Pastor Ralph Posted January 6, 2012 Report Posted January 6, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”? Can a person be a Christian without “crucifying the flesh”? How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? Quote
Commissioned Posted March 3, 2012 Report Posted March 3, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”? To “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires” means to utterly renounce and turn from a life that "sets its mind on the flesh." It means to get rid of the desires and passion to do those things that is sinful. Can a person be a Christian without “crucifying the flesh”? No, until the flesh is crucified you are still seeking to satisfy the passions and desires of the flesh, you've not truly repented of those things and are not being led by the Holy Spirit. How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? This crop of lukewarm Christians have being allowed to g row because they are not allowing the Holy Spirit to do the work of crucifying the flesh. They are still hoovering in two opinions, and are not truly set free. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted March 10, 2012 Report Posted March 10, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires"? It means to put fleshly desires to death, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Can a person be a Christian without "crucifying the flesh"? Yes, when we start out, we are weak and like children. It is a gradual process. However, we must have a heart to crucify the flesh to allow the Spirit to work in us. How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? By preachers being afraid to preach the truth and sharing situational information to preserve their congregations. In other words, they wink at God as they work to keep the congregation satisfied in its "itching ears." Quote
charisbarak Posted March 11, 2012 Report Posted March 11, 2012 To crucify the flesh is to put to death the acts of the flesh, thoughts of the flesh, yielding to the flesh. The Holy Spirit is to take over!! Technically, a Christian could be a Christian without totally putting aside the works of the flesh, but there would be little growth and not much of the fruit of the Spirit. I think we have lukewarm Christians for several reasons. One is that when people come to Christ they may not totally understand what happens when the Holy Spirit lives in us--they need to be discipled. Many need to be in small groups with accountability, learning from one another. Another reason could be a lukewarm church with a lukewarm pastor and lukewarm services. Those persons are totally being misled. I think going back & getting training in the basics, perhaps with the thought to begin to evangelize, would help them grow. Many are not involved with a body--just attending services & calling themselves Christians. Quote
PriscillaM Posted March 11, 2012 Report Posted March 11, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”? We must let the Holy Spirit work in us to prevent giving in to our fleshly desires.We are always seeking to satisfy our fleshly desires and passions believing thes will brin us joy. But as is stated in 1John 2:15-17 We should, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16. For all that is in the world, the **** of the flesh, and the **** of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17. And the world passeth away, and the **** thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. (KJV) Can a person be a Christian without “crucifying the flesh”? No to be a Christian means to be Christ like. We are told that Jesus was tempted as we are but resisted all temptation and provides a way out for us to also resist temptation. How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? By making them believe that belief in God is enough, Jesus died for all sins so they are not sinning when they sin and that the grace of God means they are so loved they can do whatever they like. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted March 14, 2012 Report Posted March 14, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”? Can a person be a Christian without “crucifying the flesh”? How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? To crucify the flesh with its passion and desires is to turn away from the sin that entangles us by the power of the Holy Spirit. When we are born again, we no longer desire things of the flesh but seek for the things of the Spirit and set out to understand the things of God's Kingdom. I really came to abhor the sins I was caught in and repented of them asking for grace to move forward into what I knew (and longed for) that was right and true. Giving up those sins were healing for me. Can a person be a Christian without crucifying the flesh? Not really. How can we say we are disciples of Christ and not follow Him? How can we "believe" something we refuse to live? If we don't live it, that proves we don't really believe what we may be "saying". It is a process though. I wouldn't want to "judge" anyone in their walk. Sometimes what "we" think a person should be overcoming is not the work "God" is presently doing in a life being sanctified. How have we produced a crop of lukewarm Christians? By watering down the whole Bible! So many use grace as an excuse to do whatever they want. They even accuse others of being legalistic when the truth is told. We are held to a higher standard and to run a race of excellence. But I think the core issue is that some Christians have not understood or taken into their hearts the cross of Christ. They have not understood the love that was shown to them. They don't understand REAL grace because unless you see the magnitude of OUR sin that put Him there, you can't really cry out in repentance of sin.....and then find the grace that is free to US but was a horrible cost to Jesus. That's what changes hearts. To fall in love and with the deepest gratitude that you WANT to change and honor the one who did so much to call you His own. I loved, because He first loved me and I'll never be the same! His Holy Spirit inside us can change EVERYTHING! He can redeem anything or anyone! I know because I have experienced it. You just have to call on Him and He'll help. Every time. Quote
