MDW Posted August 5, 2005 Report Posted August 5, 2005 It is important to ask our selves which cogregation do we belong to. Through Jesus CHrist we are all one Church with different parts but we can be long to different groups. Quote
alisicia Posted December 23, 2005 Report Posted December 23, 2005 REVELATION Chapter 10 "The Angel with the Book" Revelation 10:1 "And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:" Revelation 10:2 "And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth," This is a vision given by Jesus to John about this mighty angel. The fire did not burn the little book, and in most cases, fire indicates the burning of the Spirit of God. This is a cleansing fire that comes upon the whole earth. For the key to understanding what is burned upon the earth, we go to II Peter 3:10; "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements [evil rudiments] shall melt with fervent heat," Those "elements" are the "rudiments of all evil", for all of Satan's works and evil deeds will be gone. God's children shall not be touched. God's wrath will only directed towards his enemies. Revelation 10:3 "And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered, and write them not." Revelation 10:4 "And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not." What ever those seven thunders uttered, it is not recorded for us to know. Revelation 10:5 "And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven," Revelation 10:6 "And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:" The angel swore by Almighty God. The thunders covered the full cycle of all events about to happen, but the angel is announcing the close of this earth age: This earth age is over and finished. The seven seals took us to the end of this earth age, the age where man lives in the flesh body. The earth continues on into eternity, but man no longer will live in the flesh following the close of this earth age. The seven trumpets exist in the same time frame as the seven seals, and end with the "day of the Lord". However, we are still in the sixth trumpet during this part of the vision. So then, what are the thunders? Thunder is the report, or sound caused by the movement of lightning. The lightning is the action that took place, while the thunder follows later. The thunder is indicating the distance in time that has passed since the action had occurred. By the time you here the thunder, the lightning is long past. This is why the thunders are sealed. By the time the thunders take place; you will have already lived through it and it will be history to you. If you wait to recognize the thunder, it's to late for you. Jesus told us in Luke 10:18. "...I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." We saw in the Revelation 9:1, when the fifth angel sounded his trumpet the star [lightning] fell from heaven. This sixth trumpet then is the announcement of that fall from heaven. If you are waiting for that announcement, your already part of Satan's system. You must know before hand from God's Word, for without that knowledge [seal] in your mind, God will turn you over to Satan [Revelation 9:4]. You must know that the trumpets give the action of what is to takes place in this time of testing. To not know this report [prophesy] before it comes about will cause you to be caught up in the action as an "actor", and not an "observer". God gives you His prophecies so you can be an observer. Do you get it? Revelation 10:7 "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets." When the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, then the mystery of God shall be finished. Should this be a mystery or surprise to you as a Christian? Not if you have studied God's Word. For God revealed every detail of what we shall see, and hear, in His Word. There are no surprises. Jesus said many times, "It is written". What is written will come to pass. All the prophecies uttered by the prophets, and disciples, as well as our Lord, referring to these latter days, is what the thunders revealed. This seal is broken by the blood of Jesus Christ, and through Him we can take it the knowledge of God's Word into our minds, and act upon that knowledge. Revelation 10:8 "And the voice which I heard from heaven spoke unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth." "The little book which is open," is God's Word, the Bible. This book is not sealed, and never has been. It is open to you as a believer, but to those not of God, and many others, it is confusion. Revelation 10:9 "And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey." When you partake of it, it's going to be as sweet as honey, but later it will be bitter in your belly. When you read it and first take it in, the words are sweet to you. Then as the Words are taught to you for their meanings and you live by it, it can become bitter. Meditation of God's Words are sweet, However, when you act upon it, then comes the bitter persecution in many ways. Revelation 10:10 "And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter." Did the angel force feed John? No. John