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Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion?

1. David chief motive could have been that this was an opportunity for he and his family to become rich. Also, it could have been that he loved Michal.

Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess, (2) obedience to Saul’s desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

2. Motivation that makes the most sense to me is pride in his military prowess. David had won all his battles and he recognized it was God's doing. He loved the opportunities of defeating the Philistines who taunted his God.

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I'm not sure that any of these are fully David's motivation. I think they all played into it a little, but I think there's something else going on.

I see David as a man who is constantly trying to prove himself. He's the runt of the litter of the brothers. When Samuel came to find the next king, Jesse had forgotten about him. He spent a lot of time watching sheep. He was sent out to feed his brothers while they were on battle lines, even though he must have felt like he should be there as well, fighting. He was also a dreamer. For him to decide so quickly that he could, I think he had to have imagined doing it throughout his entire journey to his brothers. When he gets there and sees no one has done what he's so sure he can do, he's just incensed! How could they not see the potential for killing this guy! Some of that is God-given courage, some of that is just plain stupidity.

Fast-forward a little and this guy's ego has been fluffed. Post-Goliath is probably the time that David is most able to see himself as king. The people love him, he's having these military wins. He may even have picked up that Saul is a little afraid of him. And that's why he's a little cautious when Saul says he'll give his first daughter to David as long as he fights for Saul. Saul's tried to kill him, now Saul wants him to fight in Saul's army. David may be coming to the conclusion that he has to earn Saul's favor. I think that David is also a people pleaser. His desire to please God is evident, but I think he works hard to make sure that people like him (no one complained that he was being promoted through the ranks).

The other factor is he's a strategist. I don't know how you would lead the men he's leading and win the fights he's winning without having some strategic ability. If he knows that he's going to be king one day and he has a chance to marry into the family of the king, he may see this as God's will for how he's going to get there. I don't think he sees himself at this point leading a rebellion, so marrying Michel may be God's way of making sure he's able to take that role.

So David, who's only goal is to constantly prove himself, who has to get Saul to like him, and who knows his destiny is to be king one day is given an opportunity to get a wife "free and clear". Marrying Michal means not having to go to war and be an indentured servant to Saul's whims. The people pleaser in David decides to go out and really impress his presumptive father-in-law by doing more than he's asked. Maybe then Saul will understand that I really sincerely want to be in the family, not a usurper to it. That should lead to family harmony so that when the natural order of things puts me in the King's throne (gee, I hope this doesn't mean anything bad happens to Jonathan), I can do it legitimately and peacefully.


Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess,

No, David clearly gave the victory of Goliathto God. He knew the victory belonged to the Lord. He was not giving himself the victory, else God would have taken action against him tom rid him of his pride

(2) obedience to Saul’s desires,

maybe. David loved and served God. David knew all authority came from God, so he also knew God put Saul in the position of authority. If we serve God we must also respect the authority He put in place above us

(3) love or desire for Michal,

maybe, the Bible doesnt tell us

or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

No, David served God

I believe David knew he had to marry her because of some way God comunicated it to him, he gave God the honour for all else he did, so he would have involved God in this decision as well.





Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess,(skills) (2) obedience to Saul’s desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

I would have to say that David's chief motive for marrying Michal is love or desire for Michal. I know that he had great military prowess because it is obvious through all the winning battles but if we could remember in chapter 17 David asked, "what shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel?"(NKJV) and he was given the answer "the man who kills him the king will enrich with great riches, will give him his daughter, and give his father's house exemption form taxes in Israel."(NKJV) David sees a clear tunnel to receive his reward and he goes for it at least he knows that he has earned it fair and square even though it should have been his from the beginning. But now he has the foreskins to give as a gift to the king for his bride.

  On 9/18/2012 at 12:42 AM, Shogird said:

(1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess, (2) obedience to Saul’s desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

I think the answers are 2 and 3. Obedience to his king and love or desire for Milcah.

I think the answer are 2 and 3 he wanted to be a part of the Kings family.


Marrying Michal would make him a part of the Kings family and that is what he wanted, He knew he would be king one day.And this time he would have the money to pay for her so he kill 200 hilstine.


By the text it would seem that his pride was David’s chief motive for marrying Michal. The evidence is that he killed 200 instead of 100 Philistines as Saul asked and he accomplished the task before the time had lapsed. Nothing in the text indicates his love for Michal, simple obedience to Saul’s desires, or enjoyment in killing Philistines.


Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess, (2) obedience to Saul’s desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

Since we know that David loves Michal , I think his 1st motive is love, and then quickly on the heels of love David see's this as a way to prove himself even more in battle. And receive the reward first promised to the person who killed the giant Goliath!The fact that he brings back not 100 foreskins but 200, speaks something to the nature of David's character here. He is not above pride, even thou he credits God always for his successes! As David feels he is Saul's servant, yes,I think there is a certain element which suggest David wants to obey Saul. However, he will not put obeying Saul, above God.God is David's first and foremost allegiance.


