jahjanrod321@live.com Posted May 1, 2012 Report Posted May 1, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul's grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? He yearns to be in their presence to share his love and experience and guide them from harm discernible by only experienced spiritual eyes. What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation? More mature not easily swayed by every wind of doctrine. Knowledgeable about God's word, a firmly grounded believer with spiritual formation. Has learnt to follow Christ, setting of patterns of praise, worship and discipleship. Quote
Dew drenched Posted June 26, 2012 Report Posted June 26, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul's grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? “My little children of whom I travail again in birth,” this is such an expression of grief, and also of his loving care which he has for his children in the gospel. He sees himself as a mother bring the children into the world by birth. The pain and “travail”, which was involved in that process, is soon replaced with the joy that comes with the new birth. But now, as Paul looks at what has happened in the life of these believers, he sees retarded growth and really in fact lifeless children. His desire for them is to be restored back to the life that once was their’s. In order for that to happen he needs to begin the process, of pain and travail that is found in giving birth, all over again. Every parent has only the best in mind for a child. He/she pours his life into seeing that child be successful, he loves that child wholeheartedly. When the child shuns the parents love and turns away from the parent to walk in destructive paths that tears deeply into the heart of the parent. We see this tearing in the heart of Paul. What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? “Until Christ be formed in you” “the Word became flesh and dwelt amoung us and we beheld his glory.” The forming of Christ in them means there lives will take on the very nature and character of Christ. There hearts have been change to take on his character and it is reflected in the way they live and walk in there everyday life. They become the expression of Christ in the world. It is the word becoming flesh in us. “It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me, the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God…” Ephesians says that “ye put on the new man which after God is crated in righteousness and true Holiness.” It is not the righteousness which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ. What is the process involved in this spiritual formation? I think the process for this formation is best described in Gal. 2:20 “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ who now lives in me.” It is a surrendered life over to the lordship of Christ. We lose our life and take on his life. Quote
wifee Posted October 31, 2012 Report Posted October 31, 2012 2a)Paul has sacrificially nurtured his Galation converts from Judaism processes, now seeing them distracted away from true gospel,he is concerned will have to go through this trauma again .b)When Christ is formed in someone, we repent in going our way & humbly allow the Spirit to lead our thinking and actions,absorb Word daily to grow in spiritual strength, seeking to be true disciples of Jesus,learning to love and care for others as he would have done,others firs,self last. c)surrendering to the Lord, listening to him in prayer, obeying his leading in bible study,teaching and growing in discipleship, walking in the freedom of grace, not being enslaved by others, and giving grace to others.Ephesians 4:14-15 no longer being infants tossed back & forth..will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him, that is Christ. Quote
RD35 Posted June 2, 2013 Report Posted June 2, 2013 Paul is in agony. Like a parent he once did his best to get his children walk in the right paths. But now he grieves like a parent to see his kids, the Galatians, since they've turned away from the basics of the gospel, the grace of God. When Christ is formed in a person, he is filled with the Holy Spirit. He is attentive to the voice of God and deeply repents for all his sins, never to go back to the old ways again. A person who is formed like Christ has the character of Christ in Him and matures day by day in his Christian walk. As his foundation is firm on the rock of Christ no storm or external influence can shake his life. He displays the fruits of the Holy Spirit as he is the branch of the vine called Jesus Christ. His flesh dies and he is no longer the old person but Christ lives in him. The process involved is repentance, surrender, forgiveness, listening to God, feeding on the word of god, doing His will. Endurance, perseverance in testing, Dying to Flesh, discipleship, freedom in Christ, victory in Christ, Salvation. Quote
Thanking Joan Posted June 8, 2013 Report Posted June 8, 2013 Earthly parents take lot of trouble ,sacrfice and pain to bring their children up with the right values and see that they do not go astray. But if they disobey and do things which the parents would not want them to do it would bring them real grief, LIkewise, Paul took a lot of trouble to see the Galatians reborn into the family of God just as a mother would bear pains to bring forth a child and gave them the truth of the Gospel, he would be grieved to see them going astray from the truth. When Christ is formed in a person you are entirely a new creation. The old nature is gone a new is come and you would definetley reflect the nature of Christ in you. The process involved in spiritual formation is prayer.continual renewing of one's self with the Word of God,repenting with humility before God each day of our life and working out salvation with trembling and fear. Quote