asked for the book, he took it and ate it. The angel required John to "take it", so he did. What you get from God's Word requires an action on your part. You have to take it, read it, meditate upon it, understand it, then you can act upon it. God's way is for you to search the Scriptures. Revelation 10:11 "And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings." When you start sharing God's Word you can see how much honey flows, as those around you think your nuts, and with a few screws lose. God's messenger is giving to John this command. What day was John in at this time? This happened on the last day of this earth [flesh] age. The day when the seventh trumpet sounds. John did go back to the Isle of Patmos, in 90 A.D., and wrote all the things he had seen, and you and I have them recorded in our Bibles today. Through this little book, the Bible, many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings have received John's prophecies that were given to him in the Spirit, by our Lord Jesus Christ. The Shepherds Chapel Quote
johnd Posted March 4, 2006 Report Posted March 4, 2006 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? The churches are criticized for abandoning early love, idolatry, sexual immorality, being dead, lukewarm, wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. They are praised for being rich, true to His name, having love, faith, service, perseverance, little strength yet kept His word. We should pay heed to these observations in shaping our own churches. They are as valid now as they were then. I believe we as Christians and hence our churches can loose direction and become diverted from serving the Lord. Our churches can end up as social clubs rather than a place to worship and share fellowship in the love of Christ. Quote
sister Posted March 20, 2006 Report Posted March 20, 2006 The churches were criticized for abandoning the love they had once had. They were to repent and get back into the word of God. For their involvement in idoltry. For blasphemy of those who said they were Jews and were not. For a Jezebel spirit. For eating food that had been sacrificed to idols. The churches were praised for overcoming obstacles. The churches were warned that if they should lose their light bearing quality, the church will be removed from the community. The church was criticized for immortality, adultry and lukewarmness. The 21st century church should exist to serve God .... not man. Quote
charlenereeves Posted February 28, 2007 Report Posted February 28, 2007 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? This lesson is about the 7 churches which are in a circle and represent all the churches in the world. They all include Potrayal of Jesus, Praise, critizism, Exhortation (1) Correction & Encouragment, (2) Pentaly and reward, promises to overcomers, And all end with He who has ears to hear let him hear and eyes to see. (1) Ephesis To the angel from the one who holds the 7 stars and lampstands in his hands. The overcomer will eat the tree of life. Encourages and commends the overcomers who recognized the false witness. They have forsaken their first love. Repent (2) Thytaria Love & faith, tolerate the prophetiss, they were into idolitry repent or suffer, yet encourages the few overcomers. (3) Syrmia No critizims (4) Pergerman Celebrated pagan worship and emperor worship. Repent and suffer. (5) Sardis alive but dead comprimised pagan worship (6) Philidelphia weak & faithful knocking but will not let in, special protection 1 of 2 churches without critisms (7) Laodecia Neither hot nor cold I will spit you out of my wretched, poor, pitfull, blind, & weak. Buy the gold for the refiners fire Quote
Craig Posted March 31, 2007 Report Posted March 31, 2007 The churches are criticized for compromising the faith; sexual immorality; abandoning Jesus Christ; permitting false teachers to teach false doctrines within the church; and being lukewarm and dead in their faith. They are praised for practicing patent endurance, toil; sound doctrine; hard work in the faith; enduring tribulation; holding fast to Jesus and the faith; love; and service. The 21st century needs to use the critiques of these churches as a model. As Jesus said: "He who has ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Quote
plethra Posted April 22, 2007 Report Posted April 22, 2007 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? The lessons of this chapter are for our edification. The Word shows us where our sin lies and often where our loyalties are. Encouraging to love and to become strong and steadfast. Showing us there are penalties for sin and slothfulness and rewards for doing what is right and standing up a daring to be the Christian God wants us to be. They were praised for their loyalty and faithfulness - criticized for sin and laziness. If we will take these lessons and apply them to our church today we will become more God oriented and less self absorbed. We will become a church of great power working the great works of God. Quote
