Pastor Ralph Posted July 26, 2012 Report Posted July 26, 2012 Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David). Why did the fulfillment of God’s word take so long? How would you evaluate David’s patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? Quote
IvoryEagle Posted October 20, 2012 Report Posted October 20, 2012 Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? I would say 15 years. "David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years. (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David.) Why did the fulfillment of God's word take so long? ONLY GOD KNOWS FOR SURE; PERHAPS TO ENSURE HE WOULD NOT BE LIKE Ish-Bosheth, DEPENDING ON SOMEONE STRONGER TO LEAD HIM. BY THE TIME HE TOOK OVER HIS KINGDOM, HE WAS WELL ABLE TO LEAD, WITH ONE EXCEPTION: FAMILY ACCOUNTABILITY. How would you evaluate David's patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? PHENOMENAL How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? PHENOMENAL!!!!!!! Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted October 20, 2012 Report Posted October 20, 2012 Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? 15years (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David.) Why did the fulfillment of God's word take so long? God often takes long to give us promises, see Abraham, Joseph, Moses and many more. God 1st prepare us, sanctify us, so that we are ready and capable of doing His work. David had to learn how to lead a nation (in the kingdom with Saul), how to lead an army or a big group of people (with his men in the desert while they were hiding from Saul) how to do politics (hiding out in the ennemy's terretory) and many more. God prepared David for His work before He allowed David to become king. David also had to proof that he was reliable, not like Saul who became arrogant when he became king. Saul was also still king for a long time after David's received his promice. How would you evaluate David's patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? He knew God's promise will come true. He knew he had to stay in the will of God to become king. He knew God had the best plan and the best timing, so he went through life searching God, not searching his own ideas. How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? I failed a few times, buying a farm for God, moving to another country and telling God i will build you a church there. God never told me to do this, I desided to do it, once I learned to ask God for His will, instead of taking control and telling God what i am doing for Him, my life became so much easier. David was patient and waited on God's timing Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted October 22, 2012 Report Posted October 22, 2012 It took 15 years form the time Samuel anointed David, before he actually set up his throne in the city of David which was Jerusalem. It took so long because of the division of Israel and Judah. He had to get through the death of Saul so He was a very patience person to go through all of this. I have learned through many times to be still and stand still until God gets ready to move In his time will always be the right time and all things will go as the Lord will have it to be done. It can be no other way for it to work. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted October 22, 2012 Report Posted October 22, 2012 Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David). About 15 years passed after Samuel first annointed David to his becoming king of Judah. Then another 7 years pass until he is made king of all Israel. Why did the fulfillment of God’s word take so long? God often has a complex time table and things have to work out "in the Lord's good time" as the saying goes. Israel had to learn what a bad king was before they could be ready for a good king. How would you evaluate David’s patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? David showed great patience, especially during his wilderness years. How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? Well, for starters, I don't know what God has promised me. Under God's sovereign rule and despite my being a God-believing, praying, wittnessing, tithing Christian, God saw fit to let my marriage disintegrate, my health deteriorate, my ability to work a day job diminish through serious work injuries, and the retirement savings I had be halved by the global financial crisis. I got no answer. Quote
Delivered Posted October 22, 2012 Report Posted October 22, 2012 Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? It was approximately 10 to 15 years since David had been anointed king by Samuel. Why did the fulfillment of God's word take so long? I cannot speak for God to His reason why, but God must have thought that David needed this length of time in order to prepare him for the struggles that lie ahead for Israel. How would you evaluate David's patience concerning would be king? Amazing and faithful! Quote
charisbarak Posted October 23, 2012 Report Posted October 23, 2012 I believe it was about 15 years. God had to grow David and prepare circumstances for his takeover. It was God's plan & His timing is perfect. David was extremely patient, knowing God would work out everything in His will and His time. He didn't jump in and "help" God as some do. Sometimes I think I'm being patient, I just want to stay in God's will for me each day. Quote
