reynoso733 Posted September 10, 2012 Report Posted September 10, 2012 Q1. What is rebellion? Rebellion is takes place in our lives when we decide to take matters in to our own hands. Going against Gods will in a certain direction without the leading of the Holy Spirit. In what way is rebellion as bad as witchracft or occult practices? The Easy-to-Read Version describes this as refusing to obey, being stubborn and doing what we want. Not trusting God or not willing to wait on His timing can be a way of rebelling. We are basically telling God your timing is not as important as mine and I chose to do it may way. Many of the times I find myself being so inpatient. I tell God "if only you send me a sign" and when it doesn't come as fast as i want it to then I assume its ok to go on without his blessing. I can easily place myself in the shoes of Saul. I tell myself "let me just go ahead and assume that God is wanting me to do a certain thing so that I can move on with the next task." But in reality His Holy Spirit is saying the same thing that Samuel said to Saul. "what are you doing????" This is not what God wants from us. Being patient and waiting on his time is what he needs in order for his blessing to come. When we are rushing to move to the next step we dont see or realize that God is working to improve our blessing. To open the door of opportunity we need to wait, be still and listen to God almighty openning the door for us. Then we can walk through to the blessing and His promise land for our lives. Quote
Elema Posted September 10, 2012 Report Posted September 10, 2012 Rebellion is refusing to do what God says to do. I find the comparison of rebellion with witchcraft a little shocking. We sometimes think witchcraft and the occult are things others do not ourselves. Witchcraft is the use of spells and invocation of spirits.When we rebellion it is akin to sending out curses and purposely engaging with bad spirits! Lord help me to understand this revelation deep in my spirit! When I rebel am saying I know better than God on how to run my life and daily dealings with people and situations!When I rebel, I'm the Lord of my life and have taken God's place. If i do nothing about my arrogance, I lose God's favour and blessing. He will find someone else to do the work he had set me to do-someone else who is humble and listens. It is my daily duty to find out what pleases the Lord and do it! When I sense rebellion in my heart I should repent and obey immediately. Quote
ranger Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 Q1. What is rebellion? I believe that rebellion is an individual will-fully and willingly disobeying the command of God to us. How is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? Witchcraft and occult practices are the worshiping of other gods which in direct disobedience to the command given to us by our Father in the book of Exodus 20:3. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me". Therefore those that carry out such acts have bade up in their minds to do so and are influencing others. What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? Satan thought it was about him so he fought against God. Those who rebel against God have some idea or misconception that they know best so they choose to take sides with the devil and worship anything else apart from the true and living God. If there is rebellion in our hearts like Saul then there might not be much hope, but then thank God for Jesus because He alone makes the difference. If we do nothing then there wont be much hope of eternal life in heaven but a life of eternal punishment with the devil and his angels. Saul asked for forgiveness and didn't get it because of the severity of his disobedience. Although we have mercy through Jesus Christ we should not be found with rebellion in our hearts because God despise this type of behaviour. Quote
Thanking Joan Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? What happens if we do nothing? According to the Word of god rebellion is like the sin of divination and arrogance like the evil of idolatory. It is as bad as witchcraft and occult practices because it is a sin which turns one away from God and rely on his or her own evil practices .When we find rebellion against God we must go Him immediately acknowledge our sin before Him and ask him to forgive us and restore us. If we do nothing we will continue to be more deep in sin,we will lose the Spirit of God in our lives and end up with more sin. Quote
Marloes Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 On 7/26/2012 at 4:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? What happens if we do nothing? Rebellion is when God tells you to do something, but you do something else. Rebellion is as bad as witchcraft, because in both cases you don't honour God. Rebellion means you're to arrogant to listen to God. Humble ourselves? Then we turn away from God more and more. Quote
