csreeves Posted October 16, 2012 Report Posted October 16, 2012 On 7/26/2012 at 4:25 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath’s taunt? Why is Eliab, David’s brother, so upset with David? What does this teach us about David’s faith? What does it teach us about Eliab’s character? David was a shephard in the fields when he was chosen to be King unlike his brothers who we in the army. The army was to feed the people not the other way around. David was led by God and had the faith to believe he could defeat Goliath. Faith always gives us power beyond our strength straight from the heart of God. Goliath looked big in human eyes but it is God's eyes it is small and conquerable. Quote
AlexLove Posted November 10, 2012 Report Posted November 10, 2012 On 7/26/2012 at 4:25 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath’s taunt? Why is Eliab, David’s brother, so upset with David? What does this teach us about David’s faith? What does it teach us about Eliab’s character? The reason why David is upset is because he sees Goliath challenging the people of Israel as if they were nothing.. Eliab was upset because he saw that David wasn't taking care of what he was suppose to. What this teaches us about David's faith is that David had a genuine relationship with God, David knew how God had brought Israel through the dessert and how God had deliver Israel from all his enemies, since this was to be taught or passed as reference from the father to the sons.. David clearly stated that when a lion or a bear came to take one of his sheep in the desert the Lord deliver them in his hands, he was seriously devoted to God..Eliab character seemed like someone that likes to run the younger siblings, as if his father had given him power in his household to do as he wishes... We can see that he isn't as humble as David. Quote
tammie7 Posted November 14, 2012 Report Posted November 14, 2012 Daivd was upset about taunt from Goliath's, because he was dyfy the armies of the living God. his bother was upset because he Daivd was more braver than him and Daivid had more faith than his bother had.It taught me that the faith that you have goes along ways and that are to have foolish faith to believe God for anything.It taught us that Daivd bother donot have the faith that daivd had, and that we are not to have the faith that Daivd bother had.Daivd bother don't have courage. Quote
Lorraine Overstreet Posted November 16, 2012 Report Posted November 16, 2012 Q1. (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath's taunt? Why is Eliab, David's brother, so upset with David? What do thes this teach us about David's faith? What does it teach us about Eliab's character? a) David was upset that the Philistine was trying to defy the armies' living God. By toing this he insulted God. Eliab is embarrassed by David, because David's comments reflected on his lack of courage and that he was afraid of the huge Philistine. c) David's faith in the Lord is strong and unshakeable. David is not afraid of the hugh Philisting and his tuants, because he knows that God is with him in all he does. d) Eliab is embarrassed because David's comments reflect on his own lack of courage. He knows David's faith in God is strong. So maybe Eliab is fearful and maybe jealous and self concerned that Davi's trust in the Lord woud some how make hms look bad. Quote
royk Posted December 15, 2012 Report Posted December 15, 2012 Q1. (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath’s taunt? Why is Eliab, David’s brother, so upset with David? What does this teach us about David’s faith? What does it teach us about Eliab’s character? David has been trained being out in the field with the sheep to protect them, and killed the lion and bear. This was God's will. When he hears that the giant is saying bad things about God's chosen people, David becomes angry and upset. He wants to do something about it, and feels he is ready from his past experiences. God is with him. Eliab, his brother, id no in the same zone. He as a soldier has been caught up in the fear of "size;" this is also about him making God little, which we all often do in viewing our life problems. We get caught up in the world's view of things. It is hard to remember that Jesus said, "remain/abide in me ... and I will grant what ever you ask in my name... and your joy will overflow." Lord, grant us the strength and focus to abide in you. We need you desperately to make it gloriously through the moments of each day. We should not settle for less than God's promise in our life. I confess it is often not easy, Lord I need you, I need you; Amen Quote
Nelly Posted January 5, 2013 Report Posted January 5, 2013 This teaches us that David has faith in the Lord, he does not rely on his physical strength, but on what he knows God will be able to make him do. David's faith is the kind to move mountains and did not doubt his God for a second. This shows us what mighty things we can achieve if we just believe in him who saved us! Quote
