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Galatians 6:1-5 ¶ Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden.

What does Paul mean, "caught in a sin"?

The law of Christ... Law of Love. Was it ever any different? Yet the phrase ‘law of Christ’ is only found once in the NT although Paul speaks of his own self being ‘ennomos‘, en-lawed of Messiah, or en-Torahed of Messiah.

1st Corinthians 9:21 to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law;

This would surely be a heart breaking time of it, at least in my mind. If one of us slipped up, rather badly I am assuming, we are too encourage or correct if need be; the one who has slipped up and be very careful about it because we too might be tempted and found at fault.

God gave the Torah of truth to His people, called or chosen and through His prophets, those whom were faithful in their house, (their heart mind body and soul) these are the ones that He used and still uses to call out to His family, to come back. The framework of the law is something we can work in. I made the mistake of thinking I had to keep the commandments of God but in fact, we are to ‘do’ them if we are expecting to enter the kingdom. The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

Revelation 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

The central requirement of the Torah (The teachings God gave to Moses and the same that Yahushua taught) remain unchanged, ‘trust and faithfulness expressing themselves in love’. Galatians 5:6 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

Jesus said, If you love Me keep My commandments. This is spoken version of the Law of Christ. The law of Moses (as is said) and the law of Christ are the same. It is like John said, 1John 2:7 ¶ Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning. Bearing one another's burdens is fulfilling the true meaning of the law that Yahushua upheld.

De 11:1 ¶ Therefore thou shalt love the LORD thy God, and keep his charge, and his statutes, and his judgments, and his commandments, alway.

So there is no doubt in my mind that if we follow this path, we are turning away from sin but there are occasions when we do slip up and that I believe is what Paul means, ‘caught in sin’


What would restoration of a such brother or sister look like in his or her life? Who should restore this person? In what spirit should it be done? What is the result of trying to restore a person without humility?

There is no doubt about it. We need each other. Not only for things material but more importantly for needs spiritual. If it is correction we need we just gotta reach out to each other as humbly and gently as we can. When one of us gets sick, we need each others prayers and this is a sample of bearing one another's burdens. Worries or grief are another area where we carry one another’s burdens.

Paul also seems to be talking about comparisons here. This is never a good thing. We each have talents and gifts to share with the rest of the family to encourage and to help each other grow or as is said, to edify the body. We are to be satisfied with what we are given and not to covet each others blessings. We can be happy about one another's blessings, this is different.

The law of harvest is not only that a person reaps what he sows, whether good or bad, but that the harvest is always greater than the planting. What ever we plant we should plant for the glory of the Lord, especially to the family of those who are trustingly faithful. When we sow into ourselves we only sow something that will never show glory to the Lord, so that would be a bad and possibly evil thing because it only glorifies the flesh. We are to do good towards all mankind for the glory of the Lord.

  • 1 month later...

Solange, it is wonderful that you are joining with the people of God on here! Welcome! Manuel, I have prayed for your healing, but even more importantly that you can rest in the knowledge of God's love for you and be able to rest in that incredible Love!


Being “caught” in sin has the implication of being “caught up,” “trapped,” or “overtaken” by sin. Paul cautions that the process of restoration of such a brother should be undertaken by those Christians who are living by the Spirit. The process should be done gently or meekly so that you will not be tempted and “caught” in sin yourself.

  • 5 months later...

1a)When sin is evident,sense of someone being trapped by it.

B)Helping person to restore behaviour to be more Spirit led.

C)Responsibility of church& those who are living and walking in the Spirit.

d)Patiently,gently,meekly with compassion, restoring person to be free to live &walk in Spirit.

E) People may be spiritually wounded &overcompensate due to inner pain.Must watch self first,to avoid temptation to sin raising self ourselves.

  • 7 months later...

Here by saying “caught in a sin” Paul means when sin overtakes someone by surprise and not a routine normal event. It means when we have slipped into sin by heeding to our fleshy desires.




Such a person should be restored by spirit filled people.  People who are not just spiritually inclined but the one’s who are living and walking in the Spirit, led by the Spirit, conforming their lives to the Spirit’s influence.  Restoration must be by the Spirit, not by law.


Restoration should be done with careful discernment and willingness to be patient.  It must be done gently with a spirit of gentleness and meekness.


When restoration of a person is not done with humility, Then the people will feel worse about themselves and they will spiral down further into sin.


Caught in sin means you find a person actually committing a sin and disobeying God.

Restoration of such a brother or sister looks like carrying his burden of sin and restoring him to life.

Restoration should be done by the one who is spiritual and obeying the `holy spirit.

 `it should be done with love and humility and likeJesus who had the heart of a servant

If restoration is done without humility,the person will not be restored ,he will get back to the same sin feeling even more worse and angry.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (Galatians 6:1-5) What does Paul mean, “caught in a sin”? What would restoration of a such brother or sister look like in his or her life? Who should restore this person? In what spirit should it be done? What is the result of trying to restore a person without humility?          


Paul means when one is overcome by sin he "caught in a sin."  The restoration process should be a gentle process facilitated by a spiritually mature Christian brother or sister.   It should done in a spirit of humility.  Without a spirit of humility the person being restored will probably be broken.  There is no place for self-righteousness or arrogance in ministering spiritual healing or counseling to another person.  It should be done in a spirit of empathy, trust, and love. 


Q1. (Galatians 6:1-5) What does Paul mean, “caught in a sin”? What would restoration of a such brother or sister look like in his or her life? Who should restore this person? In what spirit should it be done? What is the result of trying to restore a person without humility?



