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Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is “the offense of the cross” that offended the Jews? How does the cross offend people in our day? Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross? Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

  • 1 month later...

(Galatians 5:11) What is "the offense of the cross" that offended the Jews? That circumcision (following the law) was not the answer to be made right with God, but the cross (Jesus and Him crucified) was.

How does the cross offend people in our day? People don't want to believe that Jesus is the ONLY way to God. If they had to acknowledge that, they would have to acknowledge that they are living in sin. Many people don't want to stop living the way they do, so for them to hear that they must repent is offensive.

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross? YES!

Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message? It definitely compromises the true message. It is not popular to tell someone that Jesus Christ alone is the way to salvation. In this day and age of tolerence, many, including Christians, have picked up the notion that we shouldn't "hate" people, and if we stand up for righteousness sake, it is misconstrued as being "hateful." It seems as if people want their ears tickled. They want to hear messages of "God's love" and not His judgement. I believe this is going on a lot in churches today.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is “the offense of the cross” that offended the Jews?

The Jews are offended by the cross because they are reminded that the Jewish leaders had Jesus crucified -- but he turned out to be the Messiah prophesied in Scripture.

How does the cross offend people in our day?

The cross offend people in our day because it constantly reminds them of their sin.

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross?

Yes, the cross is not preached about as often as it once was preached.

Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

Not preaching the cross compromises the true message of the gospel. When not proclaimed, the

hearers receive an incomplete message.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is “the offense of the cross” that offended the Jews? They killed Him

How does the cross offend people in our day? Unbelief

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross? Yes

Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message? A TOTAL COMPROMISE


What is "the offense of the cross" that offended the Jews?

The preaching of righteousness (salvation) alone in Christ. The offense of the cross here refers to the offense to Jews caused by preaching Christ crucified, they were saying that circumcision was necessary. Paul preach of the atoning work of Christ as the way of righteousness acceptable by God. Jesus' work on the cross is preeminently above everything else, it is the foundation of Christian hope. This a stumbling-block to the Jews, in addition the cross was associated with being cursed, for them the two did not go together. They didn't connect that which was prophesied.

In essence Paul was saying the gospel they preached was false and this offended them. To be called a liar offends anyone, even a liar.

How does the cross offend people in our day?

It is yet a stumbling-block today, but for different reasons, flesh and traditions are still the main proponent however they differ from those of the first century Jews.

There are too many reasons why a person will not become a Christian, too many. To generalize the answer I'd say background, current lifestyle, current belief (religious or non-religious). These same circumstance existed during the first century, the same consequence presents itself in our day. If someone acknowledge and accepts the Gospel true, they should no longer live in a manner that doesn't coincide with it, thereby it offends.

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross?

Live no. From things that I have read yes. There have been time that I have heard a Televangelist do so, which makes it difficult, very difficult to listen to one.

Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

Those who do so communicate very effectively, just as the Judaizers while in Galatians did. The leaven in a negative manner has reached far and continues to reach. Itchy ear preaching isn't a new concept, if one were to search you could find some evidence in the Old Testament.

I don't believe it a sin to preach or speak about other things in the Bible, however when you stray away from main element, the cornerstone of the Gospel that is the greatest danger that a person who is a Christ can present.

This itchy ear communication (prophecy, testimony, preaching) is more than a compromise to the true message, it is damming.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is “the offense of the cross” that offended the Jews?

1. The Jewish leaders had Jesus crucified -- but he turned out to be the Messiah prophesied in Scripture.

2. Grace reigns, not law. Jesus' atonement for sins on the cross means that we are made right with God by Christ's death, not by obedience to the law.

How does the cross offend people in our day?

They don't believe that Jesus died and rose again

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross?


Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

Anything which takes away from the word of God compromises the true message. The belief that Jesus died for our sins (faith in God) is the only way to salvation.


The Jews were disappointed to find out their sin when they had Jesus Christ killed--they weren't ready to admit He was their Messiah.

The cross is still a stumbling block today. People don't like to think about something as severe as Christ dying on the cross. Nor do they like to hear that Jesus died for their sins!

Yes, in some places more emphasis is put on God's love rather than His judgment.

By all means it compromises the message. There really isn't a message without it!!


