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A. Doing things our way, not listening to Gods instructions

B. It puts us, our will, in Gods place as authority figure. God alone should be the authoritative leader. Gods will be done.

C. If we are arrogant, think our way is the way to do things, instead of waiting for God to show us His plan, then we are rebelling against God. God has a plan for us to follow, and if we are stupid enough to do what we think will be best, and work best, then we are in a state of rebellion.

D. In our hurry hurry rush world, it is sometimes hard to realize that we might not be following Gods plan. It is important to pray and read the Bible. To center ourselves in God.

E. We perish. God is displeased. Life goes into chaos.

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What is Rebellion?

Rebellion is basically doing what we decide to do rather than what God tells us to. All rebellion is against God. It is a demonstration of self will. It may not be a lifestyle however it may be a certain area of our lives which we refuse to give or surrender to God.

In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices?

Witchcraft directly opens one up to the demonic realm.” (Bevere, 67)

By rebelling against the order and laws of God and His delegated authority, they knowingly grant legal access to the controlling demonic realm” (Bevere, 68)


What does rebellion have to do with arrogance?

Arrogance is somewhat like the fuel which drives rebelliousness. We think we know better than God and we do things and make decisions based on our own understanding. When we really should be trusting in God and listening to His voice.

What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts?

We should come to God. Fall at his feet and ask him to help us, acknowledge our wrong, pray for forgiveness/ repentance and wait upon him.

What happens if we do nothing?

Eventually we would lose our salvation. Rebelliousness will sneak up and grow and spread just like a cancerous cell.


Rebellion is the resistance or defiance of the authority. Rebellions stimulates God's anger because by rebelling we try to deny that God did not create us. We tend to be as equal with God when we don't humble ourselves and do what God requests of us. God created us in His own likeness. He gave us freedom to choose to serve Him or go our own way. Something unpleasant is that we usually choose to do things our way. A good example is Saul. How he chose to sacrifice disregarding the promice of God. If we choose to go our way, do we intend to say that God is a lier? To me, yes. He even tells us that He will never leave us alone. We need to examine and return to God because we can't manage things on our own. (Lamentations 3:40-44)


Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? What happens if we do nothing?

  • rebellion is doing what we think is best, not what God tells us to do. We may justify the actions in our minds, thereby giving it a pass, but it is sin and going against God.

  • Rebellion is as bad as witchcraft because we are placing ourselves on the same level as God (big mistake), and there by giving us the authority to look for and determine the answer. That is what witchcraft is – looking for the answer but outside of God's response and guidance.

  • When our pride and arrogance leads us to believe that we know better than God then we do what we think is best – which is rebellion against God.

  • Repent of this sin. Pray that God would show us other examples in our lives where we are rebellious against him. Pray that God would continue to bring these examples to the surface and give us the knowledge and strength to intercede and do his will.

  • If we don't repent of the sin then the sin will continue to manifest itself in other ways. As the sin continues it will feel softer and softer until it is not viewed as sin at all. It's like the saying that “one lie leads to another which leads to another and another and so on”. It gets easier to lie as the lie and its sprouts goes on and on and on.


Rebellion is doing our own will without considering, or if we do consider, not listening to God’s still small voice telling us to do otherwise. Arrogantly, we think we know better than God. We put God a step down from us (in our minds) and make Him smaller than He truly is. Practicing withchcraft or other similar acts is just another way of putting God lower than He is.


Rebellion selfish acts going against everything God stand for.

Witch craft is evil and teaches self awareness rather than what God teaches.

It teahc you that YOU are powerful and not God. It gives a false sense of being and teaches there is no God but yourself. It places you above God.

As for the occult, it teaches you to believe in man rather than God and that man provides for your needs not God.

Rebellion is selfish because its about YOU which makes you believe you are better than everyone else including God, that is arrogance.

We ca realize our sin and come to God on our knees asking Him to forgive us and ask Him to cleanse our hearts.

If we do nothingm we are without God and a wall is placed between Him and ourselves.


