Lion of Grace Posted September 10, 2012 Report Posted September 10, 2012 Q2. (1 Samuel 16:3-12) How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God’s voice? What is our instinctive way of discerning? How is God teaching us to discern? How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? How does this story teach us the importance of carefully listening to God's voice? Saul did not listen to God and His instructions. We should be learning from the mistakes Saul made. He became disobedient by running ahead and doing things his own way and then justifying his own actions. He eventually became so displeasing to God that God would not honor him anymore. Saul had become not trustworthy. Those same things could happen to us if we are not carefully listening to God and seeking His direction. We need to act on His direction and stay in His will. He knows best what to do and where to go and who to be around. We also can learn from Samuel who was quick to judge with his human reasoning. This is very prevalent even in churches today. We think we "see" someone of importance and act on that while God's choice may be overlooked because we judge so much by a worldly standard. We need to listen carefully when we discern about others. What "looks" good or is popular is not necessarily within God's will. What is our instinctive way of discerning? By what society labels as good, successful, pleasing or what generally "looks" good. How is God teaching us to discern? How do we listen to the Spirit? God teaches us to be in communion with Him and prayerful when we need to discern about anyone or any situation. We also need to learn the truth of what is in the Bible. That is our handbook. A person can't just look good or sound good. They need to be living a true faith walk. The more we know the Bible, the easier it is to discern those moments when what "sounds" good doesn't really line up with truth. God also teaches us what and how to discern when we rest quietly with Him and listen for His voice. We need to be prayerful. Sometimes He speaks through others too. Our Pastors, Elders, mentors or other true Christian based teachings. Most often though, He has required me to WAIT! If I'm not hearing on what I've asked direction for, I know I just need to wait. Sooner or later, in His timing, doors open or close and He directs a straight path. And He is ALWAYS faithful! If we ask....our eyes will be opened and our ears will hear and we will recognize the voice of our Master. Quote
JanMary Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 Q2. (1 Samuel 16:3-12) How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God’s voice? It teaches me that God always knows what He is doing, and that most times I'm clueless! Samuel would have anointed the tallest, most handsome son, rather than God's choice. It also shows me that God wants me to be dependent on Him, step by step, as He reveals His plan, so that I don't run off half cocked and do what I think He wants when I hear His first life has been one of WAITING, and all of it has had His purposes in mind. So now I do the first thing, then wait for the next thing... What is our instinctive way of discerning? For me instinct is to look at the circumstances or appearances and try to make a far that has never worked out! How is God teaching us to discern? He's teaching me as He did Samuel...He speaks and gives me just enough to know I've heard from Him, then when I begin to move in that direction, He gives me a little more as I "listen" and stay alert to His leading. I've learned over the many years I've walked with Him, that He's not holding out on me as a joke, or to keep the upper hand or anything else, but to teach and train me to listen for His leading and to follow Him only. He's after my dependence, for my benefit so that I can walk in His light which has built our relationship and added to my joy! An experience several years ago affected me in a profound way regarding how He leads. At a retreat with a dear friend, another woman was holding the flashlight to lead us back through the pitch black night at the campground after the evening session. When she shined the light several feet ahead, we stumbled, as we could not see that the path was winding, bumpy and going down hill. She then shined it right in front of our next step, and even though that's all we could see, the way was certain, and we found our way "home" one step at a time. I blurted out, half kidding "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path".....but He taught me a profound lesson in His guidance technique! How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? Desire and practice! Sometimes long years of practice, and sometimes through mistakes such as hearing my own "voice", because that's what I want at the time, or "hearing" from others who think they know best, or in one case for me, "hearing" and "seeing" a beautiful angel of light, who spoke to me...but who lied. It was only then I learned that even Satan and demons "speak", so it's imperative that we learn to hear the Shepherd's voice and then follow only Him. I hear best when my need is great and I am focused and listening. I read one time that He is speaking all the time, but we don't "hear" because we are not listening. Quote
