blb Posted October 4, 2003 Report Posted October 4, 2003 I believe that Christ in his attempt to keep his Church togeather is like a Father trying to love and disipline his children to keep them out of danger of the wrath to follow if they dont listen. He loves them and dislikes there ways and the so called friends thay hve come in contact with. For past actions in the word of God. And for the true love that they know. It should be a wake up call to Churches today because man is a creature of habit never learing from the past but duplicating the same mistakes and relearning the same old lessions all over again. Because of the seed of doubt that is implanted into this mortal body by Satan.The fact that its been two thousand years or more since Christ visited this earth man has a live it up outlook and for now and when I cant do anything else due to age or illness or what ever, Then I will turn to Christ. Quote
hungry Posted October 5, 2003 Report Posted October 5, 2003 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? The basic crticism was for the fact that they forgot their first love and had gone from those first ways when they found that love.....and the acts that made this a physical removal from that love. Their acts were either cold or lukewarm...both were abominal in His He said, He would rather have them cold than lukewarm, the lukewarm church was neither for or agianst Him and that was the worst they could be. They were then easily strayed away and swayed away....sheep led astray!!!!! They are praised for their works and their keeping the love that they had and still have...of the seven churches only one maintained that love and for that they were praised in their works because they were doing what they were called to do.....carry on His works and build up His church....and spread the Good News. The 21st century church would do well to remember His words when He told the churches His feelings---because in one way or another all churches and PEOPLE in those churches fall into the same charecteristic of one of those 7 churches and He knows our works....... Quote
Nannette Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 the churches are critized for being too prideful and sinful, not listening and obeying Gods word. the good ones are being praised for trusting and following God. they are also not being materelastic. This century needs to remember where these churches now have come from, and work harder to please God Quote
dparker777 Posted October 11, 2003 Report Posted October 11, 2003 Alliance to worldly things, comprizing Gods word. Faith, Patience, Doctrinal truth, Marthydrom, Evanglisim & Mission. By obeying Gods word he will bless us, our faith will grow. Quote
Liza Posted October 14, 2003 Report Posted October 14, 2003 This lesson is like a searchlight beamed on the church - there things to be changed, there are things to be commended, and we need to remember the Power and Glory of the One who has saved us and also, the reward at the end. Churches were praised for: 1. Patient endurance, toil, sound doctrine 2. Suffering but rich in God Quote
Helen Posted October 16, 2003 Report Posted October 16, 2003 Praise is for labour, works, love, serice faith, patience, perseverance, intolerance of evil doers, testing claims to giftings, holding fast to the Name of Jesus, and holding the faith in the face of death, and overcoming for which many rewards are promised. Criticism concerns leaving your first love and its works (miracles?) sexual immorality and eating idolatrous food, permitting false prophets of the Jezebel kind. Instructionon topics of 1. Not fearing the testing, even to death. 2. Repent of all sin 3. He will give us according to our works, 4. Hold fast what you have till I come. 5. To him who overcomes - no second death, hidden manna to eat, power over the nations. The 21st Century Church must Be intolerant of evil within its ranks, Expect and know how to deal with persecution. Exibit love, service, faith, patience, perseverance Test claimants to spiritual gifts Hold fast the name of Jesus Not fear death. Accept no compromise on sexual behaviour, and be alert for current forms of seduction into idolatry Preach repentance and overcoming Remember our first love and its works (miracles?). Quote
jlemons Posted October 17, 2003 Report Posted October 17, 2003 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? Following after Satan, idol worship (putting anything/everything before God) being dead to the Truth and Christ, being neither hot nor cold and professing Christianity when we are not. What are they praised for? Power, keeping the word and not denying Christ, love, faith, service, perseverance, patient endurance and sound doctrine How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? Go back to our first God with our whole heart, soul and mind as Christ loves his church Quote
Mike Dickinson Posted October 28, 2003 Report Posted October 28, 2003 #2 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? Ephesus Quote
