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Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? Loving friendship

What does David receive? Life

What does Jonathan receive? Continued love toward Jonathan's family.

Who benefits the most from this covenant? David

Is it self-serving – or not? According to this passage: "But show me unfailing kindness like the Lord’s kindness as long as I live, so that I may not be killed, 15 and do not ever cut off your kindness from my family—not even when the Lord has cut off every one of David’s enemies from the face of the earth.” It appears it is somewhat self-serving because Jonathan is using language that refers to "me" and "my."

What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant? Jonathan appears to understand that the covenant was one that could not be broken because they made it between the Lord.

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Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving -- or not? What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

The nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan is that of friendship. They have sworn not to betray each other. They both receive a friendship that will last for their life time. They both benefit from this covenant. It is not a self-serving covenant.

The significance that God is witness to the covenant means they will be able to trust that each of them will comply with the covenant.

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The nature of the Convenant between David and Jonathan was not to harm one another.

Jonathan and David received each other word.......unlike us today!

They both benefit from this Convenant because of their friendship, trust and love they have for one another.

No it is not self-serving because Jonathan could have easily told his father where David was and David being a great battle warrior could have taken Jonathan out. God's plans will be fulfilled and the plans maybe delayed because of our disobedience but nevertheless God will place people in our lives to help us such as Jonathan and David.

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Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving – or not? What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

God is on both their sides and because of God's infinite love, He teaches them how to love one another. It is a mutual covenant in which neither receives anything material. God has already given to each according to His will, and will continue to do so because of their strong faith! What is most important is they have God's blessing, and because of His blessing, they have love, trust, and respect for each other. It is in no way self-serving, it is quite the opposite. Both David and Jonathan remain true to each other and God, it is a very special, selfless bond that they share!

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Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42)

What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan?

The covenant was an "alliance of friendship" between individuals. Jonathan must have had a different heart than his father. He must have understood, or seen within David, that he was a man after God's will. Jonathan must have accepted the fact that God had given David the ability to be the next king or maybe he was just one of the rare individuals who did not wish to be king.

What does David receive?

David receives from Johnathan gifts of a robe, tunic, sword, bow, and belt.

What does Jonathan receive?

At the time of making the covenant I don't think that Jonathan received anthing from David except the promise of the covenant and the verbal comments as to why he wanted to be joined with Jonathan in this covenant. But later, Jonathan did physically benefit from this covenant when years later David brought Jonathan's son into his house and cared for him.

Who benefits the most from this covenant?

David may have physically benefited more from the covenant but, Jonathan had the nature to not be able to live with himself if he did not desire this covenant. As mentioned above Jonathan knew what David was doing was ordained by God.

Is it self-serving -- or not?

No, it was not self-serving. Self-serving is all about you. David made the covenant with Jonathan because he knew that although they were on opposite sides they still had the heart and desire of one.

What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

The covenant was not taken lightly. When it was stated that God was the witness it would have been similar to a sin against God if that covenant had not been maintained and honored.

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The nature of the Convenant between David and Jonathan was not to harm one another.

Jonathan and David received each other word.......unlike us today!

They both benefit from this Convenant because of their friendship, trust and love they have for one another.

No it is not self-serving because Jonathan could have easily told his father where David was and David being a great battle warrior could have taken Jonathan out. God's plans will be fulfilled and the plans maybe delayed because of our disobedience but nevertheless God will place people in our lives to help us such as Jonathan and David.

I wonder how they knew that they were or would be friends of this nature? Was it by their actions that they were able to identify one as being friends. Did they have time to talk and eventually learn the binding nature of their nature? It really doesn't matter because that is not the point but I have met people and I have thought "Wow, I think i would really like to be their friend". I don't really know them for sure but something between us just clicks.

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They swore to take care of each other, to cause no harm in the name of the Lord. I don’t know who benefited the most, although since Jonathan was Saul’s son, he may have been sacrificing the most. Friendship and love is a two-way street. Since God was a witness, this covenant took on a more serious mea ning than just saying “we’re friends.”

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Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving – or not? What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

David concludes that he isn't safe even with the prophet Samuel. He arranges a secret meeting with Saul's son, Jonathan. Consider how much trust this must have taken on David's part. If Jonathan betrays David to his father Saul, he can become king himself. Still, Jonathan has made a covenant with David and keeps it.If you mistreat my daughters or if you take any wives besides my daughters, even though no one is with us, remember that God is a witness betweenyou and me." (Genesis 31:49-50)

You will recall that there was no longer any trust between Jacob and Laban. Yet they parted with the assurance that the Lord was a witness to their agreement with each other. Of course, when David and Jonathan part, there is great trust between them -- and great risk for both of them. Their last words recall that the Lord will be watching that each of them fulfills his part of the covenant.