Inez45 Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God's voice? It teaches me that when God speak to us (through His Word, dreams, visions, prophesy, etc…) it is important to hear and listening to him and take heed to His instruction. As Samuel did, Lean not on our own understanding and listen to God. God wants us to acknowledge Him in everything we do and He will direct our path. (Prov. 3:6) What is our instinctive way of discerning? I think we all have a natural instinct or as a woman I would call it a woman’s intuitions or from our natural human behavior nature. However, from a spiritual stand point we need the gift of Holy Spirit to discern the things that are good and evil. How is God teaching us to discern? Reading His word and having a relationship Him. Communicating with Him through the holy spirit. How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? I agree with Dr. Wilson when he said “We need spiritual sight and discernment…Samuel has natural instincts, but is mature enough to listen to the Holy Spirit and hear God's voice, to base his actions on what he hears from God...” We must commune with God daily and as we grow we will start to listen to the spirit of God and then start trusting and following His direction. Quote
PATCH Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God's voice? It is important to listen carefully to God's voice so that we 1) do not miss God's calling by not doing what we are supposed to do; 2) do not misinterpret what God has asked us to do and hence doing to wrong things or doing them the wrong way; 3) do not cave in to our own desires What is our instinctive way of discerning? We tend to discern based on 1) past experiences - we rely on our past experiences to help us make decisions; 2) we judge a book by its cover - we tend to think that people who appear to be holy, educated, perfect in their behaviour are the ones worthy to be called in the Kingdom of God; 3) human intellect - God's ways are higher than our ways but at all times, we tend to make decisions based on our human wisdom How is God teaching us to discern? He instructs, directs and guides us one step at a time. This way, we do not run ahead of ourselves and make a mess out of everything. How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? We learn to listen to the Spirit by 1) reading God's word 2) obeying His commandments 3) knowing his character, his promises, etc 4) praying and spending time with Him If we do not know God we will never be able to know when and if He is speaking to us. We can confirm it is His Spirit speaking to us through His word. God will never ask us to do anything which is contrary to His character and His word. Quote
Thanking Joan Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 We must always have a listening ear and sensitive to the voice of the Holy spirit in us. In this story Samuel was careful to listen and not do hwat he thought wpuld be the best to do. Our flesh and mind may sometimes be against the Spirit and we may tend to do and hear things what our flesh would direct us than actually hearing God. By hearing God we will do what God wants us to do and it will result in a blessing. If we do not hear him we end up in wrong doings and failures. Samuel annointed David as he heard God and not his intellect to chose the right King Our insinctive way of discerning is to follow our mind in a given situation. We tend to take immediate actions rather than spending time in the presence of God and hearing Him what he has to say and guide us to do. God is teaching us to discern by being calm and getting into His presence,and reading His word to know what he wants us to do. A continual spirit of praise thanks and worship keeps me in tune with Gods word and his teachings and I am able to hear his voice more clearly. We learn to listen to the Holy spirit when we surrender ourselves totally to God. We put Gods word first and do accordingly though we may be tempted to do things our way. Prayer praise and worship reading the word will help us to listen to the Spirit of God. We must be filled with his Spirit thorough prayer daily so that we can hear Him Quote
Clifford Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God's voice? The first part of the story we see that Samuel was lamenting for Saul and holed up at home. Then God told Samuel, as he did with Joshua, stop your pouting and do something about it. There is a time to mourn and a time to act. If we are listening to God we must be prepared to do something that might go against our human nature or public opinion. What is our instinctive way of discerning? Our instinctive way of discerning comes from our culture, upbringing, prejudices, and by what we see and hear. How is God teaching us to discern? God tells us to discern using "spiritual sight" not using our own reason. Sounds to me we need to be in constant prayer and communication with God when it comes to understanding what God's will is. Of course, we do have His word that will also help us guide us in the decisions that we make. How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? One step at a time. One day at a time. One circumstance at a time. In Sameul's case, one son at a time. Quote
