who is so close to us when we thought He was afar, recognizing who He is and what we are and what He has done for us. It is being sincerely sorry for our sin (repenting) and accepting His paying the dreadful price required on the cross. It is sudden humility.

"Amazing love how can it be that thou my God shouldst die for me"!

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul's grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray?

As a parent Paul wanted to raise the Gentile believers to first learn how to walk in the way of FAITH, for they would need a solid foundation to grow on, as it is with all children, the day will come when they will have to choose to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit or not to follow. – A child needs rules and guidelines to follow; this is why God gave to man His laws, a light before their path.

Paul’s goal was to lay a foundation in the young impressionable years of the Gentile Galatians, because the Gentile’s did not know the God of Israel nor did they know His laws, Paul wanted them to have a sure foundation so they would always desire to fully seek after God and his will.

In much travail Paul taught them about FAITH, not any faith, but the faith of Abraham, hoping their young minds would understand the truth, that faith without works, trust, obedience, to God, is NO FAITH at all.

The reality of Abraham’s FAITH was not found in his obedience to the law, to God’s command, Abraham’s FAITH was in God-- FAITH that enabled him to bring his son to be sacrificed – I have to wonder, how many in the church have the FAITH of Abraham, and truly are of his seed??

Paul had to cut the apron strings allowing the Galatians to be on their own, it will be their choice, will they go through the narrow gate, the gate that many do not go through, will their FAITH be strong enough that they will be willing to take up their cross and follow God, Paul planted the seed, now it is up to them.

I can only imagine the grief, the doubt Paul must have felt when Paul had to question them (Galatians 4:8-9) How can it be when you did not know God, you were serving gods that were not even gods, and now that you have come to know God, or rather are know of God, how can you turn back again to the elements you came from, for the elements of the Gentile gods are weak and beggarly and you want to serve them? Choose today whom you will serve.

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person?

I believe Titus 2 tells us what it would look like when Christ is formed in a person.

Christ will form a new creation, one that will say NO to ungodliness and the lusts of the world, righteousness will be seen in their life, a life displaying they are looking forward to the appearing of God and their Savior Jesus, because He gave himself for them, He redeemed them from sin so he can form in them a peculiar people, zealous for good works, Christ’s goal is to form in them a desire to keep God’s commandments, so that they will understand they are not grievous.

Christ came to do the will of the Father, to form in our hearts “LOVE” for God and His laws so we would understand ( Proverbs 3) the reason God tells us “Do not forget my law; but let the heart keep them, for they will give you length of days, and long life, and peace, will they add to you. Do not forsake mercy and truth: bind them about your neck; write them upon your heart and you will find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man as you trust in the LORD with all your heart; and you will not lean on your own understanding.

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

I believe the process involved is ongoing; it is processed as we daily walk in FAITH, study God’s word to show ourselves approved, prayer is an important part, and running the race prepared to make it to the end as we follow after the leading of the Holy Spirit are all part of the process, the most important part of the process is when we offer our lives as a living sacrifice to God for sending to us His Son.


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20)

How is Paul's grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray?

Paul's grief over his spiritual children is like that of a parent seeing children astray in that, Paul was a spiritual father of the Galatians and, just as the parent is concerned by the welfare of his children, Paul is also concerned with the spiritual welfare of the Galatians.

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person?

When Christ is formed in a person, it looks like the early days of that person's Christian life where patterns are being set for the rest of his life.

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

The process involved in this spiritual formation is genuine repentance.


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray?

He felt like he could be with them all the time. He wanted to see them growing spiritually

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person?

Awsome!! Gal 5v 23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. All these can be seen in a person.

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

Col 2: So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

He's saddened, I believe, to see the Galatian Christians fall back into the bonds of slavery, which was the law, when Christ gave us freedom from the law. They have strayed from the truth of Christ's word and have lost their way for a short time. Many parents that I have known are saddened to see their children stray and it makes them sick inside that the children they raised in the Christian belief just don't hold the same feeling toward Christ that they used to because the world is much more appealing to live in. But when Christ truly lives in a person, you can see Him. This person truly lives a holy life. They may get frustrated by things, but are quick to put it in Christ's hands to take care of. They have no fear of death because they know where they are going. I believe to live a holy life is Sanctification. Which is, the second work of grace. We have the first work of grace, salvation, a one time thing. Then the second work of grace, sanctifiication, which is an ongoing process our whole life. It is letting the Holy Spirit residing in you take ahold of your very being and leading you to do the right things and resist the temptations to do wrong things. Because what is sin but 'willfull disobedience'. It's only when we know something is truly wrong to do and choose to do it anyway that it becomes sin. And sin is always a choice you make. It's not something like 'we're all going to sin anyway, we might as well do it'. Right there, the person has made a conscious effort to sin that day. Christ was God, but He was also FULLY man and as open to temptation as all of us, and He overcame. He is our example to follow. We should follow Him, not give excuses as to why we can't resist sin. (Oh, I'm not Christ. He was God, so He could resist sin). He gave us the Comforter to reside in us. To lead us NOT into temptation. But to give us the choice to choose the right path.