Paul means when one is overcome by sin he "caught in a sin."  The restoration process should be a gentle process facilitated by a spiritually mature Christian brother or sister.   It should done in a spirit of humility.  Without a spirit of humility the person being restored will probably be broken.  There is no place for self-righteousness or arrogance in ministering spiritual healing or counseling to another person.  It should be done in a spirit of empathy, trust, and love. 



  • 1 year later...

Caught in a sin means that the person has done something wrong that has become public knowledge. This could be something small or something of a huge error. The person that sinned should be confronted in a very loving way. They need too make amends for their actions if at all possible. they would need to confess their sin to God. and God will have to forgive the person and help them go past it and not dwell on it. the person that talks to the sinner will need to be right with God and able to do so in a loving way.

  • 8 months later...

Q1. (Galatians 6:1-5) What does Paul mean, “caught in a sin”? What would restoration of a such brother or sister look like in his or her life? Who should restore this person? In what spirit should it be done? What is the result of trying to restore a person without humility?

Galatians 6:1-5, what Paul means when he says "caught in a sin" is that a follower of Christ has slipped and fallen back into sin. Whether the person confesses the sin or is caught, he needs to be approached in a humble and loving way to repent of the sin.

Restoration for this person who has sinned must be done in a spirit of gentleness, meekness, humbly with courtesy and consideration.

The person to restore such a person should be one who is living and walking in and being led by the spirit, having a life that is under the influence of the Lord.

Most of all the person doing the guidance should be very much in the spirit of gentleness.

Trying to restore a person without humility and having a spirit of condemnation will cause the other to feel less of a person than the one trying to do the restoring.

  • 1 year later...

CAUGHT IN A SIN: someone running from sin, but sin overtakes him and catches him; caught expresses a strong sense of surprise (never suspected) - no one is free of sin for human desires still exist in believers but overwhelmed; detected - pictures a believer unexpectedly discovering that a believer is trapped in some sin; however, no person is better than any other person (we will all stand before God)

RESTORATION LOOKS LIKE:  Acting in submission to God and His word; yielding to the Holy Spirit and bearing fruit; seeking to maintain a good conscience; not comparing self to others but the Word of God as the standard; appropriate confession, restitution, torn relationships repaired

WHO AND WHAT SPIRIT FOR RESTORATION: believer mature in the faith and can handle delicate situations; lay aside attitudes of superiority; being kind, forbearing and forgiving with love and gentleness with a readiness to help; believers who walk in the Spirit, bear the fruit of the Spirit, live a crucified life in Christ consistent with his position in Christ; approaching in meekness.

RESULT OF TRYING TO RESTORE WITHOUT HUMILITY: Exhibiting a judgmental spirit, false pride, lack of love, forgiveness and caring; critical, shaming, slander, hardness, indifference, harshness, rejection, ostracism; displays envy, jealously, arrogance; using person as a public example and humiliating; "holier-than thou" attitude

  • 4 years later...

This means that there were Galatians who were living defeated lives full of sin.  They were adopting the teaching of the Judaizers; their focus wasn't on the Lord Jesus Christ as the Author and Finisher of their faith.  They were in Romans chapter 7, defeated in their walk with God.   They were in a mode of self effort to abide by the legal enactments of the Mosaic Law.   They were quite surprised when the presence of sin despite their good intentions.

They would renounce self effort and reliance on maintaining the Mosaic Law and the myriads of the Talmudic laws.  They would get back to realize that Christ alone is their High Priest.   He is able to be a faithfull High Priest who knows our infirmities.  

The true believer who adheres to Apostle Paul's teachings would be the right Shepherd to restore such  erring souls.  Apostle Paul went through the school of suffering, he experienced the love of God when he wasn't a believer in Christ.  So we must mirror the Good Shepherd in the ministry.   Kindness and empathy goes a long way to win over those in error or those who are struggling in their walk with God.  The Judaizers at Galatians were wanting to wholeheartedly to do right but weren't availing themselves of the God appointed method of living the Christain life.

The mature Galatians of Orthodox Bible faith had to repair the damage caused by the Judaizers.  The true believers were cautioned not to forsake liberty in Christ.  Divine love in the heart of the true believer takes place over the restraints of the Mosaic Law.  The mature believer is to lovingly assist the erring to go to the Lord Jesus Christ in confession of sin.





  • 3 weeks later...

I have never seen church discipline done "right" or even effectively. In both cases with which I am familiar, a elder/leader was caught having an affair, or multiple affairs. Church members gossiped and tut-tutted and then drove both these men out of the church. I happened to see one of them in an airport a few years later who told me he no longer attends church. Though he openly acknowledged his "mistake," his bitterness toward Christians was palpable.

I think the opposite happens more often -- no discipline. In this case, the vestry/elders sweep the problem person/sin under the carpet, pretending the sin doesn't exist. In my opinion, refusing to acknowledge overt sin has a worse impact than driving people away from church because sin-tolerance, particularly of those in leadership, permeates the congregation like an invisible poison.

The question, then, becomes what to do with ourselves when we sin, and whether we trust each other enough to confess and submit to the discipline. Frankly, in the churches I've attended, such a trust and closeness did not exist. Thus, the "problem" of church discipline is really a problem of a deficiency of intimacy, love and trust. We would be able to be humble toward, and before, people if we trusted their interests and character. 

One more thing. Sin is measured on a sliding scale. Obviously, some sins seem worse to us than others, for if they were not, we'd be disciplining and disciplined all day long!

  • So, is my unexpressed anger, for example, something that the church will discipline? Probably not.
  • Will someone's "Enron moment" -- being CAUGHT bilking people out of their life savings -- be disciplined? Probably not, sadly.
  • The sins we seem to hone in on are almost always sexual. Perhaps that makes sense as these sins have such a huge, damaging impact on others.

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