Spencersophia Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 What is rebellion? In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? What happens if we do nothing? What is rebellion? Going against the will of God is total rebellion. We are so guilty at times. It is all about our way. in order for us to be obedient and not rebellious, we must delight in and please God at all times. In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? Witchcraft is understanding that you have actually ascend yourself to a higher authority above God. You tell yourself you are seeking higher powers. Rebellion is actually doing things your own way and forgetting the authority of God. These two sins are actually alike. What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? rebellion leads to arrogance. You know it all. You can do it all. What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? We need to go in prayer with a repented heart. Ask God to forgive us for our sinful ways. Accept God as our Lord and creator and be obedient to God. What happens if we do nothing? The wrath of God will be upon us. He took the kingdom away from Saul. We will actually remove ourselves out of the kingdom of God. Quote
MdF Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 Rebellion is deliberately disobeying God His law, His will and guidance. When we consciously make a decision to go against what we know is not His will for us. When we go against all that God has told us consciously knowing that this is wrong, that we are wrong. Yet we do it despite the fact that the Holy Spirit inside of us is telling us the whole time DO NOT DO IT. STOP! IT IS WRONG. That rebellion then transform into an obsession for some, not all ..but some and we become addicted to the sin so much it then is seen almost as an idol or god of sorts. Think about it those who have fallen into sin have allowed themselves to be snatched back into their past into drugs and alcohol or whatever other afflictions they may have had at one time. That sin then turns into a vicious cycle or practice just as witchcraft or occult practices. Think about those who get caught up in those adult sites are online viewing trying to connect with those who are willing. It is a vicious cycle that can be fatal. Hours upon hours spent on the computer or chat lines daring and dangerous encounters. Some risk their lives for a chance meeting with a model per say that they met online. It is downright craziness! Because of our arrogance, the true rebellion comes out and reveals itself live and in full living color. We are so into ourselves, believing we can do all things; that we have the power and forget all about God. These days and times, it is everyman for himself or at least that is how the world sees it. So, why not take on the whole load and do what we can and what we want? That unfortunately is the mentality of many these days. If we would allow ourselves to be committed to God and learn how to patiently wait on HIM we could see miracles in our lives on a daily basis. I believe earnestly that we are the ones who place limits on what God does in our lives. Because we want everything all things and done quickly, fast on an express time frame. We can’t wait on God so we decide to do it OURSELVES…what a mistake.. When we find ourselves desperate and in need that is the time that we should fall down on our knees. Seek God and his guidance and stop to think about the decisions we need to make. We should stop and allow God to guide us, stop and take time to hear HIS voice and not ours that is screaming from our emotions. If rebellion reveals itself in our hearts the only option is to be honest before God ask forgiveness. Ask for a complete cleansing through the blood of Jesus Christ ask that all roots and seeds be ripped out of our hearts. All things that come against God should be and can be completely removed from our hearts. If we ask, the word say it shall be given, if we seek we shall find. If we believe, we shall receive whatever we ask for in prayer. But, we must pray believing at all times. Because if we do nothing, we shall truly be lost to satan and his demons, they will kill all those who fall out of the arms of Christ. Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted September 12, 2012 Report Posted September 12, 2012 Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? opposition to one in authority or dominance.defiance of authority: opposition to or defiance of authority, accepted moral codes, or social conventions In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? witchcraft is the use of sorcery and communicating with the devil, this puts rebellion in a bad company. Saul, in his rebellion, which is as bad as witchcraft,and in his insubordination, which is as bad as worshiping idols, had rejected “the word of the Lord.” In forceful language, Samuel faced Saul with the awesome rebuke that the Lord “hath rejected thee from being king.” .What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? arrogance means an attitude of superiority manifested in and overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions, with this known, it is like they go hand in hand with each other. The arrogant person will be a rebellious person, because it is a demeanor of evil that has taken complete control of their life, What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? Get it under the blood and ask God to deliver you from the this problem before it consumes my life and drives me to utter destruction, there is only one way God will hear anything you have to say and it will be with humility, and without it you will hear nothing from God. What happens if we do nothing? The answer is above in the last question, but I feel in my spirit to add more because it seems in this "SELF" attitude world of rebellion in every age bracket, unless there is a return to humility as a child, the world is on its way to a point where it will never have a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness. May God have mercy upon us once more before it is to late. Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted September 12, 2012 Report Posted September 12, 2012 Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? opposition to one in authority or dominance.defiance of authority: opposition to or defiance of authority, accepted moral codes, or social conventions In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? witchcraft is the use of sorcery and communicating with the devil, this puts rebellion in a bad company. Saul, in his rebellion, which is as bad as witchcraft,and in his insubordination, which is as bad as worshiping idols, had rejected “the word of the Lord.” In forceful language, Samuel faced Saul with the awesome rebuke that the Lord “hath rejected thee from being king.” .What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? arrogance means an attitude of superiority manifested in and overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions, with this known, it is like they go hand in hand with each other. The arrogant person will be a rebellious person, because it is a demeanor of evil that has taken complete control of their life, What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? Get it under the blood and ask God to deliver you from the this problem before it consumes my life and drives me to utter destruction, there is only one way God will hear anything you have to say and it will be with humility, and without it you will hear nothing from God. What happens if we do nothing? The answer is above in the last question, but I feel in my spirit to add more because it seems in this "SELF" attitude world of rebellion in every age bracket, unless there is a return to humility as a child, the world is on its way to a point where it will never have a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness. May God have mercy upon us once more before it is to late. Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted September 12, 2012 Report Posted September 12, 2012 What is Rebellion? opposition to one in authority or dominance.[/font][/color]defiance of authority: opposition to or defiance of authority, accepted moral codes, or social conventions In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? witchcraft is the use of sorcery and communicating with the devil, this puts rebellion in a bad company. Saul, in his rebellion, which is as bad as witchcraft,and in his insubordination, which is as bad as worshiping idols, had rejected “the word of the Lord.” In forceful language, Samuel faced Saul with the awesome rebuke that the Lord “hath rejected thee from being king.” What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? arrogance means an attitude of superiority manifested in and overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions, with this known, it is like they go hand in hand with each other. The arrogant person will be a rebellious person, because it is a demeanor of evil that has taken complete control of their life, What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? Get it under the blood and ask God to deliver you from the this problem before it consumes my life and drives me to utter destruction, there is only one way God will hear anything you have to say and it will be with humility, and without it you will hear nothing from God. What happens if we do nothing? The answer is above in the last question, but I feel in my spirit to add more because it seems in this "SELF" attitude world of rebellion in every age bracket, unless there is a return to humility as a child, the world is on its way to a point where it will never have a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness. May God have mercy upon us once more before it is to late. Quote
Lenact Posted September 12, 2012 Report Posted September 12, 2012 Rebellion is doing things my way not God's way. I sometimes try to figure out my problems first, get worried and upset . Then I turn it over to God and ask for His way. I'm really working on that right pray first then rest and wait for His leading. Notice I just said I'm working on it!! NO! God is working to teach me to trust Him first! Praise be to God To me rebellion is like divination and witchcraft in the sense reading horoscopes "for fun" and taking it as guidance. For Christians that is rebellion in turning to the world...the stars, God's creation and not God Himself. Rebellion is arrogance in trusting ourselves rather than God with direction for our lives. We must admit our sin, pray for forgiveness and trust Him to move us forward in His leadership. If we do nothing, God will not force His will upon us, but rather allow us to suffer the consequences. We miss His best for us. Quote
wjcargile Posted September 14, 2012 Report Posted September 14, 2012 Rebellion is disobeying God's Commands and doing things my way and not God's way. Rebellion is as bad as witchcraft because it is the same as serving another god or letting an evil spirit take control. Arrogance and rebellion are in the same class. If I am arrogance I am rebelling against our Lord and putting myself first. When I find rebellious in my heart: I pray and ask God to remove it and forgive me for my sins (1John 1:9). If we do nothing, our hearts and conscious grows cold. Quote
