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Q1. (Galatians 5:13-15) Have you ever seen Christians act as if they were lawless? I cannot say that I have seen christians acting lawlessly. I have seen church goers mainly Anglicans, Catholics and Methodists drinking, smoking and partying.

How do Spirit-led Christians fulfill the spirit of the law? By adhering to the direction of the Holy Spirit.

What does backbiting and rudeness in a congregation say about the spiritual climate of that congregation (5:15)? That it has been replaced by fleshy desires

  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I have seen Christians act as if they were lawless. Often the church people treat the "sinner" with contempt, and so instead of bringing the sinner back by serving them with love and mercy, we bite and devour each other by our actions. This climate will tear a church apart. Rarely will a person feel compelled to return to fellowship in such an atmosphere of judgement and condemnation.This is not love.


Some Christians believe that their freedom in Christ means they can behave any way they want and they wear their forgiveness as a license. They have forgotten the golden rule of Matthew 7:12 - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Spirit-led Christians fulfill the spirit of the law by asking themselves, “What would Jesus do?” and then choosing to follow His lead. The climate of a congregation either supports or inhibits spiritual growth and discipleship. Backbiting, rudeness, and any “sins of the flesh” in a congregation grieve the Spirit and indicate the body's spiritual immaturity. A spiritually immature congregation will create spiritually immature disciples.

  • 5 months later...

1a)Sadly all to often Christians are not speaking or encouraging by actions in ways honouring to Jesus commandments, to love God with heart, soul and mind, and to love their neighbour as themselves. b)Fulfilling the spirit of the law is, by lovingly through Word & Spirit,obeying God &his commands,and doing everything that glorify’s God,in humility looking out for the welfare and interest of others before ourselves.

c)Backbiting is evidence of lawlessness and christian’s not living in the Spirit and Word, as do not love each other as commanded to and will destroy each other.Need to put off flesh and live in Spirit.

  • 7 months later...

Yes we keep seeing Christians acting as lawless people.

Spirit led Christians live a life pleasing to God and being obedient to the laws of God and brings Glory to His name.  They have crucified their flesh and act as the spirit leads them.

Backbiting and rudeness will soon destroy the congregation.  Such a congregation is in sin and not led by the spirit of God.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (Galatians 5:13-15) Have you ever seen Christians act as if they were lawless? How do Spirit-led Christians fulfill the spirit of the law? What does backbiting and rudeness in a congregation say about the spiritual climate of that congregation (5:15)?


Unfortunately, the Church is loaded with professing Christians or church attenders who act as if they lawless.  That is no restraint on behavior.  They act as if they never have read nor heard the Word of God. 


Spirit-led Christians fulfill the spirit of the law by living it as motivated by the Holy Spirit . 


Backbiting and rudeness in a congregation indicates that that congregation is not Holy Spirit filled or led.  The climate of that congregation is a destructive one and spiritually dangerous for the well-being of anyone.





Q1. (Galatians 5:13-15) Have you ever seen Christians act as if they were lawless? How do Spirit-led Christians fulfill the spirit of the law? What does backbiting and rudeness in a congregation say about the spiritual climate of that congregation (5:15)?



Unfortunately, the Church is loaded with professing Christians or church attenders who act as if they lawless.  That is no restraint on behavior.  They act as if they never have read nor heard the Word of God. 


Spirit-led Christians fulfill the spirit of the law by living it as motivated by the Holy Spirit . 


Backbiting and rudeness in a congregation indicates that that congregation is not Holy Spirit filled or led.  The climate of that congregation is a destructive one and spiritually dangerous for the well-being of anyone.



Yes.. seen that Christians have acted lawless

Spirit led Christians fulfill the spirit of the Law by fulfilling the Law of Christ.. that is to love the Lord Almighty with all our heart and strength and love others as self. By yielding to the Spirit of God and walking in obedience to the voice of the Holy spirit.

Backbiting and rudeness in a congregation reveals that the spiritual environment is not good and there is no submission to the will of God. There is no walking in the spirit but walking in the flesh which brings about rudeness and backbiting.

  • 1 year later...

I have seen Christians that have felt that they were above the laws of the church, the laws of humanity and the laws of common sense. In a church that has a lot of backstabbing and rudeness, the climate is very dark. The air feels like it can suffocate you. There is a sense of hopelessness in a lot of the people. It is a struggle to sit there and even try to listen. A person can feel that their is no God left to hear any prayers.


