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Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

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Samuel's anointing of David serves as a guidepost for me, a spirtually visible sign -- one that I can see and feel from within -- that the Lord is truly with me. I can visualize Samuel anointing David, see him pouring God's blessing, God's way of saying, "This is My son, in whom I am well-pleased," as something as visible within -- so that David sees and feels -- as it is visible without, as oil covering him and his clothes. I do believe that God anoints everyone, we all have the power to change ourselves and the world, through God's grace and with God's blessing. Whether we use that power benefically for lovingkindness or detrimentally for divisiveness is up to us. But Jesus wasn't kidding when he said that we all have the power to do what he did. Oily clothes tell only part of the story, only the visible parts of the story. Oil by itself is only oil. But God's anointing -- it may stain the clothes, but when it changes the heart, amazing things happen. We do amazing things -- slaying giants, protecting the weak and innocent, moving mountains, dismantling obstructions . . To paraphrase Gandhi: We become the miracles that we wish with all our hearts to see.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

Samuel's anointing David confirmed God's choice of the next king of Israel and at the anointing the Spirit of the Lord fell upon him. The Holy Spirit's coming upon David gave him empowerment for the work ahead. David's success is because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit upon us is vital for our own success as disciples because He will empower us to accomplish the assignments that God has ordained for us to accomplish in the Kingdom of God.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? It solidifies God's direction and desire.

What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? Empowerment to do what God has called him to do.

How does this explain his success? If God is in it, he will win it!!!!!!!!!

How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples? Same as David; without Him, we can do nothing.


Q3; 1. It signified to, Samuel and to all believers, that God's prophetic word and calling will not be destroyed and made of none affect, by the disobedience, of Saul or anyone else, for that matter. This was comforting to Samuel as it is to us today. 1Thes. 5:24 Faithful is he that calleth you,who will also do it.

2. It signified he had the authority and power, to fullfill his calling for God and Israel and even unto us.

3. He was not going to be operating, in his own ability and strength, but by the power of God.

4. In every way, no man can say Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.


What is the significance of Samuel anointing David?

Samuel, through obedience, showed that David was God's choice. God chose David for who he already showed himself to be, but also because of what God knew He could do through David.

What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David?

It proves that Samuel was obedient, it proves that David was God's choice. It means God was with David all the time. Because the Holy Spirit was with David, David could do the will of God, because he has strong guidence and he had the powwer to do it.

How does this explain his success? He was in God's will to begin with, he was chosen by God and God was with him. He had the power and strength to do what was needed.

How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

Without the Holy Spirit we dont have a Teacher, a Leader, a Guide Who is empowering us with gentleness.


Samuel's authority is an important signifier for David. Something for him to look back on him when he is unsure later in his journey.

The Holy Spirit empowers David. he is no longer walking only in his own fallen strength and sight. If he chooses to remember and walk with God and seek help from his holy Spirit David will always have counsel and comfort and strengthening power. David's heart longed for God - throughout his life he did not forget to confide in and consult the Holy Spirit, he did not forget to cooperate with Him, to turn to Him in troubled times, to repent when sin got in the way. this was the key to David's success. Walking with God and taking hold of the wisdom and power that God's Spirit's presence confers. I really need to learn to do the same. To long for God with as much of my heart as David did with his.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

The significance of Samuel anointing David king is to show publicly that God has chosen him as the next king after Saul.

The significance of the Holy Spirit upon David is the empowerment it provided for him to work more effectively and efficiently by the power of of God. In the same vein, the power of the Holy spirit enables us to work better, be more productive, and to do things that are pleasing to God because we are able to take good decisions.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

Samuel's anointing David confirmed God's choice of the next king of Israel and at the anointing the Spirit of the Lord fell upon him. The Holy Spirit's coming upon David gave him empowerment for the work ahead. David's success is because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit upon us is vital for our own success as disciples because He will empower us to accomplish the assignments that God has ordained for us to accomplish in the Kingdom of God.

I like how you kept the subject on the Holy Spirit. It is through Him that we are able to move forward and conquer kingdoms, conquer fear, and help win souls for God. David had this on him and it is on us today.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

The significance of Samuel anointing David is twofold. First, Samuel is showing obedience to the Lord by anointing David and not the older brothers. Secondly, anointing David conveys the message that it(the oil) "stains" you as belonging to the Lord. In the lessons there is a quote from David Fleming that mentions the oil used back then was "pungent, frgrant, and made a lasting stain on clothes" the Holy Spirit was a direct result of this- the Holy spirit is forever, it has become a part of David- fragrant as the oil.

In our own lives, relying on the Holy Spirit is vital because it is a gift given to us to operate the power of the Lord. This is what Christ left to us and this is why David could do most of what of he did.