JanMary Posted March 14, 2012 Report Posted March 14, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”? Crucifixion's a death of surrender to the cross. I read once that "the cross is when my will "crosses" His will", and I surrender mine to His. Can a person be a Christian without “crucifying the flesh”? Of course! The thief on the cross became a Christian right there on the cross, moments before he we know there was no time to repent or other things he had no knowledge of...... but to WALK with the Lord involves that "death" of my will surrendered and then Sanctification occurs and brings us baby steps from glory to by day until "that day when we see Him face to face and we will be like Him in character....the flesh will finally, once and for all be in the grave!!! How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? I can think of several reasons....The Blood became offensive to many, and pastors stopped preaching about it. The Holy Spirit's power became offensive or frightening to some and He got kicked out of churches, in favor of the tried and true methods of men and women who "know how it should be done." (Just before we left a church where the pastor had "gone bad", I had a vision of a long train barely inching along up a grade. I noticed that the engine was without an engineer....then I saw the pastor behind the caboose trying to push the train in his own strength. ( I realized this is why things had gone the way they had....the Holy Spirit had been denied access in favor of this man's ego.) One other reason, I think, is that Salvation is preached like it's "fire insurance" to avoid hell....the message from many is "just accept Christ and you're in...check in with Him occasionally...and it's all good." Holiness is no longer preached in many churches which seem more like a Rotary meeting than a worship service. Worship is a few catchy choruses, and reverence has gone by the boards as people sit with feet on the chairs drinking their coffee during the service....."we want to attract we want them to be comfortable."....No wonder lukewarm is the norm. Quote
Delivered Posted March 15, 2012 Report Posted March 15, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires"? Verse 25 tells us, IF we say we live in the Spirit then OUR Walk will be a testimony to that fact. With the Spirit leading the way WE are ready to begin the race set before us, and WE will bring into subjection the old man by "CRUCIFYING" the flesh that wars against the spirit. The desire of a true believer is to put to death “SIN” that held us in bondage, because our “FAITH” tells us we can overcome! Can a person be a Christian without "crucifying the flesh"? A Christian is one who has freely placed their FAITH and TRUST in Israel's promised Messiah, the God of Israel's only begotten Son; God sent his Son and his Spirit so that those who believe in his Son would receive a heart transplant, therefore the calling on the heart will be that of putting the former conversation of the old man to death, the reason being is, it is corrupt and full of deceitful lusts. The reason why believers desire to follow after God’s commands, His teachings, is because we know God loves us and has our good in mind, therefore, when God commands us to put on the mind of Christ so that our minds will be renewed in the spirit, we do so and we will “CRUCIFY” the flesh, striving to be perfect, of good comfort, being of one mind. How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? I believe one reason may be they do not take seriously Gal 5:19-21 now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envying, murders, drunkenness, reveling, and such like: of which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Jesus came to be born of man; he also came to teach us of the deeper things of his Father and His commandments. Jesus teaches mankind, it is by the heart that we are to follow God’s commandments. Jesus teaches us how to keep the Sabbath “Man was not made for the Sabbath; the Sabbath was made for man”. Jesus teaches us what God’s commandment “You shall not kill” means, hate held in the heart is the same as murder. Jesus teaches us what the commandment, “You shall not commit adultery” means; whosoever looks on a woman to **** after her has committed adultery in his heart. This is why it is vitally important Christians “CRUCIFY” the flesh. Many have not chosen to go down the narrow road and are under false teachings - Because man cannot keep all the commandments it is ok to only keep a few, as long as he goes through all the LEGALISTIC forms and rules in order to be saved, such as baptism, going to church, read his bible, do good deeds, pray, do not drink, do not go to dances, do not wear lipstick, etc., they believe that is all GRACE requires in order for them to be in covenant, and therefore all is well with his soul = LUKEWARM. Church’s are full of people who believe it is up to God, he will do it all, calling it God’s grace, thankful they are not under God’s holy laws = LUKEWARM. Paul was having a tough time explaining to the Galatians that the law will never empower a person to overcome the flesh, it is the desire of the new heart to follow after the Spirits lead, that empowers us not to commit adultery, fornication, hatred. The heart tells us that Christ is not expecting from us PERFECTION, Christ is looking for those who are either HOT or COLD for the things of God. The desire of the fathful bride is to march forward to the goal set before her, that of PERFECTION, anything less in the heart = LUKEWARM. Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, let all bitterness, wrath, anger, evil speaking, and malice be put away from you, instead be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you. Quote