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is “the offense of the cross” that offended the Jews? How does the cross offend people in our day? Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross? Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

That Christ not only died on the cross, but that He arose from the grave and is not there. I think people forget that although Christ died on the cross, He did not stay on the cross. He did not even stay in the grave. I think people want to remember that Christ died for our sins, but they don't want to have to give up their sinful lifestyles because that's 'more fun' than living a holy life, in their eyes. I believe that if we truly try to hold onto a sin in our lives because it's 'fun' to us, and then try to witness Christ to a nonchirstian, it opens us up to persecution in that they look upon us and say, 'yeah, you say I'm doing wrong, but do this other sin. You're no better than I am'. I believe it is very hard to live a Christian life. I believe we really have to be on our toes and make sure we are right before we go out and witness Christ. I believe we lead by example, and sometimes when we show Christ in us to someone living a sinful lifestyle, it can have positive effects in that that person turns to them and says, "I want what you have". And that opens the door to witness to them and conversion.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is “the offense of the cross” that offended the Jews?

I believe the offense of the cross is that "Salvation is a free gift to all, Jew, Gentile, regardless of age, status, or whatever, we are all sinners who need to be saved by the cross." Because they believed they were justified by trying to obey the Law, they missed the coming of their Messiah.

How does the cross offend people in our day?

People are the same in every age. We do not want to admit we are sinners...we'd rather try to earn salvation by our works, and hope no one notices our dark side and secret sins we hide, (even from ourselves), ignorant of the fact that God sees it all, even our thoughts and motives and made provision to clean up our whole mess through the Cross and the Resurrection!

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross?

Yes, I have. Not at the church I attend but I've heard others side stepping the sin issue, so as "not to offend". The Blood offends to the point that we now have people willing to kill anyone who clothes themselves with fur, because the animals blood was shed! I find that so interesting....that is an offense to some, while the One who died to clothe us with His righteousness and gives eternal life, offends many and is ignored in preference for trying to save the lives of animals.

Just this week another well known Pastor in Los Angeles proclaimed that God and Allah are one in the same....another well known t.v. evangelist declared that a huge well known cult "are Christians", even though the men in that religion are striving to be gods of their own planets if they obey all of the rules of the church. (Some of this is ignorance of what those religions believe, and they seem to be trying the old "Can't we all just get along?" approach.

Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

It may help some to feel they are sharing their faith, but it makes the Gospel null and void. The fact is, "All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God"....all except the ONE who died for us. His shed blood is what bought us back from the devil. Without the cross, there is no salvation. Both of the religions I mentioned about ignore the cross and teach abiding by their laws.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is "the offense of the cross" that

offended the Jews? How does the cross offend people in our day?

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the

cross? Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or

does it compromise the true message?

What is "the offense of the cross" that

offended the Jews?

The Jews fear being 'trapped' by the cross. If Christ' death and resurrection is the only way salvation, then for hundreds of generations, as God's chosen people, they have toiled under the law in vein. By acknowledging salvation through Christ they must abandon the law and if not, profoundly face certain spiritual death.

How does the cross offend people in our day?

In our day I believe it is much the same sort of peril. One must put their salvation into the hands of the Sovereign Christ, They must accept the cross as the ONLY way to salvation, or deny it and be destroyed.

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the


I don't know if I would call it 'softening their proclamation'. I never thought of it in that those terms but YES, I would say so. I have communed with many Christian who don't know the true meaning of the cross. I have noticed that some churches do not concentrate Biblical truths of obedience, grace,and salvation. They are afraid to talk about SIN and repentance and obedience for fear of scaring off their paying 'audience. They are seeking to give the people more of what people WANT to hear, than what they need to hear. They are steering away from the teachings of God and right into the trappings of the world. Christ is head of the church, and His people, His flock, the members (the body of Christ), all working in unity for one purpose, the Glory of God.

I am at the point where I have left 'organized' religion and prefer to fellowship with other Christians whom I know from different places, some online, some more personally, and 'home' church directly from the Bible. Also Bible studies such as those given by Dr. Ralph which are solidly Bible based studies. I spent to many Sunday's in my last church listening to statistics (among other 'less important" things) than the word of God. When you leave church THIRSTING for the word of God, it is time to leave that church and find an alternative place of worship. Life 'application' sermons are fine, if the main priority of the teaching is kept in place,and they are based solely on God's word..On any given Sunday we may be likely to hear no more than 5-8 actual verses (usually taken out of context and usually not expounded upon) from the Bible. I may be way off base here, but to me,I would rather delve into the word myself and ask for the my guidance to come from the Holy Spirit, and not from the thoughts of a Pastor whom I think is missing the whole point altogether, and from a church, with whom I feel is more invested in making itself bigger and richer than winning souls.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11)

What is "the offense of the cross" that offended the Jews?

