Pastor Ralph Posted January 6, 2012 Report Posted January 6, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? Quote
Commissioned Posted February 27, 2012 Report Posted February 27, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? This patient forbearance is such an important personal character element because invariably you wll come across all different kinds of personalities that you may find unlike your own, but you must shown them a Christ-like attitude. Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? It is so important to have peace in the family and in the Christian community because peace is a character trait that come when we are Spirit-Led. Te manifestation of such peace is a sign of a family and a community that is walking closely with the Holy Spirit. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted March 10, 2012 Report Posted March 10, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? I believe it is important because WE ARE NOT INCHARGE. In many cases, things are NOT moving because God is holding them back for his time just as the statement below by Pastor Ralph indicates. We need to remember, it is not always about us. Blowing my stack could derail or slow down God's work in me and/or in others. "There is a Holy Spirit fruit of patience that comes from a trust in God that he will bring something to pass when he's ready. Patience is a product of a maturing faith, and comes from walking closely with the Holy Spirit." Quote
courageous1 Posted March 10, 2012 Report Posted March 10, 2012 Forbearance is important because it is necessary if we are going to love others the way God wants us to. Forbearance will make loving others more possible. If we react to every little thing that happens to or around us we could never be loving to others in the way God wants us to be. I believe it is important for peace in the family and for peace in the church community because we are meant to relect God to others in our lives. If we don't have the ability to accept how others are, we can't let our light shine. Especially not in the way it needs to shine for those who need to see it. Quote
charisbarak Posted March 11, 2012 Report Posted March 11, 2012 Forbearance comes from really loving others as ourselves--accepting the fact we are all sinners & need God's love. The Holy Spirit allows us to be patient with others, mending & healing within the body--smoothing over the rough places. Quote
PriscillaM Posted March 11, 2012 Report Posted March 11, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? It is essential in our daily existence, we will meet with those persons who oppose us or tax our human endurance. Our reponse to them must be Christ like. Our reaction often cause these persons to stop and ask from where we get such forbearance thus giving opportunity to talk about Christ working in our lives. Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? Without peace in a family it will be always living under stress and unable to solve tits problems.Thus spending less time as a family in family or individual devotion and worship. Lack of peace in the Christian community hinders God's work since the time is spent in beckering on some persons part and others trying to bring these persons together when this time could be spent praying for and working with the unsaved. Quote
hanks Posted March 12, 2012 Report Posted March 12, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? The fruit of patience, as with the other fruit, is not produced by us as believers but by the Holy Spirit controlling our lives. There is therefore no need for a believer to display the works of the flesh as we read in Galatians 5:16, “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature”. Without this fruit, and of course the Holy Spirit, there can easily be disruptive arguments in both our families and our Christian communities. It is this fruit of patient forbearance that allows us to patiently put up with family members and members of our congregation that irritate us, increasing our endurance. Quote
JanMary Posted March 12, 2012 Report Posted March 12, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? Impatience goes along with pride ("Things should be done MY WY and IN MY TIME FRAME!!!) "Love endures LONG and is patient and kind." ICor 13:4. Patience is Who God is! I'm to be allowing Him to develop His character in me. Without it, we act like the devil....pushy, rude, unloving, judging, critical, hostile, ugly. This "fruit" of the fallen nature destroys relationships in the family and the Christian community....any community for that matter! Nothing can shut down our witness for Christ faster than a pushy, impatient attitude! Quote
Travis63 Posted March 13, 2012 Report Posted March 13, 2012 The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? What I gain from the context is that these folks were not getting alone as they should, this patience, this forbearance is greatly important mainly because displaying it a Believer will display a character element in the likeness of Christ. It was so important for the Galatians as it is for us (forbearance = mercy, leniency, restraint, patience, self control) long suffering as, we a Christian adheres to it they are less likely to fly off the handle. The Christian will be slow to anger, ready to forgive upon being assaulted or injured, not allow offenses easily offend. The greatest example I can think of, kinda taking it out of context, however still a very good example. When Christ was upon the cross, so many verbal assaults were cast towards Him. he said Father forgive them for they no not what they do. Jesus also said in Matthew 18:7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! Offense will come however as the Christian adheres to the Spirit vise theirs alone, they will allows this character element to mature within. Whereby they can forbear / restrain themselves and not put Self a.k.a. the flesh first. Rashness and incontinence are adversary to patience, long suffering, extending mercy; how a Christian we respond or react to the opposition can be impactful. If the Galatians were to display longsuffering in addition to the other character elements it would allow them to get alone better. Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? Mainly for the same reasons that it would for the Galatians, displaying long suffering would be reflective of God, He extend new mercies daily. Our doing so would facilitate our getting along, being able to forgive vice holding onto offenses. As we forgive, if we do so it also teaches us to love whereby we become loving. Peace in the family and in the Christian community can promote unification. It allows love of others (an interest for others welfare) more so than harboring a greater love for Self (selfishness). It is important whereby the community, the family can be strengthened and grow. It is important to the Christian for it is a continual process to establish and secure strong vertical and horizontal relationship. (love God, love people) Quote
