prophet Posted September 27, 2003 Report Posted September 27, 2003 (edited) We have become a house full of pagan worship or self worship even the gifts that God gives to us are miss used .... If we alow Jesus to fill us each day an we look for the apointments he sets up he will make things happen an i think we will be able to share Jesus right up under their noses untill the end because Jesus walked out from among them an he will hide us also Edited September 29, 2003 by Pastor Ralph Quote
linda biloni Posted September 28, 2003 Report Posted September 28, 2003 I think the reason churches are a hotbed of apathy is because we take the freedom to worship for granted. It's like if we pay a lot of money for something, we take better care of it then if it was something we acquired for free. We can combat apathy by getting excited about what we learn from the Bible and about what God does for us in our lives. Also, we need to share in this excitment when someone else shares what they have learned and experienced in their lives through the grace of God. We lack the enthusiasim of new believers, and we patronize their enthusiasm instead of sharing in it. My experiences with the churches I have been in is that there is more enthusiasm in a new addition being built on the church then there is in the worshiping in the church. Quote
dantanc Posted September 28, 2003 Report Posted September 28, 2003 Many shephards of the local churches are dedicated, nurturing, caring, biblicaly knowledgeble and God fearing, prayerful and take good care of their flock. But when the question of finances set in and controlling spirit creeps in the churches and their leaders, loose sight of Lord's purpose for the Church, their attention and ferver gets shifted and apathy for the Lord takesover. Some members hang on inspite of decreased or low spiritual feeding and activities, but others move on to greener pastures. We should be constantly praying for our pastors and religious leaders, so that God would use them mightily for his kingdom on the earth. Quote
kitty Posted September 28, 2003 Report Posted September 28, 2003 a. Because the church is relaxed in its ways, only wants to do spiritual things when they feel like it and not when the Holy Spirit prompts them to do it. b. To combat spiritual apathy, must be totally hot for God. When the Spirit prompts something to be done, to do it then and not wait. Quote
linda bass Posted September 28, 2003 Report Posted September 28, 2003 Many churches have become apathetic because members have formed their own little clicks and groups. Visitors are made to feel unwanted. Also many churches have become apathetic by becoming spiritual "bless me" clubs. They are only concern with those who are part of their church membership. They do very little or nothing at all to support missions or take the gospel to others. As individual believers we can combat apathy by spending time in our bibles,spending time in prayer, staying involved with ones local church, and greeting visitors warmly among others. Also to avoid spiritual apathy we need to constantly keep our focus on Jesus "the Author and the Finisher of our faith. Quote
Emy Oliveros Posted October 2, 2003 Report Posted October 2, 2003 Many churches are a "hotbed of apathy" because they tolerated the attitudes of their members. As if everything is alright, they were not able to face the reality of their spiritual conditions and so asked God for His grace and mercy. They were so engrossed with their own program that they were not able to hear from God and so ministered through their own might and power but not by the Spirit of the Lord. Pride had got in the way in their service and commitment to the Lord. We can combat spiritual apathy and an insipid witness in ourselves by recognizing or monitoring our progress spiritually. We have to be honest with our condition, if we have lost our first love, let us admit it and then renew our vow to the Lord. We need to grow deeper in love for our Lord Jesus. Let us check our hearts' condition, loving God with all our heart and mind and strength. Let us be our brother's keeper. As we have ministered to the Lord, let us minister to man with the joy of the Lord. Share the love of the Lord especially to the lost. The reason why God prefers us to be hot or cold and not lukewarm is that like when you gargle with a lukewarm water, you spew this out. A lukewarm Christian is a sick Christian and God wants healthy Christians that are of use for His glory. Quote
heatherdills Posted October 3, 2003 Report Posted October 3, 2003 So many churches are hotbeds of apathy because they are more concerned with the congregation' appearance and/or status rather than with outreach and service. We can combat spiritual apathy and insipid witness in ourselves by helping others, sharing our faith, and attempting earnestly to live how God wants us to live. Quote
blb Posted October 4, 2003 Report Posted October 4, 2003 Because there is little if any of Gods true word left in this world today. We can help God Change this by following his Great Commission in Matt. 28. Love our Brother as ourself. If the true Love of God abounds, the true Word of God would not be changed because true Christians would not allow it be changed. but being the self centered creation that we are if I dont feel that its good for me I will change it to suit my beliefs.I feel that God wants to use his followers in the preforming of healings and the going forth to Preach the true Holy word but we will not allow this to happen due to doubt. We can let our light shine for the world to see that the Love of God is in us and live the true life of a God callin Christian. Quote