How does the cross offend people in our day?

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross?

Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

Then, as well as in our day, the ‘offense of the cross’ was offensive because it tells people that they are sinners, rebels, under the wrath and condemnation of God, that they can do nothing to save themselves, and that only through Christ crucified can they be saved. It is offensive to human pride – people hate to be told what to do and that they can only be saved at the foot of the cross. I feel there is a definite softening of our attitude towards the Word; this is even happening at our theological colleges. We see Christians who refuse to distort or dilute the gospel being made to suffer for their faithfulness. This softening clearly helps to compromise the ‘absolute truth’; for as Paul says "A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough" contaminating some of our churches with errors and untruths.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11)

What is "the offense of the cross" that offended the Jews?

What offended the Jews in "the offense of the cross" is the facts that, the Messiah died and is the Jews who killed Him and that, now grace, and not the law, reigns; that we are made right by the death of Christ and not by the obedience to the law.

How does the cross offend people in our day?

The cross offends people in our day by such people doubting the true love of God: sending His son to save us and for Christ dying on the cross in order for us to receive forgiveness from our sins. They use the human thinking and doubt whether this is possible: someone to give out his life for another person.

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross?

May be not directly but yes, by how they act. Though some of these people call themselves Christians, their conducts do not reflect the image of Christ.

Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

I think this compromises the true message. As true Christians, we are not supposed to soften the teachings of Christ but to proclaim them as they are.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is "the offense of the cross" that offended the Jews?

Paul was very angry with these Jewish men who continued to bring confusion to these converts.

We do not know who these Jewish men are, nor do we know why they continued to go against the decision of the Jewish Council by insisting the Galatians convert to Judaism and be circumcised in order for them to come in covenant with Israel’s God.

The Scriptures made it clear, circumcision represented God’s covenant with Israel not with the Gentile’s, this is why Paul never preached circumcision for the Galatians, if Paul had “that would have been an offense to the cross”.

Paul through much travail preached to the Gentile’s, it is only through “FAITH” in the God of Israel and the Messiah that the Gentile’s come into covenant with God, and not through the outward act of Circumcision.

The same offense would also be true for a Jew who thinks the act of circumcision is what brings him into covenant with God Almighty, when the truth is it is “FAITH” that seals their covenant with God.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is “the offense of the cross” that offended the Jews? How does the cross offend people in our day? Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross? Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

Christ, the Jews felt died on a cruel cross which was the lowest form for putting anyone to death and this offense spured much anger. Today the Cross offends unbelievers as a cruel joke. Yes it appears that many belivers have become less a light and more in the dark.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is “the offense of the cross” that offended the Jews? How does the cross offend people in our day? Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross? Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

The offense of the cross is that Christ did all the work of our salvation Himself (all of Him not of us). The Jews were used to following the law and being more perfect than others with their pedigrees and other reasons to boast. Can you see some of them while stoning someone secretly thinking "Oh how good of a Jew I am". Not hurting for the lost soul. There was no mercy under the law.

Softening the proclamation of the cross is done by milk toast Christians and makes a milk toast Christianity which I believe God spews out of His mouth. We are wretched, miserable, deceitful sinners saved by God's grace. Totally undeserving, nothing, nothing good in us.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13

Thank you Jesus!!


Paul is saying that the only reason the Judaizers wanted the Gentiles to be circumcised was because they were offended by the death of Christ. They caused the death of the Messiah and it was an offence to them that this was necessary for salvation. Some today are put off or offended by the fact that Jesus had to die in order to make salvation available. When we soften the proclamation of the cross or try to avoid the blood He shed, it invalidates the true message.


“The offence of the cross” that offended the Jews is that they crucified the One that they had been look for all these years. I’m not too sure has the cross offends people in our day. But I do know that it does. It offends them so much that it will make them start cussing at you. Maybe it is because of the joy that we have and can’t have any of it.

I have noticed that Christians have softened their proclamation of the cross because it is so offensive to those that don’t believe. I hope that it will help us to communicate more clearly to our age because they won’t shut their ears as fast. But I also think that it truly compromises the true message.