Lion of Grace Posted March 13, 2012 Report Posted March 13, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? Patience also comes from having a root in love. Impatient attitudes display annoyance, anger, arrogance and can turn into bullying. Impatience hurts people, turns them away....or even drives them away. When we are patient, we are not only kinder to others, but we are trusting God more and more in His will and in His timing. He doesn't accomplish His will in one big giant step like we prefer sometimes. We need to trust Him and listen intently too how HE leads in those situations that frustrate us. It's so important for peace in families and congregations because if everyone had patience and REAL peace, we would all be loving each other better and we would be truly trusting God and being patient in what He is doing in difficult situations. We won't be taking action or even gossiping and talking about things that are merely our own perception of things. God sees the whole picture. We only see a part. God has really been helping me in this area and I'm learning that trusting in His love for me and for others, helps me to trust in His will for situations that frustrate me and I can then, wait on Him in peace, knowing He's gonna do it all just right! It's amazing how much patience that generates! Quote
Highohfaith Posted March 13, 2012 Report Posted March 13, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? Patience is something I personally struggle with everyday. I ask the Holy Spirit everyday to help me with my struggle. I came from a family which were very impatient with each other and the world around them. That's not an excuse, and I don't mean it as one, simply providing a little background. It wasn't till years after leaving my childhood family home that I realized there was a different way of dealing with people and problems besides exploding and yelling. My family did a lot of yelling at each other, I thought all families were like that. Having the mental capacity to realize yelling and arguing isn't the correct way to deal, didn't helped much with my emotional response, anger, and impatience! But praying and asking the Holy Spirit to intervene on my behalf and stop the raging has helped a lot. Oh, I still have an occasional outburst, But I'm getting better everyday, and The Holy Spirit is showing me control I never thought possible for me. Knowing that angry outburst grieves and upsets God helps me keep my cool. I love God and I don't want to grieve Him with my behavior. Patience is an important character quality because without it the world around us can seem very cruel and even chaotic, I can testify to that from my own childhood experiences. Having patience gives one the time to think through a situation, find another resolve beside exploding and saying or doing things which may hurt others. When we let our emotions take over, we're not giving our will to God, we need to give it ALL to God to sort out, and wait patiently. The answer to both is discord breeds discord, And, of course anger and discord are not Christlike character traits, neither in one's own family or in our church familes. As Christians we MUST use the ability, the gift the Holy Spirit has given us, it's already there, we need to learn how to tap into it and use it. We've already been blessed with it! Quote
Delivered Posted March 13, 2012 Report Posted March 13, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding? The fruit of forbearance is very much needed today as it was in Paul's day, LONGSUFFERING and sound DOCTRINE is required so that we may, so to speak, put up with others, and continue to remind the people around us who say they are Christians and yet their lives do not show the FRUITS there of, as 2Timothy 4:2-4 tell us not to EXPLODE, instead in forbearance, Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all LONGSUFFERING and DOCTRINE, for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element and why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? Patient forbearance is a character element of true "LOVE", for love does not want to see their loved ones, friends, or neighbors to ever turn from the truth, they want them to come to the truth in knowing the Word. Patient forbearance is seen in the heart of the parent who continues to be on their knees, even in the darkest hours, praying for their family and not giving up, forbearance is seen in the heart of the believer who continues to pray for the community at large and for those who are in the FAITH. Patient forbearance is needed, for many do not want to hear the truth, that is why the fruit of the Spirit's calling is that we not give up, keep on keeping on, for if we really are living the Christian walk, then our walk will be in the Spirit, even in the times of LONG-SUFFERING. This is where true JOY and PEACE come from, walking in the Spirit, letting Him lead the way. Quote
Jen Posted March 15, 2012 Report Posted March 15, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? How would it look if we were just one explosive fuse all the time? Maybe this is tied with our closeness to God and our trust in Him. If we stay close to Him when we feel our hearts pounding within us and want to revert back to the old ways of "paying back" the Holy Spirit can stay us and provide us with comfort from Him and we can leave the matter in God's hands to deal with as He sees fit. Long suffering can sometimes take a long time of suffering to be developed and matured in us. Have faith, God is able if we let HIm. God Bless Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
Jen Posted March 15, 2012 Report Posted March 15, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? How would it look if we were just one explosive fuse all the time? Maybe this is tied with our closeness to God and our trust in Him. If we stay close to Him when we feel our hearts pounding within us and want to revert back to the old ways of "paying back" the Holy Spirit can stay us and provide us with comfort from Him and we can leave the matter in God's hands to deal with as He sees fit. Long suffering can sometimes take a long time of suffering to be developed and matured in us. Have faith, God is able if we let HIm. God Bless Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