Hungary Tom Posted October 6, 2003 Report Posted October 6, 2003 We don't see our need for God enough and therefore we are apathetic towards Him. We have made "rules" that we can "keep" and thereby feel righteous and declare our independance from God. If we go to church and "act right" on the outside then we are righteous and God is pleased with us. This is false. We are sinners more than we can imagine. The depth of our sin is deep and our good deeds are as rubbish. The more we realize the depth of our sin, the bigger our God will need to be to forgive us for those sins. If we realize how deep our need for God is, then we won't be apathetic about the grace that abounds towards those that love Him Quote
Nannette Posted October 8, 2003 Report Posted October 8, 2003 churches think that they need not work hard anymore to bring people in and feed them. They dont preach salvation. We need revival Quote
Sharon Darrow Posted October 8, 2003 Report Posted October 8, 2003 Why are so many churches a "hotbed of apathy"? So many churches are a "hotbed of apathy" because Christians are caught up in their work, family, and social groups. I have seen that this pathos begins ever so subtly that we aren't aware that the enemy is at work. The slippery slope down hill begins to take root and we find that we are taking on a double minded way of thinking and acting. Once we begin to compromise on small issues, then it become easier to compromise our most endearing relationship with Jesus. How can we combat spiritual apathy and an insipid witness in ourselves? By becoming transformed by the renewing of our mind would certainly combat spiritual apathy. When we first invited Jesus into our lives as Lord and Savior, He gave us a fresh anointing and we had the boldness to witness His love and mercy to others. We need to remember this honey moon with the Lord, and commit our lives anew to His service. Quote
dparker777 Posted October 11, 2003 Report Posted October 11, 2003 It is easier to just get by than to live your life for Christ, it's not work to sin it comes natural, living for Christ takes sacerfice. God is a loving God he will understand. Study his word, pray constantly, he will teach us what we need to be a witness for him, and how to live. Quote
Liza Posted October 14, 2003 Report Posted October 14, 2003 We tolerate things and it is more of a social gathering than a congregation of people gathered together to worship the living God. When we are more interested in activities, positions and politics rather than God, God ceases to be head of that church. On a personal level we need to keep checking Quote
Helen Posted October 15, 2003 Report Posted October 15, 2003 Leadership is vital in the church. If the pastor does not "see" what is really going on, how will the people deal with it? Israel did well under King David who ruled from a position of great daily, and moment by moment intimacy with God. Solomon began well but lost the plot. One or two other kings brought Israel back to God, peace and safety for short periods. Although there were always a faithful remnant, Israel as a whole struggled when kings compromised. Churches struggle when leadership compromises or won't face up to issues, even though they contain wonderful godly people. I am currently wonderfully blessed by being in a church where humble leadership spends hours daily with God, seeking His face. Pastor rightly insists that this is his role, rather than heading up lots of services. He actively and advisedly encourages people to step into their giftings. This provides what the church needs. He squares up to people with any critical or divisive spirit, and won't put up with it. (No, he is not creating a cult. He checks and accounts for everything with his elders and prayerpartners). He maintains a wide circle of Christian mentors through whom he can account for himself. Our job is to pray constantly for our pastors, and in every way support and encourage their biblical behaviour. Seeking the face of God is the only way. If extreme sports are exciting, try total trust and obedience to God. There is nothing remotely comparable. Get hooked onto this one! One more thing to remember is that John the Baptist prepared a highway for Jesus called REPENTANCE. Where things are not right there is always sin involved at some level, personal no doubt, but often something the church has to make its business to discover, as in the story of the defeat of Ai and the sin of Achan, Joshua 7. New Testament parallels are the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. In the great revivals there has always been much prayer and the routing out of sin. "Taste and see that the Lord is good!" Quote
jlemons Posted October 17, 2003 Report Posted October 17, 2003 Q4. Why are so many churches a "hotbed of apathy"? There are so many reasons that it would take a book to write them all, so in a nutshell, I will sum it up by saying, "we have become a greedy, self-centered nation"who thinks only of ourselves and what we want. We have no time for others or service to others and that is what the Christian faith is all about, "SERVICE". Jesus set the example of service. How can we combat spiritual apathy and an insipid witness in ourselves? You first have to recognize the "sin", confess and turn. We need to ask for a new in-filling of the Holy Spirit Quote