What is “the offense of the cross” that offended the Jews?

The "offense of the cross" that offended the Jews is that Jesus died and Grace reigns, not law.

How does the cross offend people in our day?

The cross offend people today because some still believe they can get salvation thru their works.

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross?


Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

Softening the proclamation of the cross can compromise the true message. We are to continue to proclaim the message about Christ and not what man wants to hear.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is "the offense of the cross" that offended the Jews? How does the cross offend people in our day? Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross? Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

The "offebce of the cross"that offended the Jews is that the the crucified the prophesied messaiah when they crucified Jesus. Furthermore, faith in the crucified Lord leads to salvation not circumcision. Both these do not go well with the Jews.

Salvation by faith in the crucified Lord is not being emphasised while prosperity messages take more attention in some of our churches today.


The offense of the cross is that which cause offense or trap.

So many christain are trying to impress with outwardly.

It comprmise the true, because they say one thing but do



Galatians 5: 11-12

And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offence of the cross ceased. I would they were even cut off which trouble you.

Apparently there were a group of people that had been making the claim that Paul was preaching that circumcision was necessary for Gentiles who wanted to join God’s family. He used too, prior to his encounter with Yahushua but certainly not anymore. Perhaps Jesus had met them too:

Matthew 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

What is "the offense of the cross" that offended the Jews?

It was Paul's declaration and teaching that Gentiles could join the family of God without being circumcised that caused the offence. Paul wished that these people who taught this false teachings and made these false claims against him were cut off. Seems a bit sarcastic but I believe that Paul meant it to be. His desire is that the people who were bothering them about circumcision would go the whole way and castrate themselves. Then they would be unfit to teach anything to anyone.


How does the cross offend people in our day? Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the

cross? Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message? I do not have any answers to offer to these questions. I suppose you might ask the persons who are offended.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is "the offense of the cross" that offended the Jews?

The Jews had to acknowledge that following Jewish tradition – inclusive of circumcision, was not the way to the Father, and that their works were as “filthy rags”. In essence, that they have it wrong.

Acknowledging Jesus as the way to the Father meant relinquishing their “right” as the only children of God. The offense of the cross is that 1) they had to admit that they were sinners both by not being able to be justified by the law and by killing Jesus, 2) that Jesus has risen again and sits at the right hand of the Father, and 3)that they lost the hold of exclusivity of being God’s chosen.

How does the cross offend people in our day?

Offense occurs when people have to face the truth that they are sinners as everyone can justify their sinful actions and that Jesus DID rise again, and DOES sit at the right hand of the Father to judge the living and the dead. It is not popular to be liberally minded and not judge other people and their lifestyle, therefore it is an offense to know Jesus as a judge. Unfortunately, the offended do not see Jesus as their saviour.

Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross?

Sadly, yes. I heard a hospital Chaplain undermining that Jesus was the only way to salvation, and that any of the chaplains under his leadership caught proselytizing would be dealt with severely.

Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message? No, it just means that our age cannot be at peace knowing that Jesus has forgiven them of their sins.


Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is “the offense of the cross” that offended the Jews? How does the cross offend people in our day? Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross? Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message?

5.a. They crucified the Holy One of Israel (their Messiah). They preached circumcision rather than being persecuted for preaching the cross of Jesus Christ.

b. They do not believe they sin and that they need a savior who shed His blood for them.

c. Yes, it is not preached as it should be and once was.

d. No it does not, it compromises the true message. We fear man and not God.


The "offense of the cross" that offended the Jews was twofold. 1] The Jewish leaders had Jesus crucified and He turned out to be the long awaited Messiah prophesied in scripture. 2]Jesus' atonement for sins on the cross means that we are made right with God by Christ's death and not by being obedient and following the law.

How the cross offends people in our day is,most people don't want to admit they are sinners. They want to believe they can make it to heaven by doing good works, going to church,and living a morally good life.

  • 7 months later...

5a) Offense (a stumbling block, trap, cause of ruin) of cross, offending Jews, was fact that circumcision(law) didn’t make one right with God, but only through Jesus death on the cross. The Jewish leaders &Jews supported the killing of Jesus, the Messiah.

B) People don’t want to believe Jesus is the only way to God.If did would stress to people their living in sin.People don’t want to change, and cross reminds them of their unbelief and sin.


d)Anything that moves away from the true message Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins, and through him alone we are saved, is a compromise.

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