Travis63 Posted October 23, 2012 Report Posted October 23, 2012 Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? 10 - 15 years Why did the fulfillment of God's word take so long? God's timing is His timing, we can speculate, and there maybe truth to our speculation, however only God know. My take is that he was preparing David, and that David was learning. How would you evaluate David's patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? I really do not know how to evaluate and or judge David's patience, I think because we know can read the after effect, we can speak of probable possibilities. David did seek the Lord for guidance on occasions prior to his becoming king. However we do not find one verse where he inquires when am I going to be king. Well I should rephrase, I have not found a verse where he inquire unto the Lord about his kingship. David had GREAT respect towards God appointing Saul, and the fact that Saul was anointed as well. Because he honored God, I believe that he would wait until Saul was no longer king. Being king wasn't David's ambition, he would fill the vacancy when God ushered to do so. How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? There are virtually hundreds of promise in the Bible. some of the promises are conditional, and some are not. For all of the "If" when I do not comply I ask that He, God continue being patience with me. I thank Him for being True, Living, Loving and extending grace, mercy, and love towards me. I cannot say that He, God has promised me health, wealth, nor a life that I desire, if he has I wasn't as attentive as I should have been. The promise that God has promised me is that I can live abundantly. The patience I have gained through many living experiences have allowed me to be content in many situations and circumstances. My prayers are that I can through Him learn to find contentment as new circumstances and situations arise. Quote
Jwalane Mofokeng Posted October 23, 2012 Report Posted October 23, 2012 (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? It has been at least 15 years since David has been anointed by Samuel Why did the fulfillment of God’s word take so long? God prepare a man first before He can use him How would you evaluate David’s patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? David he was always standing in the promise of God. He never doubt the prophecy How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you In the past year everytime when challenges come i struggled to overcom them. Until i realize that i must overcome them if i wast to be useful in the hand of God Quote
JanMary Posted October 23, 2012 Report Posted October 23, 2012 Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David). It has been about 15 years since David had been anointed King. Why did the fulfillment of God’s word take so long? I believe that the 15 years was preparation for David to be able to wear the crown. He learned how NOT to be King by watching how poorly Saul governed, in the flesh, disobedience to God's word, rage, personal vendetta's, rash death threats, etc. Sometimes we learn more from negative examples and by watching the mistakes and consequences of those mistakes than we do from a positive example. The trials and testing's, deepened David's trust and dependence upon the Lord, as Joseph's trial's prepared him to be Premier of Egypt. How would you evaluate David’s patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? I would give David an A! He held onto God and the promise and prophecy and never wavered! I loved that he didn't kill Saul when he had the chance in the cave, or when his men took the water jug near Saul's head while he was sleeping, and could have killed him and didn't because they knew David would not allow it! How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? I've been waiting for 40 years for one promise and 33 years for another, and lesser years for others. In the early years of waiting, I actually shook my fist at God and demanded "why is this taking so long?", in my impatience and immaturity. I wanted things done NOW. As the years have gone on, and my faith has matured, patience has been developed, wisdom gained, grace imparted, I've learned to be content as things are. In the early years I checked quite often to make certain I'd "heard" correctly from the Lord, and He always reassured me. As time passed I learned the pattern: The promise is given, then a problem comes, then the provision. The bigger the promise, the bigger the problem and the longer the wilderness. I've experienced what the Israelites experienced in their wilderness....we've never missed a meal, our clothes and shoes have not worn out, the Lord has moved us about here and there, from hither and yon as the cloud lifts, but we've always had warm shelter, a bed...all that we've needed. When my husband and son needed surgery, though we no longer had insurance, they received miraculous provision and healing. When I have become weary in the waiting, He refreshes me with some delight and freshness in His Word. The biggest blessing is that He has been developing perseverance, which I've learned only comes through long, hard, trials and waiting. The provision for all promises will come, because He cannot lie, and is alert and active to perform His Word. (He gave me that "refreshing" yesterday in Jeremiah 1:11. How I love Him and appreciate His wisdom and faithfulness! Quote
Lion of Grace Posted October 23, 2012 Report Posted October 23, 2012 Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David). Why did the fulfillment of God’s word take so long? How would you evaluate David’s patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? It was approx. 15 years since David had been anointed by Samuel. He was around 12-15 yrs. old when he was anointed as future king and became king at the age of 30. The fulfillment of God's word took so long because God trained David to be a Godly man and King. He wanted David to be trained in obedience and trust so that God's will would be carried out through David. I think David had a lot of patience, but not without pain. I believe he grew in patience during this period as well as growing in Godliness and in God's will. My own patience is being tried right now. Looking back on how often I didn't wait on God in the past or how often I didn't have an understanding of truly waiting on Him, I do see growth in myself. I've learned to "inquire" of the Lord more and take things step by step, not forging ahead and then asking God to bless MY efforts! I still slip up sometimes, but I really am relaxing in His peace while I wait more and more for His timing and His will! There are just so many things you don't get right away that are promised to you even though they are good things and you know they are in God's will. To wait though, really reveals God's faithfulness and his perfect will. That grows trust in God and that's what we need to see us through! Quote
