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Q3. (2 Samuel 5:17-25) Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time? What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn’t inquire of the Lord the second time? Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life? What does that say about God? What does that say about us?

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What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn't inquire of the Lord the second time?


Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life?


What does that say about God? HE WILL LET US DO WHAT WE CHOOSE, EVEN IF IT IS NOT HIM.



Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time?

We saw often that this was David's nature. He didn't think about it, he always asked God's will. This died down once he was king for a while, thus he sinned. But at this time he was still totally focussed on God's will and guidence.

David knew his help came from God. He also knew God knew best and had a perfect plan. He wanted God to work through him, he didnt want to act on his own.

What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn't inquire of the Lord the second time?

We dont know, but probably the result would not have been good, or he would still have acted on his 1st enquiry.

This is not how God works usually, He wants to be involved in everything we do. He wants to build our relationship all the time, so i must search his will all the time

Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life?

We think we know the situation we are in, we can solve the problem, but we often looses the plot. It is far better to just follow the guidence of God

He gave us free will, and He allows us to live out our will. Yet He also sends us situations to draw us back, to show us where He is, to help us to be sanctified

What does that say about God?

He is fair and just. He is also patient with us. He loves us so much He wants us to learn as well, not just act as robots

What does that say about us?

We are often impatient, self centred, we must become God centred and God focussed. We must also learn to rely on God's Almighty ability, not my human ability


David inquires from God the direction that he should take for the attack on the Philistines, because David is a man of God that totally depends upon God for his success, just as the second time he goes right back to the man with the correct answers, who is never wrong "GOD" he will not ask you to do something if He has not already prepared the way for you. All God asks of us is for instant obedience without hesitation, I can relate to this with many times if I had not obeyed God instantly, someone else would. I did not mean to vary off the subject at hand, but I can't help it sometimes, because I promised God I would testify every chance i could. Don't take for granted that because you had success one time that you can go out on your on the next time, without asking our saviour the lord Jesus Christ, to prepare the way, it works every time. Maranatha, Brother Mike Look up the Rapture is about to take place folks, make sure your wedding garment does not have a spot are wrinkle on it or you will not make in the rapture of the church.


Q3. (2 Samuel 5:17-25) Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time?

David's army was about to go out and fight a much larger army which was determineded to crush Israel. Consulting God first was the prudent thing to do. David knew God would help him and he wanted to know what part he himself had to play.

What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn’t inquire of the Lord the second time?

Well, I think God would have still given David victory. This was the decisive battle. But I also think that Israel would have had to do it the hard way and would have suffered heavy casualties. Often we see that God has to go to "plan B" because we don't stick to His plan.

Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life?

Speaking for myself personally: Sometimes I just don't want to bother God with my problems. I figure He's got more important things to do than to hold my hand every step of the way. I know that's wrong. The strongest man who ever lived was Paul Anderson. He often used to say: "I can't get through a single day without Jesus Christ, and I'm the strongest man in the world. What makes you think you can?"

That statement was at the heart of his hugely successful ministry to young people.

What does that say about God?

God wants to be involved in all we do, even the mundane things that we think we're fine to take on by ourselves. I'm sure God sometimes puts a stone in our path at times to remind us that we need him. Otherwise we would tend to take on more and more things in our own strength.

What does that say about us?

We need God in all our activities. We need to seek God often, even if things are going well.


He enquired of the Lord because he knew he was out-numbered. He wanted to win--God & David was a winning combination! He desired to be in God's will, totally. His leaning on the Lord the 2nd time, showed he was in tune with God and wanted to fine-tune his battle plan.

What we figure out in our humanity might not be how God wants to work through us. If we walk with the Lord, we are mindful of our need of Him and His leading.

God uses weak things for His purposes.

We need to be walking with God every minute, every hour of every day! We need to seek Him that often as well. I can't do it all myself!


(2 Samuel 5:17-25) Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time?

David he never do anything without God's approval

What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn’t inquire of the Lord the second time?

He could have lost the battle like Saul

Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life?

It only mean one thing: WE ARE SO IN THE FLESH we still depending on our own strength.

What does that say about God?

Isaiah 30 v1 Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: God want us to depend on Him in everything

What does that say about us?

Learn from David. engage God in everything


Q3. (2 Samuel 5:17-25) Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time? What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn’t inquire of the Lord the second time? Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life? What does that say about God? What does that say about us?