Delivered Posted March 15, 2012 Report Posted March 15, 2012 To crucify the flesh with its passion and desires is to turn away from the sin that entangles us by the power of the Holy Spirit. When we are born again, we no longer desire things of the flesh but seek for the things of the Spirit and set out to understand the things of God's Kingdom. I really came to abhor the sins I was caught in and repented of them asking for grace to move forward into what I knew (and longed for) that was right and true. Giving up those sins were healing for me. Can a person be a Christian without crucifying the flesh? Not really. How can we say we are disciples of Christ and not follow Him? How can we "believe" something we refuse to live? If we don't live it, that proves we don't really believe what we may be "saying". It is a process though. I wouldn't want to "judge" anyone in their walk. Sometimes what "we" think a person should be overcoming is not the work "God" is presently doing in a life being sanctified. How have we produced a crop of lukewarm Christians? By watering down the whole Bible! So many use grace as an excuse to do whatever they want. They even accuse others of being legalistic when the truth is told. We are held to a higher standard and to run a race of excellence. But I think the core issue is that some Christians have not understood or taken into their hearts the cross of Christ. They have not understood the love that was shown to them. They don't understand REAL grace because unless you see the magnitude of OUR sin that put Him there, you can't really cry out in repentance of sin.....and then find the grace that is free to US but was a horrible cost to Jesus. That's what changes hearts. To fall in love and with the deepest gratitude that you WANT to change and honor the one who did so much to call you His own. I loved, because He first loved me and I'll never be the same! His Holy Spirit inside us can change EVERYTHING! He can redeem anything or anyone! I know because I have experienced it. You just have to call on Him and He'll help. Every time. Your answer spoke to my heart. Quote
Travis63 Posted March 15, 2012 Report Posted March 15, 2012 What does it mean to "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires"? To no longer intentionally commit the sinful acts, (Matthew 16:24), Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. To die to ourselves and now live for / through Christ, to follow His Will, live by His desire and not follow our own selfish will / desire. We're to no longer "gratify" those passions and desires, or "make provision" for them (Rom. 13:14), but rather "mortify" them and "reckon" ourselves to be "dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom. 6:11). A child of God crucifies their sinful natures by no longer succumbing to their desires and passions above the Will of God. Can a person be a Christian without "crucifying the flesh"? Can one say that Peter was not a Christian? It is not, in my opinion, for any human being to say that a person is not Christian. In regards to a person who has declared themselves a Christian without crucifying the flesh I will say that they are not as faithful as they should be, when they should be. Also that they at moments adhere to their own will / spirit / desires more so than that of the Spirit. Peter had some lapses but I would not say that he was not a follower of Christ. In this very book he and Barnabas had a carnal moment, Paul has as well not always crucified his flesh. A Christian does not have to sin, they (we / I) chose to do so, therefore each moment I live, move and have my being I choose whom I will serve. For is we say we sin not we are a liar. We are not to willfully practice sinning (1st John 1:8). If we sin we should do and Peter and others did confess and repent of them. I believe that a person who has declared themselves to be a Christian, someone that has united with Christ should crucify their flesh. I do not believe that a person who habitually sins are placing God's Will first. The age old debate "Perseverance of the Saints vs. Conditional Perseverance" come in to play. Most are selective when that use either, most of the time when the Law (as some would term legalism) or obedience comes up. Not crucifying the flesh leads to sinning, how do we know we are sinning. There has to be some measure of standard, the Law. There was one Reformer's thoughts that still has a strong influence, basically if a person sins they questioned did the person really believe, did they really accept Christ, where they ever justified? That question, those questions are derived from man and I don't if they have any validity or not. However I do know that there is One that knows all, He knows. I am as well thankful that in the demonstration to Peter about forgiveness until seventy times seven equates to countless (Matthew 18:22). If this is what God says man is capable of how much more is He. You all of the forum may stone me with spiritual stones after this statement. The crucifying of the flesh is a part of Spiritual warfare, however it is not so much a supernatural phenomenon. Each reference mortify, crucify (put to death the flesh) we have a role, a function, we as Christians must take actions. No we cannot do it by shear will power, however the Spirit does not make us do anything. As we renew our minds, as we conform to the Spirit's Will, as we continue in belief, will follow His Will. Our spirits will align with His and we will not long to do as we did. When the desire or temptation to do so arise, we in our renewed state of mind will take the way of escape vise indulging according to our sinful nature. I don't desire a license to sin, I'm just thankful that I had mercy when I did not crucify my flesh outwardly and also inwardly. How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? Just as the Religious leaders of Jesus day most knew the letter of the Law but they did not grasp the Spirit of the Law, or better the genuine intent of the Law as God intended. Mankind whom have been conflicted in their understanding have spread misunderstanding, and even debated over these misunderstanding. Those within the hearing held onto what they deemed