korsgren Posted May 25, 2007 Report Posted May 25, 2007 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? The churches are praised for: faithfulness, love, faith, good deeds, service, perserverance, holiness, patient endurance. They are criticised for: Unfaithfulness, abondoning thier first love, compromise, incomplte deeds, spiritual apathy, complacency, nominal religion. They are exhorted to: repent, remember, be faithful, not to fear suffering, hold on to the truth, hold on to what they have, endure, obey, e earnest, not to compromise, do good, love. All this is possible because of who Jesus is. He who walks among the lampstands, sees our eeds, is able to keep us from falling. He who is faithful holy and true, the first, the last, who died and who lives forvever. He who is the double edged sword the word that reveals sin and truth. He who holds creation and all its rulers in his hands, the faithful witness who holds the keys to heaven and hell. He who ultimately is in charge. If we fear him we need fear no one else. If we are set apart for him and truely love him, forsaking all others then he will work all for things for our God. He will save us now and ultimately reward us. Again I think it is alesson in holiness and the fear of the Lord, to wake up and be once more the holy people set aside to Gods glory. Or for those who are living this and suffering for it to take heart for though in this world we will have trouble Jesus has overcome the world and we can overcome with him. Knowing all this lets not forget to pray for the church and for the nations in this time. Quote
cheastarr Posted May 28, 2007 Report Posted May 28, 2007 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? To summarize the lessons of this chapter: it is about the qualites that our churches should be seeking and those that they shouldn't. The Churches are criticized for being cold or luke warm. Their hearts have become hard and they could not hear God or feel His presence. Compromising with sin, lack of love and prayer, tolerating immorality. There are so many downfalls we could look at,but we should not dwell on our failures, we should look to our strengths. We need to ask forgiveness of our sins and move forward with God. We should, I think, look at the letters as a encouragement to the Churches of today. It seems that all of our Churches today have good qualities, so we should repent and strengthen what remains. We should alwasy keep the faith. As we continue seeking God, He will guide and direct us in our journey toward Him and after we find Him also. We should comtinue to praise God for what we accomplish through Jesus Christ. The promises to the faithful Christian reach a high point as the believer"Churches"shares the actual "victory" with Christ. Quote
JustJeff Posted July 27, 2007 Report Posted July 27, 2007 The churches of Revelation 2-3 have, to some extent fallen into worldliness, compromising the word by allowing the things of the world to become part of them. Those that maintain some degree of their faith in Jesus as their primary purpose are hailed by the Lord. It would seem to me that things really haven't changed. Twenty centuries later we're still the same. Quote
dharm Posted September 1, 2007 Report Posted September 1, 2007 They are critisized for abandoning their first love and haveing lukewarm faith and false prophets. They are praised for keeping His word and enduring persecution. Standing strong in their faith. Churches today should learn from these mistakes and follow the laws of God and Jesus Christ Quote
Bro Steven Posted November 3, 2007 Report Posted November 3, 2007 Churches are critized for not living up to the standards in the Bible and living a life like the rest of the world. Some churches a praised for the help they provide in the community and supporting missions. the church today should review these letters to the churches and use what in them as a guideline. Make ajustments in their own lives and see the judgement and the promises and strive for the promises. Quote
Jewell Posted November 3, 2007 Report Posted November 3, 2007 The churches are criticized for abandoning love, being a part of Santan's synagogue, living where Satan's throne is, tolerating Jezebel, being neither hot nor cold (straddling the fence) They are praised for patient endurance, humility, not denying their faith, holding fast, love, faith, service, not denying His name. If we are to keep our name in the book of life and receive the reward of the crown of life, we must repent, be faithful, remember Jesus' teachings and obey them. Quote
Linda Spilman Posted November 9, 2007 Report Posted November 9, 2007 Q.5 Praises include remaining faithful, (not growing weary, soiling clothes, perseverance in suffering) having love and not tolerating evil and idoltry. The criticisms are - forsaking your first love, holding to false teaching, being lukewarm, spiritually dead. These criticisms and praises challenge us to question: Am I being faithful? or Have I left my first love, become apathetic. and living a life of idoltry? The message given to the seven churches was specific characteristics of believers in the first century but we must remember that we also in the twenty-first century church are known by our characteristics and that God is well aware of these characteristics. Quote