To have a rebelious spirit is to say that our God is unable to do what He says He says He can do. My name is Joe and i have had some time rebelling against God when i lost my wife. So many people praying and i was believing for healing thinking that just because so many of the saints prayed she would be healed. It has been a year and i have realized that God did his will in the whole thing. But my heart went through a tough time even though i new Christ was with me. I am still Praying the Lord fix my heart even though i never stoped loving the Lord i know i did rebell against Him.


1. Doing what we decide to do rather than listening or obeying what God tells us.

2. It like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.

3. It goes hand in hand with arrogance against God.

4. Jesus took your sin of rebellion on himself when he died on the cross. We must repent of this sin if you want Jesus to take it


5. Jesus will reject us as we rejected Him. Doing nothing is a rebellion against God


I am getting started a little late on this study due to some travel. For any who might read this post who are prayer warriors, pray for me to have the perseverence to push on and catch up in this study.

Rebellion in its simplest form is me doing what I want to do. It's selfishness.

Rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft, or otherwise state, like having another god before the one true God because when I rebel I'm choosing to follow someone other than God...me.

Rebellion is arrogant because when I rebel, I think I know better than the One who knows everything. It's, in small measure, like walking into a great banquet room and saying to the master chef's face that I know every ingredient and cooking method that the master chef used (and could do it better) even though I wasn't there when he prepared the meal.

I think that the response when I find rebellion in my hearts is no different than any other sin. I need to examine my life daily, regularly, for rebellion and when I find it, immediately repent. I ask forgiveness of the Lord and ask for His guidance in how to act. In accordance with scripture, I confess my sins one to another. Hopefully I consistenly have someone in my life with whom I can be accountable that I can honestly confess this sin to and ask for prayer and accountability from that person to help me be walk as Christ walked.

If I do nothing, my relationship with the Lord is broken and I have to face the consequences of my rebellion.


Rebellion is doing things our own way. It is disobedience. When we have pride we think we can do it ourselves, our way.

If we find it in our hearts, we need to confess it right away & repent. If we don't we'll be up for a great fall--discipline by God!

  • 2 weeks later...

Rebellion is doing what we decide to do,instead of what God wants us to do. Rebellion is doing things our way rather than God's way.

Rebellion is as bad as witchcraft or the occult in a way because it is just as bad a sin.

What rebellion has to do with arrogance is,both go against God. Often we think we know better than God,so we try to do things our way rather than His way.

When one finds one is in rebellion against God in one's heart, then one has to repent of the sin of rebellion and ask God's forgiveness.

If we do nothing about the sin of rebellion,then eventually our heart's will become cold and we will be cut off from fellowship with God. :(

  On 7/26/2012 at 4:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? What happens if we do nothing?

Rebellion is turning your back and rejecting something God etc. All sin is the same turning your back on the love of God. Arrogance is rebellion against God thinking you know better than God. When we rebell or find itin my heart I need to repent and turn back to him. If we do nothing then we go to to hell.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/26/2012 at 4:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? What happens if we do nothing?

First thing I will do, is define rebellion, witchcraft and arrogance.,

Rebellion- opposition to one in authority or dominance (Merriam-Webster dictionary)


1 a the use of sorcery or magic

communication with the devil or with a familiar


an irresistible influence or fascination

an attitude of superiority manifested in an
manner or in
claims or assumptions.

- Rebellion is as bad as witchcraft in the sense that when we are being rebellious with God, we're telling Him (paraphrasing Saul's behavior) I like your Idea but I will do this my way instead of yours. So here we're depending on our own strength, self-sufficient attitude, the "I" is what matters. On the other hand witchcraft has to do with inquiring the enemy this is also a form of adultery (The book of Hosea has a story on this), so when we mix this two together we're telling God I don't care about your way, I care about my own way and my friends opinions, my back is turned to You on this decision.
-Rebellion and arrogance go hand in hand, since one rebellion is opposing the authority and arrogance thinks I am superior then the authority. So God's advice is not needed since I don't care about what God has to say, and my Idea is better than God's idea..
- When we find rebellion against God in our hearts, the first thing we must do as children of the Most High God is repent, we must confess our rebellion to God, cry out to God for forgiveness with a humble heart. And ask Him to change our ways to help us allow His divine guidance instead of ours no matter how much it hurts, in the process of molding us..
- If we do nothing about our rebellion is going to turn into arrogance, and guess what?!!...... One will suffer the consequences of it.. Which to me is the worst thing that one can experience, I'd rather be cool with God then to be rebellious and arrogant and suffer the consequences..
God Bless and thanks for this Bible study.
  • 2 weeks later...

hello, My name is Lorraine and I am new here.