wifee Posted February 9, 2013 Report Posted February 9, 2013 1a)David is angry that the giant should gloat &challenge mockingly the armies of the living God, and nobody is willing to stop him,he is passionate about God his people &wants to express his views on this at the expense of his brother, Eliab is upset with David for embarassing him, showing up Eliab’s lack of courage,&fearful of reports going back to Jesse, of Eliab’s lack of protection for David.In comparison with other Israelites who show trepidation at Goliath’s taunts, David shows little fear,&is full of confidence in his faith as he relays messages from brothers in army to Jesse his father & provides food fuel for fighting.He could see there is a stalemate in the battle,&that Goliath needs to be removed to protect Israelites territory from the invading Philistines in the Valley of Elah. c)This teaches us David is not afraid of brother who wants to silence him, he is assertive, sure of himself, has convictions about what needs to do though niave with little army warrior skills, but also has strong faith in the power of the living God to help him as he takes on Goliath believing with God he can win. d)Eliab maybe was concerned for David,&trying to silence him was a way of protecting him.He could also have been jealous of David's strong faith in God Quote
srwbibleman Posted October 5, 2013 Report Posted October 5, 2013 Q1. (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath's taunt? Because Goliath had defiled the army of the LIVING God Why is Eliab, David's brother, so upset with David? I think David asking the appropriate question made Eliab feel inadequate because he had done nothing to speak out against Goliath's infraction against God. What does this teach us about David's faith? David's perspective was that of God's perspective. It is interesting that when David describes Goliath (vs. 26) he observes something negative (uncircumcised) about Goliath instead of focusing on his worldly power. Because of David's faith in the mighty God he served, he saw weakness in Goliath and not power. What does it teach us about Eliab's character? Eliab does not have David’s faith and is small-minded by being jealous of his younger brother. Quote
cjenkins1388 Posted September 23, 2014 Report Posted September 23, 2014 David can't beleive anyone would taunt or threaten the Army of God Eliab is upset because David isn't supposed to be there anyway, he isn't trained in warfare and here he is asking questions and making comments as to why this Goliath is allowed to speak against God's Army. This embarrasses Eliab because he is also afraid of Goliath. David's faith is strong without ever seeing God himself, but he clearly has the Holy Spirit with him which teaches us that we should have strong faith eventhough we can't see God he is with us like he promised. Eliab is a typical older sibling and wants his little brother to go away and quit making him look bad. Quote
karynjg Posted December 4, 2014 Report Posted December 4, 2014 (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath's taunt? Why is Eliab, David's brother, so upset with David? What does this teach us about David's faith? What does it teach us about Eliab's character? David is obviously a unique individual. At a young age, he shows he is a man of deep faith and understanding of God by expressing anger at disrespect to God. His brother is likely jealous of David being chosen by Samuel and his boldness. Apparently Eliab is not a man of strong faith in God; he is more concerned about his own image than showing respect for God. Quote
pearlgirl Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 David understands that he belongs to the chosen people. The people who have the favor and protection of God. David understands that "if God is for us, who can stand against us!" As adopted sons of the most High God we should all possess that kind of faith in the face of the enemy. I believe Eliab is jealous of David's faith. David's faith exposes his insecurities. Not to mention, they know that David was anointed king instead of them. He has been called special by God. This probably already created division, kind of like what Joseph experienced but on a much smaller scale. Jealousy. David has faith in God as His protector. He knows that the Lord is on His side. Wouldn't it be awesome if we all believed that in every trial that we faced. Quote
cekwue Posted April 9, 2015 Report Posted April 9, 2015 David is upset with Goliath’s taunts because he was being disrespectful towards God and His army. Eliab appears to be upset because he may feel like David is being a show off in this moment. David shows a tremendous amount of faith in the situation because he begins to speak on the realness of God and His power. Eliab’s character shows us that he is just like the rest of the army which is unmovable. It also shows that Eliab was quick to misread David during his inquiry of what was going on, basically writing him off as a show off or as someone who was trying to be somewhere he had no business being. He appears to be an outspoken boss that is all talk. Quote
Tasha777 Posted October 6, 2015 Report Posted October 6, 2015 The man that kills Goliath would be given a huge reward including the kings daughter in marriage. David is upset with Goliaths taunts against the people of Israel. Eliab is upset with David, for leaving the sheep in the wilderness, but more so for, daring to share his own opinion, showing Eliab to have no courage of his own. David shows his faith & trust in God, that God would be with him. Quote