pablo pinel Posted November 9, 2003 Report Posted November 9, 2003 In summary, the churches are criticized for putting on an outward appearance of being christian, but compromising themselves to avoid persecution; teaching false doctrine. Some are praised for keeping to the truth and not being lead by those that were corrupting the churches. The churches in this century need to take heed of what was said to the seven churches for the same errors that they were comitting then, the churches can and are comitting now. A believer has to ask the Lord for discernment to know where false doctrine is being preached. A believer has to hold fast to the Truth. Quote
Debora Posted December 17, 2003 Report Posted December 17, 2003 Q5.Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized and praised for? The churches are criticized for: abandoning earlier love for Jesus; for slander; for false teachings; sexual immorality, adultery; food sacrifices to idols; deeds not complete; lies and lukewarmness. Change what you are doing, repent. The churches are praised for: patient endurance, having sound doctrines, being true to His name; for not renouncing the faith; for keeping their clothes white and for keeping the word. Do what you are doing, keep going. The churches are criticized for disobedience. Jesus acts as judge or overseer keeping church in line or check. He sees which church is off the mark under His Kingship, and tells the church how they are not lining up to God's ways. Jesus also praises those who are obeying and following God's ways. How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? Firstly in regards to answering the question how, I see that the mark of perfection is to be kept. Psalm 19:7 says, "The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul" and James 1:25 says, "But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it - he will be blessed in what he does." What comes to mind is that Jesus is perfect and God asks us to be perfect. Matthew 5:48 says, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Jesus is helping people reach perfection. The churches are perfect it is the people that are not. I think of the number seven which I learn is a number for perfection. The revelation is given to seven churches, His perfect churches. Even though there are many more churches in the 21st century than yesterday in the 1st century, all His churches He walks admist are perfect. They will be perfect and will prevail for Christ as is the Father is, are eternal. Secondly in regards to answering the question of how, the observations first I made are: When He addresses the churches it is at two levels, speaking corporately (to leadership) and/or pointing out some people under the leadership. 1. I notice that not one church is perfect and is with criticism but receive praise as well. 2. There is one church that receives criticism and no praise but is given counsel. 3. Jesus is like the conscience of the Church making note of rights and wrongs. 5. Jesus' praises are made corporately and/or individually. 6. A body, a church can be under Christ but the church as a whole or people in it has flaws. 7. A body, a church can be under Christ falsely as a church and under Satan's headship but some believers within are under Christ. 8. A whole body, can be indifference to, under Christ having only outward appearances. How should these observations shape the 21st century church. My observations draws conclusion that the 1st century churches are the same as today's churches in the 21st century. People make up the church and it is people who are imperfect. I think then the admonition is the bottom line to be adhered to and applied to shape the 21st century churches which is, we have to listen to what the Spirit says to us in the 21st century. Each has to hear what is being said and keep to obey what is asked under His headship. God and Jesus are perfect and eternal and so are the churches under Christ and will be. The encouragement is that we will prevail no matter what, as we have throughout the centuries. We take encouragement that Christ is with us to oversee, guide and direct. We can count on Him to realign us in our journey, to keep us on track. God says remain in the Church until He comes again. What comes to mind is be faithful, perseve and endure which are comforting words spoken then, applicable today. In my opinion, the admonition given to all churches in Revelation, is the bottom line to be adhered to and applied to as how to shape the 21st century church; "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." The Church must continue to listen to what the Spirit says; to obey and to act as is or, to do what the Spirit speaks. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 8, 2004 Report Posted March 8, 2004 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter This chapter gives guidelines for the Church to follow - telling them what they were doing wrong and what they should be doing. What are the churches criticized for? Conforming to those around them, refusing to work together, and also for their apathy. For not reaching out to the unsaved, and for losing their Quote