Marloes Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 Q2. (1 Samuel 16:3-12) How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God’s voice? What is our instinctive way of discerning? How is God teaching us to discern? How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? We judge by outer appearance. God however judges the heart. To check if our thoughts are compatible with the Bible? Quote
Waldo Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 Unless we hear what God is actually saying we may end up being carried away by the outward and circumstancial evidence. Deception then comes from our own carnal perception of reality rather than by the enemy of our souls. My instinctive way of discerning is to let appearance or circumstances give me an overall sense of figuring out people or situations. God is teaching us here to first have an appreciation for His voice (the still small voice) and relying on that (besides the general revelation of Scriptures which is foundational) more than what we perceive with our 5 physical senses. This is what I would consider as crucial ways to learn how to listen to the Spirit: - practicing the presence of Jesus (making a conscious effort of our minds to believe that He is with us no matter what we do, say or think and wherever we go); - inviting the presence of the Holy Spirit into our day and various situations we may face during a given day; - just take time from time to time to stop from our daily routines and become conscious of His presence by just being still and quieting our minds; - exercising our ability to listen to His voice by giving time to quiet listening during devotional times... Quote
Waldo Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 Unless we hear what God is actually saying we may end up being carried away by the outward and circumstancial evidence. Deception then comes from our own carnal perception of reality rather than from the enemy of our souls. My instinctive way of discerning is to let appearance or circumstances give me an overall sense of figuring out people or situations. God is teaching us here to first have an appreciation for His voice (the still small voice) and relying on that (besides the general revelation of Scriptures which is foundational) more than what we perceive with our 5 physical senses. This is what I would consider as crucial ways to learn how to listen to the Spirit: - practicing the presence of Jesus (making a conscious effort of our minds to believe that He is with us no matter what we do, say or think and wherever we go); - inviting the presence of the Holy Spirit into our day and various situations we may face during a given day; - just take time from time to time to stop from our daily routines and become conscious of His presence by just being still and quieting our minds; - exercising our ability to listen to His voice by giving time to quiet listening during devotional times... Quote
Waldo Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 I would also add that having a good foundation of Scripture knowledge is a great thing but will not necessarily ensure that our lives are led by the Spirit! I've known good people that knew the Bible and were able to even quote it to the dot. However they faced situations in life were they didn't have the confidence and faith that brings the daily tuning in to the voice of Jesus as the Truth of our lives. Our relying on just Scriptural knowledge is not sufficient to be able to discern the deeper issues of life. We've got to tune in to His voice. Indeed His sheep hear His voice and follow Him... Quote
MdF Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 Many may find it hard to believe but it is very important for us that we must listen very carefully to God’s voice. If we make a conscious decision not to listen to the voice of God then we are destined for failure in all that we do. We make that conscious decision ourselves to close the door that God has opened for us. It is as if we are saying “Thanks God, but no Thanks” How crazy does that sound? But, that is exactly what happened here with Saul he was called to serve, predestined, preselected and anointed as a KING..HELLO King I said. Yet, when God gave him specific instructions on how to lead, fight his battles and guide his army. Saul revealed to God who he really was…a rebellious, uncaring man with an arrogant attitude. Wow…that sounds like many of us walking on earth today. He consciously made a decision to keep the cattle of the enemy even though he was instructed by God to destroy everything! That is how many of us today who live in complete rebellion against God. When someone has an intimate relationship with God, they are able to hear HIS voice. They have a connection with the Holy Spirit and a constant open door with God so that the discernment is there. Those who are walking in rebellion and living carelessly have no communication with God, they know not the Holy Spirit and will never know what discernment is. God teaches us that discernment is to be in constant communication with him alone and not the world. Not our friends advice or counseling but God’s advice and counseling. He allows us to go through hard times every now and again so that we can learn to depend on him more and more. Just like a child turns to her father when she takes her first baby steps, she looks to him for guidance and assurance. She knows that at any given moment she may fall or tip over from side to side. She may be walking all wobbley but she knows that her father is there guiding her every step she takes in his direction. This is what God wants us to do with him. Look to him alone; find our assurance in him and to trust in HIM alone and no one else. Once we learn to do this it is the step that will take us to learn how to listen to the spirit and how to be obedient. Quote