Bill1 Posted February 26, 2017 Report Posted February 26, 2017 David is upset about Goliath's threat because no one will call him out on it. He has defied God and has challenged Gods chosen people, yet no one has stepped up to the challenge....David is sick and tired of hearing Goliaths empty threats. Elian is upset because he sees David as a "little brother" who is just stirring up trouble. Elian believes David is only capable of tending sheep. David's faith is deep and strong. Where others see a giant, David see and insult to God..and David loves God and will defend God. Eliab is weak and scared. He wants nothing to do with the giant, and sees David as a nuisance who is going to start something more than he can handle. Quote
WinstonY Posted April 2, 2017 Report Posted April 2, 2017 Q1. (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath’s taunt? Why is Eliab, David’s brother, so upset with David? What does this teach us about David’s faith? What does it teach us about Eliab’s character? David is upset with Goliath because he is defying and intimidating the Israelite Army and David considers that this is an insult to the Lord God himself. Eliab, David’s brother, in upset with David because David's bravery is making the whole Israelite Army look bad and he is embarrassed by David his younger brother. This story tells us that David had a great faith not only in his own ability but also David had a great faith and trust in the Lord God. As David a tells the king in a few verses later: Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. 37 The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.' This story tells us off David's faith and his courage. Quote Quote
Pru226 Posted May 11, 2020 Report Posted May 11, 2020 Why is David so upset about Goliath’s taunt? Why is Eliab, David’s brother, so upset with David? What does this teach us about David’s faith? What does it teach us about Eliab’s character? His comments are offensive and derogatory about his God and beliefs. I think he is upset for a couple of reasons...1) Little brothers are nosy and annoying 2) There has to be a lingering of jealousy since Samuel anointed David (the baby brother) over him the eldest. That had to hurt his ego and what he feels he is entitled to as the eldest. For me I am not surprised. I think this is a typical sibling response annoyance and jealousy. Quote
Rene Poirier Posted June 29, 2020 Report Posted June 29, 2020 David could not stomach Goliath's taunt because of a few reasons: 1. David knew that Jehovah was the one true God 2. David knew that his election and calling were anointed by Samuel himself. 3. Spiritually David was feeling righteous indignation at the spewing of one so diametrically opposed to God almighty. Eliab had some issues of his own. First of all he was looked over by Samuel and was genuinely jealous and afraid of David. He knew his brothers boldness would "show him up" . Eliab was faithless and not "king material" evidently. Quote
Zibuyile Posted February 20, 2021 Report Posted February 20, 2021 1. Why is David upset at Goliath ?Because he was was being rude against people of God and against God 2.Why was Elyab upset at David? Because David was showing courage against Golizth who was defying the armies of God , while amongst them there was no one courage to face Goliath. 3.What does this teach us about David's faith? We need to put all our trust in God even when we facing our enemies , as Hes is the one who give us strength to stand. 4.What does it teach us about Eliab's character? He had no faith in God , fearful even for his brother who was showing courage. Quote
DJW Posted January 30, 2023 Report Posted January 30, 2023 Q1. (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath’s taunt? Why is Eliab, David’s brother, so upset with David? What does this teach us about David’s faith? What does it teach us about Eliab’s character? David had already been anointed to be king and the spirit of the Lord had come upon him and was with him as told to us in 1 Samuel 17:20. These events set the scene. The spirit in David was aggrieved (and David also no doubt) with goliath's taunt which was blasphemous. I think Elian was jealous of David in a variety of ways and didn't want him around. David, clearly had his trust firmly in God and was committed to obeying the spirits prompting in him. He knew that he had been prepared for this fight with practical skills and tactics, and he also knew that the fight had already been won by the Lord and that he was just the instrument of God in this situation. Eliab seemed hurt and defensive, I would suggest that he saw everything that was happening to his little brother as quite unfair because he was focused on, and drawing his identity from the world around him. He was not focused on God and a consequence he could not see that David was been led by God. Quote