haar Posted October 23, 2012 Report Posted October 23, 2012 Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David.) Why did the fulfillment of God's word take so long? How would you evaluate David's patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? Fulfilling God's word could seem long to man but his word also says that a day to God may be like 1000 years and 1000 years may be just as one day. David was a very patient man waiting for God's appropriate timing to be king. This explained why he had the opportunity at about two occasions to kill Saul and assumed power but did not do it. I am usually very impatient and pray that God will help me to be more patient. Quote
Rhndwsh Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 Approximately 15 years. God uses us to do His will. Apparantly He knew that David needed this alloted amount of time to prepare him to do HiS works for Him. David patience grew withhin him through his love and faith in God. I believe David didn't need to focus on his prophecy He just has a strong faith in God; inwhich evolved in his patience knowing that God would never fail him. I believe God does things for us in his own time not ours. We need to just focus on our love for Him and our faith will evolve in patience cause HE will take care of us. WE JUST NEED TO BELIEVE---KEEP THE FAITH IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST! Quote
hanks Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David.) Why did the fulfilment of God's word take so long? How would you evaluate David's patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? Samuel had anointed David as king approximately 15 years before. David had also by now ruled over the tribe of Judah in Hebron for another 7.5 years. What remained for David to be crowned king of Israel was for all the tribes to convene at Hebron and crown David king. The people realised that God’s hand was upon him, for God gave him success in his military exploits. So the elders of the whole nation anointed David and proclaimed him as their king. God’s timing is always perfect. David had by now become a seasoned warrior and a gifted leader who had the blessing of the Lord on his life. David showed patience and faith in God promise – he knew he would be crowned king. In the same way we can trust God to keep his promises to us. We read in Philippians 4:19, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus’. As Believers we know that God’s riches are unlimited and our Heavenly Father will meet our every need in His own perfect time. Quote
parkerslope Posted October 26, 2012 Report Posted October 26, 2012 Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? The best estimate is 15 years. Why did the fulfillment of God's word take so long? God is very patient. And He takes a long time in fulfilling His promises. Look at Abraham and the promised son - 10 years. Look at Moses becoming a leader of the Exodus - 40 years. I believe that David was not yet skilled enough to be king, so God allowed David to be involved in being chased and fighting to be fit to be king. How would you evaluate David's patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? David seemed to be a "man after God's heart" and trusted in God and His decisions. David would not become involved in any killing of God's anointed nor would he try to become king before God wanted him to. I see great patience and trust in David. How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? I lack patience! I seem to always want to run ahead of God and His plan. When something does not happen as fast as I want, I try to push or dray the elements into play before its time. God is at this time trying to teach me patience and trust, so that I might be a more firm Christian. Quote
Jen Posted October 28, 2012 Report Posted October 28, 2012 Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David). Why did the fulfillment of God’s word take so long? How would you evaluate David’s patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? Approximately 15 years. God's timing is perfect. He is never early and never late and He has a lot of work to accomplish in us. It is not an instant pudding process. I think David's patience grew with time and He also grew in the Lord. My own patience? I have learned you cannot hurry God up by grumbling. You may even slow Him down. He is not impressed with pity parties. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
Raph Posted October 29, 2012 Report Posted October 29, 2012 Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David.) It is has been approximately 37 years. Why did the fulfillment of God's word take so long? The fulfillment took long as David was patient waiting for the appropriate time as the Lord deems fit. How would you evaluate David's patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? I can evaluate by indicating that, David was really a God fearing person; he did not do anything just because he wanted it, but he will wait for a sign or go ahead from the Lord. How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? My patience will be full of eargerness. Quote
Raph Posted October 29, 2012 Report Posted October 29, 2012 Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David.) It is has been approximately 37 years. Why did the fulfillment of God's word take so long? The fulfillment took long as David was patient waiting for the appropriate time as the Lord deems fit. How would you evaluate David's patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? I can evaluate by indicating that, David was really a God fearing person; he did not do anything just because he wanted it, but he will wait for a sign or go ahead from the Lord. How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? My patience will be full of eargerness. Quote