wallyb Posted March 13, 2004 Report Posted March 13, 2004 quest.5 a the churches were praised for their steadfastness in preaching and standing true to the word amid trials and persecution. H e condemned them because they had left that first love. onlu one church did not receive a commendation . the church of Laodicea. only two did not receive a word of condemnation Philadelphia and Smyrna. Because the church of today is trying to be all things to all people they are preaching a watered down version of the Gospel. We had better get back to preaching the true word. We need to get hot. The two who received no condemnationwere two of the most persecuted churches and the time when the church grew the most. The time is coming when we will be facing the same persecution and we had better be prepared for that time.We will need to be able to stand up and say "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. I will not deny Him"l Quote
donnakds Posted March 31, 2004 Report Posted March 31, 2004 This chapter teaches us to be zealous, to be true to God , Faithfully leading our daily lives as a reflection of how true chrisitans should live. It shows us that God condemns, those that are materialistic, participating in pagan ceremonies. He wants us not to be lukewarm, materialistic. He wants us to continue in the urgency and excitement of our first love - to study - pray - gather together with other christians - to open our door to Him Quote
Shelly Posted June 20, 2004 Report Posted June 20, 2004 Summary of Lesson from Revelation 3 Criticism of the Churches 1. Abandoning earlier love. 2. Polluting the teachings of the church with worldly teachings 3. Tollerating immorality. 4. Failing to complete the church's mission. 5. Pride - failing to give the glory to God. Praise for the Churches: 1. Rich in faith. 2. Holding fast, not denying the Lord. 3. Love, faith, perseverence. 4. Greater deeds than at first. 5. Not soiling (white) garments. 6. Keeping His word of perseverence. Application for 21st Century Churches? These lists could be used for self-evaluation of the spiritual health of a church. The church can grade itself on each point and in so doing determine where repentance is needed and what to persevere in. Quote
mlewis Posted June 21, 2004 Report Posted June 21, 2004 Churches are critized because so much sin is in the camp and it visible. They are praised by their strength to endure hardtimes. Quote
Julie Ann Posted July 1, 2004 Report Posted July 1, 2004 Church Critisized: The Churches were critisized for not holding to their original convictions and allowing others - pagan beliefs, etc. - to sway their attitudes. This caused them to be hypocrites - Sardis was reprimanded for "being alive" but they were "dead", or lukewarm and tolerant of practices that go against God. Church Praised: They are praised for doing more then they did at first, not renouncing Jesus even when terrible things happen - Pergamum - Antipus was put to death. Also for patience and endurance and keeping Gods word. I think the church of the 21st century needs to remember what was happening and what is happening. Though we have greater technology, many of the same basic issues remain - immorality, diverse religous beliefs, acceptance of practices that go against God. Churches need to stay in the word and keep in touch with their members so they can encourage one another. Also be accountable for the choices made. Quote
PressThrough Posted August 12, 2004 Report Posted August 12, 2004 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? The churches were criticized for: Abandoning first love Blashpemy Teaching the doctrine of Balaam Promoted Jezebel to teach & seduce the congregation into committing fornication & eating things sacrificed to idols Sloathfulness Being lukewarm & self-righteous The churches were praised for: Patient endurance Works through tribulation & poverty Holding fast to the Name of Jesus Charity, service, faith, patience, & ending works greater than that at the beginning Being watchful & strengthening that which was ready to die & did not deny Jesus Name Kept Gods' Word although weak (white garments) These observations should shape the 21st Century to have zeal for God because He first loved us and is The Only God. The Alpha & Omega!!! In Jesus Name Amen!!! Quote
DebChats Posted September 11, 2004 Report Posted September 11, 2004 Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? They are criticized mostly for getting too caught up in the world and practicing worldy ways. What are they praised for? They are praised for what truths they still hold to .. the truths found in the Word of God. How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? It should serve to have the church stop and judge itself to be assured it is pleasing to God. Quote
Barbara1 Posted March 14, 2005 Report Posted March 14, 2005 The Churches were criticized for leaving their first love for Jesus, for allowing the worship of idols, for fornication and adultery, and for thinking they didn't need God because they had all that they needed. They were praised for hating evil, and testing through the word what false teachers were teaching them.They labored for Jesus and continued true to their love love for Him through tribulations and poverty. They were praised for holding fast to Jesus nane and their charity, and service, and faith. They were praised for patience and for not denying the name of Jesus. In the twenty first century the church needs to leave go of thier idols (money, drugs, sex ) and come back to Jesus. We need to hate evil. We need to go back to the basics and read the bible to find the truth or lie in what we are being taught. We need to hold fast to the name of Jesus no matter what, and show Him to the world through our charity, service, faith and patience. We need to keep his word and above all we must not deny His name. Quote