mags Posted January 13, 2008 Report Posted January 13, 2008 The churches were criticized for their worng doings - the loss of their first love, compromising their faith with pagan practices. There should be no compromise in our faith - we shouldn't compromise the 'big' unchangeable things in our faith. We should be built on God's love! The churches were praised for their perseverance, endurance, poverty and holding fast to the Lord. These qualities are ones which we need to hold on to now! When we take our focus off Jesus we begin to lose sight of the goal. Satan attacks us by getting us to take our focus off our first love. In today's society we are a very egocentric people - what's in it for me? We need to lose sight of ourselves and gain sight of our Lord whose perfect plan should be our focus. Quote
sisterlily Posted January 25, 2008 Report Posted January 25, 2008 God is letting them know that they are falling short in their quest for serving Him, yes they have let sin in and not looked back to do something about it. God tells them to go back to their first love Him, which bought them together and grow and draw closer to Him again, thankful His mercy and grace are long-suffering for us, we should realize the fact and take heed and turn to God while we still can, God bless you all. Quote
Moses 4 Posted January 25, 2008 Report Posted January 25, 2008 Q 5 The church lives today in a state of intellectual or cultural crisis. Once, theology could draw on a common intellectual heritage for the articulation of the Christian vision Like allowing, same-sex unions blessed in the Church and let it occur quietly every day. The church as a whole and all her pastors, like Christ, must set out to lead people out of the desert to prevent been Criticized. The churches were praised for many things like remaining faithful, being loyal, helpful, trying to preach the word of Jesus Christ to have pace in the world. The Church in the twenty-first century will not grow until we redress these injustices, any more than the people of God to whom Isaiah spoke in the 6th Century BC could expect to grow while there was injustice in their land. . Fundamentally, I believe the church in the twenty-first century needs to provide a place in which human beings are given the space to grow towards that spiritual maturity in Jesus Christ. Pax Karl Quote
Blssd1030 Posted February 9, 2008 Report Posted February 9, 2008 I think it's rather clear from these letters what is plaesing to Christ and what is not. This should be paramount to the foundation of any church otherwise that church is not of God or about God. Quote
coastershirley Posted May 19, 2008 Report Posted May 19, 2008 their disregard of christ in the form of sexual immorality and pagan beliefs of wordly things like money possesions houses as being more important a lack of brotherly love for one another when we repent and follow gods instructions for our lives Quote
masika Posted June 12, 2008 Report Posted June 12, 2008 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? The truth is these are seven fairly typical Christian congregations which had grown up in the Asia Minor of the apostle John's day (modern-day Turkey). Here is a vivid description of seven church congregations - warts and all! - which were in existence towards the end of John's life (somewhere around 95 AD). Several of these congregations are told to Repent! , others are praised for their faithfulness. But they are typical. They are recorded for us to read today as both a warning and - if we are doing the right things - as an encouragement! If we look closely at the conditions and circumstances prevalent in these congregations, we will also see our own congregations of the early 21st century!! I'm afraid that too many modern Christians have a 'thats the pastor's job' approach toward congregational life, forgetting the strong - but nowadays frequently neglected - New Testament teaching of responsibility and Christian stewardship! Sure, we should follow our pastors/ministers overall lead and authority, but that never robs us of our personal spiritual stewardship before Jesus Christ! There is no such thing as the perfect church congregation! You know the amusing old saying, 'Don't spend your life seeking out the most perfect church congregation, because if you ever find it....THEY WON'T HAVE YOU!' All congregations have weaker and stronger elements and any congregation of over about 40 people are going to have a few people who might not get into any so-called 'perfect congregation' for various reasons! No, we must realise that the unfavourable influences/tendencies within 5 of the 7 churches of Revelation 2-3, were major in danger, impact, influence and pervasiveness! Of course, many of today's unbiblical infiltrations into Christian congregations are also dangerous in these ways which is why it is wise to occasionally consider how one's own congregation measures up. So let us not ignore or neglect the messages to the 7 churches any longer! Go through them....... IS YOUR CONGREGATION A SMYRNA OR A PHILADELPHIA? Those are the ideals, but if your (or my) congregations are more like Thyatira, Sardis or Laodicea, let us be determined to do all WE can to make them stronger whilst avoiding any tendency to see a demon in every ditch, or a false teacher in every study group!! Quote
