cowboynmb Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 I'm Danny from a little town called Calabash, NC. Been a Christian for 30 years but always ready to learn more about the word. Quote
browe73 Posted October 17, 2004 Report Posted October 17, 2004 Hi my name is Bryan Rowe, I am from England in the United Kingdom. I look forward to reading and studing more about the book of revelation. i am a care worker. i am 31 years old. God bless everyone doing this study. Quote
hildacopeland Posted November 1, 2004 Report Posted November 1, 2004 Hi, my name is Hilda. I live in Georgia in the USA. I am married and have four children and two step children who are like my own. We have thirteen grandchildren. Presently, we are raising three of the grandchildren and it is really a challenge at my age, but also a joy. They are three girls ages 7,5,and 18 months. So you see why I say it is a challenge. I am 49 years old and always wished the very best for my children and their children. This is my first online Bible study and I am really looking forward to it and the feedback that everyone will have. I pray that the Lord will sharpen our spiritual tools and equip us each one to use them most effectively. God Bless each and every one of you. Quote
CaliGuate Posted November 7, 2004 Report Posted November 7, 2004 Hello, My name is Jennifer and I am a teacher in Guatemala City. I look forward to learning and growing in God's word through this study. What an opportunity to meet new people in the Body of Christ! God bless you! Quote
rrapert Posted January 16, 2005 Report Posted January 16, 2005 I'm reminded of a song when I study this: "This is how it feels to be free, this is how it feels to know that I am forgiven"- it's a good song. I'm Ryan, from Ohio/Indiana (college freshman), confirmed in the faith in 2000, growing ever since (and before then as well)...Left Behind is the wrong approach to Revelation. Quote
achoice Posted February 1, 2005 Report Posted February 1, 2005 IMy name is Arthur, and I am very bless to be able to take part in this study. I am, from Sanford Florida in the United States of America. Again, I so blessed to be able to take part in this study. Quote
Katzen Posted May 13, 2005 Report Posted May 13, 2005 My name is Jane and I live in Mesa, Arizona. I am a single mother. I have a 21 year old son. I am a "returning" Christian...kind of doing a "start over". I was looking around the internet for a Bible study when I found this one on Revelations. I'm looking forward to it. Quote
Barbara1 Posted May 17, 2005 Report Posted May 17, 2005 My name is Barbara, and Ihave lived in Arkansa for the past 18 years. I have three children (37,35,32) and I have 14 grandchildren. I grew up in a church but did not know about Jesus until 27. But I really found the Lord and understood his love when I turned 45, the greatest day of my life. I injoy the lessons I've been doing, just wish my new job allowed as much time to study as the last one. Quote
johjoy Posted June 2, 2005 Report Posted June 2, 2005 Greetings sisters and brothers in Christ, This week, I will be starting the Revelations Bible study and I'm pretty excited about it. I was searching for an interactive Bible study online today and Google brought this web site and its Bible studies to my attention. Really, I know that it was God! I really like the way the studies combine guided lessons and personal study with an online discussion component with other Bible students. This is my first time using any of them. I am a community organizer, doctoral student and college teacher who lives in the Washington DC area. I attend New Covenant Church in Hyattsville, Md. - a non-demoninational Christian church. Like many of you, I also serve as a sunday school teacher for our young members. Looking forward to reading your insights, questions and views as I go forward in the study. May God help us and bring us understanding -- In Jesus' name, I pray. Quote
ellymht Posted July 6, 2005 Report Posted July 6, 2005 Greetings! My name is Ellen. I have been married for 18 years to a wonderful Christian man. We have two children, Richard 18 and Cheyenne 12. I accepted Christ only a year and a half ago. I was driving home from the pet store and God lead me to Mt. Zion Christian Assembly!! I was totally led by the Holy Spirit, although I didn't know it at the time. I talked to the pastor, who, coincidentally was supposed to be off that day but felt like he needed to be at work that morning!! Praise God!!! So I confessed, repented and we began attending there. Now my daughter and I participate on the Worship Flag team, I sing back up with the band on Sunday nights, my daughter and husband belong to the new choir and the three of us joined the new drama team!!! We have been praying and I've been fasting for our son who is not saved. God is wonderful and gracious and I don't know what I'd ever do without Him in my life. I love God and Christ and the Holy Spirit and want to continue learning as much as I can. I want to be obedient to His Word and for what He would have me do. Much love in Christ, Ellen Quote
johnd Posted February 18, 2006 Report Posted February 18, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself. Hi, my name is John and I live in the North of England. I've recently made a commitment to Jesus and I'm hoping this online study will help me on my journey. Best regards to all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, John. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted March 31, 2006 Report Posted March 31, 2006 Hello, My name is Lisa Rupert and I live in Melbourne, Florida. Married for 24 years, we have no children. I am originally from Lake Charles, La. but my husband's job transferred him to Florida 2 years ago. We love it here we especially love the Ocean. But the south is the south. This is my fourth study group with Pastor Ralph and I look forward to studying The Book of Revelations with all of you. God Bless Lisa Rupert Quote