Old Jerry Posted October 30, 2012 Report Posted October 30, 2012 From the way I figure it has been 22 years since David had been anointed King by Samuel. Some of the reasons that it took so long was because David was still loyal to Saul and Saul was God’s appointed King over Israel. Maybe it was because God was testing David to see how he would react to different circumstances. I feel that David’s patience was very good. I would have lost patience and would have eliminated Saul when I had the chance. I think that this is the reason the God chose David because of his patience. I know that I don’t have the patience that David did. If God promised me something I want it now. Quote
Highohfaith Posted November 3, 2012 Report Posted November 3, 2012 I think it has been about 15-18 years since David was first chosen as God's elect, till the time he takes kingship of all Israel. During 7.5 of those years he was king of Judah. God is sharpening David's leadership skills and strengthening David's faith and patience during these 15 years. Preparing him to be a great king. David shows true patience and reserve . Though all he has been through, David's faith never falters. Through undying deep rooted faith, and endurance, his will to be obedient to God , his desire to fulfil God's plan, his love for God, he has shown great patience. I'd like to think that I could be as patient as David. Patience is a trait in which I have desired and struggled, feverishly prayed for . God and I have worked together for a long time to shape me into a patient person. A person able to endure long suffering. A person able to wait and depend on God for everything, good or bad. In order to experience the joy of the Lord, we must be refined through our struggles. The reward is great. God is GOOD all the time, and all the time GOD IS GOD! I trust in Him. God is my rock! It has just been recently, that through a very troubling time the Holy Spirit has begun to show me how to become more patient. Still much work to be done, but making significant strides toward patience. I believe with all my heart that God is refining and tuning my patience, and testing me through a long struggle with my health. God works in wondrous ways,we must be patient, run the good race, never stop waiting and believe in the awesome POWER of our God. David's true love,and patience, his faith and desire to please God is inspiring indeed!! Quote
Semeion Posted November 5, 2012 Report Posted November 5, 2012 Sometimes the fulfillment of the Lord takes a while because I believe he is pruning us. it took David until the age of 30 to be king over Judah and he wasn['t king over all of Israel until he reached 37. My own patience is not equal to that of David's- depending ont he circumstance. David was anointed king a few years prior to becoming on of Judah. Perhaps praying for patience could be our weapon. Quote
Willard Posted November 7, 2012 Report Posted November 7, 2012 Reply to Q3: David is seeking God's will. If David had gone up, he surely would have been defeated. As humans, God has given us the right of choice; we can choose our way or His, and sometimes he wants us to be patient and wait. He is working things out, while we're waiting. God wants us to be obedient to His will, and we are acknowledging Him as Lord when we do, which pleases Him. We are impatient and do not acknowledge Him as Lord all of the time. Quote
wjcargile Posted November 8, 2012 Report Posted November 8, 2012 It was about 15 years since David was anoined king. I believe God was preparing David to take over by (letting him suffered at the hands of Saul) learning what it is like to live in unpleasant times. David knew his day was coming to pass. He had patience to wait. He also learned a lots on how to be a good king compared to Saul. I measure my own patience by waiting on God. I wait with faith. I have also learned, God doesn't need my help. Quote
Platoz Posted November 9, 2012 Report Posted November 9, 2012 Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? It has been approximately 37 years since David had been anointed king by Samuel. Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David. (See ) Why did the fulfillment of God's word take so long? David needed to grow up and learn things to become the king that God wanted him to be. Not that he did not start into the process on a good foot but God put him on the throne when the time was right. Also, maybe the timing was not right for others concerned in the process such as the rest of the Israelites, the countries that surrounded Judah and Israel. How would you evaluate David's patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? I think he had very good patience. If not, he would have killed or had Saul killed early in the game. But, he waited for God to take care of that in his time. How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? No good. In fact I have been waiting for an outcome of something for some time now. I know it is coming and I am like “Come on, let's get moving on this. I've got things to do”. It seems like the waiting consumes my every thought until I am almost useless for other things. Quote
csreeves Posted November 12, 2012 Report Posted November 12, 2012 On 7/26/2012 at 5:28 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5) Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David). Why did the fulfillment of God’s word take so long? How would you evaluate David’s patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? David was very patient with God's timing of his coming to the King My patience is so very short, but is getting longer. I am learning the more patience I have the greater the blessings and the timing of patience grows. Quote
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