Mike Dickinson Posted October 28, 2003 Report Posted October 28, 2003 #2 Q4. Why are so many churches a "hotbed of apathy"? I believe the biggest reasons for apathy in the church is because of its Quote
WorshipGod Posted November 6, 2003 Report Posted November 6, 2003 People need to belong, by finding any number of people to believe or support your values, morals, etc. will always continue on this earth. We could combat spiritual apathy by fellowship and worship in God Quote
pablo pinel Posted November 9, 2003 Report Posted November 9, 2003 Why are so many churches a hotbeds of apathy? I believe in general the congregations become self centered and may think that they are the only ones that "know" the way to salvation, and in seeing the way the world is continuing to turn towards sin more and more; the proclamations by the juduciary that what was considered sinfull in the past is now by law not so, and we can continue on and on. All these things can cause some to become apathetic and say, "leave them go their way, it's their problem, let them solve it" I believe the only way to combat spiritual apathy and an insipid witness within ourselves is to pry to the Lord our God and ask Him to convict us of our failing, we must remember that He so much loves the world that He gave His only begotten Son, Who died for all, and was raised from the dead and now sits at the right hand of the Father, and that who ever believes in Him and confesses that He is Lord, shall live. Quote
Debora Posted December 16, 2003 Report Posted December 16, 2003 Q4.Why are so many churches a 'hotbed of apathy'? I live in Canada and, Canada is said to have a 'Spirit of Apathy'. A spirit of apathy is to be impassive or indifferent. I think then a Spirit of Apathy is to lack God in our lives having no sign or feeling or emtion or value. For a while now Government here must not consider the word or closes its eyes to God's laws when making some important decisions regarding bills passed for the well being of all living in its country. We are in big trouble especially with the bill on rights for gays to marry. I relate Canada and its state to what Jesus says for the church in Laodicea. We are a country, materialistically wealthy but poor in spirit and grown lukewarm over the decades. At one time in the beginning days we were dependent on God as known in the Confederation of Canada agreement seen in the history of Canada. God as well placed in its Anthem song. We profess now with our lips but not with our inwards in this country on a whole that God is with us. This country has become rich as a nation and materialistically but worldly rich. All basic needs for physical survival of the citizens living here are met. We live where there are many conveniences for living life; there is plenty of food, land, job opportunities, modern in housing development such tap water, electricty..... It is no wonder people fall into a state of apathy, complacency or self-satisfaction, unaware of spiritual danagers. God is being taken more and more out of the picture in this society in many areas of life. Over the decades as the nation continued to prosper people living here I believe will continue to lose sight of God. Mostly, for we have become silenced in many ways. The definition of tolerance has shifted from its true meaning. God holds less and less value in people's lives and we are wretched people as a nation being given over and controlled by the enemy. This nation in the beginning trusted and counted on God and today it seems they have forgotten God who helped them and is helping them. So I would think churches in nations where it is similiar to Canada in what provisions governments supplies for its people would have to combat spiritual apathy and insipid witness in ourselves for the effects of abundance affects Christians too. I think of some countries where there is starvation, wars, lack of housing, poor water supplies.... there people count on God for basic needs to live. Here people have basic needs met and only when they are in trouble or sick call on God. And even then all modern supplies are met for the sick and agencies to help those in trouble. People living in poor countries are dependent on God making us pitiful in the sight of the Lord. Funny how that is turned around. Jesus sees those who are afflicted and poor and he calls them rich. I truly believe Christians who come from poor nations are fervent, hot people. People do not give thanks daily for what blessings we have received in our abundance and who is our true benefactor, God. There are a handful of poor nations compared to an abundant of wealthy nations by comparison in this world. So apathy I can see can become a prevailing spirit to combat. You hear of revival through evangelism in nations. A wave is happening. No wonder there is so much news of wonderful things happening in those countries where people are being persecuted and poorer countries which lack living provisions the people are hot and God is moving there. They are the ones who cry out and God hears the cries. People in wealthier nations do not cry out. Who cry out in need for God. They have so much need. Richer nations peoples has less needs or need for God in their lives. Needs are met. Why are so many churches a hotbed of apathy? I think people and the church have fallen into comfort. The conviences of life are met physically. The attention shifts may go to concerns to build a bigger and better more beautiful houses of the Lord. Some need to get bigger churches for people are coming and they out grow it. That is good news but some spend