JoanG Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 Paul feels responsible for the actions of the Galatian people. He feels that he had failed them in some ways. He feels a need to be there to talk to them in person, to reason with them to do what is right and to help them to avoid peer pressure to turn their backs on the truth that he had taught them. As young Christians start to grow in their faith, they start to act more like Christ that dwells in their hearts. Their actions start to show how Christ is working in them to change their lives. The process involved is to accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. Allow Christ's love to flow through us by our actions and thoughts. We need to get to know the Lord better by studying his words and deeds in the bible. we have to work on doing this on a daily basis. We need to cleanse ourselves or all of our bad habits. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted January 6, 2016 Report Posted January 6, 2016 On 1/6/2012 at 4:15 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul’s grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation? Like parents raising and teaching their children, Paul feels the Galatians are his children because he brought them the gospel and lead them to Christ. He feels responsible for them and their continuance in the faith as he had taught them. When Christ is formed in a person the become more like the Lord everyday. Their life style has changed and they are now eager to share their faith. The process involved in this spiritual formation of a Christian is that there is deep repentance for their sins and a willingness to be Christ like in their lives. Quote
Lionwolf Posted May 1, 2017 Report Posted May 1, 2017 Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul's grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? What is the process involved in this spiritual formation? Paul's first journey established the Galatian churches. He felt a kinship with them much like a father has with his children. The mere thought of these churches turning from what Paul had taught about faith in Christ aroused strong emotions. In essence Paul was upset like a father is when his children falter when they should know better. And like a father he is both angry that they are so easily swayed by a false gospel and hurt that they would turn from him. When Christ is formed in a person refers to the early stages of our discipleship and spiritual formation. This sets the pattern for our life in Christ. Paul saw the danger posed by legalism which can be seen today. Salvation comes through faith in Christ as our savior. This involves deep repentance of our past sins and allowing Christ into our life. This requires time to allow Christ to grow in us much like a child grows in the womb. Quote
Annie343 Posted August 1, 2017 Report Posted August 1, 2017 PAUL'S GRIEF: Paul was deeply disturbed over this crisis as any parent would be if their child was going astray; he exhibited his care and concern for them (likens to birth pangs) on their behalf; he was struggling that they have turned away from the true gospel and consider him as an enemy; he was hoping that his work has not been in vain CHRIST FORMED: it would look like Christ's image, a Christ-like character in their lives; seen being focused on understanding of God's benefits for them PROCESS OF SPIRITUAL FORMATION: have saving faith (internal motivation shown as love for God and Christ as well as for each other); there would be hope as the Spirit works in the believer; evidence from conversion to being rooted in Christ (personal relationship); being "in Christ" and filled with the Spirit; understanding the benefit of being clothed with Christ's righteousness; to live daily with the witness of God's Spirit; learning to follow Christ (pattern for our lives) Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted July 28, 2022 Report Posted July 28, 2022 Paul is grieved due to the fact that the Galatians were resorting to self effort in attempt to obey the myriads of the Jewish ordinances, instead of their previous effort to depend on the Holy Spirit for the manifestation of the Christ like life. The Holy Spirit was not being recognized and depended upon by the Galatians. Christ dwelt in the hearts of the Galatians but inward working of Christ to the outward working of grace was gravely hindered. Their attention was fixed on newly imposed laws enacted by Judaizers. Salvation that is appropriated by faith and good works is heretical. Galatians were not giving outward expression of their inward ability to be authentic Christians. Keeping our focus on Christ the Author and Finisher of our Faith is paramount. Not depending on emotions, Religious experiences, pseudo visions and pseudo theologies. Christ is formed in us as we daily study the Bible, pray, mortifying the flesh (sarx), and daily avoiding the works of the flesh. Quote
Krissi Posted August 26, 2022 Report Posted August 26, 2022 Spiritual formation is God's doing. We merely respond to His act. He initiates, saves, cuts and excises, then pulls us toward Himself. Though there may be Christian traits we share as we go through this process -- less self-centredness; more surrendering -- spiritual formation is individualized. Each of us has God working in us in different ways. It's truly impossible to generalize "what it looks like." All I can say with confidence is the process of spiritual formation is very, very slow. Years and decades pass as He changes us from within. Forming Himself in us ends with our deaths. When we are alive on earth, He pushes out old things to make space for Himself in our hearts and desires. Although we remain who we are, our created selves, we also change. We become more godly in the ways He is working in us, more Christ-focused. But the power to change is not found in ourselves, but in Him. He changes us. We submit. Having said this, it's not as if our role is wholly passive -- submission is hard work and very, very painful. We have to submit ourselves. We have to give up dreams and desires. This hurts! But that's the process. The Spirit must be formed in us. He has to clear a spot to reside. As that spot enlarges, He becomes a bigger part of our consciences and conscious lives and we miraculously begin to be like Him. -- The law, now, is not the Jewish dietary and behavioural edicts, but slavish submission to the values of the day – getting on board with the latest fads, appearances, values and political talking points. Some of us are slavishly submitted to our phones, to constant and meaningless interaction with others. The law is that which guides our behaviour, a scary thought. Quote
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