Skroehr Posted April 6, 2005 Report Posted April 6, 2005 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? Straying from the purity of practice and worship prescribed by Christ What are they praised for? Keeping their core belief, and the central message. How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? It should lead the modern church back to it's apostolic roots and the methods precribed in the New Testament, particularly Revelations for proper practice and worship. Modern Christianity, particularily in the USA is in big trouble. Most American and Western European churches have strayed so far from the teachings of Jesus Christ that they have begun to use "Christianity" as a basis for hatred, intolerance, war etc. Time for people to wake up....dust off the gospels, and maybe actually read the words of Jesus. A good place to start is the sermon on the mount. I don't understand how things got from those beautiful, simple teachings, to the self serving mish mash of convuluted nonsense being spewed forth by modern religious leaders. Quote
mommyoliver Posted May 10, 2005 Report Posted May 10, 2005 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? The churches were criticized for many of the sins that they had committed for instance by having other idols, and fornicating among themselves and they were thinking that they didnt need Jesus anymore. I attend a church I give my sure why cant I do these things that I am enjoying so much is the attidude that some of the people who call themselves christian has. The churches in the past were praised for atleast that they did hate evil or they didn't follow the. teaching of the false teachers. We need to follow what the bible is telling us to put God back into our life as our first love. we have at times forgotten him. Quote
Katzen Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 Churches were criticized for losing their first love, becoming complacent, being luke warm, and "rubbing shoulders" with evil people. They are praised for patience, endurance, loyalty, and obedience. The 21st century church can use this as a reminder of the things it should be doing (or not doing). The church should take heed of the warnings and "wake up" so it can be prepared for Jesus coming. Quote
chenista Posted August 4, 2005 Report Posted August 4, 2005 Churches were criticized for upholding doctrines of man above the truth and love in the Word. Churches were criticized because they lost their first love - they lost their love - the greatest character of God is love and he never interferes with free will. And the churches are rebuked for removing these true doctrines from the church. Jesus came to heal and to set the captives free - you cannot be set free unless you know sins. Chruches are praised for remaining steadfast no matter how they have fallen short. This is God's true redemptive glory. He glorifies us so that we may glorify him - he completes us. With these observations in mind, not much has changed in the churches today. They still fall shart (many in the same places) and they still perservere, sometimes stubbornly upholding false doctrines above the Word and the truth. Be we will be judged by the level of our understanding - and this is God true love for us. He understands we all fall short, even the churches. That is why is gave us His son - otherwise the cross would be in vain. Quote
chenista Posted August 5, 2005 Report Posted August 5, 2005 Christ has come to the seven churches of Asia Mior to evaluate their faithfulness to the teachings of their apostles and their spiritual health as Christian communities.His major criticism sems to be that their faith has become less important to them than it had been originally and they have slipped back into the ways of their surrounding cultures, compromising their love for Christ. They have become nominal Christians in many cases. Today, our Christian churches need to be aware of the danger of becoming nominal christians who meet for worship but whose hearts aren't really in it. Sometimes, following Christ seems too hard and other lifestyles seem more attractive. What a shock we would get if Christ did an impromptu evaluation of our Sunday worship and mission goals. Perhaps he already has and nobody noticed. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. What a shock it would be if Christ did an impromptu evaluation upon the hearts of believers everywhere so see what words are really written there and how they are applied during the course of our lives. When we give our life to the Lord, we do just that and nothing less. It is no longer ours to live - there is no turning back. If one turns back, there was no committment in the first place. There are those of us who know and take it seriously. Our will is now His, our freedom comes by faith. It is obvious to us that He lives within us because we are changed forever. Once we are truly touched by God, we are never the same. I enjoyed your post and agree whole-heartedly. C Straubel Quote
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