I find it interesting that Samuel uses a horn to carry the oil with which to anoint David. The ram's horn is particularly important in Jewish culture, both in David's time and now. The horn is blown to announce something of great significance to God's people. To me, it says that David is not only anointed with oil but will also be proclaimed a king after God's own heart, in due time. There is more to that than meets the eye, and it is something I want to study more.

But today's question involves the anointing not only of oil, but of the Holy Spirit as well. That excites me, because I know that I have the same anointing that David had. The infilling of the Holy Spirit occurs at the time of our conversion, as it did when David was anointed. Once the Spirit has come upon the believer, He remains there. His power and wisdom is ever at our disposal, yet how often we turn aside just when we need it most!

We can be guaranteed of success in anything God calls us to if we remain in connection to the Holy Spirit. He is faithful to lead us and guide us in the Lord's will if we are faithful to simply ask. "You have not because you ask not" Jesus said. And what could be more empowering than being led by the Holy Spirit? When David was anointed with oil and the Spirit, he was changed into a new man. He didn't become a different man, simply an empowered one. He had success with larger exploits, yet remained the simple shepherd he was when Samuel came to him. God made David who he was, and then He made him what he was. I like that the HS uses who we are and makes us what God wants us to be.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13)

What is the significance of Samuel anointing David?

The significance of Samuel annointing David is first to designate David as the King to be; and secondly and more importantly, is the coming of the Holy Spirit upon him.

What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David?

The significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David is to empower him.

How does this explain his success?

This explains his success by becoming an anointed, prophetic songwriter and the "sweet singer of Israel"; the mighty warrior who defends his country against giants and Philistines; the shepherd of a nation as its king.

How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

The Holy Spirit upon us is vital for our own success as disciples as it empowers us as christian believers.


I like The answer from Newbie, but the like button doesn't seem to work.

The Holy Spirit was promised to everyone after he was risen and before he left his followers. The gift was delivered at Pentacost. Before that time, it appears that God was more frugal with the gift of the Spirit. David was given a great honor and gift. Importantly David recognized the gift and did not take it for granted and take personal credit for his successes, but rather accepted responsibility for his failures.

Who do I give credit to when I have success in my life? Sadly, I all too often hear myself say, "Look what I did".


When Samuel annoints David he becomes the King. The annoiting of God changes David from a ordinary person into a King. The annoiting makes David Gods chosen king over Israel and He is now under Gods care. The annointing sets him apart for Gods work and Gods purposes to be fulfilled through Davids life.The annointing takes him to a different level and an authority over Gods own people.

David is annointed with the oil and the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God enabled David to accomplish huge and mighty things which he could do not do otherwise. The Spirit of God would lead him guide him,empower him strengthen Him and grant him success in all he would do.

As believers in Jesus Christ , the Spirit is promised to us as our Comforter and Counselor. We are not alone at all,but we have the glorious Spirit of God within us to walk this christian walk. The Holy spirit helps us and leads us and we are able to do all things in Christ. Through the Spirit of God we are blessed and able to serve the God according to the calling He has placed in our lives.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

Samuel anointing David is an outer showing that God is setting him apart for a specific purpose. The Holy Spirit will enable David for the job. His success comes only through being obedient to God. The Holy Spirit helps us by leading , guiding and teaching us in all truths. He is our Helper. God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

Samuel anointing David is an outer showing that God is setting him apart for a specific purpose. The Holy Spirit will enable David for the job. His success comes only through being obedient to God. The Holy Spirit helps us by leading , guiding and teaching us in all truths. He is our Helper. God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

Samuel anointing David is an outer showing that God is setting him apart for a specific purpose. The Holy Spirit will enable David for the job. His success comes only through being obedient to God. The Holy Spirit helps us by leading , guiding and teaching us in all truths. He is our Helper. God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

Samuel anointing David is an outer showing that God is setting him apart for a specific purpose. The Holy Spirit will enable David for the job. His success comes only through being obedient to God. The Holy Spirit helps us by leading , guiding and teaching us in all truths. He is our Helper. God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

Samuel anointing David is an outer showing that God is setting him apart for a specific purpose. The Holy Spirit will enable David for the job. His success comes only through being obedient to God. The Holy Spirit helps us by leading , guiding and teaching us in all truths. He is our Helper. God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

a) The significance of Samuel anointing David:

Samuel anointing David to sanctify him (Leviticus 8:12) , it signified a separation and concencration for God's service.( Exodus 28:41). Kings, priests and prophets were annointed with oil. Prophets prophesied, kings as Leaders lead and priests got their minds on the LORD. David had to be anointed as King appointed and empowered or anointed by God.

B) Significance of the Holyspirit coming upon David.