Q1. (1 Samuel 15:22-23). What is rebellion? In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? What happens if we do nothing?

1. Rebellion is when we put our will before Gods- doing what we want to do instead of what God

tells us to do. We are going anainst God's will - a sin.

2. Rebellion is as bad as witchcraft. witchcraft worships a "mother god" an idol. So they are not

putting God first in their life, just as a rebellious person is not placing Gods will first. This

putting a figure in place for their monther god is idolitry - a sin.

3. we are arrogant when we place our will before Gods will, we arrogantly think we know better

than God and we usually wind up with tragic results in our life.

4. We need to repent of our sins and rebellion, ask God for forgiveness and do as God wills -

obey him and live our life as God wills.

5. If we do nothing to change our rebellious ways aginst God we will risk being turned

away (rejected) by God.

  • 3 weeks later...

Rebellion against God is placing myself above Him in my own mind in any way. In His eyes, this is on par with divination and witchcraft because I have placed another [lesser, flawed, and impure] motive, desire, decision, or action in higher prominence than what He has said is right and true. And, of course, assigning greater importance to anything other than God is idolatry, which is the underlying truth of what divination and witchcraft really are.

Arrogance is an attitude of overbearing pride based on a person’s assumption of superiority. This pride is the root of rebellion, as one trusts self to be more adequate, more just/justified, more wise, more knowledgeable or brilliant than God. When comparing ourselves to El Elyon, what a deluded disastrous joke on us!

Recognizing arrogance and rebellion in myself is a blessed gift of correction from the Holy Spirit’s work in me. As soon as I am willing to humbly confess this grievous sin against God, He is ready and waiting to release complete forgiveness. [1John 1:9] When I resist and fail to do this, it creates interruption in fellowship with the Father, deadens my spiritual ears to Him, and pulls me out of His will/blessing. My heart grows cold toward Him and His Word.


Rebellion is knowing what God wants you to do and deliberately choosing to do what you want to do because it it is more fun, more profitable or more exciting. Even thinking that , I will do what I want and turn to God later. What if I would have been called to give and account for my life at that point?

Rebellion is like witchcraft because you are choosing to put yourself above God and make your own decisions about your life and future. You are placing yourself up as god of your life. Thou shall have no other god's before Me.

Rebellion causes arrogance because you seek what is best for yourself and you place yourself above anything else. You consider yourself to be wise and know what is best for you, better than anyone else. You fall into Pride and Hard hardheartedness. Pride come before the fall and hardheartedness makes you blind.

If you find rebellion against God in your heart you need to confess your sins (the sins that led you to rebellion and that you did while you were in rebellion) then repent, turn from your rebellion, and beg God to have Mercy on you and ask him to cancel the debt that was created against you by the enemy. If you confess your sins He is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins. Don't broad brush your sins, Jesus died for each sin you committed. Ask Him to cleanse you from all of them, each one you can remember bring it to the Cross.

Sins like; lying, pride, hard heart, anger, bitterness, unfaithfulness, selfishness, Idolatry, blindness, willfully sinning, gossip, slander, sexual immorality, drugs, giving up and filling your heart with the enjoyment of sinning, foolishness, blaming God for your life not being great, just wanting to have a little fun and not wanting to have anyone tell you what to do, and anything that you did that flew in the face of God and what Jesus die for on the cross.

If you don't change, your sins will increase the hardness of your heart and your conscience will become more seared and then your pride will blind you from repentance.


God is very big, infinite, all knowing. I should spend my time waiting and listening

Arrogance is easy for me to understand since I rebel against the almighty all the time; not seeking to hear his will regularly, But is it realy okay for me to wander off the path of God who ants to take care of me. I'd rather be grateful for God's presence rather than arrogantly choosing my own way and having to live with the consequences. But I'm slow to learn, and realize that only by reading the bible, and a lot more praying will there be hope for me in contributing to God's kingdom. So I say heaven help us all, as much as we can "allow it" as much as we can surrender to his loving will. Thank you Jesus for dying for these sins we commit in our wanderings from the God who loves us so much.