It's touching to imagine their parting. The NIV translates verse 41, "Then they kissed each other and wept together -- but David wept the most," suggesting that they were in competition with each other, but that doesn't make sense. The Message captures the scene better:

"They kissed one another and wept, friend over friend, David weeping especially hard." (20:41, The Message)

David is leaving the honor and relative stability of the king's palace and his own military command. What faces him now is the life of a fugitive, always looking over his shoulder, pursued relentlessly by the most powerful man in the kingdom, intent on his death. And David is leaving his closest, dearest friend, Jonathan, who is risking his own future by being loyal to David. It is almost too much to bear. One chapter of his life is closing forever and another chapter -- a dark and foreboding chapter -- is opening. David is weeping as Jonathan turns to go back to the city while David walks into exile alone.

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Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving -- or not? What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

The covenant benefited both David and Jonathan. David received assurance of Jonathan's love towards him. Being that he would reveal to him Sauls intentions regarding Davids life. Jonathan on the other hand received favour for his and the life of his household. So that when David would eventually be King he would not class them as his enemy and kill them.

They call on God as witness to this oath. This is quite significant as it's a testimony of both their individual relationship with God. I would even go as far to say that even moreso for Jonathan. As his actions throughout, show submission to Gods will that David would be King. He doesn't react like Saul, as he easily could have. Instead he demonstrates a trust in Gods actions and seeks to help David in all his endeavours— even the taking of his birthright. Based on this you could then argue that an element of Jonathan's plea was perhaps self-serving. I wouldn't conclude that, as the passages clearly states that Jonathan loved David. And perfect love casts out all fear. Saul didn't love David, as his actions are clearly a result of fear.

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The nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan is that they have sworn friendship to one another in the name of the Lord.

What David receives is Jonathan's promise that he want betray David to Saul.

What Jonathan receives is a promise not to kill Jonathan's family when David eventually ascends to the throne.

Both David and Jonathan benefit from the covenant because of their love and total trust of one another.

The oath was not self serving because both parties benefitted.

The significance that God is witness to the covenant is both David and Jonathan have sworn the oath to each other in the name of the Lord.

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  • 1 month later...

:wub: That the lord will be between Jonthan and daivd and descendants

for ever. They kissed each other and wept daivd wept the most

It is not self serving because both of them give up being the king

since saul son was the one that wwas helping daive and his

father knew it.They daid that the lord is between them and the

lord is their witness what they daid to each other.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving -- or not? What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

This covenant kind of frightens me for many reasons. Jesus said, let your yes be yes, anything more is from the evil one. Still bringing their God into the promises they make to each other is like doing it as a prayer. It makes me want to make another covenant with God: I need you, please help me listen better to you. I love you more than anything. Please teach me to remain in you to receive this love and to increase my humility. Teach me to fear you more, bow to your word more and seek to glorify you more. That is the covanant and wish that I have from hearing Him after reading this lesson.

Lord please make me nothing so I can better hear and serve you; in Jesus name, Amen

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Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive?

What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving – or not?

What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

a) Mutual love and trust. The promise that David would not harm Jonathan, his family or his decendents,

as it was usual to put to death all family members of the former king.

B) David receives Jonathan's friendship and love and the promise not to reveal anything to his father Saul.

c) Jonathan receives the covenant of peace and the promise of David not harming his family or decendents.

d. David and Jonathan both benefits from the covenant. It was based of Love, Friendship, and Trust.

Both promised to aid the other. Jonathan watching Saul for David, and David promising no harm to

Jonathan's family after he became King.

e) God was their witness to their covenant between each other and both greatly respected God The fact

that God witnessed the conenant gave appproval to it,

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  • 1 month later...

4a)The covenvant of trust was a binding oath between the house of David and the house of Jonathan agreed certain actions of kindness for each other, to prevent harm from coming to either of them, no quarrelling, bloodshed between them, as long as one of them alive to pass covenant onto future generations.

b)They devise a plan-Jonathan to test Saul’s reactions when he gives Saul exsuces for his planned absence at New Moon festival.If angry Jonathan agreed to ward David via placement of an arrow he fires, so he can flee. David had to trust Jonathan not to betray him to Saul,

c)Jonathan given owth of reassurance that David that no harm will come to his family, when David eventually becomes king , even though Jonathan is a potential rival.

d)David gains most his freedom to live,position of King, from humble beginnings. Jonathan had everything to lose incl his heir to throne.

e) The covenant basis is of love, friendship and trust to look after/ out for other person first, which is mutually beneficial for their lives , but also risk in trusting for their futures.

f)Significance of God witnessing the covenanting, is that he will be always watching to see each one maintains their part of the agreement.


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  • 8 months later...

Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan?