haar Posted March 15, 2012 Report Posted March 15, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? Patience forebearance is an important personal charcter because when we are willing to put up with people especially those who offend us, there will be peace, harmony and unity in the family and the Church. Quote
Jwalane Mofokeng Posted March 16, 2012 Report Posted March 16, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? It is important because if we lack patience now in our daily sitiation it be impossible for us to enter the Kingdom for We must be patience for the coming of our master Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? We know that the devil comes to steal , destroy and kill so we can not afford to let him have a little piece in our lives by letting him to steal the peace our Lord left for us. Quote
Raph Posted March 16, 2012 Report Posted March 16, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Patient forbearance is an important personal character element because it enables a person to tolerate others; even iif they oppose the person. Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? It is so important for peace in a family and in the Christian community as it helps to eliminate confrontations between members of the family or the Christian community as they tolerate each other. Quote
4given Posted March 17, 2012 Report Posted March 17, 2012 Patience or forbearance is such an important personal character element because it outwardly portrays to people if we are walking in the Spirit. Everyday we run into people who irritate us, people who are difficult to be around, people who say things to us that we'd prefer to lash out at, etc. The world is full of so many different personalities and some of those personalities clash with each other. We need to have patience so that we can deal with these people with love. If we don't have this personal character element and fight, argue, blow up at, etc people, then how can we say we 'love our neighbor'? Whether or not we have patience is a reflection of us as a Christian regardless of how much we may outwardly attempt to do in being a Christian. It is important to have peace in our family and our Christian community because it is a direct reflection of whether we all are walking in the Spirit and our love we have for God and our neighbor. If we want to draw people to God, we must have peace...or why would someone ever want to become a Christian. If we have patience for all people, whether family or community, then there is peace. And peace is a result of God's greatest command to "love". Quote
csreeves Posted March 18, 2012 Report Posted March 18, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? Fruit of patient are very hard to learn for it takes endurance to practice. Patience is required for me it has taken along time to earn and not to retaliate. I hope to 1 day will become patience since I am still struggling with anger. Quote
Cocoa Posted March 20, 2012 Report Posted March 20, 2012 Forbearance is an important characteristic because when to live in forbearance, we demonstrate that we are walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Impatience is of the flesh. Forbearance is of the Spirit. Galations 5: 16 "I say then: Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfil the lu st of the flesh." Forbearance is so important in the Christian community so that peace will reign. Galations 5: 15 states, "But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another" Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 20, 2012 Report Posted March 20, 2012 I think that patient forbearance is such an important personal character element because there is seems to always be people that will be getting to you. This seems to be especially true when they are non-believers. If you have the forbearance to put up with them then you might be able to bring them to Jesus. It is so important to have peace in the family and in the Christian community because there are plenty of people out there that is going to be attaching you. It is much easier to stick together when you have peace in the family and the Christian community. Quote
rosegarden Posted March 20, 2012 Report Posted March 20, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? 2.a. Patient forbearance is an important personal character element because it is a testimony of how much of a follower we are of Christ and showing His love and forbearance. We can only do this by walking in the spirit and not in the flesh. We can never win someone to Christ if we are impatient and irritated. b. In working so close with people we, certainly, can get aggravated with some of their idiocyncrities but we need not forget we have some too. In order to have peace we need to let go of a lot of things. We need to ask for God's love in these situations. Quote
tammie7 Posted March 23, 2012 Report Posted March 23, 2012 Patient forbearance is important because you have this to witness and also i hard time and tests. It is important because we have to sat the example of peace to nonbeliever. Quote
Jen Posted March 23, 2012 Report Posted March 23, 2012 Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? Because it is important to God. We are to grow in His likeness who so patiently put up with what I call button pushers, people trying to trap him, being mocked and despised and ridiculed. Have you ever exploded and then felt after that you let your Lord down. It is better to just let the button pushers do their thing than to feel that. Having forbearance promotes peace not disharmony. Let that for the heathens who know not our precious Lord who calmly withstood so much so that we might be redeemed. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
blezed Posted March 24, 2012 Report Posted March 24, 2012 The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Patient forbearance is an important personal character element because it shows your maturity in Christ and that you are controlled by the Holy Spirit not law. Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? It is important for peace in the family and in the Christian community because we will often come under attack and to have patience to those who attack helps keep peace. Again, it shows our maturity and that we are controlled by the Holy Spirit. Quote
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