Soulout4jesus Posted September 11, 2012 Report Posted September 11, 2012 1. We must listen God's voice so we don't stray and go our own way. 2. Listening to that still small voice. 3.By leading us step by step, a little at a time. 4.By making sure what we do lines up with the word of God. Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted September 12, 2012 Report Posted September 12, 2012 Q2. (1 Samuel 16:3-12) How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God's voice? God assured him of the divine guidance, saying "I will show thee what thou shalt do" What is our instinctive way of discerning? discerning comes from learning the voice of God, we tend to listen to man's voice instead of God's. It will always be right and in order when the Lord has given you the release that the decision was right. How is God teaching us to discern? With every task that you have been assigned to do for the work of the church or God's people having that close fellowship with God in our prayer lives, the closer you get to God the more you think like God, The whole point is that God can see the heart and we cannot. How do we learn to listen to the Spirit?The way I know the Spirit is that every day I pray until the Holy Spirit takes over and starts praying for me. The more I pray the closer I get to God. This has been a very real way of life for me this year, I separated myself from everything for 30 days to find out the way God would have me to go. From that time on there has never been a time when I did not feel the presence of God around me. It taught me one thing you can get just as close to God as you want to get. Quote
vmoses Posted September 12, 2012 Report Posted September 12, 2012 It is vital to hear God's voice. It is our prerequisite to do God’s work and implement God’s plan. Even our salvation starts, with "faith comes by hearing by the Word of God." Rom10:17 We have to learn to close our eyes and just listen for that still, small Voice. God’s Voice comes to me when I put myself in the quiet stillness. It is very important to read and pray for Holy Spirit to speak to you. When you listen to God‘s voice you have peace, power to get out of the flesh driven sin. Quote
pegilee Posted September 12, 2012 Report Posted September 12, 2012 I believe by listening to God's voice and listening carefully, we learn how to do what Jesus would want us to do. If we listen carefully, He actually audibly speaks to us and tells us what we need to do. If we listen to Jesus with an open heart and mind, then we can discern and make the decisions we need to make...........God teaches us how to discern, by listening to Him........To listen to the Spirit, we need to put all else out of our minds and thoughts, and really listen for Jesus to speak to us, with His still small voice. Quote
bless Posted September 14, 2012 Report Posted September 14, 2012 1 Samuel 16:3-12) How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God’s voice? What is our instinctive way of discerning? How is God teaching us to discern? How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? A. It teaches me not to assume but to be prayerful about all things. To stop moving ahead of God just cause the package is pretty. B. naturally by our senses. C. By the movement of the prayer and the Holy Spirit , His Word and our senses D. Be still Quote
wjcargile Posted September 14, 2012 Report Posted September 14, 2012 This story teaches us to listen careful to God's voice and we will avoid making mistakes. Our instinctive way of discerning is looking at a person and taking them for what they say, the way they speak or dress and ect... God has given me discernment to see inside a person enabling me to see a person as he/she is. God teaches us discern by first praying to Him and asking him to give us wisdom and to lead us in his will. We know what is good and what is evil. We listen to the Spirit by waiting on Him, praying and seeking his guidance, and not rushing. Quote
joy irowa Posted September 14, 2012 Report Posted September 14, 2012 God`s voice is the word of God,God`s word is God, when the word of God comes direction comes, it brings about solution promotion etc. we discern by the gift of discernment in us, also with the feeling and prompting of the Holyspirit. the bible says try all spirit if they are of God by listening to His voice by studying the bible and being still Quote
Speleogirl Posted September 14, 2012 Report Posted September 14, 2012 Q2. (1 Samuel 16:3-12) How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God's voice? What is our instinctive way of discerning? How is God teaching us to discern? How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? I think that this story teaches us to pause and wait for guidance from God. In making decisions, it's a simple matter to take the easier, or most obvious route, but that's not always the right one. When he went to visit Jesse's sons, Samuel's natural instinct was to assume that the larger and stronger man would make the best king, but God had other plans, and Samuel had enough faith to wait for God to let him know His choice for the new king. In this way, we tend to naturally judge people by outside appearance, while God looks deep into our hearts. He teaches us to discern though prayer and study. Only in our quiet time with God, can we effectively learn His will for us. We need only to listen and He will reveal Himself. Quote