Bluestar Posted June 13, 2006 Report Posted June 13, 2006 Grace and peace! My name is Eileen. I'm a Sunday School teacher, retired in SW Florida, and enjoying getting into Revelation in depth again. The first time was in the mid sixties, and then again in the late eighties, but basically just from one viewpoint. (Our denomination does not emphasize this book of the Bible.) The Internet has made such a difference in the resources available, such as this course! I find the questions especially helpful. I'm also enjoying a parallel commentary by Steve Gregg (Revelation: Four Views) which shows in parallel columns how representative historicists, preterists, futurists, and spiritual interpreters have viewed each passage. Our classes have students from different backgrounds: this helps us understand each other. If you have an evaluation of Gregg's book, please share it! Thank you. And on to enjoying the insights of those of you who've gone before in this study . . . Quote
leely Posted July 29, 2006 Report Posted July 29, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself. Hi, my name is Lee and I am from Singapore, a tiny dot at the southern tip of Eurasia. I am so excited about starting on this bible study of Revelation and thank you, Pastor, for making this possible. Quote
polly Posted September 15, 2006 Report Posted September 15, 2006 Hi, my name is Polly, I live in England, I am very interested in learning about the Book of Revelation, have tried to read and meditate it a couple of times, without success... so here I am praying with you.. Quote
Rosie Posted September 15, 2006 Report Posted September 15, 2006 I too am so interested in the Book of revelation. I am ever so eager to learn. I am Rosie Quote
Rosie Posted September 16, 2006 Report Posted September 16, 2006 Hello, I am Rosemary and I live in Arkansas. Thank you bro. Ralph for this wonderful Bible Study! I am so proud to be part of it and I want to learn all that I can. I am mom to 4 and grantmom to 4. I am retired and have so many interests, but above all, I do love the Lord! I have an on line prayer and praise Ministry and also I am part of a weekly ministry that spreads the Word of the Lord. It is such a blessing! I hope to hear from many of you as I love friends! Rosemary Quote
Soldier Of Faith Posted September 23, 2006 Report Posted September 23, 2006 My name is Joe, I live in the Tampa area of Florida. After reading some of the answers to some of the questions included in the lessons I am not sure if this is right for me. I feel like I know nothing about what is being discussed here. I am saved now a little more then a year. I promised myself to learn the bible from Genesis to Revelations. I have done many online studies as well as studies within my church. I attend Calvary Chapel Worship Center in Port Richey, Florida. It is an awesome chuirch that promotes personal relationships with God. We are a Bible based church and thats it. I cannot keep the feeling away that I am not doing enough to assure my place in Heaven. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour and Lord. I have confessed Jesus Christ is the Son of God!! I have repented my ways and do everything I can to lead a righteous life!! I have been baptized by immersion. I tithed and serve within Christs church. I am doing what I set out to do but since stopping here and reading the lessons on Revelations I am worried that I do not have the intelligence to stand with some of the people here. I have just recieved lessons 1 and 2, I printed out all the charts, comparison charts etc. I have even started to read the lessons but I cannot seem to get through lesson 1. I understand what I am reading in both the lesson and the Bible, but I get lost when I read a question. I need to strengthen my faith that I can do this. I will pray to God to help me and I ask everyone in this thread and taking this lesson to throw a prayer in if you can. It is nice to be [art of this and I look forward to making many many posts. Thanks and God Bless Quote
Jean @ Rosehill Posted January 23, 2007 Report Posted January 23, 2007 Hello...Am I the only one studying this topic at this time? I would really like to see the forum activated. But at this time I cannot post replies to Part 2. I hope someone can help. I also cannot get emails sent to the forum help person..... Quote
Mr Drama Guy Posted January 30, 2007 Report Posted January 30, 2007 Hope you come back! I'm starting this study, too. Quote
lupie Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 my name is bob im retired military, i live with my wife in north florida the state both of us was raised in.we are both christians and members of the church of looking foward to the course in revelation.and studying with each of you Quote
Pastor Diana Lewis Posted March 9, 2007 Report Posted March 9, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself. My name is Diana. They call me Pastor Diana because I started a church that meets in my home here in Meriden, Ct. I believe that home churches will be the norm in the future. Our goal is reach this hurting world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love studying the Bible that's why I enrolled in thes Bible courses that you have. It seems to bring more meaning to reading the Bible even if at times we don't agree but that's okay. The main thing is to learn from His Word and thrill to be more like Jesus. Quote
Pastor Tony Posted June 28, 2007 Report Posted June 28, 2007 My name is Tony and I'm from Long Island New York. I was an associate pastor for about 9 years and just recently planted a new church that launched Easter Sunday 2006. We have experienced much growth and are excited about what the Lord is doing here on Long Island. Long Island has about 4 million people with only 3% attending an evangelical church so the opportunity is awesome! Please pray for us and the harvest here on the east coast! Quote
AlexisLucinda Posted July 16, 2007 Report Posted July 16, 2007 Hello, I am Alexis, I live in San Antonio,Texas.I am excited about this Bible Study, and hope to learn and meet new people. May the Blessings of the Lord be upon you! Quote
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