David's chief motive for marrying Michal is the love and/or desire they had for one another. Each time David was sent to battle, the Lord was always with him so David had no fear in what God could or would do. So to prove his sincere he brought 200 foreskin versus to 100 for the hand in marriage to Michal.


In my opinion, David's chief motive in marrying Michal was not because he thought he was worthy, since he came from humble stock, and I don't think David had a motive to marry Michal or any daughter of the King. It was Saul's idea. In the end, David was being obedient to Saul's wishes.


Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess, (2) obedience to Saul’s desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.


Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess, (2) obedience to Saul’s desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

In my opinion it is his love and desire for Michal. David is a man of God, he is in love with Michal. He wants to do the right thing to consecrate his marriage in Gods eyes. David also loves Saul dearly and thinks of himself as Saul's servant. He remembers that Saul was God's first choice to be the first king of Israel, and that Saul was once his mentor. He looks up to Saul. For David to have an ulterior motive other than his love for Michal would be deceitful, but since Saul is offering his daughter, David does indeed take advantage of the offer to also prove his military prowess. However this does not change the fact that his fist motive is still his love for Michal


I would have to say #1, although I do not see that as a stand alone answer. Yes, I think that David liked the fact that people knew who he was as far as being militarily astute. By this time David probably already knew that Saul was unpredictable in nature. David must have surmised that the Israelites singing that song comparing him to Saul would not sit well with Saul. I think that by this time David may be getting a little “me centered”. Why did he kill 200 men and take their foreskin verses the 100 that was Saul's asking price. I don't believe that he loved Michal. Maybe he wanted to physically love Michal, but that along with his greater military prominence would occur if he married Saul's daughter. Maybe David saw her as someone who could help him to out smart Saul, if need be, since she had a teraphim which Samuel had condemned which indicates to me that she was already leading a deceitful life.


  On 9/23/2012 at 8:37 PM, haar said:

Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David's chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess, (2) obedience to Saul's desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

David accepted Saul's challenge to fight and bring the foreskin of 100 Philistines so as to marry Michal because he probably was in love with her. After all he rejected a free offer to marry Saul's eldest daughter probably because he was not in love with her.

There could have also been some elements of pride in David because of the history his past military victories.

After reading several peoples replies, and most were different I have decided that I would really hate to be a judge or on a jury and make a judgement about someones actions.


I think that David’s chief motivation for marrying Michal is pride of his military prowess because he not only killed the 100 Philistines but he went on to kill 200. I think he enjoys the parade that he gets when he comes back from combat.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/26/2012 at 5:10 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess, (2) obedience to Saul’s desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

The opportunity to marry the king's daughter -- especially if he is able to pay the bride price by his own efforts -- pleases David who takes him up on his offer. Instead of 100 Philistines, David and his men double the amount. They kill 200 Philistines, circumcise the corpses, and deliver the foreskins to Saul. By marrying Michal, David son-in-law to the king who is insanely jealous of David.

  • 1 month later...

:wub: I think it is PRIDE IN HIS MILITARY PROWESS, because daivid knew that he was good in

fight and this was one of the thing that saul does because he knoew he could get daivd this

way he could not get him with his other daugther because it was money that he had to give

as a gift so saul could get daivd but with his second daugther he use daivd military he knew

he could get him this way. and the daivid say he was a king son in law this help him with saul


  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David's chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess, (2) obedience to Saul's desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

Saul tries to appeal to David's military skills, but really hopes David will be killed. Since David is already anointed, he has no problem in killing 2x the enemies that Saul requests. So Saul's strategy backfires and David becomes stronger. And Saul then says to David, "Now you will become my son-in-law."

Simply put David has followed the orders of the King of Israel. And on the King's terms he succeeds from his efforts with his men. He is elevated to son-in-law; this being the reverse of what Saul had hoped for.


Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess, (2) obedience to Saul’s desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

A. David I think had desire for Michal plus there was no dowery to pay just military prowess. So Saul was talking to David's pride. David had the opportunity to marry the King's daughter and pay the bride price by his own efforts and that pleased David.

  • 4 weeks later...

i think David married Michal because of "obedience to Saul's desires". Saul had to make his servants to converse with David and tell him that it would make Saul very happy if he would be his son-in-law. He wanted to fulfill the kings desires, but did not feel fit to do so as he was poor. When the king suggested that he take vengeance on his enemies, David did so without hesitation. Showing us how eager he is to please Saul.

  • 1 month later...

2a)As David was a man skillful in battle success, I believe his macho pride in this,shown by doubling how many foreskins he was asked to collect was the chief motive. Marrying because of love for Michal, and knowing this would have brought him the money to pay his troops as well as happinness would also have been important. I believe he was keen to obey God, Saul’s desires were not alway’s constent with God’s.

  • 8 months later...

Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David's chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion?


I believe David was motivated for a combination of factors which included his love for Michal and his desire to be the King David's son-in-law. However, I do also believe that Since David understood that The Lord was with him that he also felt The Lord calling him to accept King Saul's offer.



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