David inquires of the Lord before he attacks because he has placed total trust in God's wisdom.

I don't know what would have happened if he hadn't done that again the 2nd time. Who knows what God would have done! Sometimes in the Bible the people were defeated because they didn't inquire of the Lord. Other times the casualties were higher though they were given victory and sometimes God was outraged at the disobedience and punished His own people severely! That's all speculation. I'm just glad David asked and was obedient!

It's human nature to think we can figure things out ourselves. Sometimes it's ignorance while we learn the ways of God. Sometimes outright rebellion. Most times our flesh takes over and we revert to what the world has taught us all our lives. Be self reliant. Only when we grow in knowing God can we begin to see that His ways are not our ways and He's always right!

What does this say about God? He has infinite wisdom.

What does it say about us? Our know how is finite and limited. I say go with HIS plan! : )


Q3. (2 Samuel 5:17-25) Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time? What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn't inquire of the Lord the second time? Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life? What does that say about God? What does that say about us?

David needed to be sure that God was with him and would give him victory before he face the Philistines.

He wouldn't have succeeded in routing the Philistines. God uses different strategies to achieve results.

We often think we know it all and come up with our plans. We however need to constantly enquire from God for the success of our battles/ projects or else we will fail.


Q2. (2 Samuel 5:1-5)

Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel?

(See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David.)

Why did the fulfilment of God's word take so long?

How would you evaluate David's patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king?

How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you?

Samuel had anointed David as king approximately 15 years before. David had also by now ruled over the tribe of Judah in Hebron for another 7.5 years. What remained for David to be crowned king of Israel was for all the tribes to convene at Hebron and crown David king. The people realised that God’s hand was upon him, for God gave him success in his military exploits. So the elders of the whole nation anointed David and proclaimed him as their king. God’s timing is always perfect. David had by now become a seasoned warrior and a gifted leader who had the blessing of the Lord on his life. David showed patience and faith in God promise – he knew he would be crowned king. In the same way we can trust God to keep his promises to us. We read in Philippians 4:19, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus’. As Believers we know that God’s riches are unlimited and our Heavenly Father will meet our every need in His own perfect time.


Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time?

Often we find he inquires of the Lord when he makes life changing decisions. He made some major decision where we don't consult the Lord, the decision to partner with the Philistine, the decision to kill Nabal etc... In both cases however God use someone (Abigail) or something (destruction at Ziklag) that ushered David's focus back to Him.

This is a major decision, the Philistine had an idea of David's men fighting style, David does not use his wit alone, he inquires of the Lord to get divine guidance.

What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn't inquire of the Lord the second time?

I'm not sure, however I am glad that he did inquire of the Lord a second time. His doing so provides a teaching point for me, although God blesses us with the ability to think, to use our gifts and talents, we should still inquire of Him. David provides a great example of how to deal with stubborn enemies. He prayed, he also waited for God’s answer. When he got the answer from God, he followed God's instructions.

Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life?

I could sum it as a form of pride, we become confident in our learning / experience, for some of us we become interdependent. God does not want us stagnant, or as a invalid, however He desires that we are dependent upon Him. The we lean not unto our own understanding. As we love Him with our All, when we do whatever it is that we are doing (daily work, handling conflicts, communication) we are to do it in a way that we will honor Him. We do not have to quote as verse or speak in King James, New Living Translation or New International Version, nonetheless we are to be living epistles.

What does that say about God?

He is Supreme, Sovereign, and All Knowing, He desires those that are His seek His face, that they follow His counsel, that they honor Him.

What does that say about us?

We should seek the counsel of the Lord, David had experiences the supernatural, he had had successes yet he did not relay on those factors alone. He asked for guidance for the that which presently was before him as well, we should as well. The enemies tactics are not new, however he uses different tactics in hopes to facilitate the same result, doubt, distrust, distraction, disobedience. The old land marks are good, our faith should not oscillate and vacillate, nor waver, as we live move and have our being we should seek the Lords counsel.


Q3. (2 Samuel 5:17-25)

Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time?

What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn't inquire of the Lord the second time?

Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life?

What does that say about God?

What does that say about us?