Irmela Posted May 7, 2023 Report Posted May 7, 2023 Q1. (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath's taunt? David loves the Lord and believes in Him. He trusts Him and relies on Him for his safety and well-being. In actual fact Goliath is undermining God. David is very upset that they are allowing the giant to shout out the challenges as he does and that nothing is done about it. Why is Eliab, David's brother, so upset with David? Eliab is in the army and terrified of Goliath and here comes David, as an inquisitive teenager, boldly inquiring about what is going on. Eliab is very likely ashamed of the fact that David, as a youngster, has to see the army in this way. It could also be that he felt David was neglecting his post viz., that of looking after the sheep. What does this teach us about David's faith? David's faith is strong and unwavering. He is convinced that God will give him victory over the Philistines. God was the one that helped him overcome the predators who tried to take his sheep. It was not in his own strength. What does it teach us about Eliab's character? I would say that his actions were very typical that of an older sibling. He was being shown as a coward in front of the youngest brother, whom he, at this stage looked down upon. Now David saw him as a fearful individual. Not only him, but each person in the army. None had taken up the challenge. Anytime now the Philistines would overcome them and go further into the land. To make up for the cowardly behaviour, Eliab, insults David as being only a shepherd and that he must rather continue with his job, which in Eliab's eyes is more insignificant than being in the army. Quote
crissy464 Posted May 8, 2023 Report Posted May 8, 2023 He was angry because of what Goliaths was saying against God, he felt David was an insignificant, worthless person who had no right to speak up, especially with such bold words. One reason is that David was anointed king and he wasn’t. He could have still been harboring some jealousy because of that. Another reason is that Eliab may have felt guilty that he and the other soldiers had cowered in fear rather than boldly confronting Goliath. David was a bold person Eliab was probably jealous Quote
Krissi Posted June 8, 2024 Report Posted June 8, 2024 I'm answering this in the middle of the Western war against Russia now occurring in the Ukraine. To understand this war, I have been reading/watching Telegram channels and other social media accounts from Western, Ukrainian and Russian fighters as well as from mercenaries from various parts of the world. What strikes me is the constant mocking and taunting that goes on from all participants, but mostly from the weakest side, the losers in this war. I don't know this for a fact, but I'd guess that taunting is a behavior that can be seen in all wars. It's probably been done since the earliest wars, too. In Homer, Hector taunted Patroclus, even though he was dead. There are hundreds of other examples just in Homer. The goal of taunting is to demoralize or intimidate one's opponent, to goad them into making premature forays or stupid decisions. It's a psychological technique, that is -- psychological warfare. David is young. He reacted in an immature way that some interpret as bravery. He didn't have the emotional maturity to see war-taunts for what they were -- psychological techniques to wear down and belittle. So he reacted. Understandably. The overlay of his faith makes David's response better than a knee-jerk reaction of a young patriot. He thought Goliath was demeaning God, not merely his nation. He was eager to defend not only nation (which I think was a big part of his response) but also his God. "Is there not a cause ..." Yes, there are causes greater than ego, mistaken anger and patriotism. That's what this story is about. It's not about David, Goliath or even Eliab, but about the CAUSE that is greater than all human emotions and reactions, that is, the cause of defending faith in God. I find Eliab's treatment of David sadly predictable. He was the sensible, older brother in a culture that put a huge premium on birth order. David, in their eyes, was the kid brother that had no status or future. David had been reduced to being a delivery boy for his warrior brothers. So, it's understandable that Eliab wouldn't take David seriously nor did he want to be embarrassed by David's bravado. I don't think Eliab was jealous as there was nothing to be jealous of ... yet. Instead, Eliab didn't want to be humiliated as the older brother of a boy who took on Goliath, a job for men, and then was flayed alive by him, which I'm certain Eliab thought would happen. Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted June 28, 2024 Report Posted June 28, 2024 Q1. (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath's taunt? That the uncircumcised Philistine defies the armies of the living God Why is Eliab, David's brother, so upset with David? Eliab is embarrassed by David's naive comments because they reflect on his own lack of courage. What does this teach us about David's faith? With our living GOD everything is possible, David is fully depended on GOD. What does it teach us about Eliab's character? very bombastic and diminishing over David. Quote
LadyT Posted July 6, 2024 Report Posted July 6, 2024 Q1. (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath’s taunt? He's appalled that the living God of Israel is being mocked. Why is Eliab, David’s brother, so upset with David? He knows David has a history of battle and doesn't want his young brother to embarrass him with his bravery. What does this teach us about David’s faith? He doesn't think about his status, age, or position. He simply is focussed on redeeming God in the face of someone mocking Him. What does it teach us about Eliab’s character? He's being a jealous older brother, thinking of himself and his glory over his youngest, illegitimate brother. (Pretty typical, honestly. I'd feel the same.) Quote
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