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

2.a. You can feel Paul's plea and pain for his spiritual children. It is the same as a parent who's child has gone back into the world and a parent crying out to God for them.

b. It is person walking in faith, believing God and walking in love and in the Spirit. As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him. Col 2.6

c. Salvation, deliverance, renewed mind. This is obtained thru surrender, submission and obedience. A person is to be discipled in the truth of God's Word.and to grow in Him. 2 Peter 3:18


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

Paul does grieve over his spiritual children yet trys to treat them first with love and questions them as we might our own children. Paul tells his story to Christianity and pleads with them to return to Godly ways. This is the same way Jesus treats us or would even more if he were present.


Christian parents generally do all they can to set an example for their children and guide them to spiritual maturity. At some point, however, children make a choice. When this choice goes against everything the parent holds dear, we grieve. We wonder what we could have done or said differently and we pray that our children will “turn back” to the truth. When Christ is formed in a person they take on His characteristics. This spiritual formation is nurtured when the person submits to the Holy Spirit’s leading by prayer, study of the Word, and fellowship with other Christians.


How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray?

Paul's grief over his spiritaul children is like that of a parent seeing children stray is because he had went thru the pain of bringing them into the Kingdom of God and now to see them stray was painful. He was concerned about their spiritual welfare.

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person?

When Christ is formed in a person, we become spiritually matured and have a willingness to follow Jesus.

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

The process in spiritual formation is we learn to follow Jesus.


Paul grief over his spiritual children because, of the way they treated him when he had a

illness with so much love.

In christ form a person the person change you are no longer the same,your heart,mind change.

The process in spiritual form is to repentance.


The way that Paul’s grief over his spiritual children is like that of a parent seeing children go astray is that he can see what is happening but is not there to help them resolve their situation. The enemy is there pounding on them and Paul is not around to defend them.

When Christ formed in a person that person is completely turned around. He has repented of his sins and is following Christ to the best of his ability. But the key word is repenting because that is the beginning of this spiritual formation.


Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul's grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray?

The grief is primarily in two issues: firstly, Paul’s spiritual children being seduced and so united with those who have only their selfish desires at heart (in this instance to unite with legalism to gain salvation), and secondly, by being separated from Christ Himself as they stepped into the law and out of God's grace.

Grief as a parent overtakes us when we see our children being seduced by evil, by false doctrine, and by those who put God’s Word into question. This results in separation from God just as it did in the Garden of Eden. We are grieved when we, as parents, are protrayed as the enemy (as in Gal 4:16) which results in confusion for the child and a separation of relationship from the parent.

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person?

Beautiful! As said by another responder “haar”, this person exhibit the fruits of the spirit: “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.”

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

Being formed spiritually is getting to know Jesus intimately. Jesus had disciples who were called by Jesus, spent time with Him, where instructed in the Word, and then practiced what was preached both with Jesus and then without Him. They went through the death of their own hope when Jesus was nailed to the cross and saw that joy and power come from the resurrected King of Glory! They abided with Christ and knew Him!


Galatians 4:19-20 ¶ My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice; for I stand in doubt of you.

How is Paul's grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray?

Paul has led folks to Christ and pointed them in His direction and helped folks to grow in their spiritual walk. He is trying to measure his sincerity towards them to that of childbirth and how desperate he is to encourage them to remain faithful to God and to grow in the spirit of this truth. He shares that he is very concerned about them. As their spiritual father who had basically birthed this truth into them, he has every right to feel this way.

What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person?

When someone begins to bear the fruit of the Spirit of the Living God and that fruit continually is extracted from that certain someone and showered upon the folks around them.

What is the process involved in this spiritual formation?

Jacob (James) 1:12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

The words temptation and tried are basically used the same in God’s eyes. When we ar tempted, God will use that temptation as a trial in our life to help us overcome that temptation if we turn to Him for that help. I believe that this is where we truly grow is in the hour of our trial.

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