Before any major event we see David always seeking the Lord’s advice. So here again, before the first Philistine attack, he seeks God’s will. Assured by the Lord that He would give Israel victory, David met the Philistines about 3.5 km southwest of Jerusalem, and he forced them to retreat. However, the Philistines returned to fight a second time, and like the first time David sought the Lord's will. He did not assume he could just use the same strategy as with the first attack. So David again seeks the Lord’s help. This time David was given a different battle plan, and the Lord gave the Israelites victory again. The same plan used for the first attack might not have worked, but by seeking God’s advice for the second time, David was assured of victory. In this modern world of ours, time is money; we have become so impatient and want instant gratification. Waiting for God's reply takes time, patience, alertness, and faith. Then there is also the question of pride. We like to be in control. We must learn to wait for His guidance and direction in our lives. This is vital when we come to the major decisions to be taken in our lives. The Lord will give direction through His Spirit, the Word of God, through godly counsel from parents, pastors, and other godly believers. Therefore as Believers we must seek God’s guidance first because He will help if we only allow Him.


Q3. (2 Samuel 5:17-25) Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time?

Whenever David is distressed he goes to the LORD his God, the God of Israel, for it is there that he is encouraged, strengthened, and finds wisdom.

What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn't inquire of the Lord the second time?

If David thought he knew how to attack the Philistines he would not have enquired the first time.

David's strength and wisdom came from his "FAITH" in God and not in "SELF".


Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time?

David knows that God is the ultimate One in control of events, so he inquires of God and follows His instructions and has a victory.

What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn't inquire of the Lord the second time?

The Bible says that the Philistines were waiting for David and his army to attack the same as in the first battle. But God told David to go a different way and He gave him the victory.

Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life?

We are not patient nor are we willing to waste time. When we do our thing, we get the praise (which we think we need). Our society today is fast paced and every minute has to be filled with something, so it comes to waiting on God, it is a struggle.

What does that say about God?

He is very patient with us. God works with us to gain what is necessary for the work ahead of us. Even when we fail, God works with us to gain what is needed.

What does that say about us?

Self-reliance is not good! When we trust in our own decisions, they are probably wrong. We need to have the faith and trust in God to always ask Him about the decisions we are to make.


Q3. (2 Samuel 5:17-25) Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time?

David never presumed anything! He wanted to know that the Lord was with them if they did attack, or he wasn't going into battle!

What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn’t inquire of the Lord the second time?

David's army may have been defeated, without this surprise attack, and God's perfect timing, where He went before them to "smite" the Philistines.

Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life?

Pride, confidence in ourselves and our plans, our fallen nature which wants to "do it myself" rather than depend upon the Lord.

What does that say about God?

He is Sovereign...He knows the future and what we will face before we get there, and has a plan for our welfare. He loves us and wants what is best for us, but allows us freedom to decide whether to seek Him or not.

What does that say about us?

It says we not only don't trust Him very much, but that we don't truly know Him when we want to depend on our own frailty and ignorance!


Q3. (2 Samuel 5:17-25) Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time? What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn’t inquire of the Lord the second time? Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life? What does that say about God? What does that say about us?

David had a relationship with the Lord. He loved the Lord and had a heart for the Lord. He wanted the Lord's guidance because he knew he needed it. His own intel was insufficient.

My own opinion of why we don't inquire of the Lord is we are in a hurry, don't want to spend the time, don't care enough and are lazy.

What does that say of God? Well He certainly is very patient with us, however that has an end. He desires to bless us and to have a relationship of worship and love for who He is. I think we must disappoint Him. I learned this from my own kids in their desire to be independant and didn't want our advice just follow their own way and we see the pain ahead. My kids have taught me a lot about what God desires in a relationship with us and with each other.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


David has God in his heart thats why he makes no decision without his guidance.

He wants to do right by God.

David knew that if he did not inquire of the Lord he could have made a poor decision with not so good results.

He wants to do thindpgs the Godly way.

We often think that we know best to handle our situation; but we really don't. When things don't work out then we call the Lord for help and guidance.

That God is a loving God. He wants us to trust him with everything.

We need to understand that God loves us and will take of all our needs.


Q3. (2 Samuel 5:17-25)

Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time?

David inquires of the Lord before he attacks the Philistine the first time in order to get the direction and approval of the Lord of what he intends to do. David does not act before consulting the Lord and getting approval of his intended action.