was good and did not verify it with the Scripture. So many denominations just as the Religious leaders of Jesus day along with the Scripture added doctrine. Doctrine in itself is not bad, however when it does not align with the Scriptures, and when it is misapplied the doctrine is not good in the sense as being of God. As people walk in this doctrine they are not walking according to the Scriptures, whereby they become lukewarm. Perseverance of the Saints vs. Conditional Perseverance Perseverance of the Saints is the idea that once a person is saved, they are always saved. Because God has elected them and they had no choice in the matter, no one has any choice in the matter of becoming “unsaved.” Proponents cite that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit upon salvation and that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Conditional Perseverance believes that salvation is dependent upon faith. If a person stops believing in Jesus to take away their sins, they are no longer saved. Those who believe in once saved always saved will say that a person would not stop believing in Jesus once they are saved and the situation is merely hypothetical. Believers in conditional perseverance cite that ongoing belief is required in the Bible. Even John 3:16 says “anyone who believes” not believed at one time, but is in the act of believing. Numerous epistles in the New Testament also exhort people to overcome and promise eternal life to those who do so. If overcoming was guaranteed upon salvation, the exhortation would be foolish. Living as I want to live because I believed can lead to people being lukewarmed Christians. Quote
hanks Posted March 15, 2012 Report Posted March 15, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires"? Can a person be a Christian without "crucifying the flesh"? How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? To ‘crucify the flesh’ means we have to turn our back on the old life of selfishness and sin, rejecting it finally and absolutely. This rejection of our old nature is to be done decisively, without clinging to our old passions and desires – in other words they are to be nailed to the cross and left to die. Maybe we have such a huge crop of lukewarm Christians because they are so self-centred and do not take this rejection of their old sinful nature seriously and they are still holding on to this world with its evil desires, and there is therefore not much time to live a life centred on our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Without crucifying the flesh and renewing every day this ruthless and uncompromising rejection of sin I doubt very much if we would be able to become a Christian. Of course, for this to happen we must yield to the Spirit, we must be led by the Spirit, and we must walk by the Spirit. Quote
Jen Posted March 15, 2012 Report Posted March 15, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”? Can a person be a Christian without “crucifying the flesh”? How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? It means to put to death and is only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit. We CANNOT do it ourselves just as we could not attain salvation by works. Yes a person can be a Christian without crucifying the flesh. But he sure isn't going to look like a Christian or act like one. We have allowed ourselves to embrace a shallow culture and not embraced the working of the Spirit in our lives by reading the Word, prayer, and allowing our Heavenly Father to do His mighty work in us. We prefer the easy way out. Not to worry! Our Lord will be glorified as those who do not submit to Him will find more painful circumstances than if they had willing and eagerly accepted the santification process begun in us. May we "Grow in grace so we don't grown in disgrace". God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
Jwalane Mofokeng Posted March 16, 2012 Report Posted March 16, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”? To give up your old selfish feelings and the evil things i used to do Can a person be a Christian without “crucifying the flesh”? NO How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? Lack of faith in what CHRIST HAS DONE the unbelieve REMEMBER YOU WERE BOUGHT WITH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST. THE LAMB WITHOU BeLMISH Quote
Raph Posted March 16, 2012 Report Posted March 16, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires"? To "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires" means to put it to death; to make it cease completely. Can a person be a Christian without "crucifying the flesh"? No, a person cannot be a real Christian without crucifying the flesh. How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? We have produced such a crop of luke warm Chirstians dur to the little faith and the work of the devil. Quote
haar Posted March 16, 2012 Report Posted March 16, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires"? Can a person be a Christian without "crucifying the flesh"? How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? To "crucify the flesh and its passions" means to submit oneselves to the control of the Holy spirit so that all works of the flesh are put to death. That is, we should no longer respond to the temptations and/ or the cravings of the flesh. A Christiran is commanded to put to death, all the works of the flesh and we cannot be said to be true Chriistians if we fail to obey the command. I think our failure to totally put to death the flesh is responsible for the production of lukewarm Christians. Quote
Cocoa Posted March 21, 2012 Report Posted March 21, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires"? It means to not gratify, not satisfy, and not attend to that which is opposed to the leading of God’s Spirit in your life. This means that we need to be in communion with His Spirit at all times, walking in the Spirit so that we will recognize when we are stepping over into the flesh. Can a person be a Christian without "crucifying the flesh"? Maybe a Christian in name, but hardly a disciple of Christ. How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? By not discipling new Christians so they grow up in the truth of God’s Word. Our daily lives are so busy that time for God is often delegated to Sunday. Home groups, or house Churches, with small groups encouraging accountability and discipleship would be of benefit so that young Christians can know the Word and know Him! Quote