vsdaddy4441 Posted August 4, 2008 Report Posted August 4, 2008 This question is too long to respond to in its entirety. Certainly, the churches were criticized because they failed to keep Christ first in their life, they failed to follow through to the end with the obligations God had placed on them, they failed to stay true to the Word that had been given to them, they were "wishy-washy" in their dedication to true worship, they did not keep pure the things that should have been kept pure. The churches were honored because some had remained faithful, had fought against untruth and were still following Christ. We have congregations just like these today. Far too many churches have diluted the Word, accepted false teaching and lost their "first love." Others, though, are trying their best to be what God calls them to be. We have to remembered, too, that it is the individuals that make up the congregations. We each have the obligation to be what God calls us to be. Church leadership is vitally important. Church leaders must model the kind of lives God calls us to live. Poor leadership (whether it is in faithfulness to the Word, godly living or whatever) will do more to destroy a congregation than anything. Leaders must be in constant prayer that God protects them from falling away or leading the people astray. bob Quote
randall greene Posted October 2, 2008 Report Posted October 2, 2008 The churches were criticized for leaving there first love, Christ. They were also criticized for having low or no moral standards. That they were trusting on there wealth and not on Christ. Quote
smurf1948 Posted January 5, 2009 Report Posted January 5, 2009 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? They forgot their first love Jesus Christ. They became prideful,boastful,and wishy washy in their faith. Not holding fast to the teachings of God. Some were praised for their endurance and holding stead fast to the things that are right and true. The modern church should learn from their mistakes and listen to what Jesus is telling them and do what he says to do. Then they wil get on the right path and stay there. Quote
ising4ujc Posted January 25, 2009 Report Posted January 25, 2009 Q5. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? What are they praised for? How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? Christ is telling us that He can see everything we do. It is a warning to the churches that these things are happening and we need to get before Him and repent and change our ways. He is telling us that we suffer from greed, selfishness, lasciviousness, and lukewarm attitudes, and that those who follow Him and are victorious over sin, will "rule the nations with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. They will have the same authority I received for my Father, and I will also give them the morning star!" (Rev. 2: 26-27). Quote
Delivered Posted June 20, 2009 Report Posted June 20, 2009 Q. Summarize the lessons of this chapter. What are the churches criticized for? 1. Some in the church have left their first love 2. Some taught that the church replaced Israel, a lie of Satan. 3. Some held to false teaching that misleads God's people into sexual sin, a teaching that once a person comes under the blood of Christ, it is ok to do your own thing, when the truth is, you will be judged according to your deeds. 4. Some who call themselves a prophetess of God, teaches toleration of other faiths, and teach what sin God calls abominations, really are not sins of immorality 5. Some are hard workers in the church, but do not see they are dying spiritually, wake up before it is too late. 6. Some held to the teaching of TOLERANCE, leading to a lukewarm Christian, something that makes Christ sick to His being, and will vomit them out. What are they praised for? They were praised for being a church full of "faith", good deeds, hard work, and perseverance. Praise is given to a church that does not tolerate wicked men and sin, and will put to test those who say they are apostles, testing the spirits. A church to be praised stands on the word, and stands strong on the name of Christ, the anointed One of God, Israel's Messiah. A church to be praised walks in righteousness, its light to the world, not putting on soiled clothing, but walking in garments that are white. Praise is given to a church that is growing in the Lord, strong in faith and in love. How should these observations shape the twenty-first century Church? The church must have an ear to hear, a heart to listen to what the Spirit is saying Quote
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