With spirit-led Christians, there is a sense of love and acceptance. People feel very welcome. There is a genuine feeling that fills all their words. They are an example of Christ and his love for everyone.

  • 8 months later...

Q1. (Galatians 5:13-15) Have you ever seen Christians act as if they were lawless? How do Spirit-led Christians fulfill the spirit of the law? What does backbiting and rudeness in a congregation say about the spiritual climate of that congregation (5:15)?

Referring to Galatians 5:13-15 I have seen Christians who act lawless by drinking to access, using bad language and when being a boss become bad judges of character by giving into those that cater to them.

Spirit filled Christians fulfill the law by living a spirit filled life and loving their neighbors as themselves.

A congregation that allows back biting and rudeness says that this congregation is living by the fruits of the flesh. 

  • 1 year later...

Q1. (Galatians 5:13-15) Have you ever seen Christians act as if they were lawless? How do Spirit-led Christians fulfill the spirit of the law? What does backbiting and rudeness in a congregation say about the spiritual climate of that congregation (5:15)?

Yes, witnessing Christians being lawless is a painful thing. "Love your neighbor as yourself" is how Spirit-led Christians fulfill spirit of the law. If this simple truth is followed then God's grace is fulfilled. When a congregation becomes led by the flesh then backbiting and rudeness shows this congregation is led by the flesh. Sin abounds. 

  • 2 months later...

CHRISTIANS ACTING LAWLESS: I have seen this in a church and it was ugly. It was obvious that they were hostile to God; there was evidence of corruption in the community of faith; the works of the flesh was played out in the church community for all to see; they had made intentional choices of walking in pride (not love and forgiveness) which contributed to this divisive tendency; they were seen and displayed an unrepentant practice of each one wanting their way

SPIRIT-LED CHRISTIANS AND THE LAW: Evidence of love fulfilling the intent of the law; it was a Spirit-controlled life; their freedom is not for selfish fulfillment but for serving others; the moral requirements were fulfilled; being Spirit-led shows this as the ruling principle of Christian freedoms

SPIRITUAL CLIMATE: it was the imagery of wild animals savagely attacking and killing each other; there was no love but the tearing down of community life and the unity of the church; manifested was a detriment of life and a bad witness of God's people; there would be moral chaos and destruction in their midst

  • 4 years later...

The war in the Ukraine is a prime example.  A war that is fostered by the head of the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH.   Very dismaying indeed.   Divisions between the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox churches have created much heartache beyond words.   Amongst the Amish and other conservative Mennonite churches, their focus has been on various traditions from years ago, instead on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Divisions can occur readily on issues like painting your car bumper, ornaments on buggy horse or particular hat fashion.

Focusing on Christ ! We look to Christ as our personal Saviour;  we truly endeavor to have personal prayer and Bible study time.  As Pentecostal Christians, we want to spread the Gospel light.  Evangelism is burning in our souls.   When all is said and done, we have no desire for the fruits of the flesh.   We have been baptized with love.   Christ puts a new song on our lips, we walk with a different step.

Backbiting and rudeness are indications of falling from grace.   Absence of agape love in the church.  Instead of worshipping the Lord in the beauty of HOLINESS, the congregants have allowed their minds and hearts to full of unholy things.   I have witnessed this in the seminary years ago.  Sad how people allow themselves to let go of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  Perhaps no one taught them the benefits of the "enlarged life""....becoming a true 1 Peter 2:9 member of the chosen nation and royal priesthood.

  • 4 weeks later...

Every poster who responded to Pastor Ralph's questions had seen Christians act as if they were lawless. It appears, then, that lawlessness must be the norm not the exception, a consequence of the fall.

Not one poster thought, however, that he or she had been lawless. 

We all have a propensity to sin. It takes an enormous amount of prayer and effort to behave and think "Christianly,"  that is, with an increasing amount of love toward others. I certainly don't make the mark. Spirit-led Christians fulfil the spirit of the law when they love others, but love isn't black-and-white, but mostly grey. I can love a little bit, an ordinary amount or with abandon. Love is not binary, that is -- I love some more than others. 

The goal is to love more.

Backbiting and rudeness are a sign that the love quotient is too low, that people hearts are turned into themselves instead of toward others. I've noticed that the love-ethos of a congregation is set at the top, by pastors and elders/presbyters/vestry, but the question assumes that the people in the pews determine the "climate" of the congregation. In my experience, this is not true, though it may be for others here.

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