  • 3 weeks later...

Rebellion is choosing to do something other than what you are instructed to do.

I think rebellion can be related to witchcraft because they are both sin, and cause separation from God.

Arrogance is linked to rebellion, as choosing to do something other than what God instructs, would indicate that you think your thoughts or opinions are superior to God's.

When I find yourself in a state of rebellion, or full of pride or arrogance, I need to be thankful that the Holy Spirit has chosen to chastise me, to show me my disobedience and has led me to the knowledge that I am in need of repentance.


Rebellion is when we trust in our own understanding, knowledge and experiences and not in God. It is when we do as we please and not according to what God has requested us to do.

Rebellion is as good as witchcraft in many ways. A witch or a magician believes he has the power to do the extraordinary or supernatural acts, to bring both happiness and misery in a persons life and many other things. Witchcraft is therefore all about a person believing he can do whatever he wants because he has the power to do so, just like Rebellion. When Saul rebelled against the Lord, by sparing Agag and the best of the livestock, he did so because he was in a position of power and thus could do what he wanted, even though a force greater than him had comanded him to do otherwise.

Arrogance is defined as an offensive display of superiority or self-importance. When Saul rebelled against the Lord's comand, he was indirectly being arrogant as he shows that he put himself (the fact that he is the king of Israel) above everything and everyone else.

I believe prayer and meditation on the word is the answer to all things. if we find rebellion in our hearts against God, we should do this at all times and find a way to listen to him when he speaks to us and to also do as he says and not what we want to do. If we do nothing we are going deeper in the life of sin that we already live in.

  • 1 month later...

1 a,Rebellion is doing what we think we should do, rather than what God tells us to do.

B.Obstinate resistance to God or rebellion, Is as much sin as the witchcraft using evil spirits is sin, for both are sins and allows another god, self,to take God’s place.

C. When we notice rebellion against God in our hearts, God is inviting me in, to confess this rebellion, let it go,turn from it and seek is help to keep us more God focused.

d)If we chose not to repent&do nothing we come under God’s judgement

  • 3 weeks later...

1. Rebellion is going against Gods will, laws, statuet. Bascially doing what we want to do insted of what God told us to do.

2. I think its similiar because your putting your trust in something other than God.

3. Becuase of your position, title, talent, or education you may feel you know best

4. Repent. Ask for forgivness and seek God

5. We would be out of the will of God. We will be seperated from him

  • 7 months later...

Rebellion is doing things our way instead of God’s way which is laid out through His word, the Bible.


In a way, rebellion is not acknowledging God as who He is, the creator and leader of the universe.  It is kind of like what President Bush said which paraphrased is that you are either for us or against us.  Taken this way, rebellion could be equated with any other sinful opposition to God’s kingdom.


When we find rebellion in our hearts, we can pray and confess to God of our condition.  We can also pray to another brother of our struggle.  As it says in James 5:16; “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”  This is one of the twelve steps of many recovery programs.


If we do nothing about the rebellion in our hearts, the devil will gain a foothold which will ultimately lead to death (James 1:15 ESV Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.).



  • 6 months later...

Rebellion is disobeying. It is Disobeying God who suppose to be the King over whole Israel and Saul as his vassal. This rebellion is doing in our own way by denying the will of GOD.


God hates witchcraft and he forbids his children from doing witchcraft. Here we can see in 1 Samuel 15:13-15 that Saul had disobeyed God by not performing his command to utterly destroy the Amalekites. Hence God treated his disobedience as the sin of witchcraft. Because Saul acted at his own way by not acting as God commanded him through Samuel. By doing his own way Saul was demonstrating that he could do things better than the way which God has intended and this is arrogance saying that mere human can do things better than God.


If we find rebellion in our heart we must repent and ask forgiveness from God. Since Jesus had died for our sins God will forgive us and restore when we repent. If we are not repenting as in the case of Saul he will forsake us.


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