The significance of the Holyspirit coming upon David as in (Luke 4:18-19) was to empower him for his responsibilities as king.( Isaih 11:1-5). David was a leader depending on God's leading and direction to be effective and efficient in his leadership.

c) How does this explain his success.

He carried the presence of the Lord, which granted him wisdom, and understanding, counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. He depended on God for his decisions and judgement before making pursuits. He sought God after his failures and weaknesses. a man after God's own heart. He was quick to repent.

d) How Holy spirit is vital upon us as disciples

It changes us from weak and fearful preachers to bold ones .

It helps us to obey the Lord's voice.

Helps s to walk in righteousness, to be broken, with contrite spirits.

It helps us to walk in increase, even in numbers.

It breaks yokes of bondage.


What is the significance of Samuel anointing David?

The anointing is significant politically to designate him as the soon to be King. More importantly anointing him was significant spiritually.

What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David?

To give him power.

How does this explain his success?

With the Holy Spirit coming upoin David, he was empowered. Everything that he did he did it with power.

How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

We, too, will receive power according to our faith.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? How does this explain his success? How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

The anoiting makes the Spirit enter David?

David needs the Spirit to be a good king.

The Spirit gives him the power and knowledge.

Ofcourse the Spirit is vital to us too.


1 Samuel 16:13

13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.


Replies to the Questions:

Q.) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David?

A.) The anointing is significant politically. It designates David as the king-to-be...


Q.) What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David?

A.) the simultaneous anointing and coming of the Holy Spirit upon David becomes the paradigm for the gift of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. For example:

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me...." (Luke 4:18)

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

"God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power...." (Acts 10:38)

"He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." (2 Corinthians 1:21b-22)

Indeed, twice the term "anointing" is substituted for "Holy Spirit" (1 John 2:20, 27).


Q.) How does this explain his success?

A.) When the Holy Spirit comes in power upon David it empowers him. The young man had been a harp-player and songwriter. Now he becomes an anointed, prophetic songwriter and the "sweet singer of Israel" (2 Samuel 23:1). The boy who has courageously defended his flock against the lion and the bear, now becomes the mighty warrior who defends his country against giants and Philistines (17:37). The young man who has shepherded his father's flock to find green pastures and still waters (Psalm 23:2), now becomes the shepherd of a nation as its king -- all by the powerful Holy Spirit who has come upon him.


Q.) How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

A.) ...whether we feel it or not, the Holy Spirit has come upon all Christian believers to give us power. According to our faith, so be it unto us.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

"He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." (2 Corinthians 1:21b-22)

"Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6)


Samuel first made a covenant sacrifice offering at Jessie's home. The cutting and blood was conformation for Davids kingship.John 14:15-31 has multiple ramifacations. First the covenant identified David as King and the Oil was the outward expression of God's will, and inner filling of the Holy Spirit, to do the following;

a) to strengthen David's heart, beliefs and truth

B) to ward off fear, doubt, and unbelief

c) to give Supernatural guidience

d) to establish David's Godly Sonship

e) to teach David God's way of leadership

f) to provide joy and rejoicing in all situations

g) to fprewarn of significant future events

As the New Testament guides todays believers in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, so did the Holy Spirit lead the Patriarchs.


Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David?

Anointing was an outward sign signifying that David was God's chosen vessel for Kingship. Anointing also brought the presence and power of God to the life of the anointed. (Did not remove the free will, however)

What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David?

David needed the power and presence of God to perform the duties of king over Israel, as we do to walk with the Lord in a fallen world. The anointing was David's assurance that he had indeed been chosen by God (not a whim of Samuel).

How does this explain his success?

From that day onward, David knew and recognized "his place" in God's plan for Israel. He had developed a love relationship of intimacy and honesty with he Lord in his days of shepherding his father's lambs, with only the Lord for companionship, so with the anointing he was equipped for the job, as long as he walked with and sought the Lord in all things. He was human and failed a number of times, but the Lord was faithful to honor David as King until his death.

How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

I've learned, then relearned (I'm a slow "learner" :) that I can do nothing of lasting import without Him. I've come to the place in my life that I recognize that He gets the glory, credit and honor for anything which has been or will be accomplished in my life. I was once asked years ago what I wanted my legacy to be.....or my tombstone epitaph. I said " A woman of faith who loved people", thinking that having great faith and great love would be MY achievement. But after years, and hindsight, I can say that He has carried me through the 40 years of waiting for promises which are yet to be fulfilled. Even my faith is His to claim, even though I've cooperated with Him in developing it, by leaning into Him and trusting Him....but first He had to train me to trust Him, to undo the years of abuse and mistrust in anyone! Then He's had the job of healing a broken heart which had no clue how to love, then filling it with His love to give back to Him and to others.

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