time on beautification of the house, outward appearances and less on inward work of the spiritual development. People get wrapped up on project after project and programs, events, spending and devoting their time in the house of the God but less time to God in their lives. We need a priority check on ourselves as to time management in giving to God each day. To spend time alone each day with Him. Busy life schedules and influences of the world rob Christian people and leaders' time outside of church. The media comes to mind that plays a big part. We see advertisments every day. Every day there is some sort of a sale going on bombarding our minds with useless things. They are on billboards, on the radio, on the television, in the mail. The world trys to grab our attention and draw us into other activities and purchases of which there is an abundance. Advertising of cruises, exotic vacation travel packages, luxury merchandising ...and many other things in the promotion of materialistic items and adult toys. People's time is goes to worldly enjoyments and entertainments and busy life schedules putting in less time or none to God on a daily basis. We see more and more Sunday people where church is one day a week and when you leave church you leave God at the church door. Churches seems to be in competition like a marketplace like the world is, in selling itself too among people with their programs, events ... and things to do. Maybe it is the priority of what churches place as first on the list, then second. I have heard the term used, some church make it a priority to be seeker friendly. God should be pleased first then the people. Not the people then God. People after while come to accept what is presented as to what is church. That is the view portrayed and not what God designed it to be. Could be mixed up priorities that is causing apathy among Christians. Maybe why we give less and less witness is because what is going on in the world goes on in our churches. We have it cozy and like it as it is there is nothing to stimulate or challenge us. I heard once a teacher from a Bible Study, several years ago, make a remark to me as I passed him down the hall, welcome to the "club". That comment comes to mind. Yes, because some churches are like that. I am ashamed to say I have been to many churches and know I have to plant. But I am trying to find 'that" church that is according to the Bible. In the study maybe I should just realize and have all churches like each one of us is imperfect. And Jesus did say to the people in one of the churches, I see how you have endured and perseved for my name's sake. Sometimes it frightens me for I do not want to be mislead in by whom is leading me. I have taken to know the Bible so I am not ignorant of what God says. This study is so good for me and it came in good time in my life. So, maybe my history of being in many churches helps me now to see what is going on and now look just at my church. It is common stuff what happens in all churches and most importantly I discover is we know what God demands and Jesus asks us to do. It makes me think of that Church can easily become a club for people. So, I think what we put in people's minds or the impression we give of church to the people that gathers is important. What they are raised in may be the only church they will ever attend and depending on the leader all can easily fall into a trap. So it is a two way responsibility, leaders and people. Leaders to know and people to not be ignorant. For what is instilled into their minds and hearts can be the cause of apathy and insipidness of witness. A wrong picture of church may be engraved into their hearts and minds. The ship may have been off course from the beginning or go off course in periods of time. The vision of God and God's goal for His people according to scripture not man's vision and goals comes to mind. Maybe that can be a combat weapon that is to reinforce God's vision and goals, to make it fully known; the purpose of the church for God's people. The Word may not have priorty or the fullness of the word not being revealed could bring about apathy. If only the nice stuff of the Bible is preached people will fall asleep. If warnings are not heard there is ignorance of the word and nothing challenges them in their walk to shape up in their spiritual lives. Churches falling into trends such as prosperity or certain movements may sweep them off their feet for a while. There is competition among leaders among churches I have noticed as well to the numbers, size of church, wealth achieved. Maybe there is a lack of teamwork among churches to be of same mind in the focus of God's ideals. We tend to compare ourselves against another's success, consuming chunks of focus onto projects to enter the competition with less and less time spent with God. Another thing I noticed is control leaders have in the church. Leadership control of the Holy Spirit and gifts to pass onwards to equip the people. I believe people need more relational building experiences with God for example taste and see that God is good. For I know from my experience it is God, after being touched by His presence and becoming fully aware of God real and alive in this world, changed my life to being hot for God, a fervent daily Christian. It was His presence, the Word that made me want to know Him more and more. I read a book a friend gave for me to read and found it so true. It was about pursuing God and I related to it. It talked about relationship. It is relationship that