rosegarden Posted March 22, 2012 Report Posted March 22, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”? Can a person be a Christian without “crucifying the flesh”? How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? 4.a. Crucifying the flesh means to put it to death, turn away from sin and not by your own will power but by the Holy Spirit. b. Not really, maybe a very weak one. c. Some Christians don't believe they have to die to self. They do their own thing, overeat, watch whatever they want on TV, are distracted by everything. Dying to self, repentance, is not taught in a lot of Churches today. Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 22, 2012 Report Posted March 22, 2012 The meaning of “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires” means we have repented of our sins. We have turned them over to Jesus and we no longer want to do the desires of the flesh. I don’t think that a person can be a Christian without “crucifying the flesh”. We have produced a crop of lukewarm Christians because we are concerned about what the world thinks about us and want to please them and well as God. That is impossible but we continue to try. Quote
csreeves Posted March 22, 2012 Report Posted March 22, 2012 Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”? Can a person be a Christian without “crucifying the flesh”? How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? To crucify the flesh is to deny it until the Christ side gets stronger. No. Many may call themselves Christian when there is no actions. Quote
tammie7 Posted March 26, 2012 Report Posted March 26, 2012 To crucify the flesh means to put it to death. A christain can not be a christain without putting the flesh to death. We have a crop of these kind of christain because some of them don't want to get rid of the ways that they love. so this is way we have lukewarm christain. Quote
linda bass Posted March 26, 2012 Report Posted March 26, 2012 What it means to "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires" is to stop living with the flesh as our primary motivation. When we "crucify the flesh" we renounce and turn away from a lifestyle of sin. A person is not a Christian unless they are willing to "crucify the flesh" and allow the Holy Spirit to work in their life. Just saying a sinner's prayer just doesn't cut it. Quote
blezed Posted March 27, 2012 Report Posted March 27, 2012 What does it mean to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”? To 'crucify the flesh with its passions and desires' mean to turn from a life that sets its mind on flesh. You have stopped living with the flesh as primary motivation. Can a person be a Christian without “crucifying the flesh”? Paul says that many become Christians without real repentance from known sin. But to become a true Christian you must put to death old self. How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? We have produced likewarm Christians by allowing the world dictate how we should live. Quote
Eudora Posted March 31, 2012 Report Posted March 31, 2012 Galatians 5:24-25 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. In contrast, the fruit of legalism that the Judaizers were teaching caused feuding, backsliding, jealousy, ambition, anger, intrigue and envy. What does it mean to "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires"? To do away with negative spirit’s by drawing on the power of God through the Spirit that lives with in us. There is a constant battle going on and we must always remember to submit to God’s power working in our lives when the worldly longings try to take center stage. Can a person be a Christian without "crucifying the flesh"? I suppose anyone can call themselves a ‘Christian’ but a a true believer in Yahushua will seek His kingdom and His righteousness every hour of the day, thereby putting away the desires of the flesh. I think these ways can pop up now and then invited and un-invited but the Holy Spirit, will convict that type of behavior and begin trying to cleanse that jazz to make room for the next conquest to be overcome. How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? By doing away with the very law that Jesus said He did not come to do away with. People think that they can live outside of the law of God because they are told that they can when in fact it serves its purpose every day. It is the legalistic way of observing it that needs to be put away. The Holy Spirit is quite capable of dealing with a servant of legalism. God is Spirit. Quote
RodR Posted May 19, 2012 Report Posted May 19, 2012 “Crucifying the flesh…” means to put to death or reject all things that do not help us become more like Christ. Too often, we lead people to Christ without helping them understand they are sinners and emphasizing their need for repentance. That produces lukewarm Christians who want the benefits of Christianity without considering the sacrifices. Jesus clearly told His disciples anyone who followed Him must deny himself. (Matt 16:24, Mar 8:34) I believe He is referring to our need to crucify the flesh and follow the Spirit’s leading in our lives. Quote
wifee Posted November 14, 2012 Report Posted November 14, 2012 4a)Crucify flesh, means to turn away from life that follows human,sinful desires of interests,feelings forbidden..The Spirit has conquered flesh, now led by Spirit, not under law B)No not free,if not truly repented c)If preachers afraid to teach truth & people misled; if people not discipled in conformin,living out faith ; need to learn from others to grow be accountable & keep walking with Spirit. Quote
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