What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn't inquire of the Lord the second time?

Probably he would have lost the battle as the Philistines were ready for him as they thought he will attack them the same way he did the first time.

Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life?

Beacuse of our arrogance; thinking that we can do it and we do not need anybody.

What does that say about God?

God hears us and comes to our help when we ask Him.

What does that say about us?

We sometimes become so arrogant and think we can do things independently and we do not need involvement of anybody.


David inquired of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time because his forces were overwhelmed and David needed to know if attacking the Philistines was the way to go.

I think that if David would have attacked the Philistines the second time and didn’t inquire of the Lord he would have probably attacked them the same way as before because that he had been successful. If you are successful, don’t change. By listening to God he was successful because he did change the way that he attacked them.

We often want to figure out the process so we can act independently because we don’t have the patience to wait on the Lord. And besides we know how to do it anyway because that is the way we have always done it. By doing this it is saying that we know better than God and God says to go ahead and try it.


David has shown throughout his life that he relies only on God. He trust God in all events of his life thus far. I can't even fathom what could have happen if David had not inquired of the Lord the second time. First, as David has shown us countless times before that he seeks God's will in all things and inquired of God's will always. I feel this occasion would be no different. David seeks to be obedient, and trust God. Secondly, I can only speculate that the outcome for David and his men, and his kingship would have been disastrous,only God knows for sure.

Oftentimes we are to proud and obstinate to seek God's will

We think we know what is best for ourselves, nothing could be farther from the truth. Jesus said, "I am the truth, the way and the light."

John 1 states" ln the beginning was the Word and the Word was God."

David knew God and he also knew, at the start of ANY endeavor to seek Gods word.

This tells us that God's is all powerful, omnipresent, and all knowing. He loves us, is patient and a wonderful Father who only wants the best for His children. About us it reminds us that we are all sinners. God created man with free choice, Adam invited sin into the world. Because of this we must constantly struggle against sin and the desire to quench our own will. Seek to discern and keep God's will always. Relinquish our will, submit to God and count your blessings (to numerous to count-as the grains of sand which God formed us, are our blessings) and trust in God's promise.


Q3. (2 Samuel 5:17-25) Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time? What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn’t inquire of the Lord the second time? Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life? What does that say about God? What does that say about us?

David is used to consulting God first for everything and this time is no different because the Philistines were after him full force. We tend to act independently of God and figure out our own process because we simply do not hear Him in our hearts as David has.

Proverbs 3:5,6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" this scripture shows us we are not to trust in ourselves at all- yet we do.


David was annointed approximately 15 yrs. before becoming king. God was preparing David for the role of king. David appears to have been patient during the years he was being prepared because he was faithful, obedient and believed God would do what He said.


David was annointed approximately 15 yrs. before becoming king. God was preparing David for the role of king. David appears to have been patient during the years he was being prepared because he was faithful, obedient and believed God would do what He said.

I do not have patience, and I know it is a virtue. I do believe God will accomplish all He wants through me though, because He is faithful, and I try to be obedient and seek His will in all things.


David inquired of the Lord before he attacked the Philistines--because he wanted God's approval.

If David had not inquire of the Lord the second time before he attacked the Philistines--Most likely, he would have been defeated in battle.

We often act independenly because we think we know the process to get things accomplished. We must ALWAYS ask God to protect us and guide us. How often do we get in our cars and drive off to our destination without asking God to protect us along the way, and prepare us for the peoples we will encouner each day?

This says God knows all things.

We only think we knows most answers.

This says, we don't know. We only think we knows most answer.


Q3. (2 Samuel 5:17-25)

Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time?

Because David knows that God has put him and wants him in this situation (to be king). He knows God has it all planned out, and if he will only trust him and let God have control it will be as God has said.

What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn't inquire of the Lord the second time?

David and his men would have been conquered by the Philistines.

Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life?

It could be many reasons. We get tired of waiting on God. We start to think that God has forgotten something or he's not understanding. We get the big head and know that it worked the first time so we take it upon ourselves to do as we did before (like Moses did when he messed up with striking the water-I think he hit it several times with his stick instead of just one time as God said).

What does that say about God?

God will keep his part of the promise if you will keep his commandments. But, if you do not and go off on your own initiative then you are on your own.

What does that say about us?

If we try to act independently from God we put ourselves above God.

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