joy irowa Posted September 14, 2012 Report Posted September 14, 2012 it is disobedience to God`s command by doing it in the way it pleases us witchcraft and occult practises are demon oriented.Rebellion wcich means disobeying God and doing it the way it pleases us is already against God and as such God is not involved, evil spirit takes over, if evil spirit takes over its occult practise Arrogance has to do with self-willed,having a mindset that i know it better, so for any one to feel that he knows better than God does not have the right spirit, whatever he does is evil spirit that is in charge we repent and have a change of heart by being obedient to God and allowing God to decide for us if we do nothing it can dethrone like saul, it can kill and lead to not making heaven Quote
jonesjp Posted September 14, 2012 Report Posted September 14, 2012 Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? What happens if we do nothing? Rebellion is doing what the flesh wants you to do and not following the voice of God to direct you. When a person knows the truth and uses the truth to misguide others or uses it to practice wrong then it is the practice of witchcraft. Arrogance is the spirit of pride or boastfulness. It prevents the individual from reasoning so that they are not able to see their wrong because they are totally self-centered. We should seek God the more and ask Him to remove that spirit from us. Get into the word and pray the more because that spirit will if continued lead to destruction. Quote
Speleogirl Posted September 14, 2012 Report Posted September 14, 2012 I would say that rebellion is to try to go your own way without God's guidance, which will ultimately lead to disaster. I think that it would be as bad as witchcraft or occult practices because you are ignoring the will of God. You are acting outside of His will and are being disobedient, just as if you are practicing occult. You are worshipping another god so to speak. Arrogance goes along with rebellion because when you try to do things without consulting God, you are certainly being arrogant because you are insinuating that you don't need God. When we find rebellion in ourselves, which I have done many times, it is important that you stop, reflect, and seek guidance from the Father. To do anyting else, would end in disaster. Quote
Rhndwsh Posted September 15, 2012 Report Posted September 15, 2012 1. Rebellion refusing to obey god and doing things our way. We cannot override God decisions He is the Lord our master. 2. rebellion and witchcraft go hand -in-hand especially when others worship idols and praise them as theirr God. There is only one GOD. It's a sin to put anything above Him. 3. When we find rebellion against God in our hearts we must repent and ask forgiveness our sins. (Confess our sins and ask God to forgives us daily). 4. If we do nothing go will reject us as we have shown we rejected him. We must remember that Jesus died on the cross repenting for all our sins Quote
Shogird Posted September 15, 2012 Report Posted September 15, 2012 Rebellion is the opposite of Obedience. Rebellion in Faith is that person willfully takes things in his/her hand, and takes the place of God. Not God but person's ego and will becomes his or her guiding principle. Rebellion is compared to witchcraft. One of the definition of Witchcraft, based on Merriam Webster dictionary, is the communication with devil or with a familiar. In this Bible study, Saul consulted with his flesh and the unregenerate flesh led him to the rebellion. Rebellion and Arrogance in this context go hand in hand. Saul did not seek the meekness but gave way to his ego. When I find rebellion in my heart, meaning I am not following God's commandment, for example fleeing immorality, than I need to stop and grieve over my sins and rebellion. I need to ask God for forgiveness and help to break free from this sin. Jesus with his death broke the power of sin in my life. I need to draw to him more closely. If we do nothing when we see the rebellion in our life, it can lead us to more other rebellious acts which eventually can lead us to our downfall. Quote
RodR Posted September 15, 2012 Report Posted September 15, 2012 Rebellion is open resistance to authority and a choice to “do your own thing” rather than come under the authority of another. One sin is as bad as another and all are a type of rebellion toward God. When we rebel, we are demonstrating arrogance by choosing our own will over God’s will. All forms of sin require repentance. When we find rebellion in our heart and repent, God is anxious to forgive. If we do nothing there is no forgiveness. Quote
RodR Posted September 15, 2012 Report Posted September 15, 2012 Quote from "wjcargile" "When I find rebellious in my heart: I pray and ask God to remove it and forgive me for my sins (1John 1:9). If we do nothing, our hearts and conscious grows cold." I like your answer here. Continual rebellion eventually leads to apathy and a heart that is cold toward God. That's why immediate action is necessary. Saul's disobedience was compounded by his attempt to excuse his actions instead of repentance and confession. Quote