many lack in life with God that cause apathy I think too. Throughout the Bible it speaks about relationship. God and people, Jesus and people, Holy Spirit and people, all interacting in ordinary daily lives. It is those who had relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit that were the 'hot" ones in doing for God, witnessing. I believe too what is lacking is people in churches are not taking responsibility to know the word themselves. How can we combat spiritual apathy and an insipid witness in ourselves? To have revival within our churches a renewing of people's faith by the teaching and preaching of the fullness of the word. Reveal it all. Like in Revelation, the letter to the churches is good example for leaders to talk to their church. Let leaders discern and see what the Spirit is saying to them. Let the leaders talk directly to the people and state how it is, and what we have to do. Give what is needed as Jesus did criticisms, exhortations, correction and praise like a letter to the churches then to us today. Rejuvenate the people by having a downpour of the Holy Spirit in people's lives to renew and refresh them. Leaders, let the people in your churches experience, taste God's love, so they want to pursue God. Tell the people their purpose and God's vision for His people, His reason for church. Let them know their commission as Jesus asks us so to give challenge and stimulate the people. Work together on individual and corporate goal to draw nearer to God emphasizing on Praise and Worship and the Word in Church and daily lives. If we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. God says in the word, worship me and obey me, do as I ask. Develop people in the churches to be people of prayer, make the Church a House of Prayer. Develop the habit in people to worship, pray and read the Bible daily. The church I am currently is the closest I have found in all my days of seeking as to a church that is as is written to be. I know my pastor works very hard that we are operating as church as written and that is a blessing. I do know his mission is to keep Jesus as our first love always. He says we meet the needs of Jesus first then the people and I agree. I believe what our pastor has placed in the church will combat apathy. It also makes for good witnesses. What I have seen in my years being in many churches is that people are trying and think their way is good and right. It brings me to tears for we all want the same goal or destination, to be with the Father, eternal life. But not all will make it as I learn to know the word more and more. God is serious and His Son will judge. We have to take responsibility each for our own self I realize. What brings me hope is that Jesus sees the hearts and minds of God's people others may not but God does. It is not a whole church of people that will suffer consequence because it is astray or on a wrong path. This is encouraging for we are asked by God to be in the church until He comes again. I am somewhat relieved for this worried me beforehand seeing what is and what is going on. For what do I know of the whole Bible and what it says, not all of it but keep myself to learning. Who do I trust, only God it comes down to and His Son and the Holy Spirit. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 7, 2004 Report Posted March 7, 2004 Q4. Why are so many churches a "hotbed of apathy"? Because too many members of the Church are totally focused on the word Quote
wallyb Posted March 12, 2004 Report Posted March 12, 2004 quest.4 ,a.apathy is defined in websters dictionaryas "lack of interest , enthusiasm,and feeling.unfeeling and indifferent."Christ defined the church of Laodicea as lukewarm neither hot or cold. they were worldly wealthy (as we are) there were many churches (as we have) but there was a lack of preaching the true gospel(as in most of our mainline churchs),they had education (aswe have today), they tried to change things by passing laws(as we do today) instead of changing ourselves because we believe the word of God. in other words the Zeal for god wasn't it is in most denominations. preaching Christ's life,death and resurrection and the hope and grace it gives us. Quote
donnakds Posted March 30, 2004 Report Posted March 30, 2004 Too many of today's churches are interested in having a large congregation - they are seeking quanity not quality. The churches are willing to compromise the word of God to keep from offending the members that can give big contribution - The church looks the other way to what kind of life some of thier members lead. They havemembers that are christian only in name and not in action. We can combat this by studing the Bible, leading our day to day lives in a manner that is pleasing to God, Prayer. Serving God rather than "Me" Quote
Shelly Posted June 20, 2004 Report Posted June 20, 2004 We can combat it by becoming aware of our failures and recognizing our need to repent. By keeping our ears tuned to His voice and reestablishing fellowship with Him. Quote
Julie Ann Posted July 1, 2004 Report Posted July 1, 2004 Churches are a "hotbed for apathy", I believe, because they are comfortable with the norm. They are not challenging themselves or reaching out. It's easier to be quiet rather than take a stand. We can combat this attitude by challenging ourselves, staying in the word and prayer. Taking the first step to strike up a conversation is usually the hardest but most times the other steps fall into place. Quote
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