An oath to be mutually devoted living in God's harmony with each other.



What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? peace



Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving -- or not? David does, however, Jonathon receives blessings.



What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant? God is able to honor the covenant between the two.


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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 months later...

(1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving -- or not? What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

David and Jonathan obviously have a deep friendship that each of them value.   They want nothing to come between them or to see any harm come to either of them.  They both want God to lead their efforts, so they ask Him to "witness" the covenant to do whatever they can to avoid harm to each other- it is significant cause it show the seriousness of their devotion to Him.  And it shows they are more concerned about the other's safety than their own. 

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(1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving -- or not? What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

David and Jonathan obviously have a deep friendship that each of them value.   They want nothing to come between them or to see any harm come to either of them.  They both want God to lead their efforts, so they ask Him to "witness" the covenant to do whatever they can to avoid harm to each other- it is significant cause it show the seriousness of their devotion to Him.  And it shows they are more concerned about the other's safety than their own. 

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  • 2 years later...

It is a very strong bond..a bond of love and brotherhood.  Not easily broken.

David receives help in the way of escape and warning.

Jonathon receives David's love and promise that he will never forsake Jonathan or his family

It was not self serving...it benefited both of them.  They benefitted each other almost.

That God would oversee the covenant and judge accordingly.

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  • 1 month later...

Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving – or not? What is the significance that God is witness to the Covenant

 the Covenant between David and Jonathan was one of mutual Trust. Although a David receives more than Jonathan both do receive something. David receives help and support as he prepares to leave in his exile to the wilderness. Jonathan supplies him with the things that he needs and means for an escape. Jonathan receives promise from David that he will not destroy Jonathan's family when he becomes king. Both honor their Covenant.

God is witness to the Covenant can have several possible implications. Firstly, both David and Jonathan are followers of the Lord and believe in God. As such when they swear their allegiance to each other not to betray and not to harm, they are making a promise before God to keep the Covenant. Secondly it shows the love and trust each have for the other. It is not unlike a wedding Covenant.


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  • 3 years later...

1.What is nature of covenant  between  David  and  Jonathan? They had a sworn friendship  with each other in the name of the Lord  [1Sam 20:42]

2.What does David receive. Jonathan was going to help David escape from his father who wanted  to  kill  him 

3.Who benefited most from this covenant? Both of the benefited , as we'll see in next chapters David showing favour to Mepibosheth , who is Jonathan's son


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  • 1 year later...

Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving – or not? What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

David and Jonathan had a close and mutual understanding of Saul's 'issues' .... I've been thinking a lot about this, that Saul had some kind of mental/emotional issues that would have been very transparent to these two. Today we would call it 'mental illness'. Obviously Saul's disobedience to God is his key problem, but it would have manifested with random emotional outbursts and crazy actions which would, by way of 'Folie à deux' have been effecting many many people surrounding and close to the king.

David receives both confirmation and insight which will help with his discernment as he proceeds from that moment. Jonathan receives a reality check and relief to know he is not crazy and he has helped his dear friend. I think they both benefit although very differently, equally.

I think it is simply them trying to work their way through their respective situations and be obedient to God in that quest.   

Because they are obedient to God, it is implicit in their oath to each other to refer to the Almighty. I would have expected nothing less of these men.


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  • 3 months later...

A covenant of friendship; entered into a solemn agreement to keep up and maintain a cordial respect to each other, and to support each other's interest both in life and after death, whoever was the survivor; and in consequence of this David had a friend at court, when Saul fell out with him, and who pleaded his cause, and discovered his father's plots, and was the means of preserving David's life:
because he loved him as his own soul; so that this covenant was not founded in mere words, but in sincere and cordial affection, and was lasting and inviolable.
They were a threat to Saul

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Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42)

What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan?

What does David receive?

What does Jonathan receive?

Who benefits the most from this covenant?

Is it self-serving -- or not?

What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

They have a deep love for each other.  The covenant between them is that the one will look after the welfare of the other.  If the one knows of impending danger to the other, he will share that and as best possible protect him from it. When the one is no more the other will care for that one's loved ones/family as best as he is able, as if they are his own.  

David receives assurance from Jonathan that he will reveal what Saul's intents are towards him (plots Saul has to kill David).  Jonathan is assured that God will be between David's offspring and Jonathan's offspring forever.  They swear allegiance to each other.  The one will not harm the other. Jonathan will not harm David should Saul instruct him to do so but will sooner reveal the plot to him, so that he can escape.  David in turn will not harm Jonathan out of vengeance for Saul's venemous anger.  

They both benefit.  Their God-centered friendship remains intact.

The covenant is not a spur of the moment or fly by night thing, it is serious.  Both love the Lord and want to live in the centre of His will and purpose.  

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