Highohfaith Posted September 15, 2012 Report Posted September 15, 2012 Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? Rebellion,simply put, is doing things of our own will,or the will of the devil, or others teaching religious philosophies which are not consistent with GOD'S will. Rebellion is choosing to obey something, or someone other than our Sovereign King. We must never run from God, but must run too Him, OBEY Him, and TRUST in Him in all that we do! In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? Rebellion from God is putting something else, or someone BEFORE or IN FRONT OF God ( choosing to believe them, instead of GOD)..when one does this they are not trusting in God's word. In this way it is like witchcraft and idolatry. You are idolizing and trusting either others or yourself, not God. What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? Rebellion and arrogance say: I will do it MY own way. Not yours, God. Arrogance says I know better than you GOD. Here, I am reminded of a song the late Frank Sinatra used to sing, and my parents listened to when I was a kid. The name of the song and message was :" I Did It My Way." I don't like the song because in essence it says as long as you stay "true" to yourself everything may not be great but at least YOU did it your OWN way, same with the saying "to thine own self be true"( Hamlet-W.Shakespeare). I do not believe this. First and always we must stay true to GOD and TRUST in His word! If we find ourselves faltering we must seek God's guidance through prayer. What happens if we do nothing? First we need to really examine our heart. We must pray for discernment with the guidance of the Holy Spirit so we can understand and discern what God's will is for us. We must pay particular attention to our heart, our actions and what comes out of our mouths ( for what comes out of our mouths can corrupt our hearts)! Repent and pray continually without ceasing for God's will to be done in your life..not you own..but GOD'S. We must surrender to His power. If we do not we are doomed, our faith is dead, we must repent. "Faith without deeds is dead". We must always seek discernment and seek to know, and apply God's will to our lives. We may not always succeed, because man is born to sin. As Christians, God's will must prevail in our lives and we must keep trying to do His will. "Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled"! A very wise God, OUR SOVEREIGN GOD. told us this through his Son, on a distant hill in a distant land and He spoke to ALL of mankind for ALL of time! Don't ever give up-seek to do God's will always! Seek to live righteously through God. Quote
parkerslope Posted September 15, 2012 Report Posted September 15, 2012 What is rebellion? Rebellion is taking control of my life after I have already given it to Jesus. It is leading a life that is completely control by self. In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? In witchcraft and in occult practices, the participates center their worship on Satan as the god that is in control of their own life. Idolatry is practiced and God is not given any credit for their life. What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? "I want my way." When we become Christians, we turn control of our life over to Jesus and let Holy Spirit be our guide in life every day. Arrogance causes us to take if away from Jesus and do our own thing. That is rebellion! What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? Repent immediately! In humility, give control of your life back to Jesus and surrender your soul completely. What if we do not repent? If our life continues in rebellion until death, then we are lost with the devil. Quote
quilter Posted September 16, 2012 Report Posted September 16, 2012 1. rebellion is doing things on our own. in order not to be a rebel we need to ask god frist thing to lead us to making the right decesions. we need to pray and listen for an answer.when we do things otherwise we are being disobedient to god. 2.we try to find answers on our own. we need to take everything to god in prayer. we are leaving god out and going else where for answers and god is not happy with this 3.we are saying to god i dont need you for my answer or to tell me what to do and when. when we gave our lives to our heavenly father we gave him control of our life. 4. i would ask no beg for forgiveness from our almighty saviour. Quote
deemdee Posted September 17, 2012 Report Posted September 17, 2012 Rebellion is doing what we decide to do rather than what God tell us. Rebellion, witchcraft and occult practices are all disobedience against God. Arrogance and rebellion goes hand in hand. We think we know better than God so we do it our way instead of His. When we find rebellion in our heart against God, we must pray, repent and ask for rebellion to be taking away and if we don't then it is damnation on us! Quote
Old Jerry Posted September 17, 2012 Report Posted September 17, 2012 Rebellion is not doing what is expected of us. Rebellion is as bad as witchcraft because it says that we know more than the authority and we are going to do it our way. It is honoring self rather than God. I think that rebellion is arrogance because we think we know better than others. When we find rebellion against God we can get down on our knees and prayer for forgiveness. We can also read bible to see how we can handle that rebellion and we can also talk to the pastor or elder of the church about it. Quote
Sandra33 Posted September 18, 2012 Report Posted September 18, 2012 Rebellion mean, to do what we want to do and nor the will of God. Quote
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