Willard Posted September 14, 2012 Report Posted September 14, 2012 It's important to follow the details of what God is telling you; otherwise, it may lead to a wrong decision or choice in His plan for you. My instinctive way of discering is just that...instinct; how I feel. God is teaching me to listen well to have discernment; to hear exactly what He is telling me, and to be patient for the answers. I learn from the Holy Spirit by praying and asking God what I should do; by going to church and listending to the word and the sermon; and by personal daily devotion time; and, this Bible study! Quote
RodR Posted September 15, 2012 Report Posted September 15, 2012 The record of God’s “provision” of a new king teaches us the importance of listening to and following each step of His command. He often reveals only what we need to know for the next step and expects unwavering obedience. Instinctively, we discriminate based on outward appearance. God is teaching us to determine value based on his guidance and leading through the Spirit. Listening to the Spirit is developed by prayer and meditation on God’s Word. Quote
Highohfaith Posted September 15, 2012 Report Posted September 15, 2012 Q2. (1 Samuel 16:3-12) How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God’s voice? We must listen carefully, if we don't we are liable to put our own thoughts and will before God's and misinterpret what God's will is. When we do this, we will suffer the consequences as Saul did. Or we may do as Samuel did, which is think that he already knew who God would choose as Kingly material by looking at outward appearance or statue,not looking at the heart. If we allow ourselves to get ahead of God's will we are allowing our own will to take control.God demands patience and faith. If Samuel had not listened carefully he would have missed acting on God's will, which was to choose David ,a son who had not even been brought yet to him. He was still in the field, shepherding his sheep for his father. Jesse did not even see David as important enough to bring in front of Samuel. But, God knew David's heart. What is our instinctive way of discerning? Looking at outward appearance, or judging one by his demeanor, actions, or wealth etc. Not looking inwardly, and examine a persons heart. How is God teaching us to discern? Most importantly through God's word."Discernment is a wonderful gift and operates in grace and faith. Discernment enables us to flow in agreement with God's authority and counsel. How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? By true communication with God through prayer and meditation. By having a personal relationship with God. We cannot do all the talking we must be still and listen also for these are the times in which God clearly makes his will known to us, through the Holy Spirit. We must listen carefully. Quote
parkerslope Posted September 16, 2012 Report Posted September 16, 2012 How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God's voice? People look at the outward appearance of a person and judge them by what they see. God can see the attitude and motives of people and know what moves them to be what they are. When God speaks to us about another person, we must listen! What is our instinctive way of discerning? We can know by knowing what the Bible says about things and our listening to God. How is God teaching us to discern? By experiences of life blended together with knowledge of the Bible will help us in our discernment of each situation. How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? We learn by praying, reading the scriptures, and meditating on the things above. Quote
Rhndwsh Posted September 17, 2012 Report Posted September 17, 2012 1. Teaches us the importance of hearing by listening to His voice for every day guidance. Reading scriptures from the Bible teaches us to hear His words. 2. We tend t do things our way and not the way he wants us to do. Just like putting ourselves ahead of Him. 3. God's teaching us to discern according to his words and through prayers. Teaching us to look to Him for help through prayer for repentance and giudance. 4. We learn to listen to the Spirit for God guidance and instructions ; the Spirit guides us into the path towards His way obediance to His laws Quote
deemdee Posted September 17, 2012 Report Posted September 17, 2012 This story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God's voice because God takes us one step at a time so we don't run ahead of and improvise on our own. Our instinctive way of discerning is seeing the heart not the outward. God is teaching us to discern by not going by our natural instincts but be mature enought to listen to the Holy Spirit and hear God's voice. We learn to listen to the Spirit by listen to God's voice. Quote
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